Monday, July 06, 2020

滴滴仔 , 滴滴女

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 111

Tonight as we were going to bed... we did our usual round of  今日有咩開心, NN unsurprisingly said... "我今日好開心, 因為終於贏咗小華。"  For whatever reason... NN is simply unable to beat SW in ping pong.  SW has an unconventional way of playing... but it works.  And it kills NN that she can't beat her little brother.

Well.... tonight, something finally clicked.  Her serves are better.  Her returns are sharper.  Her attitude... still the same ol' competitive sore loser.  

I do admit...that whenever they play... deep down... I want her to beat SW.  Favoritism?? Perhaps.  Or maybe it's cuz I know SW can take a loss in stride while NN really wears it on her sleeves.  Plus... this will now make SW want to improve his game and try to beat 家姐.  Momma is already the 4th best player in our family... and isn't even close.  The odd thing is... I'm starting to have a hard time beating them.  Need to up my game too!!  

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