Friday, March 12, 2021

Get in / Get out

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 183

My garage door opener busted yesterday.  It was here when we first moved in... and even then I thought it was old.  It was a Sears brand.  Not gonna find a replacement anymore.  Thought about heading over to Home Depot to pick one out and install it myself.  Then I remembered the time I had to replace the chain and what a pain it was to go back and forth to find the right parts.  

Decided to "Yelp" it..... and of course...  dozens of places popped up.  That's when I remembered a few years back, the springs to my door broke and I had to blindly find a garage door maintenance guy.  That experience was amazing... I even recommended it to a couple of friends.  So I promptly searched all my texts for "garage door" and lo and behold... the place I recommended just so happens was the first place that came out on my Yelp search (which only has 75 rates???)

I checked out their website for 10 seconds... and decided to call.  The lady was.... nice.  Not the most professional... but it felt like I was talking to a neighbor.  After about 30 seconds... I got the information I needed...I said "Y'know... I'm not even gonna shop around. When's the earliest you can get someone out here?"  

Lucio was great.  He came, he replaced, he left.  And when I gave him a little tip... he was genuinely surprised.  "Wow... I really didn't expect this."  He was speechless.  

I was so impressed with the overall experience... I gave them a 5 star rating on yelp.  Then I started looking at my previous ratings.  Turns out... I wrote one for them back in 2017.  And as I read all my other posts... I realize there's one term I love to use when it comes to 5 star rating...."Get in / Get out."  Hmmm... 

So many options
Good service is hard to find
My garage door works

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