Thursday, March 26, 2020

Everyone's on edge...

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 14

Cabin fever really setting in and everyone's on edge - some more than others.  For the 3rd time this week... NN and Joyce got into a huge shouting match.  Earlier this week... the night after I popped some Nyquil and slept in a bit... I woke up to NN screaming and yelling.  .  Yesterday... what started with a half-@$$ed homework assignment turned into me pulling SW out of the room and closing all the doors of the house.  I alas relented and had to step in "Ok... 夠喇."  Got 2 minutes of peace and quiet before WWIII broke out again.  To a point where we're eating lunch now and all I hear is NN wailing.  As a parent... you can't help but shed a tear when your child is crying like that.  And today... over an innocent squabble of piano technique turned into... WWIV.  It always starts out with a fairly trivial topic and escalates and escalates.  Joyce, to her credit, did not take the bait and did not feed the fire.  But NN was delirious.  Bringing up all these things that made zero sense...but was so very true from the deepest pit in her heart.  How I wanted to just run out there and slap her for talking back to mom that way.  

Makes you think that one day... she'll end up saying the words, "I hate you!" before running out of the house.  Can it happen? Probably.  Will it happen? I can't even dare imagine it.....  

Oh and btw... the principal sent an email saying school is closed till at least May 1st. Cabin fever.  It's real.  This is real. 

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