Wednesday, March 06, 2019

This generation

This generation faces a set of challenges that our generation never knew existed. The enticement of entertainment; the allure of instant gratification; the bombardment of sexual and violence innuendos; the fortification and expectation of the dreaded, not 4.0, but 5.0.  Recent days, there's been the "Momo Challenge" hoax floating around that's haunted parents left and right.  What's next???

Well... how about your nearest and dearest friends at a Christian based private school?  

Found out today... that Nn's recent best friend (it rotates every month or so) have stopped hanging out.  This is two days after they had a playdate where they made unicorn poop (aka slime) together.  They play a lot of imaginary and role playing games... and Nn's friend wanted Nn to play a character that had an intimate girlfriend.  (SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH).  Hold it right there!! Wha?!?!?!?  This is 4th grade we're talking about!  

Nn told her friend... that's not right.  I don't want to play.  And they've stopped being friends since.  (Wow!!)  

We haven't spoken to the parents yet... but according to Joyce, this family attends a church that welcomes people from all walks of life, regardless of lifestyle. There's a lot to be said here.  But the three things that stand out in my mind are:
  1. I will not compromise
  2. I will stand in the gap
  3. I will choose Jesus, every day of my life. 
How will we prepare our children to face the future challenges that lie ahead.  We can pay for this, educate them with that, enhance their abilities left and right.  And hope they have enough ammo in their bag of tricks to fend off hydra's heads.  Or... we can point them towards the Way, the Truth and the Life.  And when you're focused on Him.... everything else will fall into place.

Mood: proud

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