Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Curse of Choice

Most recently... I've been cursing at the infinite amount of choices we have to make.  Tiles... lampshade.. paint color... door hinge color.  UGH!!!!  Joyce says that's the beauty of capitalism.  If this were a socialistic society, we'll have gray... and light gray. 

This curse carries onto our kids.  We think we love them... but it's a torture. 

"What do you want for breakfast?" We'll ask them sometimes.  How the heck do they know?!? They're 4 and 6.  They want french fries and chocolate.  Duh!!!  I think we do this for two reasons.
1) We're (as parents) are lazy.
2) We don't want to hear them whine.  Whatever they choose, we hope they'll like it and it's healthy.
Why can't we just cook them whatever we cook them...and they don't complain???? 

Then there's Netflix.  I admit we fall victim to spoiling our kids to letting them watching kids videos on Netflix.  What makes it worse... is we ask them, "What do you want to watch??"

There's over 1000 choices!!! How they heck do they know what to say???  It's just like Joyce asking me to go to Home Depot and say, "Which light switch do you want??"  I'm a grown adult with a college education... how he heck do I know??

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Day -- A Day to Forget but will always Remember

Christmas Day  2015 -- A Day to Forget but will always remember cuz it's the day I put my daughter in the Emergency Room.

(Pardon for the swearing and expletives)

It started out as a great day.  The kids woke up early (as expected) to open their presents, which they loved.

Then I headed out to SF to have brunch with dad.  Siu Wah is running a fever so Joyce stayed home with him.  I head out with Nui-nui only and we luckily found a Round Table that was open on Christmas Day.  Dad loves pizza and Nui-nui hates dim sum, so it worked out perfectly.  And with the cousins giving me the cold shoulder to having Christmas lunch, we had an absolute glorious time!!

I had a wonderful pizza brunch with dad....  And here's where things get dramatic.... to where I call events, "this moment in time"

This moment in time... after lunch, we were suppose to visit Mother in Law (MIL).  But MIL turns out to be in Millbrae having dim sum.  Change of plans.

This moment in time... after visiting MIL, we were suppose to go visit mom, for her Birthday and Christmas.  I even brought some board games to kill time.  But of all days, she doesn't bring her phone and doesn't check her iPad for weChat.  Had she picked up... None of this would've happened. 

This moment in time... I call Deddy, hoping to visit Howard to drop off his present and kill some time before mom calls back.  He doesn't pick up. Had he picked up, None of this would've happened. 

This moment in time... I'm at Starbucks with Nui-nui, killing time.  I didn't know what else to do... so I stupidly ask, "Do you wanna go ice-skating?" To which she excitedly says, "YES!!!!"  At the very same moment... Deddy calls back.  Why didn't he call one second early?!?!  Or I asked one second later....?  I would've gone to visit him and skipped the whole ice skating thing.  None of this would've happened. 

This moment in time... we get to Union Square and find out we have to wait in line to skate the 2pm session.  The lady announces the 2pm session is sold out.  I could've walked out... but I didn't want to disappoint my baby... who really really wanted to skate.  So I waited in line, hoping for a miracle.  Had I walked away... and gone to the San Jose rink the day after, None of this would've happened.

This moment in time.... we get to the ticket booth. I kinda knew they were sold out... but Nui-nui was gonna be sooooooooooooooooooooooooo disappointed.  So I asked anyways, "Do you have any 2pm sessions left."  The lady at the booth said, "We have ONE."  And then she gave me two tickets... and she even said, "Well princess, isn't this a magical Christmas."  I was so happy that Nui-nui got to skate, I even tipped the girl $3 for a latte.  But had she said, "Sorry, we're sold out."  None of this would've happened. 

We get our skates... we get on the ice.  And of course... Nui-nui has a hard time.  I hold on to her hand.  But finally... she falls.  She braces herself with her hand, where she's wearing gloves.  But the ice was melting... so her glove got very wet.  I decide to take her glove off....on her left hand.  Had I kept it on...HER LEFT HAND... None of this would've happened.  .

We keep on skating... and finally she falls.  She braces herself with her hand.  And here's where everything gets blurry. 

She falls.... and I see her tiny little hand under my skate.  I remove it and see blood gushing out.  Nui-nui is screaming in pain.  I pick up her hand and see a cut the size of grand canyon.  SHIT!!! It's down to her bone. I cut my baby's thumb down to the bone!!!!

"Calm down." I say to myself.  "You need to take control."

I start multi-tasking.  I know I needed to stop the bleeding.  So I searched for tissue in my pocket.  All I can find was my glove.  So I wrapped her thumb and applied pressure.  I needed help.  I needed to get off the ice.

"GET ME 9-1-1!!!" I screamed.  The was to the bone.  I didn't know if the bleeding will stop.  I didn't care, "I NEED 9-1-1." 

One of the workers there saw me. He walked me to the office and sat me down.  He quickly called his manager.  The manager, Janet, quickly put on gloves.  But she wasn't trained.  She didn't know what to do. 

Nui-nui was hysterical at this point.  Bleeding. Pain. She was screaming!!! I didn't know what to do.  I took my gloves... threw it on the floor... and found some napkins in my pocket.  I wrapped it around the wound and told Nui nui "Keep it above her you heart." 

"GET ME 9-1-1!!!!"

I didn't know what was going on.  All I cared about was getting Nui-nui to a hospital with a doctor!!!

I needed to call Joyce.  I need to get her insurance information.  FUCK!!! She doesn't pick up!!

I need a ride.  If I'm to ride an ambulance... I won't have car.  So I call my mother in law. 

I text Joyce and call her again.  She finally picks up.  Paramedics haven't shown up yet!!  I tell her the situation.  (Stay calm)  I tell her everything, tell her to text me the insurance info. Tell her to call Mah-mee.  Nui-nui is still crying.

The manager of the ice rink is calling 9-1-1.  And I hear her... answering a bunch of stupid questions.  Time was ticking.  I couldn't wait.  "SEND A FUCKEN AMBULANCE!!!!" I screamed!!!  The whole world stopped.  Dad was mad.... and 9-1-1 wasn't coming yet. The manager was scared.  She didn't know how to handle the situation. 

We waited

"Why the heck was the ambulance taking so long?!?!?!??"

We waited some more

I give Nui-nui my phone alas... and she instinctively finds a game to play.  At that very moment.... I knew things would be alright.  She was cognitive enough to play with my iPhone.  That means she's alright.

Finally...after waiting for eternity.... the fire department finally came.  They checked her out and because the bleeding stopped... they cancelled the ambulance. 

"Uncle Bernie" from the SFFD made everything better.   Nui-nui wasn't in pain.  The bleeding stopped.  And we didn't have to pay for an ambulance ride.   I can see in their eyes that the firefighters were a little annoyed - being called out for what turned out to be a "little cut."  But man... at that moment, I didn't know we could stop the bleeding so easily.

After being dismissed by the firefighters... I carried NN back to our car and headed to St. Francis emergency room for her to get some stitches. 

The nurses there were great.  The doctor (or Practitioner Assistant) was amazing.  And Nui-nui was totally engulfed in playing with my iPhone. 

Slowly one by one... the grandparents showed up.  And surprisingly, mom showed up with dad.  A Christmas miracle.  I told mom not to come.  Of course, she shows up, she's mom.  Was surprised dad was with her but that made complete sense.  When it comes to grandchildren, all differences can be set aside. The only grandparent that was missing was Joyce's dad.  Which was a bit disappointing - but he was in constant contact with me the entire time. 

5 stitches.  My baby girl spent Christmas in a hospital and got 5 stitches. Not sure how long this will haunt me.  The sense of guilt is overbearing.  The terror and horror of hurting her.  Everyone and anyone is doing a great job of comforting me and reassuring me.  But the true healing will need to come from Jesus -- the true meaning of Christmas.  With that... let's hope the next several days go quietly so we can put a stamp on 2015. And guess what... now I know what to put as my 2015 top 10. 

Christmas Day 2015 -- A Day to Forget but will always Remember.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Twas the night before Christmas...

In I don't know how many years... SJCAC didn't have a Christmas Eve service.  I didn't realize how much I would miss it.  It's a personal tradition to have some type of service or mass on Christmas Eve.  I was a little taken off guard to a point... I didn't know how to find a place to worship. 

Went online.  Typed the typical search words "Christmas Eve Service San Jose" or "Chinese Church Christmas Eve Service."   I even wanted to take the kids to a Southern Baptist Church and watch some African American choir truly truly sing and worship!!! 

In the end... we ended up going to River of Life church in Santa Clara.  The one Chinese Megachurch in the bay area.  And oh my was I impressed.  No wonder they're a mega-church.  No wonder they've sucked so many SJCAC-ers out of uhm... SJCAC. 

Punctuality -- I got there at 5:59PM for the 6PM service.  And on the dot... they said, "We're at capacity.  Service is starting.  Please sit in the overflow section."  They started on time!! 

Overflow -- the amount of seats and number of people in their overflow section was greater than the entire SJCAC Christmas Night.  Not a competition... but embarrassing!! 

Accents -- their English, even the pastor translating for Pastor Lau into English, has a heavy Chinese accent.  That's almost the norm there.  To speak with perfect American English, is the minority!!

Lack of YA -- just like SJCAC... there's a huge lack of Young Adult (or C&C).  I guess all the College and Careers are hangin' out at the American Mega-churches (Abundant Life).

Creativity to the Max -- the Christmas Service turned out to be a Christmas Variety show.  But they were so creative!!  "Stall Walls" -- a parody of Star Wars of Luke and Leia trying to find the true "Force."  Three Wise Men from the East - 東方三才子 where the three wise men are 魯子,孔子,孟子.  Lao-zi who admits his philosophy is "lousy".  Confucius who says his philosophy is "confusing."  And Menicus who confesses that his mom moved three times for real estate reasons!!  Hilarious!!!  Puts our CNY performances to shame!! 

Candlelight / Glowstick Service - every Christmas Eve has it... the candlelight service.  But ROLCC was smart enough to prepare green and red glow sticks for the kids.  Brilliant!!! (pun intended)

The Legendary Pastor Lau -- I never knew him... but I guess he was the former SJCAC Mandarin Pastor.  And for whatever reason, he left SJCAC.  Look at him now.  Man... he was charismatic.  He's a short, fat and balding Chinese man.  But he had charisma.  And his wife.  You don't want to mess with her.  I guess "chosen ones" from the Lord simply oozes with the aura. 

General Population - A lot of mainlanders.  No wonder this church is booming.  It's totally capitalizing on the mandarin population. They have a small English and Cantonese congregation.  Where are all the Cantonese people going.....?

Cantonese Population in Bay Area - in my search for a Chinese Church, it was pretty fun to find all these Cantonese churches outside of SJCAC.  Makes me wonder... makes me think... should I go explore? Just to see? What if I see what I like.. I don't come back???? 

The one thing that irritated me.... was when I was the first in the overflow section.  I stood in the front row and stood up to worship the Lord.  About 5 minutes later... the Overflow section started filling up and then an usher came up to me and asked me to sit down.  I was pissed!!!!  In my best Mandarin, I said to him, "敬拜神不是應該站起來的嗎??"  The usher had nothing to say but, "不好意思!"   People!!  We're here to worship God.... worship our Lord and Savior... not to watch a show. 

Nui-nui loved it.  And I hope to instill in her... that every Christmas Eve, the Leung family will find a place to worship our Lord.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Hoopla and Overdrive

Finally took the plunge and dove into the world of free multi-media books, movies and music.  Downloaded the Apps Hoopla and Overdrive so I can get stuff from the library for free.  FREE!!!  How is that even possible?? I don't even need to leave my house to listen to the latest Star Wars soundtrack, to read the latest Rick Riordan series, or to rent "Elf" for my kids. 

I'm so out of technology.... so old... so jaded.

And the first movie I "rent" for free... Love Never Dies (Phantom of the Opera II).  And ohhhhhh.... it's so bad. So so bad.....

Saturday, December 12, 2015

That's a first...

On business travel earlier this week.  And on a Tuesday night, without scheduling dinner with any of my work friends... I found myself with an entire evening of solitude.

So I took myself out to a nice (very nice) steak dinner - at my favorite steakhouse Shanahan's.  Then I went to catch a movie.

"Ticket for 1, please."  How sad.  All by myself.  I still remember those final years of 7th - 8th grade when I didn't have any friends... I went to so many movies by myself. 

The kid selling tickets at the booth was in college.  He was studying for his Calculus final.  Time would've probably be better spent if I tutored him a little. HA! 

I walk into the theater... it's a ghost town.  My movie was one of the last two showings in this megaplex.  And when I got into my auditorium.... it was empty. 

Watching a movie by myself... a thousand miles away from home... in an empty theater.  Well.... that's a first!!!

Wednesday, December 09, 2015


I love Costco.  I love walking down the aisles and aisles of underpriced bulk items that I never seem to need.  And I love the $4.99 chicken that I can never make.  But Costco is one of the most disgusting places that is a direct reflection of greed and selfishness.

The other day in the foodcourt... I see a man in his late fifties with a hotdog and a drink ($1.50--beautiful!!).  He had two plastic water cups... for water?? No!! He was pumping away and filling both cups with relish and onions.  REALLY??? You're gonna put all that on your hot dog??? Or do you have some weird fetish where instead of chips and salsa, you eat chips and relish/onions??

A few months ago during the summer... when half the bay area was BBQ-ing... I saw this couple with a cooler and giant sized plastic bags by the soda machine.  They were filling up those bags with ice and sticking it in the cooler.  They didn't even have the decency to let us soda drinkers get our ice.  REALLY??? How much is a pound of ice at Lucky's?????

Ohhhh... and the return line.  A few times I've personally witnessed people returning items without receipts that are over 2-3 years old.  And Costco still accepts them!! "Sir.. .I can't find your receipt so I can only give you the most current listed price."  One guy returned a shirt.  Another couple returned a dog cushion.  Some guy had the nerve to return an air filter!! 

Not to mention the people who make beelines and tackles everyone along the way to get a free sample.  And those are the very same people who leave their carts and clog up the aisles.

I mean.... REALLY??? REALLY?????

Thursday, November 26, 2015

The Wisdom of Solomon

Been on a streak recently... blogging about how I punish the kids.

This time they got caught fighting over a toy.  They knew they were in trouble... but they didn't know how much trouble they were in.  They have us figured out... good cop bad cop.  When one parent is the enforcer, the other parent will come to the rescue.  Not this time.

So I go into the room and grab their night light.  And I say, "I will spank one of you, not both.  I'm going to throw this night light.  The person who catches it... will spare getting spanked."

I toss it up... Nn obviously catches it.  She's taller, faster and probably understood the rules.  SW stood there helplessly... not knowing what happened... except he was gonna get spanked.  I felt bad... so I did it again.  This time, ensuring SW had a chance to catch it.  He grabs it and Nn is scared. 

She starts crying, "I don't want to get spanked."

I say, "Ok... if I don't spank you, do you want me to spank SW?"

She says, "I don't want him to be spanked and I don't want to get spanked either."

So I turn to SW... "Do you want to get spanked?"

He shakes his head.

Then I said, "Do you want me to spank gah-jeh?"

He nods!!! 

It took me all I had to keep from laughing.....  #&@%&!*  What do I do now?????

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Power Outage

Had a power outage last night. Without anything to do... I went to sleep at 9pm and woke up at 5am. 8 hrs of sleep. Wow!!  We should have power outages more often. 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Punishment - WITH AUTHORITY!!! and honor....

Nn has been doing headstands on her couch and bed.  Kids have a much more flexible body and chances are, she won't get hurt. Heck, I remember doing that when I was young. But I can't take the chance.  So after 2-3 warnings today (TODAY!!!) she did it again and she got punished.

I made her stand aside. And started questioning her what she did wrong.

Right away, she knew.

Ok... now instead of me berating her and threatening to punish her, I ask her, "How do you want me to punish you??"

Her first response, "Instead of you... I'll have mah-mee take me to school tomorrow."

(Awwwwww........ she thinks that bah-bee taking her to school is a gift and blessing!!! How sweeet!!!!!)

But I couldn't let that moment of glory ruin the moment. I was still trying to teach her a lesson.

She ended up saying, "No dessert tomorrow."


But woot!! woot!! Bah-bee rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Sunday, November 08, 2015


今日小華做錯野,我要佢罰企。 罰企係由七點十七分開始, 我同佢講望住個鐘, 七點二十分就可以走。 

我就行開咗落樓下做啲野,七點二十六分返到上嚟,小華仍然企喺度,冇郁過。 佢阿媽問佢點解企係到, 小華答佢阿媽媽話,「爸B唔返嚟,叫我可以郁,我自己長期企喺度。」


Thursday, November 05, 2015

Library book

Went to library again today... And picked up this book for nui nui. 😬

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Time Machine

Been wanting to bring the kids to the San Jose Main Library for a while now.  But it's a little out of the way and there's no free parking (except on Sundays).  When we got there...and walked by the Tully's Coffee cafe, an immense wave of emotions rushed at me.  Martin Luther King Jr. was the first "obstacle" at Joseph Fellowship's 1st Amazing Race. 

Still remember setting up the entire race. Still remember sitting in the cafe... and one by one... members of Joseph Fellowship shows up for their challenge.  Still remember walking around the library with Joyce, weeks ahead, planning everything. Coming up with the silliest challenges. 

Where has the creativity gone? Why can't we do stuff like that anymore? And if we did do that... would people even want to play?

I almost wanna say... life was much simpler back then. 

And the final leg of the race... was our house warming party.  Wow... it's been 10 years already. 

Saturday, October 24, 2015

So loud, I lost my voice...

Really went at it with the GC this morning. Again... a bunch of finger pointing.  A bunch of not taking ownership and responsibility.  I told Joyce right away... it's a losing battle... even if we win, we still lose.  I also told her, in this instance, we are 99% at fault.  But I still grabbed onto that 1% and argued.  I had to go fight that battle anyways.  And boy did I fight. The GC and I were at each other's faces.  It took so much constraint on both of our parts to not get into a real scuffle.

I truly thank the Lord for granting me that trial... and I was tested and able to restrain myself towards the end.  That level of patience was not part of me, say, 3-4 years ago. 

And after going at it with him for an hour... after losing our voices from yelling... we drove away with a hearty handshake.  "Hug it out."

Sunday, October 18, 2015

40 Year Anniversary.... 10 years for us....

My church family just celebrated its 40 year anniversary.  From a little gymnasium... to one of the first Chinese Churches in the South Bay... to the place I've called "home" for the past 10 years.... SJCAC has certainly left it's mark in the history of the Silicon Valley.

The other night at fellowship... I asked every member to share their most memorable memory of SJCAC.  Surprisingly.... many of them shared the experience of serving college students.  I too, have a vivid memory of serving them.  Taking them shopping at Gilroy on Black Friday.  Never... ever doing that again!! 

Some of the new church member shared how powerful our church prays.  One person shared how church is truly a family... insomuch as seeing the Pastors... is like seeing her own father.  And bringing her children to them... is like bringing her children to their grandparents. 

After 40 years of establishment.... and after 10 whole years of being at this church... tonight... .FINALLY.... Joyce leads her first bible study.  And boy was she amazing.  She led from the heart.  She led with biblical authority.  She led with clear and concise messages.  When it comes to bible study or leading a study... some people have it... many do not.  My wife definitely does.  That spiritual gift must get harnessed.  So many people can benefit from it.... so many. 

Saturday, October 17, 2015


Nn is really into chapter books these days. But she can't wait for the build up and climax....she jumps right to the end to find out the ending. 

Today was 破天荒 where she skipped ahead two books to see if the two characters in the story gets married. They didn't. She was disappointed. She didn't want to read that series anymore. 


Monday, October 12, 2015





(許)夜風凜凜 獨回望舊事前塵
誣告與指責 積壓著滿肚氣不憤

(張)受了教訓 得了書經的指引
但覺有分數 不再像以往那般笨
(許)是非有公理 慎言莫冒犯別人
(許)自信滿心裡 休理會諷刺與質問
(合)笑罵由人 灑脫地做人
(張)受了教訓 得了書經的指引
(許)但覺有分數 不再像以往那般笨
(張)是非有公理 慎言莫冒犯別人
(張)自信滿心裡 休理會諷刺與質問
(合)笑罵由人 灑脫地做人
少年人 灑脫地做人
繼續行 灑脫地做人

Sunday, October 11, 2015


SW broke all my expectations tonight....

As always...we were putting them down for bed.  We told them their stories.  Said our prayers.  And mahmee even added a special story tonight.

That's when it happened. And I really should have kept exact time and even recorded the events.

But for 30 minutes straight, NON-STOP, SW told story after story.  Like 101 Arabian Nights... he wouldn't stop!!

He went from the Three Little Pigs to the story of Christmas.... then he jumped to the Passion and Death of Jesus... then he sent to Joshua and Jericho... followed by (of course) David and Goliath.  That was just a warm up!! He then went onto 10 different versions of the Avengers. Followed by the Fantastic Four.... then back to the Avengers... leading up to a mysterious character.... the all-powerful... SPIDER-MAN!!!!  When he started slowing down... he immediately jumped to Rescue Bots!! Followed by....none other than... Curious George!!!

Story after story... adventure after adventure. 

It was past 30 minutes since I started counting... .so it must've been at least 35-40 minutes... I had to tell him to stop.  As much as I wanted to really see how long he could go.... it was well past his bed time.

But at the end of all that... I walk out of his room a proud parent.  He told all those stories.... in Chinese. 

Saturday, October 03, 2015

Remodel - Day 89

A scholar and a gentleman.... and some sort've reptilian animal.

That's how we can best describe our GC. 

He's smart.  He's a business man. He knows how to run a business and keep things going.  I can see he's in the GC business not for himself, but to train his son to take over.  And to keep his crew employed.  But at times, contracting is still a dog-eat-dog world.  People will rake you over the coals if you're not careful... and even if you're careful.... you're gonna pay a lot of "tuition" cuz you simply don't know enough.

Came to another standstill on Friday.  Really went at it with the GC over some recessed lights.  He thinks we should pay for 8.  I think I should pay for 2.  We went back and forth... back and forth.  He was legitimately correct... mostly.  And I wasn't perfect either.  But I was under orders by the boss *ahem* to negotiate.  It started out as a cordial conversation... and I knew I was going to be on the losing end anyways. But then I caught him one lie after another.... and then I unleashed my inner-animal. I wasn't going to let him getaway with highway robbery!!  He was gonna have to earn that $800!!! 

His voice and demeanor changed... whether he knows that "Crap... he caught me!" or I think it's more like, "He's the customer... I can't argue with him."  

We hung up... I lost the negotiation.

On Saturday, we met up.  And tension was still high.  Joyce, this time, played the peacekeeper.  And I was on the GC's case for every little thing.

H: "When are you gonna fix it?"
H: "What does that mean? You mean today?"

H: "How do you know the wiring is correct?"
GC: "Cuz he built it to the plans."
H: "How do you know he followed the plans and didn't make a mistake? Were you here to check him?"
GC: "I don't know... I guess I can check"
(and upon checking... the electrician was wrong).

We picked the GC apart... pointed out all these details... that I'm sure he would catch if he was here full time.  But alas.... he is one man and can't pay enough attention.

Joyce and I both knew he was keeping in his temper... he was being very cordial and diplomatic.  To that... I applaud him.  But don't try to pull a quick one over us.  It's rude... it's conniving... and it's down-right dog eat dog....

Friday, September 25, 2015

Nn in trouble

Got our first email EVER saying that nn is misbehaving at school. She got "emotional" and "upset."

Wow... Wonder where she gets it from. 

Ppl always says she looks like Joyce. Guess there's ur answer. BOOM!!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Time for a haircut

Far too often... SW is being mistaken for a girl.  He does look like NN in many ways.  And the long hair isn't help!!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Not Of This World

I will not compromise.
I will stand in the gap.
I will choose Jesus every day of my life.

The words I hope to live by.  The words I hope NN and SW will also live by.

Today... NN was challenged at school to compromise her beliefs.  Her school held a "Talk Like a Pirate Day."  Earlier this week... without us cueing her... NN already told her teachers.  "Pirates are bad. I do not celebrate pirates. I also do not celebrate Halloween.  I won't dress up like a pirate."  Made us so proud of her.

But today... when Joyce dropped her off everyone, from the principal... to all the teachers... to all the students dressed up and spoke like pirates today.  And there was pirate music in the background along with a plank.  She was one of three students who didn't dress up.

We prayed for her.  We prayed for her to be strong.  We prayed for her to say those very words.... "I will not compromise......"

When picking her up after school.... our precious little NN was as happy as a clam.  No problem.

Emmanuel... Jesus is with her!!! 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Honest mistake

Twice in two days... Nn said "Hi" to a complete stranger, thinking they were her school friends.

Both times... she was adamant that those are her friends!!!  Without a shadow of a doubt!! 

I ask her how she can be so sure...she tells me, "I recognize their parents." 

Yeah..... one parent was a "typical" Asian mom with a petite build and long hair.  You see dozens of those at Valley Fair.

The other parent was an Indian with an athletic build wearing a polo.  That's 1/2 of the engineers in Silicon Valley.

Good job Nn.... you've just confirmed what the Anglo's have said about us all these years: We all look alike?

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Parent Teacher Night

First Parent/Teacher Night at NN's new school.

Dunno why... but feel so dejected and rejected.  As much as I should love this school (and I probably will) I just don't have a good feeling.

Is it the billionaire housewives/moms in the audience? Maybe....
Is it the fact that my daughter is in an over-enrolled class? Maybe...
Is it because their drop off and pick up methodology is pathetic? Perhaps...
Is it because no one uses their afterschool program? Cuz all the moms don't have to work and can pick up their kids?
Is it cuz this school is so conservative and sexist... that only Moms can have a prayer group? Or a "Class Mom?" or the principal's email goes ONLY to the mom? (

It's just like Sts. Peter and Paul when I was a kid there.  I was the poorest kid in the class.  And it seems like the same for Nn.  She's gonna struggle socially with the rest of the kids. And I'm gonna be stuck with "keeping up with the Jones."

Speaking with her teachers... it's not surprising that Nn already made an impression.  She's more advanced than the curriculum (thanks Ms. Singh!!!) and her demeanor makes her so lovable.  I'm worried that she doesn't have any friends yet.... but c'mon... she's 6.  No one has friends.  Everyone has friends. 

Makes me wonder.... if we should try and wait list at that OTHER school. 

Regardless....NN comes home happy.  I guess that's all that matters.

Oh....and the night started and ended in prayer.  That's wonderful.

Monday, September 07, 2015



最成功之處,同老婆去睇appliance, 我負責看住兩個細。未去之前已經喊住走。我唯有展開童真同佢地玩!竟然玩到唔願走!

Sunday, September 06, 2015

Remodel - Day 62

Sunrise sunset. The sand falls through the hour glass. The second hand continues to traverse the circumference of the clock. And drip-drip-drip... Water continues to leak at the front of my house. They still don't get it.

We're in a drought. They're so careless. Had to call them and tell them to get a plumber. If they don't get one... I'll get one. And then I'll bill them for ruining my house!!

All this a week after the infamous blowup between the city... The architect... The GC and the owner.  The city redlined the plans. The plans were approved! The GC tried building the house... But the redlined are unbuilable. The architect gets defensive and unwillingly makes them changes. Who's at fault?!?! 

Classify this as a round of bad luck.

It's my fault. My fault for launching into this venture of remodeling. I ended up paying for the change of plans and the ECP in modifying the build. Let alone the time lost in this change.

Here's a pic of that infamous beam that won't fit.

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Thursday, August 27, 2015

A house divided

Dad finally moved out of the place we've lived in since we first immigrated to America. Ironically... he's moved into the same Retirement Home as mom.

Who would've thought my parents will be separated.  Who would've thunk that they would live separate lives... only 1000 feet away from one another? Who would've thunk... that for the next however many years they're alive... that I can drive to the place... and visit both of them!!

God.... if this is some kind of joke.... it's hardly funny!!!!!

So now.... for the rest of their lives.... I need to balance my visitation time between the two? The two who raised me, fed me, taught me and cared for me??  I have to make a trip... ONE trip.... and be sure to cut out enough time to for both? In the past... I can make an excuse to visit one and not the other.  Because they were too far apart (a 10 minute drive).  Now that they're physically in the same friggin' building... what am I to do?!???!

Put to a test tonight. 

Went out to visit dad.... and his new "bachelor" pad. And it's hard to not compare the living situation between the two.  His place is so.... homey.  So.... organized.  He cooked dinner for the four of us.  It was delicious.  He rarely cooked... the 18 years I lived at home.  He never made soup.... the 18 years I lived at home.  Now.... he's on his own.  And in some weird way... I think he's surviving better than mom.

We had to hurry to finish dinner... cuz the night is short.  After dinner... we said our goodbyes to dad and went to visit mom.  An awkward 10 minutes with mom and it was time to go.  Upon leaving... it was all mom can talk about.... dad dad dad.  Oh geez.....

And the kids.  Nui nui even spat out... "i don't want to marry people like grandma and grandpa" 
I asked, "you mean, they're much much older than you?"
She said, "no... people that will separate and not talk to one another."

In their naïve, perfectionist world.... divorce is unthinkable, unfathomable.  And I know... deep down... they resent the idea that their grandparents are divorced. 

So what now???  While driving home.... my body was numb.  I didn't know how to feel.  Didn't know how to think.  What am I to do from now on??

One thing is for certain...... dad now has a parking spot in a covered garage.  Something we NEVER EVER had at 1090.  That, in itself, is worth more than it's weight in gold.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


老婆話今晚煮冬菇雞。我走咗去Trader Joe's 買咪高喂pizza食。 

Friday, August 14, 2015

Remodel - Day 40

Going through some ups and downs.... And getting on edge with the GC. The ups... The addition is almost up. 

The downs... Tension with the GC.

Everything snowballed last week. We found he was using a cheaper grade of copper pipes than previously promised. We found he was using our ladder and hose without asking... When the contract says he won't touch my things. We found his crew drinking my water... Without asking. We found him using my garage when he previously said he won't touch it... Again without asking. This got to a point where I wrote an official letter of complaint. 

Then it really started to get messy. Out of nowhere he decides he won't pick up our tub. Then when we pick it up... We found he added stuff onto our invoice without asking. His measurements are "a bit off." So now we have to double check all his work. And lastly... His crew worked on weekends, to a point our neighbor called to complain. 

It'll only get messier from here. No doubt.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Lost Library Book

First time having to paid for a lost library book. $26 for a $6 children's book. Ouch!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Insomnia - Panic Attack

Had a rare panic attack last night that led to insomnia.  Was very tired... but couldn't fall asleep between 11PM - 5AM yesterday.  The reason... I was thinking of putting a Family Trust together.  More specifically... thinking of the future guardians / caretakes of Nui-nui and Siu-wah in case something happens to me and Joyce.

What a horrible and tragic subject to even think about.  But you must think about it!  This is even worse than thinking about "pulling the cord" in the case one of us become vegetables and are left on a life preserver (I think).

Who will be on "The List?"

The grandparents? Naturally... but then again... they're getting old.  Can they physically or financially do it?

Tito Paulo and Grace EE? Of course... yet... they have two kids of their own.

Bak bak.  Why not... except... he's in China.  And he's never been a parent.

Who's next? Will these guardians continue to bring them to church? To raise them according to God's will?  Will they be raised Republican?

People at church? B&S in our fellowship? Impossible... they have to raise their own family.  Empty nesters? Former HG parents? Close college friends?

In the midst of all these questions... all these uncertainties... I can only think of one image.  One un-erasable image.  And that's the image of Nui-nui carrying a backpack... holding the hand of little Siu-Wah... both with blank looks on their faces.  Siu Wah has no idea what's going on except he knows Ga-Jeh will take care of him.  Nui-nui also has no idea of what's going... except she knows he has to take care of her little brother. 

I'm getting emotional just writing this... just thinking about it. 

And I prayed, in the name of Jesus Christ, to cast away all these feelings of sadness of depression. 

Monday, August 03, 2015


Rarely do I ever post a picture of the kids on blog. But this is too monumental... Nui nui is officially training wheel free!!!

Friday, July 31, 2015

Remodel - Day 25

GC came over today to review progress and surprisingly, we're right on schedule!! 

Joyce took the day off so we can go cabinet shopping in the city. She's sitting with the designer for over an hour going thru every little detail. I... On the other hand... Volunteered to go buy coffee for everyone.... Even the designer.  If everyone plays their part, we'll all be much happier... No?

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Remodel - Day 24

The inevitable finally came.  The GC had us call the original architect to redraw the plans.
Not sure if the architect's at fault? The GC is at fault? Or the city is at fault for not catching it.

I had 5 different GC's look at the drawings... none of them caught it.

Oh well...

And Joyce is getting really annoyed having to deal with them.  High and quick demands from us... but slow to respond to our requests.  Glad she's doing most of the face work now... and not me.  I would just yell and belittle them.  And probably burn a couple of bridges here and there.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Remodel - Day 19

Not a lot of updates lately... cuz that's exactly it.  There are no updates.

The GC has slowed down a lot.  He blames it on the city... and the fact there's a 5 day waiting period between scheduling and the inspector coming out.  I think they're busy working some other project cuz they bit off more than they can chew.  Anyhoo... 

Joyce is having headaches again.  Not real headaches.  But the headaches of picking through thousands (no kidding) of options for cabinets, tiles, roof color sinks, tubs, etc... You name it, she has trouble picking it.

I'd love to help.. but this is one of those times when your wife asks you, "what do you think honey?" you honestly and most seriously should say, "Hmm... i'm not sure.  what do you think?" And leave it at that...

Friday, July 17, 2015

Foundation Laid

Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock. -Matt 7:24-25

Foundation inspection passed!
Oh... And the GC is starting to slip us a bunch of "proposed improvements" (aka change order)

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Who am I???

On a 5 hour cross country flight with no free flight entertainment... I read the entire Wall Street Journal from cover to cover.  HA!! Who am I????

Friday, July 10, 2015

Remodeling - Day 5

Less than a week into construction and we approve our very first change order!! YAY!! $3000.... unexpected.  Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

The GC knows this game too well.  He knows exactly what needs to be included and quoted... and what can be kept out and let the customer make the Change Request.  Sigh.... 

Thursday, July 09, 2015

Remodeling - Day 4

Fence is up!!

Ohhhhh.... But house is down. 

Was extremely poignant today when I saw them saw away my bushes and shrubbery. All that work to maintain my landscape... Gone!!

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Remodeling Day 2

The fence never came but demo started. The crew took away all our junk... As expected. And took away a bunch of our walls.  Also as expected... No insulation. Ha!

Got a call from our neighbor around 930PM. One of our sprinkler is busted and spilled water everywhere. Most water my lawn has seen all year. 

Monday, July 06, 2015

Remodeling - BLAST OFF!!!

Today's the day!! GC was suppose to set up the fence today. And of course... He didn't. So off the bat... He's already running behind!!

Did my last cleanup work. Moved everything and anything into the garage. Then covered it up with tarps. MAN!! That was a lot of work!!

Saturday, July 04, 2015

Remodeling T-minus 1 day

Woke up today and I was soooooo sore. Ohhhhhh my goodness. My calves were killing me. All that lifting and running up and down the stairs.

I swear... I am never buying anything again!! Never!!

Took the night off and drove up to the Church on the Hill to watch fireworks with the kids. Saw all Bay Area shows simultaneously. Breathtaking!!!

After returning from the hill... Went back to the old home and finished cleaning. And that's when i had a "moment."  Looked at this wall of work and literally flashing in front of my eyes were the last 3-4 years of my kids growing up. Heartbreaking to have to tear down.

Friday, July 03, 2015

Remodeling T-minus 2 days

Movers came and moved today... Wow!! Watching three grown men move a piano is a sight to see. Ended up spending >$600 for the move. Worth every penny.

Funny thing is... Last time I did the same move, it was all my high school and college friends. We're too old to do this anymore!!

Thursday, July 02, 2015

Remodeling T-minus 3 days

Tomorrow the movers will come at 830am. And we still have so much stuff to pack. Why... Why did she insist on moving the kitchen stuff over?? She could've used her time to sort through all the other stuff. Ahhh whatever.

Invited Eden Fellowship over to the new place to bless our home. Turned out to be great fellowship time. We prayed... We worshipped... And i brought bread and grape juice for us to "break bread." That was the first official meal at our temporary home. 

Tomorrow... Is another day.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Time to move

After 10 years of living in our home... it's now time to move. 

10 years in this home brought us 2 children... brought me 3 (THREE!!!) World Series.. 1 NBA championship. This home served as a Home Group for multiple students... served as the birthplace of Eden Fellowship.  We had a BBQ here for Nn's 1st bday on the hottest day of the year without AC.  We had our first Amazing Race finale at this house, with everyone hovering over a 17" monitor because we didn't have a projector and no one was smart enough to connect it to a projection TV.

Joyce was losing sleep over the stress and on an edge with the kids.  I told her... "Stop.  Let me look."  And she gladly relinquished the responsibilities.

I hopped onto Zillow and quickly found out why she was stressing.  No one has anything less than 12 months.  And we needed someplace safe. And preferrably some place with a garage for us to store our junk! Calls after calls.... fruitless.  We found a couple of places that invited us for a tour of their place.  Only to find out... on the phone, they promised a 6 mo lease. But when we got there... they only had 12 months.  Classic bait and switch!!! 

Pissed me off so much, I sent a Pearl Harbor letter saying I'll never do business with them again... and I'll dedicate my LIFE... to make sure none of my acquaintances do business with them either.

Weeks go by.  We continue to view openings.  The great ones are taken.  The good ones will never rent out to a family of 4 who's remodeling, we're short timers.  And the leftovers.... well, there's a reason why they're leftovers.  Crazy how diverse San Jose and Sunnyvale can really be.

And then there was this place.... the place I found on Zillow that WANTED a 6 mo lease vs a long term lease.  No way!! Too good to be true!! I thought.  I called the owner up.... she said there'll be an opening tomorrow.  Joyce and I drive by... knowing full well we won't be able to get it.  We walk in... and lo and behold... air conditioning.  OMG....  there's a community pool.  OMG.... it's 2 bed 2 baths.  OMG.... they WANT 6 mos... and will charge more for 9 or 12 mos.  Too good to be true.

I literally sent a "begging" letter to the owner saying we're the perfect resident.  I went as far as sending a family portrait to her to demonstrate we are "good people."  After not hearing from her for 2 weeks.... silence..... she sends a text one magical day and says, "My first candidate is falling through, you still interested?"

And the rest.... is history.

We're moving next Friday. Packing is horrendous.  And ohhhhhhhhhhh we have so much stuff accumulated over the years.  But alas... it's time to move.

Monday, June 22, 2015


Huge milestone.  Nui-nui graduated Kindergarten.

I did not cry.  Nope.  Didn't even shed one tear.  I was definitely proud! I mean.... my daughter was the main character in the skit.  She carried the American flag during the final procession (I guess the best of the best gets to do that).  And she was 1 of 2 students who did 4 digit division on stage (with a remainder!!!) 

I was actually a little disappointed. Why did she get the American flag...and not the Christian flag?? Why were there TWO students who did division and she wasn't the only one.  Why did she not get the final call to sing the National Anthem...after all those weeks of hearing her practice at home, in the car, in the shower, etc....?

But that'll be wrong.  All that expectations for an already star-student.

On the night of her graduation... on the day where she was head and shoulders above her peers... on the day where her principal and teacher said she "runs the class..." I scolded her and disciplined her.  She's already an A+ student.  She's already a leader among her peers. She's already "the one" that everyone wants to hang out with.  And yet... her dad still makes her think she's not good enough. 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Strength in Numbers

After 40 years... we did it.

We?? Am I even a Warriors fan?? Am I hopping on the bandwagon?

I guess I am.

I mean... I've been to 2 warriors game in my entire life.  I don't have cable... so I don't get to watch TNT or ESPN to keep up with the team.  I don't listen to the games on radio.  I sure as heck don't know the names of the players on even the championship roster.

But I'm a fan.

I was there during the Run TMC years. I was there when they drafted Chris Webber.  I was there when we drafted Joe Smith. I was there for the choking of Carlesimo.  I was there for Troy Murphy and J-Rich winning the Slam Dunk contest. I was there for "We Believe." I was there for the disbanding of "We Believe."

And today.... two days after we win.... I run around town to find the Championship Gear for my dad for Father's Day.  Cuz as much as I'm a fan.... he's 100X the Warriors fan.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Another first...

BOOM!! Done with lecture.  Not just any lecture...but giving a lecture to the servant leaders of CS. 

A different kind of pressure.. and whole new kind of rush.  Amazing how PAL entrusted me to share on, of all topics, Christian Ethics (better coined than the term Social Issues.)  He knows my political views.  He knows I'm a liberal at heart.  But he still trusted me to be bipartisan and to present the topics objectively.Sorta.

Like it or not... I slipped in a few of my own quibs.  I'm sure the class was enlightened... a bit. 

I was nervous!  I admit.  This isn't your normal Sunday School.  And this isn't just any topic.  But the b&s were polite enough to not challenge any of the views openly and engage in any debates.

And before I knew it... I was 10 minutes past my time. Phew....done.  Time for vacation.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Going to sleep...for good

Brought up the topic of "A Person's Right to Die" with fellowship today.  Raised up some good, real, heartfelt discussion.  Our parents, like it or not, is nearing that milestone.  Like it or not... it could happen to us.  Where a parent or loved one... is physically dying... but our faith demands we keep them alive and pray for LIFE.

This topic came up with Pastor Ed was nearing his final days.  A couple of our fellowship even disclosed the reality and practical act of "pulling the plug" depending on how old their kids were.  (Wow....). 

And now... my friend's Mother-in-Law is in a hospice, who just stopped eating a few days ago.  Her end time on earth is nearing.  What will her daughter do? What is going through her mind?

What would I do in her shoes?

Saturday, June 06, 2015

In summary...

Mom just had surgery.
Dad officially retires.
And big bro just got offered a position of VP.
Nn graduates in 2 weeks.
Sw.... Well.... Is tall enuf to ride some kiddie rides at Great America finally.
Warriors up 1-0 against a limping Cavs team. 
And needa needa move!!! Geez!!

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Worst Job in the World

One of the worst jobs in the world... is being the son and daughter of Henry Leung. 

You'll never win.  You'll never be good enough.  You'll never be diligent enough...or have enough manners... or ever reach your parents' lofty expectations.

This evening... my daughter belted out the entire National Anthem as if she was singing in front of a capacity crowd at AT&T.

My son... having never been exposed to the English language beyond the weekly Sunday Schools and occasional KQED cartoons can carry on a conversation with any kid at a park.

And even today... the day where I vowed I will NOT come down on them for whatever they did "wrong...".... I still came down on them.

What is it with being a child of mine? 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


                       奕 葉 茂 彬 華
                       宏 遠 而 光 大




Wednesday, May 13, 2015

It's a marathon... not a sprint

Big bro texted me: "She said it was the best Mother's Day present ever..."

He had just organized a cemetery visit to grandpa's grave with 30 of mom's closest relatives in HK.  After that.. they had a big dinner and then Facetime'ed with me.  Best Mother's Day ever.


Then Big Bro said, "I've done my part."


He scored twice the past calendar year.  He took dad back to our village and threw a huge party with our relatives.  Then he took mom back home and threw another huge party with our relatives.  Fulfilling both of their dreams.  It truly is a herculean effort and a miracle to pull off.  And I can't be happier for them....

But has he "done his part?" He certainly has done a lot... more than I can ever do, ever.  But please... don't let this be your part.  Please continue to rock the boat for the remaining years of their lives.

Monday, May 04, 2015


Successful picked a Master Lock tonight. Mind u... It was my own. And I did it cuz I lost the combination. Suddenly... Feel so vulnerable.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Sunday, April 19, 2015



Saturday, April 18, 2015

Slabs and slabs of stones

Final day of our spring break with the kids...and we venture out to start shopping for countertops and kitchen cabinets. My biggest fear...with almost any type of shopping... is the sheer amount of choices we have!!  There are so many stores.  So many options.  So many prices.  It'll drive me crazy.  It's already started to drive Joyce crazy.

One thing I noticed while doing our round of shopping.  There's no lack of business in the remodeling business!  It's such a lucrative business.  And the thought creeps into my mind.... why can't I do this??

Heck... I can sell cabinets and stones.  I can be a general contractor and take young/helpless/ignorant couples around and sell them things (while keeping 30% of the discount I get as a GC).  How hard can it be??

Second career maybe?

Thursday, April 16, 2015


After almost two years of planning, drawing and design... our remodeling permit was approved today.  It's official.  We've been in this house 10 years and other than painting the walls... we haven't done anything!  It truly was move in condition.

Thus begins the next month's frantic search for appliances... granite countertops... kitchen cabinets... bathroom vanities... and most importantly, a place to live while they're remodeling!! OH MY!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Found a great deal at a Art and Wine Festival where we got to go to a vacation villa for only $400... but we get $200 cash back.  So only $200!!!  (normally priced at $1200).  The catch is... you have to sit through a 90 minute presentation on becoming a Timeshare member.

From the minute I sat down... I was an a-hole.  I disrupted the guy's pace.  I interrupted him.  I turned his sales pitch into a conversation.  He in annoyed at me.  Back and forth... back and forth.

Not sure what I have against salespeople.  Maybe it's from the awful experience as a kid when I saw dad get ripped off time and time again at the used car lots.

Every salesman is sleazy. They're dishonest, no matter how nice they come across.  And they'll do anything to get your business.

The crazy...CRAZY thing was. I think I can do that job...and do it well. HA!!

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Leisure Reading...

Nn's favorite leisure reading book is the Bible. Not just any bible... But mom and dad's adult bible. Should I be thankful or a bit worried...?

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


28 years ago...

March 27, 1987.... was one of the happiest day of my life.  My mom was going to bring my brother and I to go watch Wrestlemania.  Hogan vs. Andre the Giant!  WHOA!!! That's impossible!! She hates wrestling... she hates us watching wrestling... we're poor and we never spend money.  But she automatically shot up to be the best mom in the world!  

So my mom... my 70 yr old grandma... Big Bro and I took the bus from the safe havens of Chinatown alllllll the way to the outskirts, unexplored world of San Francisco... the infamous Cow Palace.  I've heard of this place before.  Only the coolest things in the world take place in Cow Palace.  And now... I'm here.  

I vividly remember being in the lobby.  My heart pulsating cuz I get to see Hulk Hogan... my hero, my idol.  I'm going to see Randy Savage... the guy who broke Steamboats throat - almost killing him.  I am now moving from poor Chinese immigrant... to a regular American boy.  

"Go buy the tickets already!" I remember thinking.

Mom walks over to the box office with grandma.... grandma, who's deaf in one ear and blind in one eye.  Big bro and I look around... hoping to see a superstar.  Then mom comes back. "OK!! Let's go in!!"  Except... that's not how the story ends. 

Mom says, "Ok... let's go home."

No.... she did NOT just say that.  She's suppose to be the best mom.  Why is she doing this??? Why is she being the worst mom??

Mom then says, " And it's not watching real people. You're watching TV"

No... I don't care.  I'm here! I need to go in.  

The next thing I remember.... we were sitting on the bus.  Big bro and I were flipping through a program.  We came all the way from Chinatown... came within two doors of Wrestlemania... and we go home with a program.  We cried on our way home.  This wasn't fair.  This isn't how the story ends. I was suppose to be a regular boy.  I told all my friends I was going to Wrestlemania.  How can this happen??  

Flash Forward.... 28 years later...

Mom did everything right.  She didn't know how much Wrestlemania would cost.  She didn't know it was a simulcast.  She was one woman...who barely spoke English... with a 70 year old blind/deaf woman... and two rambunctious boys.  She laid down the smack down... and did everything by the book.  If I was her... I'd do the same.

Flash Forward... 28 years and 2 days later.... March 29, 2015.

Levi's Stadium - me and my two best friends fulfill this child hood dream.  This void that was left, not just empty, but cold... can finally start to heal.  I can finally be a regular boy. And the first thing Geoff did... he ran and bought me a program.

Wrestlemania... isn't about me, or big bro, or any childhood dreams and ambitions.  In the end... Wrestlemania will be a memory of my mom... I wish I still had that Wrestlemania III program.  So I can give it to my mom and said.... "Thank you for being the best mom."

Monday, March 30, 2015

Great American Homerun

Appropriately named... the Great American Ballpark... the Cincinnati Reds announced today they will have an area for new mothers (and fathers).  A padded room with an area for nursing / changing / babies and toddlers to play.  Long gone are the days of suit and tie for a baseball game... or where the men and their bros hangout for peanuts and beer.  Can't wait for AT&T to have this too...

Saturday, March 28, 2015

New Church

Always see new Christian churches being built and planted... But when's the last time there was a Catholic Church being built? With the statues? Marble? Mosaics..?

Saturday, March 21, 2015

A bad week...

Had a bad week this week.  This week was one of those weeks where my heroics were not recognized, but my flaws were magnified.  Really humbling... quite belittling.

Times like this... I just want to quit.  Then I remember the message at Deeper Life Conference.  "Eternity."  What does it matter now? What does it matter in eternity?

And with that... I found peace.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Slow down

Ended yet another 21 day fast.  And once again... I fasted "speeding." 

Trying to drive below Speed Limit.  That's excruciating hard!  You're in the Carpool lane with 4 miles of free space.  The car behind you is riding on your bumper.  But I can't go faster than 65.... cuz I'm fasting speeding!

Slowing down... that's the biggest problem we have today.  We can't slow down. Everything is fast fast fast.  If we can all just slow down.... smell the flowers... and reflect on what matters.  Wouldn't life just be a little more wonderful??

Of course... now that the fasting has ended... back to my usual self.

Monday, March 16, 2015


Spent the whole weekend fixing moms laptop. It's sooo infested with malware and spyware I was on the verge of a reformat or system restore. Spending $30/year on mcafee... Useless!

If anything the malware uses mcafee on itself and just hogs up the CPU.

Will return the laptop to mom... And I bet within 3 months I'll be back here again. Time for a Mac???

Saturday, March 07, 2015


Rarely do I dedicate a post to anyone but my daughter and son. And even more rare would I venture to talk about another woman. But Sandy isn't just another woman. She's family.

The other day she asked me to help her write a recommendation letter for her new ministry with PCS. She and I both knew this is a formality. Sandy is someone who doesn't really needs recommendation but rather deserves recognition. How honor and privileged I felt!!

Where to begin? How to write this?

Going back into memory lane... Sandy was the first CS person to greet us.  She was the first to follow up with an email inviting us to fellowship.  She was our Wedding Task Force lead.  She taught us how to pray for our home. She never ends any conversation without praying. Her smile can only be equated by the bounce in her step.  For over 10 years... her passion and calling has always been "Bringing prayer to the nations." Aside from YC/Vivienne, she's the only other person that can turn any conversation to "the love of Jesus." 

Where to begin?.... more like Where to end?
How to write this?....more like how can I stop writing.


Saturday, February 21, 2015

"One Day More"

CNY 2015... I was able to fulfill a long-time dream of bringing a musical on-stage.  And not just any musical... one of my favorite musicals and most powerful musicals of all time.  More on that later. 

CNY 2015... I was able to fulfill something I never even dreamed of happening.  I was able to bring dad to church.  In my mind... I can't count, with one hand, how many times dad has gone to church with us.  1) My first communion.  2) Watching us at one of our SSPP show's. 3) My 8th grade graduation (took place in a church) 4) My wedding... (took place in a church).  And now... CNY2015.  

Back to "One Day More..." and back to the entire musical.  I can honestly say I only give myself a C+.  Last Sunday at rehearsal... I thought this was going to rock the house, bring the house down.  The lyrics are wonderful.  The acting is stupendous. The entire premise is easy to understand, easy to follow. More importantly, it was suppose to be short!!  Not sure what went wrong... but we got zero reaction from the audience. No claps... no laffs.  People weren't really sure what was happening.  Wasn't until C-hing got the crowd going that people started to get into it. 

Then came the finale. I've been picturing this scene for weeks now.  A "One Day More" Flash Mob.  Only.... the flash mob didn't work.  Our mob barely made a sound and took too long to show up.  Portions of the songs were sung completely off pitch, off tempo and out of tune.  The singing was so discombobulated, the final part was messed up cuz we couldn't hear the music. Yet.... in the midst of all that... I think we got the one main part of the song through... we got the climax, we got the purpose, we got the exact message across, as I had intended. 


"我在這裡! 我願跟隨!"

If people took away anything from that message.... that was it.  

And tho I walk away from CNY2015 with a little bit to be desired... I think in some ways... it just makes me want to improve CNY 2016!!!

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Typical American Family

Time has finally come where Nui nui is asking why she has two (maternal) grandpa's.  Why is the gung-gung that she sees all the time NOT mahmee's dad? Well... he is.  But he isn't.

So I had the distinct pleasure of explaining to her Joyce's family tree.

And her immediate response was, "Oh no!! Grandma is committing a sin!!"

Wait till I tell her about her paternal grandparents.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Parent Teacher Conference

Nui-nui's Kindergarten Parent Teacher Conference. Her teacher came and got us...and before we even sat down, she said, "I have nothing to say.  We're done."

I snap back with, "Ok... have a nice weekend!"

All kidding aside, we really do know what's up with Nui-nui.  Her teacher is always in communications with us and from our own unprofessional evaluation, we basically know where Nui-nui stands.

So instead of hearing her talk, I needed to take a sudden turn.  I had to tell her some of my thoughts.  And when I started tell her what a great job her two Pre-K teachers did...and what she's doing right now... I started welling up in tears.

Then I asked... How can we pray for you?
And her first response was, "We need God's love and protection to be with us."  The tears really started to flow.

It's not about academics.  It's not about math or reading or Montessori Projects.  It's about God's love and His presence with these children.  

Friday, January 16, 2015

A Tale of Two Siblings

Do you compare siblings? Of course not.... not in the open.  But deep down? How can you not?

So the tale is Tortoise and the Hare.  They've both had a chance to listen to it from their loving father at least a dozen times together.  But individually...

Nn will always want to be the tortoise. No matter how cute and cuddly a bunny is... or how slow and ugly a tortoise is, she'll want to win.  But she will also stay straight to the original story.

SW... on the other hand wants to be the cute cuddly bunny.  But he'll make me change the story... so the bunny doesn't eat and sleep.  And he'll also want to win. 

How do you even draw a conclusion...

Monday, January 12, 2015

Looking back at 2014

Eleven days into the New Year, I figure it's about time to write the annual Look Back post.  I actually started thinking about this before the turn of the year.  And every time I try to sit down and put ink to the paper, I successfully find an excuse to not write.  Now I know why.  2014.... really wasn't that eventful.  But as tradition would have it... I will oblige.

Where to begin? How about no where near home?

10) ISIS (and terrorism) - When you're in the moment... ISIS strikes fear, anger, confusion into everyone.  Beheading reporters, innocent massacres, coffee shop takeovers... Terrorism is real.  It's not just in Syria or Jordan or France.  It could happen in our very own neighborhoods.

9) Ebola - Hard not to make mention of this when Ebola Fighters were awarded the "Person of the Year" award from TIME magazine.  The closest I came to Ebola... was two days after news came out that a nurse from Africa, with seemingly no symptoms, flew on regular American domestic planes.  Only to later be diagnosed with Ebola. I had a cross country flight that week (on United, not Frontier) and Joyce made me bring disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizers onto the plane.  Felt so weird wiping down the plane while everyone was boarding. 

8) LOST - One of my favorite TV shows of all time about a plane crashing landing on a mysterious island and disappearing off the face of the earth.  Flash forward (pun intended) 5 years... and Malaysian Airline Flight 370 blasted headlines.  From hijacking, to re-routing, to insane pilots, to... mysterious island with unknown powers???

(moving from world news to personal news)

7) Disneyland - You know it's a slow year when Disneyland is a top 10 highlight.  Well.. this is the first time the four of us went.  And we're cheap...or frugal enough... to bring a rice cooker with us.  One night, we had Costco chicken.  Another night, we found a Ranch 99 and bought a Roast Duck.  Most memorable part of the trip...aside from the whole trip..?  How about running a 103 degree fever, but still taking Nui-nui to see the fireworks, cuz I promised her I would.  (Previous post found here)

6) Pastor Ed - I didn't know him well. But I will never forget him. I still remember how I was annoyed by his way of reading the bible passages during Sunday Service (always faster or slower, never on the same pace). I still remember him apologizing to me when I first encountered the Holy Spirit, and he didn't do more to counsel me. I still remember his fatherly guidance at Hong Kong PCS.  I still remember how he gave me free reins to introduce Stations of the Cross to a protestant church's Good Friday service. I still remember his smile...his laff... his energy... his love for Jesus.  I didn't need to know him well... cuz come to think of it.... I knew what I needed to know.  RIP my brother.  I'll see you up there.

5) Translating - Already blogged about it here. Standing up by the pulpit... preaching God's word.  In Chinese no less.  This event was so significant... I even got my 1 blog reader to comment on my blog.  Now THAT'S significant!!

4) Promotion - Made L5 Manager this year.  After the whole debacle last year... my boss really came through.  I once told Joyce... if I make L5, I'm done.  I don't need to climb up anymore.  But in my mid 30's... and I'm already an L5? C'mon.... I've gotta push for L6.

3) We ARE the Champions - 3 times in 5 years that the Giants are World Champions.  Everyone's dream (or nightmare) of it going to Game 7.  And guess what?? I didn't even watch the game (blogged here).  DYNASTY???? In this day and age?? HECK YEAH!!  Most importantly... this came in a year where the Sharks lose to the Kings after being up 3-0.  This came in a year when the Warriors made to Round 2.... only to lose to the hated LA Clippers.  It came in a year when the Niners lost to the hated Seahawks due to an eff-ed up referee call that put me into F-YOU mode for a good 6 months.  And oh btw... the F-YOU mode brings us to event #2.

2) Season Tickets - Never in my wildest dream, would I ever imagine being a season ticket holder.  Everything was set up perfectly.  We had a winning coach, a new stadium, a championship caliber team, a place to hang out with by BFF and I was gonna make money off of this!!!  Well guess what.... the coach is now gone.  The stadium is a complete failure. The team is old, decrepit and broken.  My BFF and ticket partner doesn't even want to go anymore.  And I can't even give these tickets away!! But that moment.... that very moment when I walked up the stairs with my son and my dad to see Levi's Stadium, that you can NEVER take away from me.

So what could possibly take the top prize of being the #1 event of 2014.......? How about.......

1) Leung's Whole Food Diet - Back in May, we blogged about Eating Healthy, and avoiding processed food.  It all started one weekend, when Joyce says, let's try to eat brown rice.  We do it for Saturday and Sunday, out of fun... and we've never turned back.  It seems like centuries ago... yet, I can still hear it in my ears, SW complaining, "好痕啊."  Poor little kid.... battling eczema and scratching himself till he bleed.  My heart still aches thinking about the suffering he went through.  My heart aches even more... thinking how Joyce struggled every night to keep him from scratching.... only to come home after a long days work, to see SW bleeding again cuz he scratched uncontrollably during his nap.  This post isn't about eating healthy.  This post isn't about SW being healed from his disease.  This post... is for me to forever remember that I have a Proverbs 31 wife.  And that 才德的女子很多,惟獨你超過一切。

And that..... was 2014.  Next time I write something like this, we'll be halfway through the friggin decade!! WOW!!

Sunday, January 04, 2015


5 years ago...when we first had Nui nui... we ordered Netflix to help us get through the tough times.

5 years later... we signed up for a 30 day trial.  And alas, there's a reason why we cancelled it in the first place. There's freakin' nothing to watch. Movies are trash. TV shows are garbage.

Then I come across Breaking Bad... supposedly the greatest TV show in the past decade. And the binging begins.  Let's try to finish 5 seasons worth before the free 30 day trial is over.