Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Last Dance

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 129

ESPN made a docuseries of Michael Jordan called "The Last Dance." It finally comes onto VOD and I'm binging it.  Man... he was good.  In so many aspects.  MJ came and clobbered all my biggest heroes and biggest enemies.  One of the oddest thing was.... he grew up in my prime teenage years... but I don't have a lot of recollection of watching him.  I missed out on his glory when it was happening.  I took it for granted, I guess.  Just like I missed out on the Niners of the 80's. 

I've been burned enough times to have immersed in the Giants of the early 2000's and the Dubs of late.  

Jordan.... if anything, is the Greatest of All time.  I know... I know.... there's the Kobe camp.  And the LBJ camp.  But Kobe and LBJ, in all their greatness... will NEVER..... EVER..... be talked about in the same breath as Muhammad Ali or Babe Ruth.  Folks who transcend not just sports, but how we live.  Not Montana... not Bonds... not Rice or Steph.  

The only other American sports figure that comes close (and comes DARN close), but curiously ever gets mentioned.... is Tiger Woods.  The man who made golf cool.  Where everyone and anyone that never imagined owning golf clubs were at the driving range by day and pumping iron by night while wearing a red polo on Sundays.  

"Hello world."  

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