Friday, March 13, 2020

It's real

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 1

Around 1pm yesterday, got a sudden email from the principal that school will be closed indefinitely due to "people in our community showing feverish symptoms."  So well written - so hard to protect the innocent - yet needing to get the word out at the urgency of the matter. 

For no apparent reason, Joyce chose to go to Costco yesterday... and then again today.  It's worse than a zoo - yet she still braves the crowd and lines and possible brawls.  Why?? "Cuz I found a parking spot... why not."  

It's real.  This is real.  Not so much the disease and the pandemic.  But the reaction to the pandemic.  A couple of weeks ago... we laughed at one particular ethnic group ransacking the stores for staples and water.  A couple weeks later.. the whole Bay Area is kicking themselves for not doing it earlier.

It's real.  This is real.  Traffic is a breeze these days with all the company mandated telecommute.  Yet... as I drove home yesterday... there was still traffic on 85.  Maybe everyone was headed to Costco?? 

It's real.  This is real.  SJCAC is closing its doors and will livestream Sunday service.  NBA, MLB and NCAA is suspending or canceling their events.  The Olympics will follow suit soon... with all the Olympics trials being canceled... there's no way you can work your way up to summer.  Which makes the 2021 Olympics so much more glorious.  Wouldn't it be ironic if it ended up back in China....?? As such, it's just a couple thousand miles away in Japan. 

It's real.  This is real.  Am I scared?? I would say... much more than a couple of weeks ago.  I mean... I flew out of SJC to a leadership conference.  And now, 4 TSA agents have been confirmed.  My kid went to school with other kids who have fevers.  My workplace... my building no less... has a confirmed case.  What are the possibilities that I'm a carrier????  

It's real.  This is real.  After a long day yesterday... without nourishments... I got home, ate dinner, and started to feel a scratchy throat and feeling a bit warm.  I took a short nap and my throat felt better.  But I was afraid to take my temp - what if I really was heating up.  Thankfully... the results came back normal.  Did it again a few times... without letting the family see it... didn't want them to worry.  

It's real.  This is real.  Yet... so many places are still taking it lightly.  Still traveling.  Still flying.  The news of a man who knows he's a carrier, still getting on a flight from NY to Florida.  He's now banned for life.   

This generation?? My kids generation?? Why can't they skip them?? Why do they have to face this and live through this?? When will this cease??? 

Let it be known... today is Friday the 13th.  BOOM. 

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