Wednesday, June 08, 2022

The Case of the Dual Personalities

When Jesus was on earth during those 33 years... the people He despised most were the hypocritical Pharisees and Sadducees. Those who say one thing (parochial) but act another (wordly).

I've made it my mission in my Christian life to not be that "brood of vipers."  Say what I practice and practice what I say (I try... doesn't mean I succeed).  Taking the spotlight is social injustice... specifically... homosexuality.

Earlier this evening... I was invited to be a panelist for a bunch of College and Young Adults on the subject of LGBTQ+... to present a Christian view in a worldly environment.  I quickly responded... based on my personal political views, I may not be the best candidate to speak on this issue.  To which the inviter said... an Elder from church recommended me.  

This Elder... either he knows me VERY well or I have him fooled.  I'm hoping for the former. 

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