Thursday, March 19, 2020

TP?!? Who needs TP??!

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 7

Ever since we saw Jce with one... Joyce has been wanting to install a bidet in our home.  And with TP flying (rolling?) off the shelves like... well.... I actually can't think of an analogy at this point.  (Warriors Championship gear in 2015??  Flat screens at Walmart on Black Friday? Hamilton Tickets during their first run?) Anyhoo...  the short of the long... installed a bidet.  Kids love it...for obvious reasons.  But the verdict is out.  Does it clean better? Does it actually save you money?

In other news... both the kids and I are so sore today after yesterday's HIIT.  They opted to play HORSE with a little indoor basketball hoop for PE.  I wouldn't have mind pushing for another session, working another muscle group.  Ended up going for a jog as the sun was setting.  It took a near pandemic for me to go jogging again. Go figure. Can't get sick now... it's real.  This is real. 

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