Saturday, July 11, 2020


COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 116

What makes a film PG vs PG-13?  Well... for one (or two), PG-13 can show boobies.  Case in point, Titanic and Kate Winslet.  And another, as I found out through Alexander Hamilton and tonight, via Instant Family, you are allowed one F-word.  

You can push the limits of profanity with "Sh!t" and "B!tch" and "D@mn" and "H3ll" all you want... but you're allowed to say one and only one "Fuck." And tonight... my kids had their ears tainted with their first "Fuck."  

Joyce and I both cringed and gave each other a look.  The kids... didn't even blink.  Either that word is as foreign to them as is the word "masturbate" which was also in the movie.  Or it's already part of their vocabulary where it doesn't faze them. 

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