Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Study Up

 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 180

Went running around the neighborhood with SW... but he got uncharacteristically tired. So we ended up walking around a few times. I started quizzing him on his 藉貫.... making him repeat, "廣東省,開平縣, 馬崗鎮, 嶺嘴村."  Heh... like he'll ever use it.  But whatever....

After about 7-8 minutes... I turned the tables around and said he can quiz me!  SW immediately launched into Pokemon, and had me build my Dream Team of Six.  I just rattled off any 6 I can remember with no apparent reason or logic.  Then he rattled off his 6.  And then he wanted us to battle!!!  He started to name their abilities and their moves. I was clearly out of my element... in fact, I was so far off the element... I'm not even on the periodic table!!  I started frustrating him by creating these moves that make zero sense... but I kept claiming were more powerful than his movies.  

When we got back in the house... he promptly came over... slammed (I use that word for dramatic effect) his Pokemon Super Deluxe Essential Handbook on my desk and said, "Study Up!" 

Pokemon Battle
Have no clue what I'm doing
Siu Wah I choose you

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