Friday, June 24, 2022

Roe v Wade

Never in my lifetime did I expect Roe v Wade to be overturned.  Never say never.

It was 5th grade when I was first introduced to abortion.  Sr. Celine told us about it.  Then showed us pictures of dead babies... body parts.  It made a lasting impression on how Catholics view abortion and I was a stalwart Pro-Lifer.

Then in high school... in the midst of liberal, public San Francisco education... I learned that my family members had abortions.  I clearly remember having that discussion with dad... where I said, "The baby is innocent."  And his response was, "Some times... you don't have a choice." 

Then in college... I was surrounded by more progressive thinkers and it was all about human rights and the right to choose. In English 114... one of our "essays" was to write to our congress-person stating our stance.  Our professor was clear in his direction... "You are Pro-Life or Pro-Choice.  I don't think there's anyone that's Pro-Abortion."  

And that's been my stance... my struggle.  This is about a woman's choice.  Her body.  As odd or as unfair as it sounds... it truly is a woman's body.  Do we take away the ability for her to make a choice?? Does the government have that right??  Does the government have the right to enforce... safety belts? It's my body.  Or to wear mask... it's my body.  Does the government allow one to self-mutilate? Or to put it more kindly... what if I wanted a tattoo? Or wanted to amputate my own arm? It's my body.  The arguments are endless. 

Well... to be clear... today...the Supreme Court did not take away any rights.  It merely says the Federal Government will leave it to the State Government to enforce. The SCOTUS has done that on numerous occasions - right, wrong, or indifferent. 

As a Christian... isn't that one of the most revered, sacred gifts we have... the grace to "choose."  We aren't robots.  We don't have to believe.  We don't have to follow.  We're given the choice.  And if God gave us the ability to choose....... 

(to be continued....)

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