Friday, March 05, 2021

"God's Not Dead"

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 180

Watched a coming of age Christian movie tonight that was rated PG.... but probably could've been PG-13.  The story is about a college freshman who chooses not to succumb to his philosophy professor's pressure to admit that God Is Dead.  He spends the movie researching, defending and ultimately asking the class to be the jury.  

That part... in it of itself.. is already tough for children.  They've been fed bible stories and theology all their lives.  To watch or hear someone challenge the core of their faith is a dangerous thing to do.  The screenwriter does a pretty good job defending it... but it's over the top for even me, let alone a 9 year old - which galvanizes why I think environments like "Let's Proclaim" is so important for our young minds.

The part that really struck a cord... was the subplot of a Muslim girl coming to Christ and her conservative father finding out.  In a very cinematic prepared scene, he throws her out of the house.  But not before he slaps her across the face... only to hear her scream "Baba!!! Baba!!!"  I peer over to SW... and he's in shock.  His eyes are wet.  He's shaking from fear... from confusion...   Later on in the movie... we find out about a young boy who loses his mom.  That was the straw that broke the camel's back.  He couldn't hold in the waterworks anymore. 

For better or worse... Joyce forced him to articulate why he was so sad.  In a way... that's good.  This way...he can try to... in his own way... formulate the reason for this grief and sadness.  I personally thought you could've waited till a different time. 

Makes me think back to these emotional ripping movies that I watched as a kid... that probably was a little too before-my-time.... 法內情... 阿朗的故事... to name a few.  How did mom and dad let me watch those movies?!?!?  And I remember I had to hide my tears.... cuz that was a sign of weakness.  No weakness in my household.  Tears are welcomed.  Tears show you have emotions.  Tears.... are a sign of strength!!! 


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