Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Turn the other cheek

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 195

Another night of Monopoly... and I got pissed.  I was clearly winning and NN knew it.  Rather than lose and let me win... NN did all she can do to help SW win. She gave SW a full monopoly where she got next to nothing from the trade. It was wrong. It was unfair. I was so pissed, there was a point where I was near bankrupt... and I threw a $10 bill at NN out of frustration.  And it was icy cold in the Leung Household. Then.... I needed to go to Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting, to pause... and it was the best thing to happen.

During Prayer Meeting, Amy C-mo had us pray Proverbs 11:27 "Whoever seeks good finds favor, but evil comes to one who searches for it." And immediately... I felt remorse for the way I treated the kids.  My desire to win masked that fact this is about family fun. It should be about me demonstrating to the kids that it's not about winning, but about having fun. At that point... I vowed to apologize, first.  And I vowed that when we resumed... I would hand out whatever I had to the kids.  It wasn't about winning anymore.  And when I did... that's when thing turned.

I made some money... then I unmortgaged my properties and I started giving things away to both kids so now they have monopolies and can start building. Even though they had the monopolies and all the money in the world... the dice kept falling my way.  I showed further mercy to them again and I never looked back.  I won convincingly. I destroyed them.  I annihilated them.  All because... I showed mercy and kindness.  The same night... we prayed against Anti-Asian Hatred and we need to turn the other cheek... to show love, when given hate, as Jesus did on the cross.  

Life is like a game
You need to demonstrate love
To love is to win

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