Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Sensitive or Discrimination?

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 5

Dropped our car off to a local gas station to get an oil change... I'm surprised they're still opened.  About 30 minutes later... I walked back to that gas station.  On the way... I passed by a bus stop where the driver was taking a break... standing by the bus shelter checking his phone.  He had sunglasses and a mask on.  When he saw me approach... I gave him the customary headnod.  But he quickly did an electric slide and bounced out of my way to let me pass. 

At the moment, I was thinking.. he's being responsible.  As a city worker... he needs to keep his distance from everyone.  Or did he bounce away cuz he saw the color of my skin?

Discrimination.  It's real. This is real.

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