Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Family Altar

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 125

Just one of those days today where we were so efficient, we got done with dinner by 6:15PM.  Some ppl don't even get off work until 7PM, let alone eat dinner, let alone eat dinner as a family.  I felt so blessed that we had the rest of the night to spend together.

Ended up having an amazing Family Altar night.  Neither of the kids wanted to copy today's bible verses... which is cool.  The whole copying thing is controversial and overrated, in my mind.  Rather, we spent the time reading and sharing today's Psalm.  Ended up talking and sharing for almost 45 minutes... about God's mercy, His miracles in our lives, and how he's mercy, compassionate and never failing.  

After that... we played cards.  Played 擋床 (a game I invented) and played the much hated "Four Corners", but I changed it up a bit and played "Four Corners of the House." A wholesome, Spirit-filled, family night.  Counting my blessing every day.  

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