Monday, July 20, 2020

I can't keep up

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 124

6 weeks into summer vacation and the kids are still holding strong, all things considered. NN spends a lot of time on her iPad. She's either coloring... or writing her book... or chatting with her friends. SW is a little more disciplined, depending on who you look at things. He can't sit still.  Today... he kept coming by seeing if I can play badminton with him in our front yard.

Ended up playing for 1.5 hours.  And he wasn't tired.  Me on the other hand... I was running on fumes.  I love it though...every last minute.  Some quality father/son time -- doing stuff.  He's just a tad over 9... and I can't keep up.  How am I gonna play with him when he hits the teenage years??  Joyful... and a bit sad at the same time.  

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