Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Good Shepherd

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 127

It's a simple reality... I'm not the Messiah. I'm not here to save. Nor do I have the power, the might or the stubborness to change someone. So why do I keep throwing myself out there? Why do I keep reaching out inspite of things getting thrown in my face? Why do I open myself up for ridicule, verbal abuse, emotional distress and worst of all... I can only take it, and can't dish it back??  Ohhhhhh.... how I would love to return the favor.  Tit for tat.  Pong to ping.  Zag to zig.  

But that wouldn't be nice. That wouldn't be Christ-like. No no.... 

I strive to be a Good Shepherd.  Leave the 99 others to find the one lost.  Well dog gone it... what if the sheep wasn't lost but wanted to run away?!?!??!  ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!  

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