Monday, March 22, 2021


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 193

A follow-on to my post of No Mercy... NN is so sick of copying Psalm 1 that anything to distract her is welcomed. And that reason... came in the form of Monopoly. But somehow... I couldn't stop winning.

Every time she was 1 away from a monopoly... I'd somehow land on the last piece of property. When all I had were Boardwalk and Park Place... which statically is the worst place to invest in... she somehow kept on landing on it. If all I could afford was one house on monopoly... I somehow always picked the one that she'll land on. We played the second game.... which I also won. Then a third game. I gave her all the advantages by trading two for one monopolies... but whatever she did, I somehow scathed by. Yet, she somehow kept on landing on my big ones. Joyce even chastised me... “the fact that you’re not trying and still winning makes it so much more frustrating!!”

Out of all these loses... can see that ultra-competitive NN still hates losing... oh so much.. but she's able to control her emotions and go with the flow. And through this grounding... through our times of copying Psalm 1 together... through these little father daughter moments in time... we've somehow grown so much closer together. Thank you Jesus for your mercy and grace. 

Life is like a game
The dice falls in your favor
Some way or Some how

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