Saturday, March 27, 2021


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 198

On the final day of her supposed 2 week grounding... on the day that we were done with writing Psalm 1 a hundred times.... I happen to wake up just at the right (or wrong) moment and hear the door open up followed by no flushing of the toilet at 5:30AM.

I shouldn't have dug... I shouldn't have snooped.  But it was to validate or invalidate something I knew was brewing.  There's just too many ways around things where I can't plug enough holes in a sinking ship.  We block this.  She finds another device.  We block that.  She finds another app we didn't fully block.  It's bound to happen.  We did it when we were young.  In a way... I should be proud.  She's resilient.  She's cunning.  She's shrewd like a snake. 

Fault lies on me for trusting.  Fault lies on me for being too cheap and not clamping down on our Wifi at home.  Fault lies on me... for not thinking a step ahead.  The worst part is... when I found out what she's been doing behind our back... I gave her not 1, not 2, but 3 chances to admit to wrong doing.  She failed.  There was no sound of a rooster crowing... only the sound of my heart shattering.  

What now?? What to do?? When all is empty... when all is lost... when all avenues are tried... what to do?? What would you do?? 

Parenting is hard
How come I keep messing up
Fantasy Baseball

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