Sunday, March 29, 2020

Good Dad, Poor Dad

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 17

While lying in bed resting... SW rolls in and asks if he can watch TV.  Sure...why not.  It's the weekend and they've been extremely well behaved today.  But in the spirit of making them earn it and know the value of something... I ask him to come up with 10 Things You Like About Bah-B.  Haha...  it took a while, and some were disqualified because he repeated them.  But the 10 things are:

  • funny
  • plays with me
  • fun
  • happy
  • lovable
  • loving (they're different!)
  • reliable (I asked him to spell it... he got it)
  • responsible
  • smart (cuz Mah-Mee says you're smart)
  • protective
Good moment... nay... great moment.  Which got completely trashed when I snapped at NN not once, but twice.  Over stoopid, stoopid things!!  

One time, was when she say some 5th graders do math (in a movie) that she didn't know.  And she just would not let go of the fact that she's not the smartest person in the world. Ugh...
Then when we were getting ready for bed... and SW was pooped... she kept on bother him until she literally woke a sleeping dragon.  "What are you doing!?!?"  "I don't know." =(

I apologized.  Lied down next to her.  Used my feet to squeeze her feet.  She returned the double squeeze.  But we did not tackle the crossword puzzle together tonight.  Sigh.... it's finally gotten to me.  Not the infectious CV-19... but cabin fever.  Ugh.... so real. This is so real. 

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