Friday, March 06, 2020

SLS Day 3

Another night of insomnia attack.  I limited the alcohol intake last night already.... it's the altitude.  It's the sheets.  The pillow.  Horrible. 

The day passed by pretty fast. 

During breakfast...  I didn't see any friends, so I sat with strangers again.  Strangers who's name I knew, but not the face.  When I tell them who I am...and what I do... I swear... there's a glimpse of question, followed by a glimpse of admiration or fear.  Hmmm... maybe I'm not that low in the totem pole afterall.  Towards the end of breakfast, ended up sitting with a Director of an organization that I really want to join.  I briefly told her what I was doing... then I excused myself.  She ended up chasing after me and said she wanted to follow-up when we got back home.

During a breakout session... I sat in a group of my peers... folks I grew up with.  Folks I knew would make VP one day cuz of their charisma but they actually have technical knowledge and they're willing to work those long hours.  In our chats... hearing them talk... how they carry themselves...  I find myself wondering.... "That's it??? How are they different from me????" 

During lunch, sat with a VP that's a known a-hole... not cuz he is one... he's actually someone you wanna have a beer with.  Also sat with someone from SE MAP - the 2nd person to become Director.  (Sigh....when will it be my turn? ).  But for some reason... there was no class bias here.  She was actually the one that reached out and introduced HER-self.  She knew who I was.... I didn't know her.  She was a peer, if not a friend.   At the end... she says, 'Tell Matt I said hi...."  and I reply back, "You should tell Matt you said hi...."  Do ppl talk to Directors that way?? I guess you do when you don't see with their title... but as a person. 

I mentally started to checkout... cuz I was super tired.  And also cuz I found out that I made an error with my booking and booked a flight out for yesterday!!! So stoopid.  Ended up sitting on a couch...with a director that I want to work for... and she and I were making last minute bookings.  Heh... not a good way to impress a future boss? Maybe????

As I was walking out of the resort... not knowing when I'll be back in this company... I bump into my former VP.  He says, "Hank, I'll be in Sunnyvale next week.  Get on my calendar and let's catch up."  Hmm....

At the airport... finally able to sit down and catch up with emails.  Most importnatly... had some quiet time to talk with my wife.  It's been a tornado of a week for our family... for NN... for SW... for us.  We had so much to share.  About the camping trip.  My emotional roller coaster at this SLS.  How I feel so blessed to be where I am today... doing what I do... but also have the freedom and work life balance.  How I am green with envy... that I don't want be here as an L6 and a tag-along... but as a bonafide Director (if not VP).  How I know that I should find my satisfaction in the Lord and not worldly things.  How she hates her job and wants to quit.  But how there are suddenly head hunters calling her.  How SW is a trooper and is more resilient and adapative than we gave him credit for.  And the call ended with..... "Congratulations!! On behalf of the Admission Committee...."

Sigh... the flight home was uneventful.  If not quick.  Ended up watching a Hong Kong movie in Cantonese.  Second time I've done that on a United Flight.  The plane was full of execs, once again, and one of the VP's actually walked up and down the aisle handing out drink tickets.  One day.... one day... that could be me.  But maybe not in a plane... maybe I'll be pouring drinks into people's glasses when I, one day, own my own restaurant.

Last part of my day.... as I walking to the shuttle to go to long term parking... I see none of the execs there.  Of course not... they all park short term parking.  ($30/hr vs. $15/hr).  I suddenly find myself walking behind a VP.... the broad shoulders and familiar haircut of MC.  The VP who has groomed me, watched over me... and made my life miserable since 2005.  Was he taking a shuttle to long term parking like the average joe??? No... he was walking to get a taxi.  Heh... I guess he doesn't do Uber.  I stopped him... shook his hand... said it was nice seeing him again.  To which he said, "Hey Hank.  Congratulations!" 

I didn't have the heart to tell him the truth.  And as my SLS journey comes to an end... and I boarded that shuttle bus... that's what was on my mind.  How I can take that word of congrats and formally say, "Thanks."

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