Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Nightmare like none other

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 178

Y'know how some of the most popular recurring nightmares are... forgetting to study for a test... or falling.... or drowning?  Well... the odd thing is, in all those scenarios... you never really perish.  You might see the exam... not know the questions... but the nightmare never plays out to where you get the grade back.  Or when you fall... you never hit rock bottom.  Or when you drown... (hopefully) you're not drowning in your own vomit. (Can happen).

Last night... I had the oddest dream / nightmare ever!!!!  And it....sorta doesn't end well.  

To start off... I'm in someone's backyard.  When off in the street... I see a gun fight.  And this dude is shooting and murdering people.  I quickly duck and hide, hoping the maniac will go away.  Of all the places, he walks over to where I'm hiding - I'm lying face down, not breathing, playing dead, hoping he'll go away.  But then I feel it.  The first knock to the back of my head. A bullet. Deep pressure.  Then another jab.  And another.  And another.  Four bullets to my head.  And I'm thinking to myself... so that's what it feels like to be executed.  There is no pain.  I'm dead already... no pain to be felt.

And then... I wake up in a hospital.  My eyes open up.  First thing I do... wiggle my fingers and toes.  I'm alive.  Not paralyzed.  I get up.  Look around and I see Anderson and Kit Yuk.  My head is a little numb... but there's no pain.  Someone, I find out it's 11:30AM the next day.  I was brought to the emergency room and saved.  The dream / nightmare continues to play out... and Stella shows up among others.  

Man.... to be shot and killed, execution style.  Let's not wish for a dejavu, yeah??  And I guess you can argue... the pattern continues.  I didn't die or perish.  

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