Wednesday, March 10, 2021


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 181

In my life... aside from mom and dad... the person who has selflessly loved us the most is 姑姐.  My first memory of her was when I was 3 or 4... and we went back to Hong Kong with mom.  On our way there we visited China.  I some how remember 姑姐 and 姑丈 secretly handing me a box of chocolate in their upstairs bedroom.  Over the years... she was a constant in our lives.  She was close.  Real close.  Yesterday... we found out that she and the family are moving to Houston - for good.  

I called her... to say "Hi"... to check up on things... and to shoot the breeze.  We talked about the cost of living here.  The rat race.  How Houston's real estate is booming like Vegas in the late 90's.  After all the small talk... after all the reality checks... it was time to hang up.  That's when a sudden surge of emotions rushed over me to where I started weeping as I uttered the words,  "我好唔捨得你呀姑姐."  And she started crying also.... 

Later this evening... I told dad about it.  And he uttered 5 simple words, "這就是親情." 


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