Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

It's not by happenstance that in my 20+ years of living here on earth... that I have never, ever missed a Midnight Mass or Christmas Eve service; except for that one year I was blowing a 103 degree fever. In fact, since Superbowl XIX when the Niners clobbered the Fins, I don't remember ever missing a Superbowl. Heh...

There are traditionals and then there are things engrained in your DNA.

Merry Christmas...and God Bless us, Everyone!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Santa Claus

How old were you when you last believed in Santa Claus? I vividly remember that I was one of the innocent children to be cheated out of imagination around the age of 2. But here comes along a TV show (around 4th grade) that convincingly told us Santa DOES exist. He only doesn't exist because you don't believe in him. In fact, the show portrayed Santa visiting a child who had previously believed in him...but was convinced otherwise by his evil grandmother. That night, Santa came to visit and ran into the grandmother. He opened up his list of "children that believed", but the child's name was gone! Obviously, the grandma was to blame for this.

That year... after watching that show... I faithfully believed there exists a jolly old man with a jelly belly in red and white that lived in the North Pole. And that he'll come visit me on Christmas Eve and leave a bunch of stuff in my stocking and under our artificial tree. I even made out a list of things to put into my stocking. Of the things, I included a Jingle Bear, a blue skateboard, a blue bike...

Needless to say... I never got any of those (that year).

I can almost spin this into a religious sermon... but I'll save that for next time.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Egg Nog Latte

Long time no update... I've stored up some posts, so I'll let loose a bit.

Been running into some problems convincing people to try Peet's Egg Nog Latte. I admit...Egg Nog isn't the best of beverages which is why people normally enjoy it with rum. Then again, O'Doul's (Non-alcoholic Beer) is also nasty without the sweetness of alcohol. I can probably argue with you that egg-nog alone can be a drink... but I'll pick my battles.

When made correctly...when mixed efficiently... when prepared accordingly... Peet's can make the most desirable drink known to mankind. I happened to be in San Diego a few weeks ago and visited the Starbucks at the airport. Their Egg Nog Latte was nothing less of piss-poor. So it's not just espresso beans and egg nog that combines into this nectar of desire. It really is about getting it at the right place at the right time.

Have you tried one today?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


MILCOM - the premier international conference for military communications, attracting decision-makers from government, military, academia, and industry.

This year, MILCOM took place in San Diego. The largest concentration of Naval Officers in the world. It was my first time at MILCOM and among the hundreds of papers presented, among the thousands of people that are here networking the thing that stood out the most, was everyone's desire to serve our country and the honor we give those men and women who are in uniform.

Extremely touching that at the beginning of the first day of the event, there were the presentation of the colors (US and California flag) and we sang the national anthem. During the national anthem, the California flag is tilted so that only Old Glory stands up. At the beginning of every lunch, we said the "Pledge of Allegiance." At the beginning of every meal, a naval chaplain led in prayer.

It's this respect for your country that makes me feel proud to be an American.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Eve of Election Eve

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第312日. 雨

Wow... it's been over a month since I've updated. Thank you to all my fans who still visit my blog every now and then. With the emergence of more and more "Sharing" softwares and websites, it's less and less frequent people would update blogs anymore. And as our attention spans shorten ever so much more as the IT-age continues to progress, who has the time to sit through an entire blog entry anymore? Such it is...

It's now Sunday 11/2/2008. Two days before the most important election of my short visit on earth. Why do I say that?

A certain Bay Area newspaper said that "No matter who wins -- the next president could transform American politics, expert says." But that's like saying, "The sun will come up tomorrow and the weather could be hot, warm or cold." The election is not important just because America is in it's biggest economic crisis since the 1930's. It's not about the eminnent race to another Cold War with Russia and North Korea. Or the on-going disparity between the rich and the poor due to America's self-proclaimed version of capitalism. For me (and this is MY blog... so back off!!) this election is important because this marks the first time in my short voting history where I'm swinging back to the right.

One of my mentors at work, a Vietnam vet and a true patriot (just like McCain) said, "The more money you make, the more you'll become a conservative."

Another co-worker said, "My parents were conservatives, but as they're retiring, and the Democrats can offer better benefits, they're switching over."

A lot of people base their political following on ~~~money. Cut more taxes! (Money). Spend less on war (Money). Why give out welfare? (Money). National health insurance? (Give more money away). Capitalism has tranformed into greediness. What was once the cornerstone of this control has led to the demise of our nation

There are, of course, more underlying issues like morals and values. Prop 8 sticks out like a sore thumb when we try to argue either way. Eight years ago, without a doubt shadow of a doubt, I would've voted NO on Prop 8. I don't think I would've even hesitated to vote for Obama/Biden.

So what has caused me to transform from a deep dark blue blooded Democrat to become what experts call, a "Blue Pig Democrat?" (to be continued...)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Mission Conference 2008

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第278日. 晴
"God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things."

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Modern Love Story

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第271日. 晴

友人問: "葉子的離開,是因為風的追求,還是樹的不挽留‏...?"

"Is the departure of a leaf due to the pursuant of the wind or the neglection of the tree...?"

Monday, September 15, 2008

A satisfying weekend...

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第263日. 晴

A satisfying weekend...

Friday Night Fellowship
僞簽家長名 & 鷹爪功

Timmy pitching a CG SHO
Fixed mom's computer and got her scanner to work

Getting Phantom of the Opera tickets
49ers 33-30 OT Victory
A Sunday afternoon nap (while the roast was in the oven)
A cooked roast in the oven (after waking up from the nap)
Mooncake and tea

A satisfying weekend indeed...

Monday, September 08, 2008


沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第256日. 晴

51 項金牌
2012 相約倫敦

Monday, August 18, 2008

同一个世界 同一个梦想 (Halftime Report)

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第235日. 早上有雲, 下午天晴

One world. One dream.

Halfway through the Olympics... here are some random thoughts I wanna jot down before I forget them:

1) 1996 Open Ceremony (in Atlanta). I spent that Friday night having dinner with my high school chemistry teach at Alioto's at Fisherman's Wharf.

2) 8/8/2008 - 8:08PM

3) 2008 Opening Ceremony - nothing short of amazing. Zhang Yi Mou vindicated his debaucle in the handover ceremony at the closing of the Athens games.

4) 2008 Opening Ceremony - "終於可以吐氣揚眉!" -- S. Chung

5) Did a Tom Cruise jump onto the couch when US swimmer Jason Lezak chased down France to win Michael Phelps his 2nd of 8 gold medals.

6) Tears of pride as China places gold and silver in the women's 200m butterfly

7) Gymnastics men and women's team all around and Yang Wei getting his due

8) The shady gymnastics scoring system

9) Getting bored of the diving competition cuz there's simply no competition

10) Jamaica outruns the entire world with one hand tied behind its back

11) Why does Shawn Johnson run so funny when she does her Vault?

12) I wanna swim 50m under a minute when I turn 41.

13) I wanna do a double twist vault when I turn 33.

14) I wish I'd won the parallel bars gold (and team gold) when I was 13 years old.

15) USA steals Lang Ping to coach the Women's Volleyball team. So China steals Walsh/May-Treanor's coach to coach the Chinese beach volleyball team. Talk about "World Trade Commission"

16) Medal count: USA-72, China 67, Great Britain-27. If I didn't know any better, I would think that the only sporting events in the Olympics are beach volleyball, swimming, gymnastics, basketball and track.

17) Project 119 - China has 52 medals to go

18) Redeem Team will get trashed by the original Dream Team any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

19) President Bush went to church in China.

20) "Jia You!"

Friday, August 08, 2008

The Prime Rib (Philadelphia PA)

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第225日. 晴

Went to "The Prime Rib" for dinner tonight. It was one of the steak houses I wanted to visit during my Washington D.C. excursion - but we opted for Sam and Harry's instead. Mainly because the Prime Rib has a strict dress code. (Jackets required!) Visiting Philly allowed me to check off another steakhouse off my list...

Here's my review:

Went in with a full suit/tie and sat at the bar. Everyone there was either a politician, a neural surgeon, a partner of a firm or a wife of the aforementioned. So I didn't feel too out of place dressing up. They offered a nice Hot August Nights menu. $33 for a 12-14 oz cut, salad, 2 sides and dessert as opposed to just their signature dish - a 28-32 oz bone in ($41.95). Of course, need to order RARE when it comes to prime rib. Anything warmer will be uncivilized.

Salad wasn't anything special. HOPR puts on a better show. The potatoes layonaise and creamed spinach both were portioned perfectly. The onions were beautifully cooked to provide the perfect sweetnesss to balance out the rest of the meal. (skipping the steak for now) The chocolate mousse pie was waaaaay too rich. And the "Ghosty Town" Cab was a tad too acidity for my taste buds.

And the main course - was unfortunately - overcooked. SIGH.... I asked my bartender if I indeed ordered RARE. I didn't even finish my sentence and he already said, "Yeah...that looks a bit overcooked." A bit?!?! The steak was well done!!! No signs of blood anywhere!! Much to my regret, I turned down his offer to bring out another steak. As I was walking out to use the restroom, a random stranger comes up and apologizes to me for overcooking the steak. Turns out he was the manager. (WOW! That's impressive.) Then as I got my check, the bartender said "Your wine is one me. Sorry for the temperature problem."

I didn't completely blame the chef for overdoing my steak. It was partly my fault for not ordering the signature dish and going with a half-cut. But I take offense at the bartender for not openly admitting to the chef's utter complete failure at cooking a prime rib the way it's ordered. Nonetheless, definitely worth a second trip. Only next time... order the House Cut.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The Phillies

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第223日. 晴

Philadelphia is known for it's US history, it's cheesesteak and it's sports fans. I had the honor of visiting the Phillies ball park - Citizen Bank Ball Park and listening to AM 610 WIP Sports Talk Radio. Here are some my of thoughts:

1) Beautiful park - Up close and personal - just like AT&T. But there are too many sections are tiers - makes it hard to buy a ticket and find a seat.

2) Die-hard fans - everybody and I mean EVERYBODY was dawning Phillies RED or else some other Phillies paraphernelia. Those who weren't were probably visitors (like me). The shirts aren't cheap either... goes to show how much they're willing to spend to show their support.

3) Not too intelligent fans - Always heard that Philly fans knew their stuff. They'll not only heckle you... they'll heckle your mom, your sister, your sister's boyfriend, etc... And they'll skewer you if you're doing bad. But when they were annoucning the opposing team's players - I didn't hear one single "Boo." What's up with that!?

4) Not too intelligent fans Part II - Bottom of the 6th... middle reliever comes in. Strikes out the first batter in 3 pitches. Strikes out the second batter in 4 pitches. The third batter is down 1-2... nobody claps?!? Is anyone watching the game?!?!?!

5) The wave - some kids tried it... albeit it only lasted a couple of sections but they shouldn't have done it.

6) Ballpark food - Cost the same as AT&T (an arm and a leg) but the food quality is sooooo much better. Waited 35 minutes to get a Tony Luke's Cheesesteak. Crazy.

7) Paying tribute - the entire stadium stopped, removed their caps and turned towards the American Flag during the National Anthem. Can't expect anything less from the birthplace of the Declaration of Independence. Very touching.

8) Multi-cultural - blacks, whites... not a lot of Asians though. And on my way out to the parking lot... someone called me a "gook." (Love thy neighbor....Love thy neighbor)

9) Sports talk radio wasn't as harsh on the organizations as I expected - but the fans are very passionate. And they'll REALLY get into it with the hosts - all in good fun and in the name of a championship.

10) When it comes to franchises... Iggles come in first..... and second. Phillies come in a distant third.

11) Stupid house rules - so I bought a shirt on Tuesday night's game. Go back to the hotel and realized it's too small. So I drive to their team store the next day to exchange a size. Usual hours are 9-5PM, but there's a day game. So the store doesn't open till 1.5 hour before the game. And get this... you can't enter the store unless you have a friggin ticket!! All I want to do is make an exchange!! The worker wouldn't let me in and didn't even try to help. She just told me to buy a ticket and come in the gates. Pay $14 to exchange a shirt??? NO WAY!!! And I was running late...

12) Stupid house rules Part 2 - so after I was done with work, I drive back to the ballpark. It was already 5:30PM. Parking lots empty, everyone's gone home. I knock on the store again, hoping to talk to someone sensible. A dude comes by... tells me they're closed. I explain my situation to him and say, "All I want to do is exchange sizes." Without hesitation... he grabbed a new shirt for me. DONE! So simple.

Dear Phillies Organization...

Hire more people like him, not the OTHER type.
It's for your own good.

Satisfied Visitor

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Poop poop poop....

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第210日. 晴

It's not that I don't like dogs. Dogs are amazing! Supposedly "man's best friend." As long as dogs learn to stay away when I'm not in a mood to play, as long as they don't lick and slobber over me and as long as they don't chase me around like I'm a criminal.

But it just fumes me when I find dog-poop on my lawn!! Do I blame the dog or the owner? I know it's the same dog that always poops there. How do I know??? Cuz the diameter of the poop is always the same. And the location of the poop is roughly the same. How I wish to put up a sign saying:

"Pedestrians welcomed to walk on my lawn to pick up after your dog."
"Cameras installed. If your dogs poops on my lawn you will find your dog sent to your house in a doggie bag."
"Don't forget to flush"

Thursday, July 24, 2008


沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第206日. 晴



我要每天每刻都讚頌祢是 神
我要每天每刻都讚頌祢是 神

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Midsummer Classic

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第197日. 早上有雲, 下午天晴

"Bring out the Hall of Famers."
-- The understandable rally cry from a weary fan during a 14th-inning trip bathroom trip.

The Midsummer Classic held true to it's name - it truly was a classic. Going 4 hours and 50 minutes into the 15th inning - the longest in MLB history, the darn AL continued it's Goliathian dominance over the Davidic NL. (Yes... that was intentional. Where's my sling and stone?)

Some personal highlights: (with a bit of a West Coast bias)
-Steinbrenner coming out in the pre-game ceremonies like the Pope
-Dustin Pedrioa bringing out gloves for Jeter and Arod?? What was Francona thinking?!
-Knowing, just knowing that Brian Wilson was going to blow that one run lead...
-...only to see that it was the OTHER NY pitcher who blew it! (HA!)
-Yankees fans booing Papelbon off the mound
-Timmy being hospitalized for "flu like symptoms" on the biggest day of his life?!??!?!

and the king of it all....
-the Sashimi Feast at the So's. Ohhhhhhhhhh so much fish... I'll never eat fish again!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Pick up here...

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第196日. 早上有雲, 下午天晴

Ever go to a restaurant (not just Fastfood places) that take your order and give you a number. Then you wait till your number is called to pick up your food?

Ever have that inherent fear that someone else will pick up your food cuz the "food distributor" didn't bother checking the person's number and automatically assumed the food-picker-upper will know?

Ever wonder why they hand out numbers and not double check?

Well... this happened to me today. Except, I intercepted someone's food! HA!! My bad!!

Not entirely my fault though!! The announcer didn't pronounce the number clearly. The order was almost the same as mine (two sandwiches and an order of fries). And no one else got up to claim the food. Naturally, hungry that I am, snatched it. Only to find out my philly cheesesteak turned into a hot-link sandwich?!?

Ah well... such it is. Be more careful next time...!

Monday, July 07, 2008

Enlightenment from Pruning

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第189日. 晴
Been working on our front yard for a few months now. But it seems like the yellow leaves on the bushes never turn green. No matter how much water, fertilizer or plant food I use, it's always a hunk of yellow. Finally took out my sheers and pruned away the outer layer - only to unveil a lucious layer of green leaves hiding beneath the yellow! WOW!

Similarly, God is constantly changing us. It's probably not noticeable or detectable cuz we're not looking at the right places. Remove our facades, look deeper within and you'll notice how much life you have inside.

This enlightenment brought to you by Hank the Gardener with a dysfunctional front yard and a warzone of a backyard.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

"...thy kingdom come..."

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第188日. 晴

With a majority of the Cantonese Congregation in Livermore for the annual CS Camping Trip and a dozen of the Young Adults in Lake Tahoe for the YA Summit, it was a heavenly worship experience today during Sunday Worship unlike any I could remember. The singing from the people was so loud, so passionate, so energetic, it truly felt like the heaven came down to earth this morning.

So this is what worshipping in heaven will be like. Thank you for opening my eyes once again, Father!!

Monday, June 30, 2008


沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第182日. 晴

A buddy of mine asked me an interesting question. Who would be my pallbearers / casket bearers. I guess most people spend time thinking about who will be in your wedding party. Is it too early to think that far into the future??

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

DC Excursion

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第176日. 晴

Clockwise: National Zoo Panda Exhibit, Lincoln Memorial, Ben's Chili Bowl, Chinatown, WWII Memorial, The Reflective Pool, The Washington Monument

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第170日. 晴

10/12/2007 - INFJ
6/10/2008 - INFJ

I - Introversion preferred to Extraversion
N - iNtuition preferred to Sensing
F - Feeling preferred to Thinking
J - Judging preferred to Perceiving

For more information on Myers-Briggs:

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Quickie from DC

nothing really... just wanted to make mention that the toilets at Corporate Headquarters in DC doesn't have cowboy hats!!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

There can be only one...

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第155日. 雲

Four separate headlines from at 8:30AM, 10:30AM and at 12:00PM and now at 1:00PM... HA! Great day for newswriters!!!!

Officials: Clinton To Concede Unnamed aides tell AP that after tonight's primaries she will accept Obama has clinched nomination.

Clinton Won't Concede Tonight Campaign says the AP story announcing she will concede after the primaries are over is incorrect.

Clinton To Concede The Math Campaign officials says she will admit Tuesday night that Barack Obama has the delegates to secure the Democratic nomination, effectively ending her bid to become president.

Clinton 'Open' To VP Hillary Clinton reportedly tells congressional colleagues that she would consider being Barack Obama's veep if it would help the Democrats win the election.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第148日. 晴天帶雲

30 is not a big number. But it's a big milestone. Two of my best friends reached that milestone this past weekend. Are they any different now, than they were when they were 29?

I'll guess I'll find out pretty soon. Happy Birthday guys...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Epitaph - 墓誌銘

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第146日. 晴

Friday fellowship, we discussed epitaphs and the legacy one leaves behind? Then we individually asked ourselves - What will be my epitaph?

Course, I don't really get a say into what gets put on my tombstone. If someone does it differently, there isn't much I can do about it. But if I had my druthers, these wouldn't be bad...

"愛神愛妻的好僕人" (A Servant who loves God and loves his wife)

"天堂見!" (See you in heaven!)

"Wake me when the Giants win the World Series."

"Don't pee on me."

Then we talked about what Jesus would want to say about me when I see Him face to face again?


(Thank you for bearing my cross.)

"返離喇!?" (You're home!)

How do you want people to remember you? Or more importantly, how do you want Jesus to greet you when you cross through those golden gates? If you're not sure, maybe now's a time to start consid1ering...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bathroom Jabbers in the Air

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第134日. 晴

There comes a time in when chefs no longer want to cook... artists no longer want to paint... pastors no longer want to preach... and bloggers no longer want to blog. It's been a few weeks since I've had the urge to publish anything into cyberspace for all 3 of you to read. (I'm talking about my die-hard fans. Yeah.. I know who you guys are. Thank you for your support.) I have a few drafts... but haven't had the desire to put the cherry on top of it... until today. Ahh.... to pave my way of returning to the blogging world... fittingly enough.... Bathroom Jabbers.

Inspired to blog from the article where a man sues JetBlue for making him sit on the toilet for more than 3 hours during a flight from New York to San Diego!!

The question comes... why don't airplanes have seatbelts for toilet? During a 90 minute flight, on average, the toilet is probably occupied for a good 45 minutes, right? If it's a cross-Atlantic flight of 14 hours, then a good 7 hours you have someone sitting (or standing, mind you) in the bathroom. Now how hard would it be to install seatbelts? Maybe airlines are afraid that once they have seatbelts, people will actually enjoy sitting in there instead of their Economy class seats -- be it there's more leg room in the bathrooms.

Here's a picture of the lavatory on Air Force One on display in Seattle's Flight Museum. Specially designed for Jackie-O... so you know it's gotta be good. This is for the First Lady... if anyone deserved a nice toilet or had the power to ask for a nice toilet, it would be Jackie-O. Look at it... how is it different from ours today? Remember, this was during the 60's. And look at us now... we have made zero progress in terms of lavatory comfort.

And how about that sucking mechansim in the toilet? Are you not afraid that if you stand too close to it... the hole can literally suck you INTO the TOILET?!? I've easily flown in over 500 flights (probably peanuts compared to many other people). But of the times I've been on a flight, I've never heard of it clogging. Maybe I'm just lucky... or maybe that's why airlines serve high-fiber snacks. Gotta keep the packages nice and steady. But if any science teacher wanted to educate their students on the Black Hole or a vaccum or an entity with so much gravitational power light can't escape... point them to an airplane toilet. But don't point too close.. otherwise you'll get sucked in...

I'm tired... maybe next time, I can elaborate on the sink and how the water in the sink NEVER goes down the hole but the toilet sucks in everything in its path. Or how you want to wash your hands and you only get drips of "questionable" water coming out the faucet. Until then... you are now free to move around your toilets.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第113日. 晴

至 於 我 和 我 家 , 我 們 必 定 事 奉 耶 和 華 。
~書 24:15

Friday, April 18, 2008


沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第109日. 晴

WAHAHAHAHAHAH.... found $2 in my pants pockets!!! WAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008


沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第103日. 晴

A recent question asked, "Give domestic and business situations today that are comparable to the situations of Matt 24:40-41" -- where 2 men will be in a field and one will be taken away with the other left (what some theologians equate to with the RAPTURE).

The women answered, "We'll be lining up at Starbucks... and all of a sudden, everyone will be gone and I'll be at the front of the line!"

The men answered, "A typical business situation is when people at work are laid off or they retire. One minute they're here, the next minute they're gone. Or when a charismatic vice-president leaves a company, and a bunch of his workers follow him and leave with him, follow the leader."

How the men and women both read the same question but interpreted it completely differently!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Point, Newsom

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第101日. 晴

Mayor Gavin Newsom and the SF Police Chief makes a last minute change to the route of the Olympic Torch runners ~the only North American stop, mind you~ leaving the protestors with nothing to do!! "Team Tibet and Team Beijing were ready to protest the Olympic flame. When the route changed, they just shouted at one another."

HA!!! Off to Argentina you go, Torch. And oh...don't cry for me...

Monday, April 07, 2008

Still IRATE!!!!

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第98日. 晴

From my April 10, 2007 post titled: IRATE

"GEEZ!!!! 14 runs in 7 games. I feel like jamming my finger in my eye."
So far this season, we've scored 8 runs in 6 games!!!!! Anyway we can score 7 runs today against Maddux to break this streak?!?!? Ugh..... 7 runs on opening day. It'll be a mini-miracle if we can even score 1-run. Why did we buy tickets!?? WHY!? WHY!? WHY!?!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Amazing Race - San Francisco

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第96日. 晴

I still remember over 2 years ago while having dinner at 竹皇, I asked MoonChi if we can have a Scavenger Hunt. The Scavenger Hunt slowly evolved into Joseph's 1st Amazing Race. 2 years later, the location has changed, the tasks have gotten more creative, the bar has been raised... and the faces are vastly different.

Top 10 Highlights of Amazing Race - SF (in no specific order)
1) Andrew's Wiggling Finger
2) Every team reciting bible verses
3) Ben's rendition of Vanilla Ice
4) Golden Gate Bakery Egg Tarts in the cold wind of San Francisco
5) Leo/David/Fion/Marco's Feeding of the 5000
6) Karen/Bo/Iris/Jason's 30-second Advertisement - Cliff Hanger
7) Michelle's 19 seconds of "Bust-a-move"
8) Working with Martin and Royce
9) Still not knowing (for sure) the number of parking spaces at Safeway
10) God's outpouring of AMAZING love and AMAZING blessing

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Game Over

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第90日. 晴

Results are in... the non-sports watching, no-NCAA-background-trained, amateur WOMAN beats out the three self-proclaimed sports addict, chauvinistic MEN. What a blow to our male ego... geez... Goes to show that picking winners isn't about knowing, but it's about NOT knowing.

Joycie takes the gold in our Four Person Brackets.

I come in a distant second, no thanks to Memphis suddenly sinking free throws.

The Gonz rounds out the top three while eating my dust.

And good ol' Anderson secures the platform which we stand on because Duke decides to choke yet again and the Lopez Twins' powers were apparently deactiviated.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hot Pot City

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第87日. 晴

With my wooden chopsticks, I picked up the steamy, crunchy slice of lamb, dunked it in the self-made sauce (a mixture of satay, soy, garlic, onion, ginger, chili, sesame and a raw egg) and gently yet assuringly placed it atop of my tongue. The hickory, pleasing aroma, the silky, smooth texture, the scintallating flavor dissolved into my tastebuds - causing every muscle in my oral cavity to tingle with sheer sensation. My overzealous tongue began to push and shove the slice of animal tissue around the salivac cave, while the enamels of ivory chomped and grinded ever so hastily, releasing more and more of the juice that can only be concocted in a fairy tale. The battle between my mouth and the piece of lamb crescendos when the esophagus muscles grow jealous of the enjoyment felt by my mouth and begin to contract -- inhaling what's left of the burnt carcass. Oh... how I enjoyed that first piece of meat at Hot Pot City.

Life has it's many ups and downs. Allow me to share one of my ups - Hot Pot City (HPC).
  • HPC is the place to go on a chilly Spring evening.
  • HPC is a place where some feel the food is unclean - yet I've always convinced myself the boiling water can disinfect.
  • HPC is a place where you walk in feeling gloomy and walk out smelling like a lunch truck.
  • HPC is a place people claim the meat is not fresh - though I've always compensated with a bowl of self-made sauce.
  • HPC is a place where we'll drive 6 hours roundtrip (from Cal Poly mind you) for a "quick dinner."
  • HPC is a place where it just - "hits the spot."
  • HPC is a place where many think is overpriced - but I've always been able to eat my money's worth (and pay for it).
  • HPC is another reason why I can't ever move out of the Bay Area... I simply can't.

Now, if only HPC will start serving egg nog lattes...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Foundation

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第86日. 晴

He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. ~Luke 6:48

To be built well, we are called to dig deep within, remove the old and invite the Holy Spirit to fill our void; to let Christ be our foundation. How can we let Christ be our foundation, if we haven't first removed our former selves. One servant cannot serve two masters. One house cannot have two foundations.

Who is your foundation? You or Jesus?

Friday, March 21, 2008

Not doing so well...

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第81日. 晴

Three guys and a gal... the gal has no college hoops knowledge whatsoever. And after two days of March Madness, here are the standings and my updated brackets. Oh Anderson... why do we suck?

Thursday, March 20, 2008


It's the Vernal Equinox - the first day of Spring. It's time when romance blooms, allergies hit, pitchers and catchers are cut... and of course, it's time for NCAA BRACKETS!!!!!

Without further ado... here is my brackets for this year...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第71日. 晴

Been a rough week since coming back from Hong Kong... is it the flu or jetlag? Who knows...

The past few days, we fall asleep around 11PM and we're wide awake at 1AM - with no hope of falling back to sleep. When I do sleep and I have a dream, the background is Hong Kong. This past Saturday and Sunday, we woke up at 1PM, and didn't feel a bit guilty. At the same time, I've been coughing so hard, my abs hurt. I wake up 5-6 times a night soaked in sweat. I even have a pile of undershirts next to the bed ready for me to change into.

Needless to say... I'm suffering through jetlag, flu and a spell of insomnia. So I apologize ahead of time if I snap at you when we talk. I'm a little bit high-strung right now... but then again, if I snapped at you, you probably deserved it. =)

Friday, March 07, 2008

Almost back to normal...

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第67日. 晴

Didn't go into work today. Despite my manager pulling all the stops (less of a threat) to get me in. I think the jetlag has truly passed... but everytime I go into to work, I'm basically filling out my own pink-slip form -- which is laying myself off. Instead, I spent a good part of the day sitting outside a Jamba Juice, spending time with Abba, listening to random gossips about boyfriends and girlfriends, and in fact taking a peek at some work stuff.

A friend we met 6 months ago is leaving for HK for good. How sad...was really hoping this friend can stay and be part of our family. But this friend has her agenda and US lifestyle is just not her cup of tea. And there are those who want to stay in the US but for legal reasons, can not.

The cough is back. Been sweating through the night again. Argh... I thought this virus was out of my system. Please pray for me

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Friday, February 22, 2008

Bathroom Jabbers

沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第53日.  雨

For whatever reason, I didn't gel my hair today. And as I was washing my hands, I look into the mirror and saw.....on the top of my head.... there it was..... standing there looking at me.... glaring straight into my eyes..... taunting me... mocking me.... laughing at me... a gray hair.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My best friend...

沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第50日.  雨

Was at Valley Fair on Sunday night, walking aimlessly through the maze of glassy-eyed shoppers when out of the corner of my eye, I saw him. Him. My best friend in kindergarten. He was the same. I recognize his thick classes, his pouted lips. His hair style is still the same nor has his complexion changed. But he was different. He was bigger now - just as I have grown taller. And he was carrying a child - probably his son.

I didn't say hi. I didn't even bother making eye contact. He'll probably never realize that his childhood best friend walked right by him without saying a word.

Then again, how often do I fail to realize my former best friends walking by me and not saying a word?

Friday, February 15, 2008

the day after...

沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第46日.  晴

So the flowers got delivered at 4PM yesterday. 4PM?!? That's almost the end of the day!! The flower arrangement was nothing short of something you see at Costco. The roses were barely even budding. And they didn't even deliver my Mylar balloon!! Completely, utterly unacceptable!!! Never again will I order through these guys.

So I called this morning to complain. The lady on the phone was nice.

She tried to say, "Oh...Valentine's Day is a busy day. And it's not unusual to have flowers delivered by 8PM."

I turned the card on her and said, "Now how would you feel if....blah blah blah... This is the one day in the year where I can let my wife's coworker know she's very special. And it's Valentine's DAY not night."

She was nice enough to say, "I'm so sorry. Let's see what I can do."

And I started probing, "So how was your Valentine's Day? Do anything special?"

The lady said, "Me and my guy, we decided to celebrate on the weekend. Prices are cheaper. It's not as crowded."

Then I patronized her, "Wow... you're very thoughtful. Hard to find women like that nowadays."

Then she started to complain a little, "Yeah...after a long day's work yesterday, I got home, and I kinda wished there was something for me. But I was the one who suggested postponing Valentine's Day."

Me being the guy who was after my own money and I have a little heart said, "Awww... but that's okay. I'm sure every day is Valentine's Day for you."

So I get my service charge refunded along with a 10% refund, not to mention my missing Mylar Balloon. Almost wanted to get more money back... but oh well. And that... was how I spent the day after, Valentine's Day.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

10 million women!!!

沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第45日.  晴

Mao Offered Women to U.S. (AP)

Amid a discussion of trade in 1973, Chairman Mao Zedong made what Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger called a novel proposition: sending tens of thousands, even 10 million, Chinese women to the United States.

"You know, China is a very poor country," Mao said, according to a document released by the State Department's historian office. "We don't have much. What we have in excess is women. So if you want them we can give a few of those to you, some tens of thousands."

A few minutes later, Mao circled back to the offer. "Do you want our Chinese women?" he asked. "We can give you 10 million."

After Kissinger noted Mao was "improving his offer," the chairman said, "We have too many women ... They give birth to children and our children are too many."

"It is such a novel proposition," Kissinger replied in his discussion with Mao in Beijing. "We will have to study it."

Saturday, February 09, 2008


沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第40日.  晴

Commericials... musical... skit/standup comedy.... to "Miracle." A lot has changed. Times have changed. People have come and gone. Our number has gone up and down. But the everlasting theme of God's love has not changed. And our unity by His spirit has not faltered.

"Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!" ~Psalm 133:1

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第37日.  晴

年三十晚, 返教會同弟兄姊妹共享團年飯. 十分溫暖.

今年竟然會有人o黎拜年!! 可惜... 0黎梁家拜年係無利是逗. sorry.

同某人傾計, 講到 "騎牛揾馬". 回想我自己, 騎隻牛已經騎左足足五年, 但係隻馬重未出現....

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super Tuesday

沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第36日.  晴

Turns out Super Tuesday did NOT decide the Democratic Party's nominee afterall. Clinton won more delegates but Obama won more states. Both campaigns agree that Obama has the edge - probably cuz nobody expected him to be this close at this point.

McCain apparently is emerging is the clear favorite from the GOP. I certainly have no problem with that... except for the fact that he's 72!!!!

Super Tuesday morning sucked... I was strapped to a stinken dentist chair for two hours getting a temporary crown. Sigh... the pangs of having bad teeth.

Folks, if you're reading this, please remember to floss. Brush after every meal. Use Listerine. And when Christmas rolls around, drink lots of Egg Nog Lattes. That is all.

Sunday, February 03, 2008


沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第34日.  驟雨


Montana's Legacy is forever sealed at 4-0.

It wasn't so much a miraculous win than a miraculous lost.

I can only remember 4 yellow flags and 1 red flag.

The commericials sucked - sucked bad.

Tom Brady is one heckuva quarterback.

I still hate the Giants (the New York Giants).

Two people were missing at our Superbowl Party - hopefully things change next year.


Tuesday, January 29, 2008


沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第29日.  密雲有雨



Monday, January 28, 2008


沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第28日.  雨

Reports EVERYWHERE that Chris Webber is returning to the Warriors 14 years after his soap opera standoff with Nellie...leading to 13 years of demise for Bay Area hoops fans.

In the sports world, in the business world, there is no such thing as a grudge. Even the great Steve Jobs re-cooperated with Bill Gates when Apple re-hired him. And look at where Apple is today!

When pride gets in the way... both parties end up getting hurt. If one side simply takes a step back, then everyone benefits. Can't we all just get along?

Saturday, January 26, 2008


沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第26日.  密雲

以下的經文...若用 "Happy Birthday" 的 melody 配樂, 就好容易背到出來! 
你 要 保 守 你 心 , 勝 過 保 守 一 切 , 因 為 一 生 的 果 效 , 是 由 心 發 出 。 (箴 言 4:23)


Friday, January 25, 2008

The Return of the Pink Slips

沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第25日. 雨

Yahoo recently announced layoffs within the next month -- but it shouldn't hit home. Not this time at least.

And yesterday, within hours, a dear friend's entire group vanished at Cost Plus. She's the only one left.

It was merely five years ago when all 4 of us got laid off, one by one. The memory is still crystal clear.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第22日. 雨

Last night, I had some chili sauce residue on my finger... and then I go rub my eye. Owwww!!

Dad's 60th came and went without any hoopla... how sad. Guess the timing just isn't right...we'll make it up when 70 comes around.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Where am I?

沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第18日. 涼

Woke up in the middle of the night last night. I stared at my clock and the red/orange display glowed a warm "1:59AM." And for an entire minute, I had no clue where I was... the a million thoughts raced through my head....

"Where am I?"

"Why am I still in bed?"

"What day is it?"

"What time is it?"

"Am I late?"

"No... phew... I can go back to sleep."

It's already been a week where I haven't been able to sleep through the night. Times of trial...

Monday, January 14, 2008

Wedding Planning

沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第13日.

Seeing the enthusiam and excitement in R&J working tirelessly to get ready for their wedding makes me ponder... why don't I have the same attitude in planning my wedding with Jesus, my bridegroom?

Friday, January 11, 2008

Pro 3:8

From TWA today:
"...fear the LORD and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones." (Proverbs 3:7-8)

Matt 8:15

沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第11日.

Last night was quite exciting... 發冷, 發熱, 發完冷, 之後發熱... 又發冷, 又發熱....
返到工司... 將病菌左傳右傳. 都是早走為妙!

From yesterday's TWA: He touched her hand and the fever left her, and she got up and began to wait on him.  (Matt 8:15)



Monday, January 07, 2008

Bible Study Fellowship

沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第7日.

In 2008, BSF will have a pilot class in San Francisco. Also in 2008, BSF will have classes in China. Not just for business travelers and missionaries, but for the people of China. God's hand continues to move.

Thursday, January 03, 2008


沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第3日.

狂風暴雪導致滑雪延遲一週. 莫非今年可以去得成~它豪~? 太好了!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Back to work...

沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第2日.

Went to Peet's Coffee today to officially come to terms...that the Egg Nog Latte has been pulled from the menu. Their medium drip went from $1.75 to $1.80.

Prayer Meeting was astounding... was 50/50 on what to do in preparation for the Deeper Life Conference. I guess I don't have to think anymore.

Been sick for a few days...and for the third day in a row, a brother calls and wishes me well. Other than my parents, when was the last time someone did that? What a loving gesture.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


沒有 Egg nog latte 的日子. 第1日.

Ever try to hit Ctrl-Alt-Del on the computer and the thing doesn't reset? That's how 2008 started out for me. Cuz for some reason, I ended up in the hospital again. Funny how it's always around new years that someone gets seriously ill. Praise God that mom was discharged this afternoon. Oh... how I dread being in hospitals, waiting hopelessly for the doctors to walk in and say, "She can go home now."