Friday, March 29, 2019


Had a chance to go 1 on 1 with a colleague who just became a manager.  He use to work for me when I first became a technical lead about 10 years ago. I didn't know what the meeting was about so when he point blank asked for some advice, I was at a lost for words. I started rambling until I pulled out my Sunday School lessons on Leadership - "問誰領豐收".  I went over the importance of leading with a vision... the art of decision making... not being afraid of making mistakes... and because it was a Sunday School lesson... I even slipped in, "Leaders need to PRAY" and "Leaders need to LOVE."  Not something you normally get to share in a work environment.  Praise God for the opportunity.

Then as we were about to end... he says, "I do have one more question... Back when I came onto your team... I remember that you were very energetic, funny and humorous.  Are you still the same way?  How has that worked out for you?"

I was a little shocked... that something I so long ago still has a lasting impact.  So I answered, "Yes... I'm still the same way." To which I wrapped up my entire schipel to two points of advice...

1) You have to be yourself
2) Be consistent

Whether you're funny, serious, slow to praise, quick to correct... and whatever you do... be CONSISTENT.  Be it for work, for home, for parenting.. wherever you go in life.

(Hmm... I might start creating a little series here on "Leadership.")

Mood: elevated

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