Saturday, March 09, 2019

The Return of Nui-stones

Third post in a roll that's about Nui-nui and her milestones... aka Nui-stones.

Last Sunday, we had our second "Good Morning, Abba" session, where the CS congregation gets together at 8AM to have a time of corporate daily devotion, otherwise known as Time With Abba (TWA).  Nn and SW were not happy doing this... (even though they're doing it every morning without even knowing it.)

This past week leading up to Saturday, Nn shared with her friend this wonderful concept called TWA.  And they had a date on Saturday morning, where they engaged in a virtual daily devotion together.  They read a bible passage according to the schedule.  They shared and prayed (actually, only Nn prayed) and they did all this via Google Docs.  They were chatting on Google Docs, typing and communicating on a shared document.  I was floored...

Here's the twist.... as if you don't see it already.  As much as it's holy and sacred that NN is becoming a salt and light at her school and being a living testimony of what Christ is doing in her life... NN has inadvertently stepped into the world of social media, texting/chatting and even worse.... cooking porridge.

Case in point... Saturday afternoon, I opened up Joyce's iPad for some other reason and found NN still logged into Google Docs.  I couldn't resist but browse through the titles of her docs and a couple of them caught my eye. (Don't judge me. You'd do the same)  I opened them and started reading it... to which I was admonished by Joyce for not respecting her privacy!!!!  So I said, "Fine!! I ain't telling you what it says!!!"  (That'll show her!!)

The stuff I read was amazing... amazing what our child is already going through.  For the sake of privacy... I won't share on the world-wide-web what my daughter and her friends are saying about each other and their classmates.  I had the sudden urge to call all the parents and tell them this is happening.... to which they'll probably say, "Yeah... we know.  It's been going on for a while.  Welcome to the club."

So was I wrong for snooping? Is it an invasion of privacy??  What would you do?? How would you protect your children??

Mood: Protective

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