Thursday, March 11, 2021

Betrayed and Shattered

 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 181

This day was bound to come... they're too smart.  Technology is too fast.  And we're too trustworthy.

At around 4:30AM... I woke up and couldn't fall back asleep.  After tossing and turning for an hour... I heard the other bedroom door open.  Hmm..... what are they doing up at 5:30?  I waited for the sound of a flushing toilet...that never came.  Suspicious... I decided to go outside.

I found NN curled up on the sofa under a bunch of throws.  She looked comfy.  It's another one of those mornings where she's so restless she can't sleep.  I ask her to come lie down with me and try to get some shut-eye.  She said, "In a bit..."  I went to look for her tiny hand... and that's when I saw it.  Mom's old iPhone slipped out.  And on the screen was the one website we forbade her to go on.  We blocked that website on her personal devices.  Never would we have thought... that the old iPhone6 that we use for mirroring movies onto the AppleTV will be her outlet to breaking and betraying our trust.

I didn't yell.  I could have.  I was hurt.  I was crushed.  I was shattered.  

Today is sneaking around our backs to surf the web.  Tomorrow? I can't even imagine.  No... I can.  I'm too scared to.  

What happened to my little girl????  She's not so little afterall.... 

Sooner or later
Promises made and broken
They grow up so fast

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