Wednesday, March 17, 2021


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 188

After a 12 year hiatus... I'm back!  Coinciding with NN's birth, I retired in 2009 with a lifetime winning percentage of .692 in Fantasy Baseball.  Throughout the 2010's.... I more or less stayed in touch with baseball through the NL West.  It helps that we had 3 World Series runs.  But aside from my KNBR fix... reading up on local writers on Twitter... and occasional Giants games on NBC Bay Area... I completely lost touch with baseball.

Back in 2002, when I first dove into the world of fantasy baseball... the differentiator was the additional research you did.  Looking at depth charts.  Researching playing conditions and splits.  Being calculative of how many points you need to win on a Friday night before a new week takes over.  Then it became apparent that you didn't need any skills or baseball knowledge to manage a team.  Fantasy Baseball was overtaken by Big Data and analytics. I hated the fact that people who had no knowledge of the sport was trouncing me in the game... because fantasy baseball is nothing but numbers and more numbers. 

Fast forward 19 years.  I find myself picking my keepers.  The available data on any given website is 100x better than what I had in 2002.  And being away from baseball for so many years... I found myself totally relying on numbers and analytics.  Draft is now 9 days away.  I have 9 days to overanalyze and psycho analyze who I will pick... and who my opponents will pick.  Ohhhhhhhh Happy Days!!!!

How can I begin
In explaining this romance
Write poem about you

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