Monday, December 31, 2012

A look back at 2012...

This has got to be one of the quickest 366 days and one of the busiest.  Taking a look back at the past 12 months... it's safe to say the lows outrank the highs this year.  Regardless, I'm a firm believer that things fall apart so they can fall back into place.  All roads, both peaks and valleys, must be traversed, to get to your destination.  Without further ado... here are this year's top 10 (and as one may notice...they're not all good.)

  1. 4 more years! - 4 years ago it was "CHANGE." 4 years later... it's "FORWARD."  From "binders of women" to "47%"... huda thunk this election would've been as exciting and entertaining as it was.    Just three short years until when "HILARY 2016" hits the streeets... oh baby!!
  2. Best friends milestones - Micah says "Hello World." Short and Stubby becomes a father.  Anderson takes the plunge... and Nui-nui was the flower girl.  Awwww....
  3. Action Learning Team - 18 weeks of stress, struggle, turmoil...working on a project equaled to solving poverty or world hunger. Sacrificing my family, my marriage, my spiritual life, my day time job....all culminating in a 2 hour presentation to the Executive VP and her Executive Leadership Team.  The outcome? Warm reception with key highlights of "Hank's volume, gestures and story telling."  Boo-yah!!!
  4. 2 HR Investigations - Some folks get by with one in their entire career.... I just so happen to have two in the same year. Geez louise puh-leeeze.... and due to confidentiality, I can't say more... but needless to say, two of the lowest points in my professional (and personal) career, regardless if I was right or wrong. 
  5. Giants World Series - 2 in 3 years...I literally gave up after down 0-2 in the NLDS. Then gave up again after being down 1-3 in the NLCS, and never had complete confidence until Theriot slid home on the fateful October night.  And this time...we made it to Market Street for the ticker tape and confetti.  Jaded? Maybe... but I'll take another one (or two....or three)
  6. 49ers NFC Championship dud and Season Tickets - Wrapped two events into one.  The first one was actually a non-event, cuz I was being punished and didn't even watch the Niners/Giants game.... and how Kyle Williams fumbled TWICE!!!!  And 10 months later... I become a Niner Season Ticket holder.  Section 321 Row 7 Seat 24.  Wow.... cheap, Chinese families aren't suppose to own season tickets!!  For the rest of my life... no Fall Sunday School for me. HA!!
  7. Disneyland - The Happiest Place on Earth truly earned their money this year. The only thing that can possibly top Star Tours has got to be Nui-nui seeing the "Princesses" in real life.  Case in point... Nui-nui was sound asleep cuz her sleeping schedule was so messed up.  She was exhausted from the long drive, the sleepless nights, the hustle and bustle of getting in and out of line.  But the minute I said, "Nui-nui.... it's a princess!!"  She woke up like Snow White waking up when Prince Charming kissed her.  That....and pulling over in the middle of I-5 so she can poop... has got to be the bestest memory of the Disney trip.
  8. Nui-stones and Daidai stones - Another cop out this year and claiming their "milestones" as one major milestone.  This includes Bebe's first (fill in the blank).  First words...first step... first whatever.  Undoubtedly... and I'll admit to it... he doesn't get nearly enough PR as Nui-nui did when she hit her milestones.  Then there's Nui-nui...who started private school... who was a flower girl... who started Children Sunday School... who can spell and write her name... who can recite John 3:16.  Honestly...what CAN'T I write about them??
  9. Joyce's breakthrough - A sensitive topic...but nonetheless...worthy of being #2.  After years of being at SJCAC... Joyce finally makes a breakthrough and dives into her very own ministry.  I've had my opportunities...and I've also passed up on opportunities.  All the while...praying, waiting, expecting that her turn will come up. Knowing full well...that the Lord is faithful...He will answer prayers and one day, we will be serving together. 
  10. Parents Separation - My parents are now divorced, separated and leading different lives.  Simple as that.  Starting from that fateful September day, when I got a call while I was on business travel in Denver... life will never be the same, ever again.  Actually, this really started back in December 1994 - Christmas Eve.  Now, Dad has his life. Mom has hers.  How I possibly got through those months of planning, calling, moving, buying, more calling, more planning, more moving, more buying.... I will never know.  But amongst my friends, I guess I'm now in the majority.  My parents are officially separated.  They no longer live together. We will forever have to flip a coin at every holiday.  I will forever have to explain to my children that marriage does NOT last forever. 
What a way to end 2012.... let's just hope that 2013 will have some hope.  Looking back at 2012...I don't think it'll be that hard.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


媽媽,唔好成日鬧我,我會upset㗎.  我都唔想你地upset。我會乖㗎喇。

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Return of Hand Foot Mouth

Hand Foot Mouth is back.  Sheeeeeeeesh.

One of, if not, THE most painful illness I've ever been through in my entire life came in December of 2011.  First Nui-nui got it... and then I contracted it.  Was incapacitated for two whole weeks!! 

Luckily, this time around, it's not nearly as bad as last years.  But that's back to back years.  Running a low grade fever and some sore in my mouth.  Nui-nui healed in 3-4 days.  It should be a week or so for me. 

By this time next year, I hope there's some medical breakthrough for some permanent vaccine.  I can't do this every year.... I can't.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Gift of Giving

Restored my annual tradition of handing out a bottle of wine to my coworkers.  This year is different... this year, for the first year, I'm handing it out to my direct reports.  I was gonna walk around and drop off the bottle of grape juice on their table... and say, "Merry Christmas." But as it turned out... my entire morning was free.  So one by one, I called them into my office and had a "year in review" with them. 

How precious.  And it's always lovely to see the look on their eyes... "Wow! You didn't have to do that!"

They're right.... I don't.  And frankly... there are some wine connoisseurs who will end up using it as cooking wine. 

Merry Christmas...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

United Movies

With two youngin' at home... I can count the number of movies I've seen the past 3 years on one hand.  So I like to take advantage of United Movies for those cross country flights.  More often than not... they're a pleasant surprise, especially those family oriented ones that hit me across the head and say, "You gotta love your family more!!"  or "Be a better husband...please!"

On the way home from Newtown, got to watch Bourne Legacy.  An action packed thriller that was entirely formulaic and predictable. But I sucked up every minute of it.  HA! This is the guy who use to complain about each and everything in movies.  How times have changed...

Saturday, December 08, 2012

Nice people

Just ranting a little.  But sometimes, it's so nice to meet nice people out there.  Folks with no hidden agenda...and purely just want to help.  How is it that mom found that place to live, I can only thank the Lord.  But the Lam's...they are so nice.  I truly wish them the best. 

Monday, December 03, 2012


Why do people insist on peering into my cart at Costco? Do they really think they'll see a huge deal that they don't know about....? And that by staring in my cart, they won't miss out?  MYOFB!!!!!  Pardon my french...

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Had the honor today to witness someone sanctify themselves and draw closer to God by throwing away "something" that doesn't please Him.  I actually have no idea what was thrown away... I just happened to be walking by when C-leung asked me to help open up the trash can.  But the conviction that person had is deeply admired.  Very cool.... a great way to end a Sunday Service oh yeeeeeeeeeeah.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Pre-Thanksgiving 2012

Been a while since I've updated.... and you get into one of those conundrums of not knowing what to write cuz so much has happened, yet none of it really matters. 

And that's really been the theme of the past month.  So much going on...yet at the end of the month, what really happened? 

Tonight...while cleaning up the house in preparation for Thanksgiving Dinner tomorrow, I find a little piece of fold up paper Joyce wrote.  It was probably from some fellowship thing we had.  In it, was a list of questions and answers.  Like..."best surprise of marriage" or "most trial times of marriage" or "difference before and after having kids..."  It was astounding seeing some of the things she wrote. 

And when all is said and done.... and I'm taking about 20 years down the line when the kids leave the house....when all is said and done... what really matters is the person you lie down next to every night.  What relationship do you have with that person?  Cuz that's not just your's your lives. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Childhood Dream Come True

Another item off the bucket list.... 49ers season ticket holder!!! WOOT!! WOOT!!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Public Speaking (revisited again)

Dangit.... I just have the knack of it. 

Did a dry run for our ALT presentation.... and one of the best comments I've ever received (and I've received plenty) was "O captain! My captain!" 

And this wasn't people who wanted to butter me up.  This is a genuine reaction.  Oh...sometimes I want to think about joining Toastmasters.  But I would hate to go there and realize how much I suck.  Or how much more I have to learn.  Other times, I sit in Sunday sermons and think, "Man....I can deliver it so much better."  Yet....I realize delivery is one thing, I can never come up with the material.

But as much humble pie as I like to eat.... I truly thank the man above for giving me the gift of public speaking.

Monday, November 12, 2012

What a whirl....

From coming back from moving into Quint struggling to get Wi suddenly hearing she has Medi-Cal.... to getting approval of moving into senior living.... it just all happened too fast.  Too fast for me to even try to keep up.

And in a week...we'll be moving again.  At least there's light at the end of the tunnel; I think.  At least after we make this moving, we can truly calm down for a bit. 

Thursday, November 08, 2012

4 more years!!!

Wow.... first the World Series.  Now re-election!!  That's a pretty good streak.  And then on top of that... Prop 30 (raising income taxes for education) passes!!

Demos pick up Senate seats.
GOP retain the House. 

Overall... a pretty good election. 

Monday, October 29, 2012


One word...Champions.  Second time in three years.

Two years ago... my Giants did the unthinkable by capture their first World Series in San Francisco history.  I was ready to give up two years ago. I couldn't care less if the Giants end up in a perpetual state of disaster... so long as they had the one championship.  And now, we have 2.

A lot has changed during the past two years.  But a lot has stayed the same.  Didn't have the same feeling of torture...or the thrill of excitement.  Yet... I was still ticked off and scared whenever things didn't go our way.  I kept telling myself... "It's just a game.  You won already. Let it go."  Doesn't work that way.

BB wasn't born yet...the first time we won. He was in mommy's tummy.  But I really wanted him to be up and about.  He was in bed before the top of the 10th.

NN was there last year. For the NLCS Game 6 homer against Ryan Madson.  And the final strikeout of Nellie Cruz.  This time... she was more cognizant of what's going on.  I told her, "If Posey hits a Homerun here, you get to play with mommy's tiara."  Every time someone hit a flyball, she'll scream, "Homerun! Homerun!"

Throughout this postseason, I wanted to write and capture my thoughts.  No more than after going up 3-0 and wanting to title the post "On the verge..."  But as much as I'm a man of faith, I can't shake off the whole superstitious thing about counting my eggs before they're hatched.  Deep down... I knew that had we lost Game 4, we would face Verlander in Game 5.  That would mean we go back to SF.  And if we lost a close one in Game 6...momentum will NOT be on our side.  I knew all that.  Us...more than anyone, should know that up 2-0 or 3-1 doesn't mean you're going to win.  Look at the 2004 BoSox. 

We're no longer on the verge.  No.  We're past the verge.  We're champions.  Second time in two years. 

So many game thoughts....
  • Bochy using Timmy in Game 1 - being second guessed that he might be needed for Game 2.  But Madbum shut up all the critics by going 7
  • Madbum taking 10 days to correct a "mechancial error?"  Really?!
  • Romo taking over for Beard. For good, perhaps?
  • Bochy lining up two he can have his two best starters in Games 3 and 4 in Detroit.  Genius.
  • There had to be some torture to make this well worthed. (Game 4)
  • Good pitching always beats good hitting...except in the case of Bonds.
  • Oh btw... Bonds was no where to be found this time around.  Geez...
  • Theriot DH'ed for the clincher - genius once again.  Sanchez was overmatched in the biggest stage of his life.
  • Where was Xavier Nady?
  • A right-handed LF wouldn't have made those 3 amazing catches that White Shark made.
  • I truly thought we were gonna lose when Belt was caught stealing in Game 4....the breaks started going their way.
  • It's been almost 30 years since the Tigers have won one.... they must be starving.  But at least they have college football/hoops, the Pistons, and I guess the Lions.
  • What else does Posey need to add to his resume?
  • Payback to Leyland for '93 and Miggy Cab for 2003
  • I still would've wanted to play the Yankees.  Beating the Rangers and Tigers just doesn't have the same ring to it. 

And you know what? It just doesn't feel the same.... but it still feels awesome.

Friday, October 19, 2012

A tale of two movies...

I get on a United cross country flight... and one of the first things I habitually do is look at their Hemisphere magazine to see what movie will be shown. 

This time... I missed the Amazing Spider-Man by a day.  ONE LOUSY STINKEN DAY!!!

Instead, I get this gosh-knows what movie about two kids who run away... who end up making out (or more than that)... and is encouraged and shown as heroes.  I needed to burn away time...but not that way.

On the way back... it was some unknown story, unknown movie.  But I was drawn to it.  It made me laugh (Morgan Freeman tends to do that to folks like me).  It made me cry. (Morgan Freeman will also do that to you.)  It struck a chord.  There were things in there about marriage, about family, about chasing your dreams. 

Sigh.... two flights. two movies. two very different endings.

Monday, October 08, 2012

Another insomnia attack

It's 1130. Bedtime.
I'm fighting a cold. Rest time.
But I can't sleep. Too much on my mind.

Caught word that a parent of a childhood friend was found stabbed, beaten and murdered in her own house.  She was home alone.  Kids gone.  Husband out of town. Surreal.

Just read an article about a mom abusing her 5 year old. Gluing her to a wall... Then beating her and kicking her cuz she urinated on herself.  I'll never even come close to that type of abuse... but the thoughts and memories of me yelling at, punishing and scolding nn and bb suffocates me.  I couldn't help but walk over to them and kiss them while they're sleeping.... and apologizing. 

Tonight's bedtime story... nn picked it... was about a kid who stole.  And his mom didn't punish him...rather she encouraged him.  When the kid grew up to be a man... he was caught for stealing and was about to he hung.  His final wish to see his mom for one last time.  When she came, he started whispering.  The mom couldn't hear so she leaned closer...and the thief, now a grown man, bit her mom's ear real hard, saying, "This is your punishment for making me into who I am today." 

I haven't even typed a word of mom's situation.  And her it is... she's back in 3 days.  Now what?  3 days...and for the next how many years to come?

It's 1148.  Past my bedtime.
I'm still fighting that same cold.  Can't rest.
I can't sleep.  But I'm tired.  Sh*t.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Different world...Different dreams

Remember 4 years ago when China hosted the Olympics? The theme was "One World, One Dream."  Lo and behold... I realize how far apart Joycie and I can be sometimes.

I was reading a story to Bebe, and as always, I will read it or translate it into Chinese.  Joycie asks me to read it in English, because Bebe is around Chinese folks all day...and he needs to learn English.  I, on the other hand, think that he'll have a lifetime to learn English.  Let's get as much Chinese into him now.

Joycie and I grew up in different worlds.  She grew up in HK...and came to US as a teenager, so she'll always remember the hard times with learning English.  I grew up here... and learning English was as easy as pie. 

Thought provoking indeed...

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fly away

How many times...1 out of 1000, 1 out of 10,000, do you really kill a fly by clapping your hands together?  I got my "one" today.  Muahahhahaa...

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Eyes wide opened at 3:15AM.  That's what I get for going to bed at 10PM.

Tossed and turned for over an hour.  Finally gave up and got up at 4:45 to do chores... make a cup of coffee and listen to sports podcast. 

What's happening? I'm exhausted but can't fall asleep.  Geez.... the anxiety is actually intriguing.  Hopefully tonight will be better.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

"Aha!" moment

You ever bump into that "someone" that says "something" that rings louder than the Fourth of July fireworks? And rings truer than the income taxes and Bay Area traffic? And that advice isn't the first time you've heard it... nor is it anything earth shattering.  But it's an "Aha!" moment.

"Be careful how far you push since you have a Type A+ personality."


"What made you successful as an individual contributor won't work for you as a manager." 

This from someone who doesn't know me well at all... nor does he have vested interest in me.  But it's just unsolicited third party advice. 

Monday, September 03, 2012

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Good ol' days...

The other night at the Salvadors... Anderson, Tyrone and I, the three of us, had a few moments to sit down and just talk.  About family...about careers...about our lives...about nothing.  Just like good ol' times.  Nothing to hide...nothing to show... no hidden agenda and nearly complete transparency.

The wives were wise enough to back away for those few moments.  Either they didn't care for our conversation or they too realize we needed that moment in time...

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Fatal Disease we all have... Old Age

The folks are getting old.  It's inevitable.  And it's unavoidable.  The past decade we've experienced hospital stays, increase in medication, emergency operations and finally at hand... we're planning for their retirement. 

The most recent mountain to conquer - Medicare. 

Having to apply and register and selecting plans for mom has been the biggest challenge for me this year.  What to do? How to apply? When does eligibility begin?  Holy moly... how can anyone even remotely navigate through this?

As I'm going through this with mom and as I (a college grad with a full paid education) struggle with the meaning of the nooks and crannies... makes me wonder how all those senior citizens with next to no English background can figure anything out.  It weighs heavy on my heart to just learn as much as I can.... set up two chairs and a table in the middle of Chinatown... and just help people out. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Another year...

Of all the things I can do... I pick tonight to go to Hometown Buffet with my best bud and his wife.  Ho hum.... right?

Well... it's hard to explain.  But Hometown was THE place to go to during college.  The few times we ventured down to Santa Maria for a crazy meal.  Hometown was THE place during my Co-Op times... when money wasn't great...but the food was amazing.  Hometown is the place where Nui-nui can have anything she wants for $2.99.

Until next year....

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


As Nui-stones take a side step... Dai Dai takes the spot light and gets his very first Daidai-stones posting.

Again, so unfair that Nui-nui got dozens of "nui-stones" (nui-nui milestones) postings.  Dai Dai may have had 1 or 2.  Even when I'm typing this, I'm thinking of Nui-stones I need to document immediately after this post.  HA!


A few weeks ago... Dai Dai takes his first step.  The first unofficial step was captured by the Nanny.  But we deny that it happened.  And as always... it happens the day after we go to the pediatrician.  Somehow...someway, the doc has a way of forcing things to happen.

We finally bit the bullet.... DaiDai with her Dragon Ball hairstyle quickly go from Gokou to Gohan.  In other words... we're putting to a test the old wives tale that shaving his head will bring back thicker and longer.  Did the own shaving myself.... got so excited of making it a clean shave, I even knicked him and caused him to bleed.  HA!

Found the culprit.... DaiDai turns out to be allergic to peanuts and dust.  Dust!?  Peanuts?! What's happened to kids these days? Back in my days, no one was allergic to anything!!  And after doing the "Bingo" Test, we think he's also allergic to milk / dairy.  Oh man.... poor kid.

Crazy how different he is from older sister. More active... less tactile.  More friendly.... less articulate.  More eating problems.... less healthy choices.  And where will the two of them end up....?  Geez.......

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Cheap vs Frugal

Last night, I bought a large cup of MilkTea from Fantasia.  But because I was exhausted, I only finished half of it and went to bed.  This morning, I woke up, saw the cup, picked it up and threw it in the garbage.  I took all but two steps when I turned around... opened the garbage can, reached in and picked the unfinished cup of milktea out of my garbage can.

"It's only half finish!  I can nuke it... or put ice in it... and have a nice drink this afternoon!" 

I didn't grow up penniless... but I did grow up learning the value of a dollar. 

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Thank you USA

I can't remember if it was the 2004 or 2008 Olympics that I read this... but there was an article that said that the world should thank the US for inventing the "hi-5."  And certainly true... I remember seeing every country's team giving each other the hi-5.... in a weird and child like way.  Much like what you would do to a 5 year old making as much of a slapping noise as possible. the world... is cool.

Course... Americans have evolved the hi-5 since the hi-5 first came into existence.

There's the

  • Lazy hi-5 - Where the fingers barely touch, signifying, "yeah...we bad, but let's not make a big deal."
  • Spider hi-5 - where the person that's being congratulated uses two hands and nonchalantly does a "lazy hi-5" with everyone
  • Double hi-5 & 180 - Where both hands hit, then all four hands go around in a 180 on each side
  • Fist Bump - perfected by President Obama himself
  • Invisible Hi-5 - where two people are so far away from one another, they'll just go through the motions of hi-5ing one another
And as time goes on...there's the crossing of the two hands at the thumbs (like you're arm wrestling), and pulling the other person in for an embrace or a man-hug.  That is the latest fad I noticed the world is taking on

Americans have been doing it for years.... giving each other hugs, without giving it a full hug.  And the world is catching on.

Thank you USA!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Stupid nap...

Bebe is this morning we woke up an hour earlier than usual.  This evening... around 8ish, I laid down with Nui nui and I drifted off to sleep.  Woke up around 10PM.  Now I can't fall back asleep.  Sigh...

Sunday, July 22, 2012


昨晚臨睡覺前, 開了囡囡的nighlight.  Nightlight 將星星和月亮照上天花板.

我就嘗試指著月亮解釋甚麼是"床前"... 甚麼是"明月光."

囡囡就很理想當然,指著天花板話, "咁呢個是床前明月stars"

Saturday, July 14, 2012



之後同囡囡由San Jose坐輕鐵到Mountain View.
晚上又一家人去吃晚餐, 免費聽Opera. 
真是一個簡單, 但快樂的一天.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

We totally got played....

Last night we went shopping at Trader Joe's.  Nothing special....We line up... we pay...we go home.  I get home and unpack the grocery bag.  "Hrm...we sure bought a lot of stuff." 

Tonight... Joycie asks, "Why did you buy that bottle of sunscreen?"

Me.... "Uh.... I thought you bought it." 

Joycie... "She told me Babi wanted it!" 

Both of us... "We got played!!!!!!"  (by a 3 year old!!!)

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Birthday Party

Went to our friends' daughters joint birthday party today... goodness.  A lot of work... a lot of setup... tear down... a lot of preparation.  And in the end...the two girls won't even know this day ever happened. 

Brings back memories of nn's first birthday.  And also reminded me of why we didn't have one for bb. HA!  Good job mom and dad.  I guess only the parents will truly appreciate what you've done.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012


With absolute modesty....

I was born and raised a Catholic...
I grew up in a Catholic Church, went to Catholic school for 9 years.
I've been a devout Christian all my life.
I'm a small group leader.
I'm a Home Group co-parent.
I've taught both Children and Adult Sunday School.
I strive to be a berean... though I fall short.

And with all that under my belt.... I was stumped last night when my little Nui-nui asked, "Who is God?"

Friday, June 29, 2012


Funny.... on the night of our little elite groups' graduation dinner, we had 4 tables.

The table I sat on.... had 4 females 5 males.  Of the 9 people... 5 were Asian.  1 African American.  1 Hispanic. The Caucasian... was a female. 

There was one table on the other side of the room.... 9 white male. 

Interesting.... why it happens that way? Who knows...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Man's Greatest Fear

So I heard that statistically, the greatest fear known to man is not the fear of dying... or fear of heights...or fear of commitment.  Rather, it's public speaking.

(So this post is completely narcissistic.  Yikes!)

Getting up in front of friends, family, strangers, executives, customers.... the stomach knots up.  The heart pounds. Your temple is vibrating. Your knees are literally a point you wonder if people can see it.  Your mind goes blank for one second.  Next second, it races through your entire speech.  This irritating anxiety is lurking somewhere between your chest and your diaphragm...screaming to be extinguished.

I have that fear.  I'm a victim.

But y'know.... I love all those emotions, all those feelings. Well, not the feelings themselves.  I love that cathartic moment, that instantaneous snap of time, where you open your mouth... listen to your very own echoes and all those feelings are purged out onto the audience.

Last night... after just 30 minutes of writing that speech, I stood in front of the banquet hall and rocked it.  From the opening second, when I stood on the opposite side of the room... to my first unintentional joke that warmed up the audience... to holding the audience by their collar...leading them from one joke to the next...then going silent for 2 seconds before the punch line... to the final words, "I love you" that brought down the house.  And I absolutely love it when people come up to me and say, "Great speech!" or "That was awesome."  As much humble pie as I want to eat... I am flattered.  And I've learned that being overly humble is actually an insult.  So instead of saying, "No... it wasn't that good." or "It could've been better."  I simply acknowledge their recognition and move on.

I won't say I'm not gifted... .but I'm certainly not a natural.

I still remember the time in 6th grade when I literally froze on the stage and forgot my speech.  Or 9th grade...when I  made a speech, or rather, read my speech with my mouth to the mic and face to the podium.  Those wounds I still carry with me.  Those scars made me who I am.

I once even toyed with the idea of being a public speaking coach.  I mean.... if I truly have this skill... and I seem like I do... why not impart it? Articulate it? Share it?

Sunday, June 24, 2012

It's for her own good...

I've decided, my little girl will marry a Chinese - one that speaks Cantonese, to be specific.

Today at the park, a little Caucasian boy was chasing Nui-nui around.  He may have been playful.  He may have been nice.  He may have been only 3.  But at that moment, I decided, my future son-in-law will be Chinese.  And more importantly...his Chinese must be better than mine.  His English must be better than mine.  And most importantly, he must be funnier than me! 

My son, on the other hand, the world is your oyster boy!! Have at it!!! Woot! Woot!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012


家, 是愛的起點.
漫遊人生路, 腳步疲乏時到安樂窩聊聊,
溫暖的藏身處, 既熟悉又穩妥, 重新得力再上路去.

有家, 便有情, 有望, 有信, 有延續, 有承傳, 有愛,

您... 愛回家嗎?



Sunday, June 10, 2012

Son of a #&!^@*$!

Noticing how I rarely if ever write a post solely for my son... Here's a memorable one....

Today at Pizza My Heart... we find that Bebe loves (absolutely adores) MUSHROOMS!!! MUSHROOMS!!!!


THAT SON OF A #&!^@*$! LOVES MUSHROOMS!!!??!?!?!??!

High Maintenance

Recently, I've gone through a huuuuuuuuuge string of piss-poor service.

For Joyce's birthday at the Plumed Horse... dinner lasted 3 friggin hours.  Worst yet... it was chef's menu (aka a set menu!!)

Down in Anaheim, we were having dinner.  When another big group showed up...and we were the closest to be done, the owner and the waitresses did everything they can do the hurry us away. 

The other night while having dinner with our buds... the restaurant wasn't even packed! But the waiter kept coming back and back and back to ask Cecy if she was done with her plate. 

Tonight at JLP.. I ordered one of my favorite 生炒糯米飯.  I easily waited 15 minutes before finally asking them to look into it.  I gave them the benefit of the doubt...cuz it does take time to cook.  And we had the kids with us anyways.  But after another 10 minutes...and Bebe getting restless.... I had to cancel it.  But the waiter gave me such "wonderful" attitude.  The bill was $21.11.  I gave $22.  If I had $0.11, I would've given the exact amount. 

As I review this...I ask the question, "Where is good service these days????"  And I think I slowly realize... the service ain't that bad.  I'm just HIGH MAINTENANCE.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

The OTHER age old question...

For you married folks.... or living with someone and you share a tube of toothpaste, should you squeeze from the bottom? or the middle?

Well.... the answer for YOU is....100%, without a shadow of a doubt, the BOTTOM.  Why?????

See.... my wife squeezes from the middle.  And unlike me, who squeeze from the bottom, I can keep moving on up from the bottom until I get to the top.  In other words, there will always be a bottom.  But for she who squeezes from the middle, once she flattens it... she's done.

Hence, I realize that it is my job... to make sure she has a fat and chubby "middle" to squeeze every time she brushes her teeth.  Which means.... I squeeze from the bottom to enable her to have the full enjoyment of squeezing from the middle. That is a loving husband... I am the ultimate giver.  And she's the ultimate receiver. :)

Now the "other" question....? Toilet paper over the top, or under the bottom? I'll save that for another post.

Sunday, June 03, 2012 it the same? or have i changed?

So the much awaited vacation ended with a trip good ol' faithful Firestone Grill in SLO.  And to my dismay... I think I've gotten to a point where the food is probably just as good as the memories.

There was a time where the food was gold.  The juicy chicken.  The tender trip tip.  And the seasoned fries.

But this trip truly was eye opening.  After sucking down an ABC Burger - which was simply above average

Maybe this is an aberration.  Only the next trip will tell, eh?

Saturday, June 02, 2012

happy hour... phew

After 5 days of driving...waiting in lines... packing, unpacking.... dealing with mood swings and attitudes... we finally arrive in Morro Bay.  Shortly after checking in.... in find the have a "wine pouring" hour.

Skip the glass...just pour the wine into my mouth.  Oh baby....those two glasses of red truly hit the spot.  Would've preferred a cold one (or two). 

Friday, June 01, 2012

Disneyland and California Adventures

Been over 10 years since I've stepped into the "Happiest Place on Earth."  Last time I was here... I was a new college grad.  Boatload of debt.  Single.  Young.  Energetic.  Naive.  My how things have changed...

This was a new experience.  We decided to go all outs and stay at the Disney Resort right in the heart of Disneyland and California Adventures.  Didn't pay premium price...but it certainly wasn't cheap either.  The main thing was...we wanted some place close that didn't require us to drive back to the hotel for nap time.  As it turned out... that was the 2nd wisest decision we made.  The first bring a friggin' rice cooker.  More on that later.

Disneyland has gotten smaller than I remember.  Joyce and I literally got done with California Adventures in half a day.  And likewise, we got done with Disneyland within 2 hours - since we had early admission prior to the general public.  A lot of things we decided to skip...or didn't bother waiting in line for.  The rest of the time...we either spent in line with Nui-nui (the kiddie rides) or we spent in the hotel pool.

As for the kiddie rides.... at Nui-nui's age...   it's more torture than enjoyment.  First of all... she has no concept of waiting in lines.  So to be in line for 30 minutes, and seeing people get on and off rides is a unfair...and unfathomable.  And after 30 minutes of tortuous waiting... they finally get to enjoy the 2 minute ride.  Oh boy!! As the ride comes to an end, they scream in terror...cuz they want it to continue or want to "do it again!" 
Torture for the kids?? Or torture for the parent who has to pull their crying child off the ride...only to reveal to them the truth about life.... it's UNFAIR.  Sigh...

As always.. and as expected... "It's A Small World" was the favorite ride.  But the favorite moment (or moments) have got to be seeing the princesses.  "AHHH!!!"  Forget any tiredness...any slumber... any hunger.  Once she saw Snow White walk out.... Nui-nui was more awake than a child who just inhaled an espresso at a Toys r Us.   Course...that excitement took it's toll.  We had reservations at Aerial's Grotto for Lunch with the Princesses.  And due to some miscommunication (or no communication), we almost missed it.  Have never seen Joyce so peeved....she was so angry she was on the verge of tears.  And all her precious daughter (our precious daughter) can have those "AHHHH!" moments. be a parent.  To be a loving mother.

Back to the rice cooker.  When that first idea was brought was nothing more than a joke. Who brings a rice cooker to vacation? To Disneyland!?!  But nonetheless...we had it.  And was invaluable.  We needed to heat up (or almost had to cook) porridge for Bebe who still only eats one thing and one thing only.  None of the hotels we lived at had personal microwaves and there's no way they'll let us use the staff kitchen.  So each day...we fired up the rice cooker before we left the hotel room.  Furthermore... the ricecooker allowed us to make some simple breakfast and snack - macaroni, spam, chicken soup.  After 2-3 days of bacon and eggs... one really has to go to something else.  Embarrassing?? Sure. But practical.  Definitely!! 

I'd be remissed if I didn't mention Star Tours.  The one ride that made this trip worthwhile.  And in fact, I got to go on it twice.  With the average wait time being 60 minutes despite having 5 screens.  And with the fastpass times being 4-5 hours beyond the time it was available... I was lucky enough to have early park admission where the wait time was 5 minutes.  The ride itself was nothing compared to the very very first time (circa 1988?) that I rode this ride.  But was still an experience of experiences.

There's still a million and one things to write about.  The fact that Nui-nui hated the ugly characters and loved the cute characters..... how Bebe loved all kinds of characters, with no fear.... the outpouring of memories of the previous trips with my family.... the food excursions we took while in SoCal.... the fact that I'm a planner and I hate when things go unplanned or awry..... but most of all.... I will cherish those few moments where Joyce and I were able to spend time alone, embracing one another.  Regardless of where we are...that is truly the happiest place on earth.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

First Fight

It's inevitable... but my dear Nui-nui got into her first fight.  Anecdotally, I was told she took her best friend's toy.  And her best friend retaliated by biting her in the arm.

Many thoughts cross my mind...

Did she really take her friend's toy? Or did her friend take it from her first...and Nui-nui was caught taking it back?
She was biten...WTH?? Where'd this kid learn to do that?
Should I teach Nui-nui to defend herself... to bite back? To drop kick and body slam the other kid?

It's really that age-old dilemma... fighting is wrong.  But I rather the fight...and be accused of being wrong.  Geez Louise.  Goes against everything I've been taught or want to teach. be a parent.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Here we go again...

September 2010 was when I ran my half-marathon.  Since then, I can count on one hand how many times I've gone for a run.  In fact, I can count it on one finger. 

On the eve of my son's first birthday, I got off my lazy @$$, dawned my New Balance to retread the familiar asphalt of m neighborhood.  Was thinking if I go a mile... that'll be a huge accomplishment. 

I went no further than 0.5 mile and my heart started hurting.  Legs were burning.  Lungs are screaming.  Oh me.... Oh my.... what have I done to my body the past year and a half??

A Man's First Love and Your Future In-law

One of my close friends conspired in me that he's been having some marital problems between his wife and his mom.  This is probably one of the most common areas of friction in any marriage.  And as I was doing the dishes... inspiration started coming to me... leading me to document the following.

A Man's First Love and Your Future In-law

From the moment we are born... we've been loved unconditionally by our mother.  The first person to hold us, the first person to feed us, the first person to coo us to sleep.  They were there when we fell off our bikes, when we got our first B+ in math (ouch!), when we needed someone to drive us here or there.  For the average man that gets married at 30, there are 20+ cognizant years of your life that have us put our mom as the number one woman in our lives.

Asians are raised under Confuscianism of "忠孝仁義." Throughout our childhood, we are taught to sing "世上只有媽媽好."  Americans, likewise, offer Mothers as the dominant parent of honor.  Mother's Day this...Mother's day that.  In the 90's, before cell phones were prominent, the #1 thing that happens on Father's Day is long-distance phone calls... children didn't even bother buying a card or sending flowers.  Catholics are taught to worship Mother Mary.  Christians, Jews and even Muslims have the 10 Commandments drilled into us throughout our childhood - "Honor Thy Parents."  It isn't until we are young adults, perhaps college years, that we start studying Ephesians and Colossians and learning about "submitting to your husband" or "love your wife as God loved the church."  And even then, it's still scratching the surface.

Men are emotional creatures, contrary to popular belief.  Ask any Giants fan about 1962 or 2002... and see if you see a grown man weep?  Or walk into bar that is showing Manchester United playing Chelsea.... and I'll show you men hugging like there's no tomorrow.  But interestingly... it takes men a while to fall in love.  And it takes us a while to fall out of love.  If we are committed to a person, place or thing... we go all in.  And it's hard to pull ourselves out.

Now, how can wives even begin to expect their husbands to "leave your parents and be one with your wife" after 2-3 years of courtship, 2-3 months of pre-marital counseling and a set of vows?  The answer is... WE CAN'T.  Not that we don't want to... but we don't know how. 

So does that mean wives need to just step aside and wait another 20+ years till their husbands come around? No no no.  This is where the grace of God comes in.  It is in His will that you two are together.  And it is through His love, that we can love one another.  Without even getting into the theological definitions of eros and agape... I can summarize it that God will work wonders.  And wives - you must never stop praying for your husband.  Pray that he will continue to be a God fearing man...and a God loving man.  A man that loves God... will learn to love his wife.

It's taken me 5 paragraphs to describe the first four words of the title.  It'll take me one to finish it up.  Instead of waiting for the wife (or spouse, I should say) to pray for the other spouse... parents, start praying for your children now.  Pray that their future spouse will be that God fearing and God loving man.  Why wait until your son or daughter walk down the aisle and commit themselves to your future son or daughter in law.  Now's the time.

We always want the next generation to have it better than us.  If your parents weren't able to pray for your marriage throughout your life... you can make a difference in your children's lives.  Remember... learn to love God more, learn to receive His love... and He will faithfully reward you with more love to love your husband or wife.

-H. Leung

Sunday, April 29, 2012

A bus ride

Nn has been begging to ride a bus for several months now.  Time and time again, I keep promising I'll take her for a ride.  And as I keep breaking my promise, her grandfather's already taken her on a public bus twice. 

And nn looooooooooooooves it, for whatever reason.

So this past Saturday, I finally got my VTA pass from work and went joy riding with nn.  Man.... if I didn't have that free pass, I don't know if I'd be willing to cough up $2 for a oneway ride.  Put it this way... if I had to pay $2, I would ensure to take the longest route to maximize the bus ride. 

As such... the ride from my house to the nearest stop (Good Sam, no less) lasted all of 5 minutes.  We got off...and had to wait an hour for the return ride.  An hour!!!

Luckily... with the magic of smart phones, I was able to find another bus line stopping virtually 4 blocks away from our house that departed in 20 minutes. To all those who say you don't need a smart phone...well... here's where it comes in handy.

One of the great hour I've yet to spend with nn.  We had some quality one-on-one time.  We enjoyed each other's company.  She loved the bus ride.  And I was able to re-walk the grounds on which she was born (Good Sam).  A good day, indeed.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Ageless One

Today at McDonalds... I met an old man.  Old?? He's older than old.  His grand-daughter-in-law said he's 104 years old!!  He sat there... holding a hamburger and munched on it.  His grandson himself is already a grandfather of a 10, 8 and 5 year old.  That's 6 generations right there!

As they were getting up to leave... the grandson (probably in his 60's?) started boxing with the old man.  And I mean box - Wing Chun style.  The old man was still very alert.  He held up his hands and went through the motions.  His grandson kept screaming, "C'mon soldier!! C'mon soldier!!"

After a few moments... they got up to leave.  And it took all the strength of the grandson (again... he's well into his 50's, perhaps 60's) to pull up the old man.  And just like how I'm holding Bebe in helping him walk... the old man needed assistance in walking from the bench to the door to the car.  Crazy... amazing... beautiful. 

With the way I eat... the way people drive... the stress from work... I don't suspect I'll live to 104.  But I wonder where I'll be when I'm in the latter part of my life here on earth?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tommy John

On the night we find out Brian Wilson will likely have season ending (career ending?) Tommy John surgery, I rewatch Game 6 of the 2010 NLCS. Geez....

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Separation of Church and State

What an amazing honor to have the rare opportunity to teach "Separation of Church and State" for this quarter's Sunday School.  The previous years have been rather mellow, mainstream, orthodox topics.  Don't get me wrong... just having the chance to be part of any Sunday School, children, youth, truly a priviledge.

Having grown up in America... and gone through both private and public education... I have an engrained sense of how our country was established.  Pilgrims, Puritans, American Revolution, Constitution, "In God We Trust", etc...   But as I'm going through the research to prepare the lessons, I'm dumbfounded by the layers and layers of onion skin that I haven't pulled back. 

The more I research... the more I appreciate all the religious and political intricacies that form our nation.  Course... not everything is as glorious as our textbooks try to portray.  And regardless of good, bad or ugly... I can continue inhaling everything.  This stuff is better than the most addictive Korean Soap Opera!!

Yet... I can't help but admit I'm disappointed at the Sunday School's attendance.  I can find excuses...that it's Easter Sunday... or there are folks who were stuck in other meetings.  But Joyce really laid it out plainly.... "People are just not interested in politics."

I respond by saying, "Don't they care about knowing how to vote?"

She said, "People don't vote."

I had no comeback.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012


How dare I write about a female other than my wife or my daughter?   Well... this post is dedicated to a woman in my life (in many of our lives) that symbolize and defines the term "change." 

I met 嘉怡 five years ago at Foothill College on an unassuming Tuesday afternoon.  It was the start of Joseph's Outreach Campaign... and through the previous year's students, we found out that student orientation was a prime time fishing. By God's grace, she became part of the insurgence or invasion of students that completely overtook Joseph and part of CS.  Slowly and sadly... the students started to fade away.  Being consumed by work, life and anything but church.But 嘉怡 remained and was always the constant. 

Joyce was given the opportunity to mentor 嘉怡 for a few months and as time continued to flow... relationships started to run its own course. 

Shortly after... the fateful time came for this generation of students to transfer.  We knew this date would come where the sheep we've tended to will be released into their own destiny.  嘉怡 remained.  In fact... she was the sole survivor from that gigantic group - "the Foothillers" as opposed to the "De Anzanites." 

From a student... from a young, naive teenager.... she slowly matured into a young woman.  And from one who is served... she quickly became a servant leader herself when she was picked to lead Joseph Fellowship.

Three incidents stand out more than any....

1) One time, she unassumingly. described the "pain" and "nuisance" of always having to call the students to check on their attendance and ride situation. 
2) Another time... she shared how much of a headache it was to keep the students occupied between Mission Conference and Alpha.  They ended up playing Wii in the crying room.
3) CNY2012 - after Joseph's skit... our little 嘉怡 stood up and introduced Joseph Fellowship to the world. 

In a way... she's the little sister I never had.  In another way... she was one of my first "spiritual daughters" I watched grow up right before my very eyes.  All this.. because we decided to make that trek up Foothill College to meet up with students we didn't even know. time flies.

We will miss you 嘉怡.  This post is solely dedicated to you. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012


胸有成竹 不慌不忙,沉着镇定, 安之若然, 處之泰然. 歷代志上22:9

Sunday, March 18, 2012



Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Just listen...

Here's some advice...  and not just for married couples.

If your spouse comes home and complains about this or that... just listen... and end it with, "Wow... that sucks." Don't even think about giving solutions.  Don't "try" to be helpful.  More importantly... don't even say s/he's wrong.  No no no.  Simply listen and let your spouse vent. 

The End.

Course... 1 out of 10 times, you could be wrong.  Like, "Man... the laundry is just piling up! The house is a mess."  Times like that, don't say, "Wow...that sucks."  No no no.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


So regardless of what storybook I've been reading nui-nui for the past 2+ years, I've read it in Chinese.  Cantonese to be specific.

Well... it's finally settling in on us that we really need to teach her Mandarin.  So the other night... I was reading her the same story... and telling it the way I usually tell it, except I switched to Mandarin. 

My oh my did she throw a fit.  "No! No! No! It's not like this!!"  Is my Mandarin that horrible? Geez.... 

Goes to show that we have a loooooooong way to go to make her multi-lingual.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012


至於怎樣把她引向正軌﹐這是你們的責任﹐“養不教﹐父之過。” 我相信你們有能力和方法去教育她。

Monday, March 05, 2012

Young at Heart

Hahaha... ordered a beer during dinner and the waitress carded me.  Woohoo!! She got a nice tip. =)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Taking it personally

It's an amazing feeling when your student, your disciple, your direct report SHINES in public, in front of the customer, in front of senior management.  In a way, you can share in the spotlight for being a good manager, coach, mentor.

But when it's the opposite.... the feeling is so overbearing.  I'm so lost right now... on how to help folks that are underperforming.  I like... no.... love them personally.  I vouch for them... fight for them... defend them....Then I go around and help them... nurture them... encourage and admonish them.  And when they fail publicly again, I take it all too personally.  It's me... it's my fault. I failed as a manager. I failed as a coach.

PAL and C-leung warned us in Servant Training that we are NOT the messiah.  Whether the person fails or succeeds, we shouldn't take it personally.  I honestly don't have the wisdom to see it happen.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Luke 16

The Parable of the Shrewd Manager.  A tough parable to explain.  Here's how Pastor Ted explains it.

1) Be creative. Jesus praises the shrewd manager's ingenuity. Not to say what the manager did was right... but he definitely was creative.
2) Have foresight.  You can help shape your own future in light of what's happening currently.

Funny how every time I listen to Pastor Ted preach... it's always one of those controversial verses in the bible.  Heh...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Is my daughter Chinese?

At Lucky's today... we were shopping for macaroni.  Nui-nui picks up a 2lb bag of macaroni and wants to buy it.  But it costs $2.18.  Right next to it... was a different brand of macaroni, also a 2lb bag, but it costs $1.98. 

She was adamant in getting "her" bag of macaroni, whereas I was trying to get the better deal.  So I slowly explained to her....

"Honey, these are the same size.  Your bag costs two more coins than my bag.  With those two coins you don't spend on my bag of macaroni, you can use that money to buy someYan-yan cookies!!  So can we buy daddy's macaroni?"

(she thinks about it for a few seconds, then says)


How can she not get it?!?!? She must not be pure Chinese!! ARGH!!!!

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

The stress is back...

The next two weeks will be crazy.  Already, everyone at work is feeling it.  Every meeting is the "Number 1 priority on the program."  Every where I turn, people are walking zombies.  The morale is so low it's suffocating.  There's so much I want to do! So much I want to change.  But then the big boss man lays down the smack down and reality strikes.

The stress is back.  A few weeks ago, I committed to not yell at Nui-nui again.  My streak was going so great. I was scolding... I was demanding... I was stern.  But never raising my voice.  The past two days... that has all gone away.  Surely I notice it... and definitely Joyce feels the tension is back. 

My dearest daughter.... if you're ever old enough to read this or if this blog still exists when you do...
 Daddy loves you. I'm so sorry for yelling at you all those times. I'm an incomplete and horrible father.  But thank you for loving me despite how harsh I treat you.  Thank you for smiling at me.  Thank you for running into my arms when I pick you up from daycare.  Thank you for reciting my favorite poems and bible verses. Thank you for not liking mushrooms.  Thank you for bringing so much joy and happiness into my life.  Thank you...for letting me love you. 

Friday, February 03, 2012

A typical day....

The alarm goes off at 5:30.  I snooze till 6AM.  Then like the NYSE Bell... once it rings, the day doesn't stop.

Jump out of bed.- 6:00AM
Rush to shower (if lucky).
Hurry to make breakfast for Nui nui.
Get Nui-nui cleaned up.
While Nui-nui is eating breakfast... make lunch for her. 
Also make breakfast and lunch for wife if there are no leftovers.
Shower, if didn't shower earlier.(unlucky)
Get dressed.
Pack lunches and put it in car.
Go outside and warm up my own car. Run back inside.
Pack my own lunch...or at least grab a yogurt or banana.
Pray for my kids and kiss my wife.
Dash into car and try to beat traffic (hardly ever works)
Get to work, hopefully by - 7:45AM. 
Non-stop working until 5:25PM.  Any later, and I won't get to Daycare before they close at 6PM.
Perhaps challenge a few traffic regulations to rush to Daycare. 
Pick up Nui-nui.... barely make it.
Sometimes need to go grocery shopping.
Force my way through traffic again.  On days I don't pick up Nui-nui.... I don't have carpool and traffic is worse.
Get home around 6:30PM.

Get Nui-nui cleaned up and start dinner.
Haphazardly kiss my wife and son.
Fight through dinner for whatever fit Nui-nui decides to throw that day.
Perhaps have dessert.  Perhaps have soup.
Time - usually around 7:15ish.

From the moment I wake up till now.... I don't stop.  And after eating a half decent meal.... I need to unwind.  But I make the biggest mistake of being a husband and a father.  I unwind by leaving my family at the dinner table to watch TV or surf the net.  It's not time to unwind yet.  Gotta push for another hour or two.  Spend those few quality minutes with your family.  Do it right... and they'll calmly go to sleep by 8:30PM. 

Then I can unwind..... 

I thank my lovely wife for lovingly reminding me. 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Sin Above All Sins

Friday.. I committed the sin of all sins.  The unforgiveable sin.  The one sin that shall conquer them all.  On Friday...  I missed my daughter's musical performance.

That morning as I was walking out... Joyce told me the performance will be at 4.  I even said I'll bring the camcorder.  I forgot one... I forgot both.

Work was tough.  Been out on travel all week... first day back and all the deadlines were past due.  The boss was out... and the boss's boss was hot on everyone's tail.  A 1PM meeting quickly got rescheduled to a 4:30PM meeting. 

At around 415, as we were feverishly trying to gather our data and input.... "THE PHONE CALL" comes.  I pick up and the voice I hear was, "Are you coming?" 

It was a rhetorical question. I couldn't have answered. I couldn't have made it.  I couldn't have done anything except say, "Ai-yah.... I forgot." 

How do you just forget? Do you forget to eat? Do you forget to pee? Do you forget your own flesh and blood's daycare performance?

I quickly shared my misery with all my buddies at work.  Those with children all let out a similar... "Ohhh...." 

Here I was, thinking back on all the times I vow to choose family over work.  To not miss a recital, a performance, a soccer game, a birthday.  And there I stood...committing the sin above all sins. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

It shouldn't have ended that way... but I'll never really know

It's over.... it's finally over.  The 49ers miracle run at a 6th Superbowl can be officially closed.

Been avoiding all types of media the past two days... in hopes of not having to hear, see or think about what might have happened.  I rather skip out on World News than to accidentally see headlines like "Oh So Close" or "The Fumble 2."  But that's inevitable. 

And you know what the funniest part is....?  I didn't even watch the game.  That's right.... the first NFC Championship game in 15 years and I didn't watch it.  Why, you say??

Well..... let's just say as part of my confession, reconciliation, penance.... I agreed to spend time with my family and not watch this game.  And if you've ever had nicotine or caffeine withdrawal.... multiply that by 100 and you'll be in the ball park of where I was.

For 5 whole hours, I didn't get near my phone, in case someone texted me.  I surfed on websites that I needed to get some work done - avoiding any score highlights.  I had the TV/radio shut off. 

But as destiny would have it.... I was still getting the game's status fed to me by a co-worker in Philadelphia who kept IM-ing me!!  I was logged into work's network, not knowing some other poor soul would be logged on a Sunday evening.  HA!!

In any case.... it's over.  Tears welled up, but didn't run down.  The heaviness of the heart... that ol' so familiar feeling was back.  And it's another year of saying the old adage, "There's always next year...."

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


數月前, 把傑作 "梁生嘗試煮薑醋" 放上youtube.
數月後, 竟然有位有緣人留下comment...

"無意中發現你們兩夫妻合作影片"梁生嘗試煮薑醋 / Mr. Leung's Ginegar (Part 1-4) "對於我學作這道薑醋是很有幫助,多年前已從我家失傳~所以今天對我是如獲至寶,結果發現你們太可愛了,謝謝你們啦~hahahahahaha"
實在太開心了, 一個小小的玩意能幫到人! 

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Girl that cried wolf....

So Nui-nui figured out...all on her very own... that telling a lie can get her out of trouble.  And more interestingly... she can shed blame on someone else, including blaming her 8 month old brother or one of her parents.  Smart kid? Devious kid?

Tonight.... I sat her down and told her the story of "The Little Girl Who Cried Wolf."  She was all excited about a new bedtime story.  She ran onto bed and got underneath her covers as opposed to the regular begging.

As the story unfolded.... you can see her eyes...or the look on her face, the anticipation for the cute or funny part.  When I got to the climax... where the wolf eats all the sheep (I didn't say the wolf ate the girl, of course).  Her eyes were as big as tennis balls.

I asked her if she liked the story... and she said "No."

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Sugar high - misunderstood

Did some research recently to substantiate a thought occurrence and found out that sugar high - is actually a misnomer. 

In Chinese... there's a term called 飯氣攻心.  Translated to "The Rice Energy Attacks the Heart."  When you're done with a meal... you're usually tired, sleepy, lethargic.  That's cuz your digestive system is busy working.  The other reason is because you ate a lot of carbs.  Carbs are merely sugar, saccaride, glucose.  With a surge in glucose in your blood, you get an insulin rush which then makes one tired. 

So why do people think sugar gives them a high? Well... there is such a thing as a sugar rush.  Or...if a body is efficent, it breaks down the sugar really fast and provides a lot of energy.  Children usually get a "sugar-high" not from candy... but from the fact the have access to a forbidden fruit.  C'mon.... 9 out of 10 parents use candy as a reward and only give them out on occasion.  So it's from the excitement the kids are jumping around.  Chocolate houses a lot of caffeine - which will give you a momentary boost. 

But all in all... try eating a bowl of white rice.  Or a baked potato.  And see how you feel in 20-30 minutes.
It'll be like reading this post..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......

Sunday, January 01, 2012

When does life start getting complicated?

College.... bachelorhood...  2 out of 3 guys do your own laundry.  After drying your clothes.... you most likely will fold them.  There are the boxers, socks and t-shirt.  Simple!!  Jeans and towels are onesie / twosies.  Not worth it's own category.  Three piles.... they go right back into your dresser.

Then it's married life.  And instantly... the 3 piles become don't just double.... they nearly triple.  You still have your socks/shirts/boxers.  Then there's the added panties.  There are her socks.  And unlike you... who sleep shirtless or in those same t-shirts, she has the pajamas and nightgowns.  She has three different types of blouses. She has her bra... .and she has that shirt that goes over the bra... .but isn't really a shirt.  It's a category on it's own.  She has pants, jeans, skirts and dresses.

Then you start having kids.  Then the 9 piles of stuff doubles yet again.  It starts out simple... but gets complicated fast.  First there are the onesies and sleepers.  Then there are the towels.  Then they start wearing clothes.  Not cuz they want to or even need to...but cuz mommy wants them to.  Instantly, they have pants and shorts.  They also have jammies to go under those sleepers.  They have different types of shirts.  The sweater shirts.  The sleeveless shirts.  The sleeved shirts.  They wear socks too!  Not to mention the dozens of little towels you go through on a weekly basis.

Pretty soon, you have two kids.  And the original 3 piles that was so simple and easy to fold/organize/store exponentially multiples to 20 some odd piles and categories.  A chore that took ~5 minutes to accomplish now takes over half an hour.

Just wait until your daughter grows up to be a teenager.  She'll match or exceed mom's laundry output.  A son on the otherhand will easily create another 3-pack.

Not that I'm complaining.  Merely an observation.