Thursday, March 05, 2020

SLS Day 2

Alcohol and Altitude doesn't mix well.  I woke up around 12AM after balling my eyes out and couldn't fall back asleep until 4AM!!!! 

Breakfast was awkward again.  Everyone was in a jacket if not a suit.  My department Directors said, "this is jeans for Denver."  I shake my head.  I slug through breakfast with a bunch of strangers.  Looking desperately for any friends I can hang out with.  I don't have any. 

Walked over to the main session and found my table.  Turns out I'm in the second row.  I guess they place the L6's up front so we get the full experience.  And you can easily see where the Directors and VP's rank based on how far they are from the stage.  Heh....

Surprisingly... I got assigned to sit with our company's #2 guy and the two VP's that I want to work for.  Go figure.  Also sat with an a-hole (via email) who turned out to be just another guy in real life.  Don't judge. 

They did an excellent job, I have to say.  The app.  The sound.  The videos.  The AV.  It's no WWDC, not even close.  But it's something.  I wasn't particularly inspired by any of the talks though.  Just the same ol' same ol'.  "Culture eats strategy for lunch."  "They're gunning for us."  "We need to be thought leaders." "By 2020, 50% of our workforce will have less than 3 years of experience." Long gone are the talks of FSL.  Shaping the Future.  Deliver Results.  Blah blah blah....

Found my boss for lunch - which was refreshing.  The other department Directors sat with us so I wasn't by myself this time.  I didn't want to hang out with them though.  I want to meet new friends but I wasn't going to reach out.  Heh... the dilemma. 

After lunch... I strolled around to work on the one thing I was set out to do.  Catch Pokemon's for SW!!!  There were two gyms that I started taking over.  Having both phones... I was able to double team the players there.  Heh.... it was a full time job to manage SW's pokedex.  Make sure I catch powerful and new pokemons.  Feeding and caring of the ones in the gym.  Was I surprised that no one else at the resort was playing??? I guess not.....

The afternoon and evening sessions were a bit better.  I guess I was able to let my guard down a bit.  Found more Directors and VP's that I knew... and I even walked up to introduce myself to a few of them.  But didn't drop an "elevator speech."  Just wanted to say "hi." Walked through "Innovation Hall" which was supposedly the top 15 innovations from around the company.  I may have buried my career by saying, "I used to be one of those guys!! But I've lost the ability to innovate."  What was an honest admittance... turned out to be underselling myself.  All the so-called innovations.... were underwhelming.  Tableau? A new excel tool? Data mining? Psssh.....  no wonder we're floundering. 

Most important part of the day.... (aside from catching Pokemon's)... was SW.  Joyce headed up to Science Camp to be with the class.  After jerking around big bro for a few times... we finally asked him to watch over SW for the night... the first time he's away from home without NN.  I was especially worried... cuz SW is not NN.  NN is socialable... gregarious... and borderline talks too much.  She's 10 and can take care of herself.  SW... has always been a home body and hasn't 見世面.  It was so relieving to see pictures of him - smiling, playing, eating.  Big bro took great care of him... fed him.... spoiled him... made sure he was comfortable.  When I facetime'd him at night... he didn't miss me at all.  Four words that sealed the deal for me from Big Bro.... "真係好乖." 

Yes - SW is not NN.  SW is SW.  I gotta remember that.

And with 2.5 hours of sleep... let's see how fast I can crash tonight. 

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