Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Conflict of Interest

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 202

Opening Day - and I couldn't look away.  Refreshing every few minutes to catch up with stats.  Not caring who was winning or losing, so long as my players were performing.  I couldn't put my phone down - for the first two weeks, Yahoo! gives you real time updates to your scores.  And then at night... Giants take the lead into the 8th... just to blow it... just to tie it in the 9th... just to blow it in the 10th.  Nothing has changed.  That's why I quit Fantasy Baseball.  Too time consuming.  Too cut-throat.  Too much of a... shall we say... Conflict of Interest.

It's Opening Day
The Giants still can not win
Conflict of Interest

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