In a rare and sudden audible... Joyce and Grace plans a long weekend getaway for the 4 families to Paso Robles. I took absolutely zero part in planning other than knowing the dates. In fact... I got scolded for looking ahead at events we can go to as a family.
What is it about going on vacation without a plan?? Two days before the trip... Grace sends the link to the Airbnb and comments, "I've done nothing to plan ahead!!!"
I didn't mean it... and I don't think I committed any foul play when a colleague found out I was going to Paso and sent me a list of go-to's. I flipped that list over to Joyce... just so we have a fallback. Did I do any planning?? NOPE!! Not I.....
I went with the flow... and things more or less worked out. Having the safety net of the in-laws truly helped... especially in the cooking dinner department. Grace is a maniac when it comes to making a huuuuugggggeeeee breakfast. And I was in the corner... sipping my coffee watching as things unfolded.
Cihan's kids absolutely adored me. I gave enough bait for them to enjoy my fun side... and held back when I felt the need for privacy. Far too often... I felt bad for the neglect and would "babysit" more than I originally bargained for.
Family gatherings are tricky... to move 12 people from point A to point B. To find a restaurant that can seat us all. To make sure everyone likes something. That's near impossible. We've been on enough trips together where Grace knows... that Joyce knows... that I'm impatient. I may not be the executor of expediency.... but I probably will get blamed, and rightfully so. If you're slow... then it's your job to catch up. Not my job to wait.
I asked the kids this on our way back.... the top moments of this trip.
My top moment... the moment I sank my teeth into that Firestone Grill fry. Everybody acknowledged it. But days later as I look back... I think my top moment was actually sitting in the Downtown Plaza... all alone while the fam went shopping at Barnes and Noble... and I had 30 minutes of me time listening to a beautiful couple busking.
I need to treasure these getaways. At some point... they will be my lifeline of having any family connections and if I thumb my nose at them now... they may not be there when I realize I miss them.