Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Copy Cats

There's gotta be a scientific term for this... but recently, I've noticed that people are copy cats, when it comes to words, and probably don't realize it.

A few weeks ago... I mentioned to a buddy that mom "polished" her plate of rice noodles.  Then within days... she says it's easy to "polish" off egg tarts.  She never used that word until I brought it up.

At work.. I said that if we don't complete this special project, we'll get "skewered" by the execs.  Soon after, in the same conversation, someone else uses that same word, "skewered."

Another word example.. when I used the word "conducive", my other co-worker followed suit and incorporated it into his vernacular.  

I started using the word "dabble" in my conversations... and a buddy then said, "they'll let me dabble...." the very next day.  Again, never once has she used that word. 

I'm probably a victim of this too... but there's a lot more influence we make on a day to day, hour to hour basis, than we realize.  Now imagine... if we incorporate words like, "blessing" and "hallelujah."  Will there be enough copy catting that everyone all learns to praise God?

Mood: blah

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