Friday, July 03, 2020


COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 108

I don't blame mom for showing favoritism to CT.  She's spent more time with him in his 4 years than SW and NN in their combined 20. But seriously... she made the instant noodles for SW.  Come time to spoon some soup into their bowls... SW, who was waiting for his lunch, gets second billing.  CT was still working on his chicken... his bowl was farther away... and he wasn't even showing signs of hunger.  Pissed me off to a point I had to say something, "Mom, you have two grandsons."  

Can't blame the recipient.  Not their fault.  Can't blame the giver, not their fault.

I never cared if Grandma or Dad liked big bro more.  That's just the way it is.
I never cared if mom liked me more (past tense).  That's just the way it was.
NN is spot on when she accuses Joyce of being partial to SW.  She doesn't help her case either.
I don't blame big bro... or CT... That's just the way it is.
I personally claim to be impartial to SW and NN.... but I also claim it's not totally impartiality, they're just different.  They get different types of affection.  Ok... fine... I'm partial to NN.  Happy???? 

Favoritism is just a way of life.  Just wanna say... Keep it up. You reap what you sow.    

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