Monday, March 08, 2021

I now know you so much better....

 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 179

For the past few years... me and the kids have playfully "wrestled" with each other.  By wrestling... it's none other than giving each other the "Stone Cold Stunner" or the "Diamond Cutter."  We'll sneak up on each other at the weirdest times.  And we'll walk around the house with both hands cupped around our necks to protect ourselves from others sneaking up on us.  This has gone on for years.....!!  

Tonight was no different.  I was able to sneak up on NN and Stone Cold Stun her.  But she was relentless.  She was out for blood.  Seeking revenge.  She would not stop.  I playfully dodged her in the beginning...but as the night wore on.. it was apparent she would not rest till she got her revenge.  At around 9PM... as I was reading...she unsurreptiously snuck up on me.  I did not budge.... I did not dodge... I did not scoot.  And I waited... counted to 3.... to see if she would do it.  

The moment of truth.  The test of all tests.  Would she pass? Or would she fail??

Whatever she did.... I told her pointe blank, "Thank you.  I now know you so much better."  

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