Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The Passion of Jesus Christ

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 201

First night of our Holy Week or Passion Week - leading up to Resurrection Sunday and I get tapped to translate, live, on Youtube.  PAL sent me his sermon a couple days ago... and I browsed through it.  I try not to read sermons ahead of time (unless they're for Celebrations of Life) because it removes the authenticity of the delivery.  But being able to worship... to dance... to jump....to pray.... I did not sing.... that feeling is so foreign, yet so natural.  What was even better.... there was no one in the sanctuary other than PAL and Amy who sat very far away.... the worship team, who couldn't care less.... and the A/V team who was busy with A/V.  It was just me.... and God.  

I didn't realize how much worship means to a Christian life.  To my life.  One year of on-line worship can't be good.  It blocks a huge artery of our connection with God.  While I'm not for regathering at lightning speed... I sense the need and urgency of re-connecting.

Truth be told... it was sooooo nice to see the Tsang's and Jce.  I bump into PAL every now and then.  I see Ken ever so often.  But people in my 2nd or 3rd concentric circles.... very, very comforting.  I didn't dare ask... but I could've sworn Sam lost a lot of weight. Hehe..... Shhhhhhhhh...... 好敏感㗎!

Passion of Jesus
He died for us out of love
How do I respond?

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