Sunday, March 03, 2019

"Good night, sleep tight..." (Revisited)

(Hrmm... I think I'm like the movie studios. Running out of blog ideas and I'm writing sequels for previous posts. Ha!!)

Date was set. Plans in place. Everything was bought, almost everything. It's been almost a week since the exterminators supposedly got rid of all the bedbugs from moms apartment. Then on Saturday night, we got that text, just like two Saturdays ago when we got the initial text, there’s still bedbugs in the house. There goes our plan out the door, out the window, into the toilet along with the other four P's. Poop, Pee, Paper, Puke....Plan.

Saturday night we called an audible. Instead of bringing out all the new stuff we bought... I dug out my old bed rails. After church, I hit up Walmart, IKEA and Home Depot to pick up a cheapie throwaway bed, comforter and pillows. As well as mattress and pillow covers and bed bug traps.

We got to mom's place and big bro and I started to deconstruct the existing bedframe which probably would’ve taken me over an hour had I did it myself, but it took a mere 20 minutes. We took the bed down to the streets and even scheduled the city of San Francisco to pick it up officially. As the stars were aligned, when we took the bed out to put it out in the streets with mom, guess who shows up, but dad. He’s coming out for his “breath of fresh air“ a.k.a. for a smoke.

He wasn’t hiding it anymore but he did politely walk to the street corner where we wouldn't smell the secondhand smoke. After we were done with our business, we, the four of us, went back upstairs. Riding in the same elevator. And for the first time in, 10 years, the four of us were in the same place at the same time together.

Inside that 6‘ x 6‘ x 10‘ confined space those three floors of awkward silence was deafening. I nearly busted out laughing seeing how ironic and awkward the situation was. But I bit my lip. I just stared at the floor, avoiding making any eye contact with anyone. I know if I looked up at big bro and he stares back at me and it will be the end of it. Part of me wonders, if the parents were sneaking looks at one another, perhaps even thinking, "I wonder if the kids know. Act normal!!"

In the back my mind, I thought maybe, just maybe, the four of us can share a meal together that night. If I was a betting man, I would bet Dad saying "Yes" and Mom would said "No." I was surprised when mom told big bro to give her a call if we were having dinner. Why she told big bro to give her a call and not me, I do not know. As it turns out Dad had “plans.“ When we told her dad is not coming with us, I could’ve sworn there was just a slight hint of disappointment breathing in the air. Maybe I’m overthinking or maybe this is just an effed up dream where I wake up with bedbugs bites all over me.

As for mom’s issue and problem, exterminators come tomorrow. This time, instead of the heat and chemical treatment, they’re going to go to use steam treatment. Hopefully after this time, the bugs won’t come back we can happily throw away the temporary furniture and make a final delivery. Putting this behind us once and for all.

Mood: More Irrational Itchiness

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