Saturday, July 18, 2020

80's Sitcoms

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 122

Been roughly 1.5 weeks and the kids plowed through all 8 seasons of Perfect Strangers. Unbelievable how it still holds up today when most comedies don't stand the test of time.  As they were well into Season 6.... I got nervous.  Cuz the inevitable question was coming up.... "Bah B..what do we watch next??" 

I searched Prime, Netflix, Hulu.... even asked my team for a "wholesome, family comedy."  Family Matters? Growing Pains? Cheers? Happy Days? Three's Company? They all just don't fit.  The more I think about it... the more I realize... Perfect Strangers really stands on it's own!!! 

I finally had to pull the trigger on something... and ended up picking Full House.  

Started watching season 1 last night and............ How did I ever get through that show????  I'll give it the benefit of the doubt cuz it did survive 8 seasons of it's own.  

And for 3 other reasons....
  1. SW and NN actually think baby Michelle is cute
  2. They enjoy Joey.  
  3. I, too, miss the baby stage of being a parent.  
Seeing Uncle Jesse make a high 5 to a little baby and she high 5's back - "Have mercy." 

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