Saturday, March 16, 2019

Collapsing - body and family

Daylight savings... traveling forward two time zones... nights of sleeplessness... catching up on a month's worth of bible study homework... and hours of rehashing / clearing the air / precious connecting...  resulted in me collapsing this afternoon.

After bible study class I went to pick up the kids from a party, headed to the library and then came home.  Had we gone out to play or done some outdoorsy stuff cuz the weather was just perfect, I wouldn't be typing this post now.  But my body finally told me... "Go take a nap."

The nap was much needed.  I hadn't slept well all week.... there was just too much going on.  But I was rebellious.  I ain't young anymore... at some point, it will catch up, with a price.

When I finally woke up... I was still feeling the physical toll.  SW really wanted to play... but I had too much work to do.  This resulted in two rowdy kids with too much energy on their hands causing mom to punish them to stand in the corner?!?!?

On our way to Let's Proclaim, we stop by a restaurant to pick up dinner...and I was still a little moody.  The kids felt a bit of my wrath when they wouldn't go say "Hi" to a family friend at the restaurant.  (Why are they so shy???) During the beginning of ARROWS, one of the kids stepped out of line during the assembly so I pulled him outside to rip him to shreds.  He deserved it.  He needed some discipline.  I think that shocked all the adults present.  I nearly ripped another girl to pieces when we line up... and she was just being difficult.

After getting it all out of my system.... I had one of the best nights of "Let's Proclaim."  My mind was rested, my body rejuvenated and my spirit was alert.  The kids absolutely did not mind my "lecture." In fact... we had one of the best nights of critical thinking where I launched into topics after topics of Apologetics. Speech or no speech...the biggest goal of Let's Proclaim is to have them critically think about such topics like Creation and Salvation and Authenticity of the Bible.... and build a safe environment where they can ask question that otherwise, can thwart their faith later on in their walk with Christ.

But with all my positive energy used up... and when one of the parents picked up her child very late... I ended up over-punishing SW.  To which I'm still reeling with guilt as I type.

Patience - a virtue and fruit of the Spirit that just never seems to take root and grow.  If only I can truly live out the words, "A moment of patience in a moment of anger can help us avoid a thousand moments of regrets."  Maybe... I need to get that tattoo'ed onto my hand.

Mood: remorseful

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