Monday, March 11, 2019

The Assist

In basketball... the "Assist" is a stat that's recorded for feeding the ball to the person who eventually scores.  Though not the most glorified stat... it's still a cherished number for the ages. All through my life.. I've enjoyed playing that role -- the person who feeds the ball to his teammate who ends up getting the glory.

Back in Kindergarten of Chinese School... every week, we'll learn new characters and had to copy down new vocabulary. I wrote the fastest (not the clearest) to a point where my friends would have me write for them!  In high school... I vividly remember the '92 presidential election project that my friend copied.  Teacher gave both of us F's right away. To his credit, he admitted he did it without my knowing.  And I really didn't know.  Also in high school... I once did a math project that scored an A. My friend had the gall to put white out over my name and turn in my work -- with my handwriting!! In college... I would always be the one feeding homework to my friends.  I found ways to help them during midterms and finals.  One time, my friend took my C++ code and changed all the variable names and comments and location of the paran / semi-colon's.... but it was my work.

Now that I'm in the workforce... things haven't changed.  Too many times, have I done the ghost-writing, or the setting up for, or the preparation of "stuff" that other people end up copying, leveraging or re-using.  Deep in the abyss of my mind... all I care about is if I was able to help someone.  That's really the bottom line.  It'll be nice if they learned a thing or two while copying.  I will admit, there is a tad of resentment on the side... that they don't deserve the credit.  Or there is a little guilt that says I'm hurting them by not letting them struggle and learn.

This past weekend... all the same.  I came across a project which I immediately scored a "D-" on.  I'm a tough grader.  I can't believe this group of hi-pots would be content with this type of output.  But at least one person had the decency, professionalism and inherent instinct to send out a bat-signal at the 11th hour.  Two days of research, digesting, calling up old friends who were experts in the field... and out came something that I would consider palatable.  Not great...maybe a B/B+.  And what happens... these hi-pots supposedly took it and ran as if they were entitled to it.

I know it goes both ways. I've ridden on other's people's coat tails before and that sense of liberation and freedom is thrilling. But in all those instances... I pulled my own weight and put out my best effort.  This new generation... I have no idea what they're made of.  So disappointing. If and when someone does want to recognize me for "the Assist", I will naturally redirect and refocus.  It's not about me...or you... it's about the team.  And quite honestly... this time, it was all about {Commissioner Gordon}.

Mood: down-trodden

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