Monday, March 16, 2020

Sooner or later

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 4

With the explosive rate that folks are confirming testing positive... it's only a matter of time that someone within your circle of friends will be "It", right? Huda thunk... that friend... would be me.

Officially... day 1 of Homeschooling.  Also day 1 of telecommuting.  My schedule was packed.  Kids were antsy inspite of assignments from school.  Joyce had to go to work. By the time I was done making dinner... I was feeling it.  After dinner... I excused myself to do a temporal scan and BOOM.... 98.1.   Wait... that's normal right?? Normal is 98.6???  Not for me who runs hot, so my body temp is generally hovering around 97.5.

Without a moment to spare... Grabbed my bottle of water... bible... TWA journal... and locked myself in my room.  NN was so scared.  What would happen to me?? What would happen to my family?? How do I even backtrack my steps to let everyone I've come in contact with know????

Lied down... covers over... and just rested.  I felt my muscles relax.  My bones started stretching out.  My skin was panting for air.  My body was tired.  After about 20 minutes... did another scan... 98.1.  5 minutes later... Did another scan... 97.7.  Another 5 minutes... 98.3.  Every 5 to 10 minutes... it'll go up and down.  I should just stick a baby thermometer up my butt.  (Ow-wee!!)

About 2 hours later... I finally start to stabilize.  And by the time the family went to bed... I got back down to my normal 97.3ish.

Too close for comfort.  Don't care if it's the flu... or CV19... or whatever.  I can't get sick now.  I simply can't.  It's real.  This is real. 

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