Thursday, March 25, 2021


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 196

We had to create a Life Mural for this Executive Leadership class I'm part of and the instructions said... "be creative."  And the point was to talk about our Upbringing, our Motivation, things we do outside of work and hope for future.  There was a sample mural - which was cool - but it just didn't feel right. It wasn't "me."  So I put a little creative flare into it.  Why not???? 

At today's presentation...the organizer said she was pulling up all the class member's murals at random.  One after another... they all looked just like the sample.  After about the 5th or 6th one... I asked the organizer... Did everyone follow the sample?  She said "Yes."  CRAP!!!!  

So was it a good thing or bad thing... that out of these 10 high pot, hot shots... I chose to go rogue and went the path of non-conformity???  What was also weird... a majority of the other folks spoke about sports, refurbishing old cars, boats, hunting... and they were peppered with questions after questions.  

After I was done sharing my faith... one VP asked, "Uh... how old are your kids?" Heh.... 

My life at a glance
To become fisher of men
I'm not of this world

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