Saturday, March 13, 2021

Betrayed, Shattered and Buried

 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 184 (Happy Coronaversary)

We shared with her our disappointment. We grounded her.  We explained to her why.  We prayed.  We moved on.  Saturday morning... after Chinese School ended, she remained in her room just a little bit too long.  I walk in unannounced and ask her what she's doing. "I'm checking Hangouts..." she says as her lowers her head.

Of course she was checking Hangouts.  I knew she was because I saw her text her friends from her other device.  The temptation is too large.  The consequence too light.  The naivety.... still there.  Last night I contemplated blocking EVERYTHING.  But I soon come to realize that unless I spend some hard earned dollars... the default Apple tool is very easy to skirt around.  So I became the naive one and thought.... "She won't succumb."  How wrong I was. 

Like fine wine... age really does make a difference.  I didn't have the fire (or the strength) to yell.  Quickly called for mom.... and she was helpless (useless?) All she did was give NN a disappointed look.  So I pivoted quickly.... "Not only do you have no device.  No more television." (She nodded)  "And copy Psalm 1 one hundred times."  (Her shoulders slumped) " Chinese." 

We've used Psalm 1 as discipline many years ago.... and for some reason... that was the first thing that popped into my mind.  If my words can't teach her... maybe copying God's words can help.  Ohhhh.... and she's not doing it alone.  I'm going to co-punish myself.  I'm going to copy Psalm 1, one hundred times, along side her.  

Will this help? Will this work? We shall see.....  

Planted by water
Meditating on his law
Yields fruit in season

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