Tuesday, March 24, 2020


COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 12

Around 3:45... got a text from Big Bro saying to expect a delivery at the door... a little gift for the kids.  Turns out he had a pepperoni pizza delivered to us... knowing full well that we've been cooking every single freakin' meal the past two weeks.  An amazing gesture... inspiring me to pay it forward and order some takeout for other people.

On the sadder note... NN was doing her online piano lesson when the pizza arrived.  And SW simply couldn't control himself.  He gorged down 4 slices all by himself.  Leaving just 1 for NN and 1 for Mama. Sigh... he's only 8.  I didn't come down on him..  but it was a teachable moment.  Not the first time he's been so self-serving.  But it's real.  This is real.

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