Sunday, March 21, 2021

Going Strong

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 192

One week into NN's grounding and additional punishment and I have to say... it's been going as well as can be, especially when it comes to copying Psalm 1 one hundred times. NN is now able to recite Psalm 1 in Chinese... and also translate it into English. And it's not just for her... but for me also. Meanwhile... SW has been enjoying both weekends where he has full ownership of the TV.

Today... we successfully reached out 50 times mark. And on the 51st time... I decided to lighten the load by introducing her to simplified Chinese. Initially, she was reluctant to change and learn something new. But after copying it just once... she realized how much easier Simplified Chinese is and she can't stop herself. Heh...

She's able to learn so much more Chinese this way. Did I just blindly walk into something that'll actually seizes the moment?? Carpe diem.

Simplified Chinese
Makes life so much easier
There are no shortcuts

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