Thursday, December 31, 2020

Looking back at 2020

As if God is playing a joke on us... 2020 is the year we look back and it's the exact year where we don't want to say "hindsight is 20/20."  A year we wish to never relive for the rest of our life time, or the life times of forever more.  Any normal year... I would say that 2020 is an election year... an Olympics year. The start of a new year... the beginning of a new decade.  A year of canceling, a year where Black Lives Matter (All Lives Matter).  A year of record breaking election turnout.  A year of untimely deaths.  A year where we truly felt the Wrath of God. Like any "Year in Review" and "Looking back..." posts... I start by reading my own blog and news outlets' year in Reviews.  

2020 kicked off with the "Wuhan Virus" when so many people initially wrote it off as "just another flu."  I still remember that one Prayer Meeting where PAL was fearful of going back to Hong Kong for his Dad's funeral. It led to some of our friends arguing amongst their marriages about over worrying and that the CDC will take care of it.  I even reprimanded PAL by saying, "草木皆兵" when he asked about CNY.  It was the year where we had a ton of infighting at work... but eventually capitulating when, ironically, it was the cancelling of March Madness, where reality finally set in.  

2020 was the year where Black Lives Mattered... to a point where the Washington Football Team and the Cleveland Baseball Team finally chose to rename their sports franchises - something I never expected to see in my lifetime.  It was a year of political [mis-]handling: DACA, trade with China, government firings, an impeachment that was never going to happen, deaths of John Lewis and RBG and ultimately the election.  A year where my worst sports nightmare all happened... when the Lakers and Dodgers both claimed their respective championships.  A year marred by natural disasters through hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes... and was spiked out when the Bay Area skies rang orange for 3 full days.  2020...was truly a year we'd love to forget, but is a year we'll forever remember.  

To continue the tradition... here are my top (and bottom) moments of 2020.  And with so much happening this year...  here are my top 11.... in reverse order.

11) Funerals Galore - The new reality is setting in.  We had the wedding phase.  Then the newborn phase.  Countless birthday parties. We're now approaching the funeral phase.  Frankie's dad. 凌太. Carlo. Seth's dad.  阿婆. 大舅父.  And for all those who died from the coronavirus or a cop shooting.  RIP. 
10) Paul's Life and Letters - 1.5 years of studying the Letters of Paul, including Acts. This revealed to me a whole new dimension of the bible, of God, and it brought me ohhhhh so much closer to my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ. (SC, KK, GN, ML). "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith" ~2 Tim 4:7
9) Super Bowl LIV - that forgetful Sunday night when I drove around 280 and 85 for 3 numbing hours.  And it all came down to 3rd and 15.  FUCK!!!!!!!  
8) Dinner with Dad - back in January where I went out to SF to celebrate Dad's bday, originally at HOPR, but eventually at Harris.  An unforgettable night of sharing and fine dining.  The moment that tops this evening is when dad shared, from the bottom of his heart, how he truly was scarred as a child and started to weep. I tried (and failed) to give my dad a hug that he so desperately needs.
7) Presidential Election - The night of November 3rd will live in infamy where we watched, state by state, the color turning red.  But the analyst kept on insisting that the votes have not all been counted and it's still too early to call.  The days and nights that followed where we kept watching and hoping. The day, when the states fully declared that Biden is now the president.  And to this day... that @$$hole is still not conceding.  No matter how good (or bad) these 4 years have been... I firmly believe... the next 4 years will be better. 
6) Friday the 13th - that fateful day when we received an email from Heritage that they were going to shutdown school for the foreseeable future.  The day that resulted in spreeing to Lunardi's to get whatever was left of the meat at the deli.  The day that ignited dining table Ping Pong, garage HIIT, reestablishing the Leung Family Altar, revitalizing badminton, creating the Leung's Garden, and allowing the family to polish off Series after Series like Perfect Strangers, Full House, Fuller House, Crash Landing on You, Prince of Tennis, 回到三國 and 使徒行者. 
5) Let it rip!!!- after months and months of deliberating, we finally bought SW Minecraft.  And it opened so many doors for him and his friends.  Not to mention that countless times we had Pokemon tournaments, Beyblades tournaments, Super Smash tournaments.  But none which comes close to Siu Wah and me going on that 3 hour car ride where he famously says "Before Google Hangout...those were the good old days."
4) Coming of Age - With the onset of puberty and Crimson Tide.  I can't neglect those initial days of Shelter in Place where there were countless shouting matches between Mommy and Nui-Nui.  And the days where we prepped for her admission to TKA.  Or the days where she would just hide in her room... Hanging Out with her friends.  None could top those moments... where I ran along side by her... and she was about to give up.... I reached out to grab her hand, hoping to provide one last ounce of energy.  And at the end... choosing to let go to let her sprint to her finish line.
3) Apocalyptic Shopping - the one night, before SIP was officially announced, Joyce and I dropped the kids of at Awana and we made a run at Costco and Smart & Final.  We bump into a dad who was getting diapers...he looked at our cart and smiled, "Apocalyptic Shopping, eh??" The coming months... where we were able to walk side by side through this apocalypse together.  Who else would I want by my side?
2) Mom's adventures back to HK - "This is the bed bug thing, all over again" said Big Bro.  When we found out that 大舅父 was on his last breath... we did everything in our power to ensure she was able to see him one last time.  The plane ticket.  The hotel.  The 3 day COVID tests.  It was all worth it...the day she sent a pic of her, Maria and 大舅父 at Wah Fu.  There are some things you can take for granted.  But 親情 can never be replaced.
1) Dad accepting Christ - that fateful day when I got a text from PAL.... 
Your dad accepted Christ today.  I led him through repentance prayer.  He followed the prayer word for word!

And if it took a pandemic for all that to happen.... keep it coming...? Maybe...?

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Obsession 2.0

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 119

For a good two hours... I sat in my garage untangling all of my Christmas lights.  (Brings back fond memories of "Obsession.")  These include the ones I just took well as lights that I've had stored up in boxes from years and years.  At the end of those 2 hours...  was gonna toss the lights that don't work anymore.  Then I 心血來潮 wanted to fix all the lights.  

Started testing each bulb with a known working bulb to see if there's a hidden Open anywhere.  But this isn't the 1960's when the Christmas lights are in series.  Instead, I carefully inspected each and every string... and lo and behold... 90% of the Opens were from bulbs that literally broke off, but their stem was still in the sockets.  Easy-peesy, lemon-squeezy.  The last 10% that wasn't a broken bulb but was a broken wire.  So I busted out some of my Masters of Electrical Engineering skills (heh)... stripped the wire casing and connected them back to together.  BOOM!! The final strand of light fixed. 

Number of hours spent... 3.5.

Number of lights thrown away... zilch.  慳返唔小!

Life is good!! 

Saturday, December 26, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 118

Pet Peeve #239.... 見有位就擺.  (Hmm... not kidding.  Maybe I should make a list of my PP's).

The other day... we went biking as a family.  I pick up the garage door opener from the shelf - the same spot that it sits on.  It knows no other spot.  It's been sitting there since who knows when.  When we're done... I'm the last to come back into the house.  I walk over and try to return the garage door opener to it's rightful spot... when I see a pair of sunglasses there.  Dude!!! The sunglasses don't belong there.  Just because there's an open spot doesn't mean you can take it!

Our garage is a warzone.  We buy so much stuff in bulk.  I spend so much time organizing and putting things into their right shelves.  The pasta shelf.  The snack shelf.  The canned food shelf.  It takes time to clear up floor space so there's room to walk and park our car and bikes.  But every time some space opens up... it gets taken over and gets randomly occupied.  

Just because there is a free spot... doesn't mean you can just place the chicken stock there.  There's a chicken stock shelf!!!  Just because there is a free spot... doesn't mean you should place a box of 6 handsoap dispensers.  Put that in the bathroom, please. We buy 2 more bags of rice because our SIP inventory is running low.  Where does it end up... tripping me on my way out to do laundry.  I pick up the rice and attempt to put it the bottom shelf, where it belongs and what do I find in that shelf?? A giant pack of pasta... that I knew we bought...but didn't know where it went.  Of course the pasta is there,.. there was probably a gaping hole. 

Heh... maybe someone has a similar list of Pet Peeves... and #239 is "when people are obsessed with organization and order."

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

An echo of myself...

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 115

I love singing. I love whistling. I love humming.  I don't care who's around me... I do it cuz I love it.
Well.. if there's one gene that NN got from me... it's the singing gene.  And in recent months...she's really started to sing... all the time...ALLLLLL THEEEEE FRIIIIIIGGGGGGIIIINNNN TIIIIIIME!!!!

It's not like she's bad... but she really isn't that good.  And there are times when I just wanna tell her.... y'know... put a sock in it.  I've suggested that we get her vocal lessons.  So she can master her interest. I've told her to stop singing because she'll lose her voice again.  While we're playing Super Smash Brothers and she's belting out Hamilton... I shush her cuz I need to concentrate.  Heh... 

And as they open their Christmas presents... each person getting a bluetooth karaoke mic... who ends up playing with it the entire night???

"如珠 如寶 如C3PO 每日效勞 望到 卻觸不到..."

Monday, December 21, 2020


 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 113

Had the honor of leading TWA the Sunday before Christmas today. Part of leading a group devotion over Zoom is dealing with the grand spread of age-range and grander spread of technology saviness.  For 10 months, we've been dealing with and continue to live with folks who don't know how to mute themselves. 

And on this I was playing 平安 on youtube.. one of the seniors unassumingly sang along unmuted.  One would think it's goofy or funny or a little inconsiderate perhaps?  We didn't have co-host rights so there was nothing we can do short of telling folks to go on mute.  About halfway through the song.. a few other brothers and sisters also unmuted themselves and worshiped together.  Sure, it was ill-timed.  They didn't know the song well.  Nor was it sung in unison. But to have a church family come together to worship our Lord... that.... is what devotion time is all about.

After the song ended and we came off mute... I was so moved and choked up I can barely muster the final words to end the morning.  Thank you Jesus...for such a wonderful Time with Abba.

Saturday, December 19, 2020


 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 112

Another CS Event in the books.  I recommended we do this... PAL bit... but I pulled an immediate bait and switch and opted out of organizing it.  For one... I was really tired of hearing people make all the recommendations but take no action.  But the real reason... I've been running a lot of CS events the past few years and we really needed another set of gigs and gags and not a re-run of what's in my demented mind.

The team of four was amazing.  They really banned together and there was soooo much passion and love that night. So many new concepts and entertainment programs.  Of course... 大家姐 really took the helm and made it her own.  PC did an amazing job producing the event.  And the night truly was about pointing everyone to the true Christmas star of the show - Jesus. 

In the end... PC did bring me back into the team.  You can't replace experience with just creativity and energy alone. I was understandably grateful that the past 2 months, I didn't have to pull too many strings or cash in on any favors.  

The one thing I can't get over though is... they had 4 people pull this together when I've been doing most everything on my own.  And when I say four... the most important person I miss in all my events... came into light when C-lai Chan was right by PC's side the entire time.  Not only did she construct two of the biggest videos of the evening and pieced together heavenly worship from all walks of life... but how she was literally by his side in all the meetings, all the rehearsals and throughout the evening.

How I long for Joyce to serve by my side.... 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

When life passes you by....

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 109

Never once did I expect this to happen to me.  Not me.  But today... I forgot someone's birthday.  Just yesterday... I was talking about princess cake.  But at the stroke of midnight...and throughout the day... It simply slipped my mind.  It wasn't until evening... when I was about to turn in... that I stopped to take a breath and realized..... Ohhhhhhh Emmmmm Geeeeeee..... and by that time.... it was too late.  23 hours have already past by.  My last stroke of goodwill.... was to wish someone a happy birthday via text.  Ugh.... I never thought I'd be "that person."  But today.... I am.  

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Second Fiddle

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 106

By the fact I'm the 2nd born... I've always played second fiddle.  I was always known as "Vito's little brother."  But he's never called "Henry's older brother."  

When we were small... he would always be the main character and I'm the sidekick.  He'll be Batman.  I'll be Robin.  He'll be Sherlock.  I'll be Watson.  He'll be He-Man and I'll be Orko... Man at Arms... Stratos.  Anyone but He-Man.  And if there wasn't a clear side kick... I'll be the villain.  He'll be Prime.  I'll be Megatron.  He'll be Lion-O.  I'll be Mum-Ra.  It was almost a law of nature.  A rule of the household. 

In a way... I didn't mind.  I knew my place.  He indeed does outshine me in so many ways.  And I'm willing and very comfortable being in my #2 spot.  Riker to his Picard. Poseidon to Zeus. 北霸王 to 救世者 (not 救世主!! chillout!!) 

Even when we went to school.... Sts. Peter and Paul.  And it comes down to finding a patron saint... he has to pick Peter.  The so-called greatest of all apostles.  The first pope.  The rock.  The one who will stand at the white pearly gates.  The one who holds the keys to the gates of heaven.  Big bro gets first billing.  

And me... I'm of course left with Paul.  Not that I picked him... but Paul was what's leftover.  But by default... I'm stuck with him.  Who is Paul?? 

Well well well....  He's the massacre.  The hypocritical pharisee.  He's the one that Christians fear and who the Romans hate.  He's the scumbag of scumbags.  Peter holds the keys... Paul holds a freakin SWORD!!!  Peter wrote 2 letters in the New Testament.  Paul wrote nearly the entire New Testament.  Peter was Jesus' favorite?? No way....that was John!!! Peter spent 3 years with Jesus?? Paul spent 13!!!!  In Acts... when Peter was afraid of the Gentiles... Paul schools him.  And when the time comes for the church to reward Paul... does he stand still to accept it and glorify himself??? Nope.... the greatest glory is for Paul to get onto his next missionary trip.  Screw the formalities of being the first pope and the holy see.  Who cares if the basilica at the Vatican is named after you.  Who did more for the world?? Peter or Paul??  

As we graduated from Paul's Life and Letters today... I came to 3 resounding facts.

1) For the rest of my life... I will always remember that Paul was a tentmaker.
2) Some people like naming their kids after biblical characters.  Our church as a ton of Hannah's and Daniel's and Samuel's.  If I were to have kids again... I would consider naming them Priscilla and Aquila. (亚居拉和百基拉)
3) And I think Peter pens it best.... even he gives props to Paul.  
He (Paul) writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction. 2 Peter 3:16

So I think... that as Peter gets all the limelight that Paul deserves... I'm so much like Paul that, I don't give a d@mn.  I just wanna go do my thing.... you can keep your limelight.  

Heh... and the irony of all of this.  Paul isn't even my patron saint.   

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Legend of the 5 Articles of Clothing

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 105

Felt the need to clean out our wardrobe and dressers today.  

I combed through my dresser... which wasn't much to begin with.  But I squeezed water out of a dry towel and found 4 undershirts that's at least 10 years old and 1 pair of PJ's that's so loose it can fit two people.  5 articles of clothing. 

On the other hand... I emptied Joyce's dresser and wardrobe... dumping everything on the floor.  Things I've never seen her wear.  Things with tags still on them.  I was hoping to help her reorganize and sort things out.  One by one...she puts everything... EVERYTHING back in the closet and dresser.... sans 5 articles of clothing.  

And that... is the Legend of the 5 Articles of Clothing. 

Thursday, December 10, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 104

After how many years....? When I pulled out my wallet and stuff started flying out... I knew it was finally time to say good bye to my trusted wallet. 再會了好友. 


Wednesday, December 09, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 103

One first recollection of encountering comic books is 老夫子.  Sometime in between 1st and 2nd grade... I remember mom buying us a Garfield comic book from the North Beach Safeway.  I still remember it being issue #10, with a white cover.  (thank you Mom....😢).  As we grew up... aside from the newspaper comic section... I shied away from comics because I thought it was "bad."  Occasionally I would dabble in it with an issue of X-men here or Secret Wars there.  

The in 6th grade... Jademan Comics changed my life.  Tony Wong revolutionized the comic industry (sorta) by translating Hong Kong comics into English and opening an international market.  I still remember the first issue I bought was Drunken Fist #16.  Then I went back and got every issue I can find.  That was about the same time I made that huge step... and started reading 港漫 in Chinese.  I vividly remember that day when I was in my kitchen in 1090.... and I had mom read me that one specific issue of 醉拳.  It was the story of 天殘腳 and as she was reading it... I came to the realization... "CRAP!! I know the characters!! I can read this myself!!!"

That catapulted me into a whole new world of comic books.  醉拳,如來神掌,龍虎門,中華英雄,街霸,天下,海虎。 If people ask me how my Chinese is so good.... the foundation is St. Mary's... the dialogue is TVB.... the writing is 港漫.  Before you knew it... I started drawing comics. I mean... who doesn't doodle.  Stick figures. Evil Teachers. Portraits of the girl you have a crush on.  There was a time when we even created our own comic books! We were so into it... dad even helped us inquire how to get into the field (thank you Dad....😢).

Over the years... the interest has waned mainly due to life getting in the way and the reality that comics doesn't pack your fridge.  That is... until the need arised at work where they needed an illustrator for my department newsletter.  

No... this isn't 拳風腳影 or 問誰領風騷.  This is more along the lines of 老夫子.... this is.... 怎去猜想這夢會變真?? 

And what's more important... I did the drawing.  And I had NN do the coloring.  So her DNA is now forever part of LM.  

Sunday, December 06, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 100

Haven't binged on anything since 回到三國.... and as I was perusing for Chinese movies to watch on Family Movie night... I realized that 使徒行者 is both a TVB series and multiple movies.  This franchise is a force to be reckoned with.

The series is 31 episodes long...but it easily could've ended in 20. The other night... I was watching it... and waiting for the twist... and OMG... there are so many plot holes.  To a point where I had trouble falling asleep. To a point....where I dreamt of a resolution to the plot hole!! In my dream... I explained everything.  Heh... that's when you know you've 走火入魔'ed.  

It was cool though...especially the part when 楊康 and 完顏雄烈 had a series defining dialogue.  Heh... some things just never leave you.  

Friday, December 04, 2020

It didn't use to be like this...

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 98

Was playing badminton today... and I heard my knee pop. So right now.. I'm tiger balming my shoulder AND my knee. My shoulder has been giving me grief for a few weeks now. Is it a rotator cuff? Is it tendonitis? Is it overexertion from badminton? Or beyblades? Or ergonomics? Or all of the above?

One cool thing is... now that my right arm hurts so much... I have to train myself to play badminton lefthanded.  It was goofy...clumsy...downright embarrassing.  Like learning to walk again... couldn't even do the basics.  Part of getting old... and getting in front of getting old.  Sigh... it didn't use to be like this. 

But the past few days... I've been making some big strides.  Y'know how they say when you lose one of your senses, your other senses automatically become more sensitive? Like when you cover your eyes, you have dog ears all of a sudden.  When I lost my right arm... and couldn't rely on my muscle memory and / or any hidden tricks I've developed... I'm forcing my brain to go back to the basics.  And amazingly... my returns and digs are far surpassing how I would play right-handed.  

Re-wiring your brain.  

Wednesday, December 02, 2020

It's back!!!!

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 96

Don't know what kind of meat it is... but take it for what it's worth... Welcome back McRib!!! Nom nom nom!!!!

Monday, November 30, 2020

Unmasking the Truth

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 94

Came across this ad-hoc experiment where someone decided to test out a series of face masks to check for their permeability.   Some coloring...  some glasses... a bunch of masks and voila.... 

And the results are in!!!!  As expected... that one country that makes a lot of cheap and fake stuff.... FAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Right away... the floodgates were opened.  Wasn't even worth a sneeze.  (get it?) 
The next one to fail... surprisingly... is a neighbor of that country.  The result.... how shall I say it... crash landed on me!!! (heh... )

For more results... go run your own experiment.  Back to you regularly scheduled program.  

Sunday, November 29, 2020


19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 93

I have a dear, dear sister who shall remain nameless.  But she is truly an angel.  The things she's done over the years... behind the scenes... out of love... is truly admirable.  She is one of the sweetest... nicest... *prettiest* and downright "I can't stand you for being so perfect!" kind of person.  She comes across as being very quiet... but she's one of the most outgoing person in the world.  She comes across as being shy... but she lights up any room and any party.  You think she's going to zig...and she'll probably zag.  It's not like she's solving poverty or finding the cure for cancer.  But it's her consistent selflessness and small acts of kindness.  And today... I was one of the many recipients of her act of love and kindness.  Ohhhhh CMC... can't you pass on some of yourself to the rest of the world??? We sorely need it right now. 

Saturday, November 28, 2020

A simple ornament

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 92

Annual tradition of busting out and trim the 7 feet Costco tree. 


Had the idea of reusing a bunch of toilet paper tubes to make little ornaments... or maybe create a garland. 


Then had the idea of decorating each one of them. One thing led to another... and BOOM.... 

We each created three.... and here's the final 12. 

A slew of animals...  

SW celebrated 2020 with Among Us

The flag of Greece...for the trip that never happened... 

Multiple Beyblade tournaments (Hot Salamander and Leopard) and NN's 10 minute mile

Joyce commemorated several of our trips to the beach....

And celebrated the many nights of homemade pizza...and air fried chicken wings... 

A pretty creative and touching gesture... I think.  Was pretty proud of the creative juices from the family... and when I shared it... someone said... "咁慳錢呀, 爸B."  To which I answered... "超!"

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Legend of the 5 Kernels

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 91

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” ~1 Thes 5:16-18

Wednesday, November 25, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 90

"舅父 stopped breathing..."

And text by text... scene by scene... we got updates from HK...

and shortly thereafter....


In my mind... I only have 4 uncles in this world. And he’s easily my favorite one. His determination in life.. his goal... his heart. I didn't know him well. But he was and forever will be my 大舅父. He's in a much better place...

Monday, November 23, 2020

God's Timing

 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 89

PAL and Amy paid a visit to dad up in the city today... part of our Thanksgiving Gift Package ministry but also as a means of following up with dad after the past several months of bible study and evangelism class.  Dad... in his old self.. bought a chicken and some pastries for PAL.  And PAL, under my advisement, got some pineapple buns and cocktail buns for dad.  Old fashion visitation...but that's who dad is.

Guess who comes strolling by while they were chit-chatting on the streets???  

Mom.  HA!!! Huda thunk.... 

Sunday, November 22, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 88

Part 2 of our church's Love Box distribution and I was headed up to the city for my two targets and mom and dad.  The night before... I call dad and ask him if he needs anything... toilet paper... meat... etc... And not surprisingly...he says "Nah... I'm good."  But surprisingly.. he says, "你只要帶比我愛." Dad is not the sentimental type... and in almost 40 years of my cognitive being... he's never said anything like that.

After our mission was done...and we were heading home... Get a text from Keno that Stella's mom also accepted Christ!! PTL!!  Years of prayer... and all it took was a simple question.  "易過食生菜" as Keno describes it.  I quickly congratulated Stella...who was Facetiming with Siu during the Repentance Prayer... and she was so emotional... tears of joy flooded her.  I know that feeling too well.  Too too well... 

Thank you Jesus!! 

Saturday, November 21, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 87

What a day... the day started with TWA and FOTA with my brothers. And these words we uttered... prayers of the righteous... prayers of the patience... prayers of perseverance.... how timely.

Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Psalm 126:4

See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near. James 5:7-8

Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops. James 5:17-18
At around 11:30... while we were eating lunch. Joyce looked at her phone and screamed. We looked at her funny and she shoves the phone in my face. It was a text from PAL "Your dad accepted Christ today. I led him through the repentance prayer. He followed the prayer word for word!"  I started shaking... joy... tears... disbelief....  Ohhhhhhh Myyyyyyy God! ☝☝

Thursday, November 19, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 85

Parent Teacher Conference today for SW.  We got his report card last night and everything was as expected.  I is what it is with distance learning.  But when it came time to cite areas of improvement... the only thing the teacher can muster up was... you can improve on your punctuation and learn when not to use commas.  (That's it?!?!)  Our son isn't that good... I bet she just hasn't had enough time to observe SW.  

What rang like a gong though... was when she said has a lot of leadership skills.  <SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH>  My son??? Leadership skills??? No way.  Laid back... chill to the grill... Ultra-Minimalist...  瀟瀟灑灑.... 與世無爭... but never would I imagine "leadership skills."  I guess either she doesn't know him well... or I'm the one that's not observing.  

Today... as we were driving to the library together.  He starts contemplating how 家姐 will start driving soon when she turns 16.  "I can't imagine 家姐 being 16.  I still remember when she was 7 - 8.  Before there was Google Hangouts.  Those were the good old days."  I see him in the rear view mirror staring off into the distance.... while I wipe off the tear trickling down my cheek.  

小華...... 深不可測.

Monday, November 16, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 82

On a crisp, cool Monday evening when SW was done with all his homework, I gave him the greenlight, "Ok... you can watch some TV."  He was so happy.  The first thing he did... he ran into NN's room to announce the good news.   

Though they might get into it sometimes... and though they might fight over the TV (cooking show vs. Pokemon / Beyblade)... deep down, 小華好錫家姐。

If there's anything good.. he'll want to share it.  Just like yesterday, we drove to get him a strawberry smoothie because NN had an afternoon "Boba Tea Party."  小華immediately said... "I'll save it for 家姐。"

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Ice Ice Baby

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 81

As far back as I remember... mom taught us that whenever we order a drink from McDonalds, ask for "No ice." Ice takes up space and you get more bang for your buck without it.  

Whenever I get a milk tea or whatever from one of those tea places.... it's always "half ice" or "no ice."  

Recently, there's been some viral videos showing that if you pour a Tall Starbucks drink into a Venti cup of ice, it's the same as a Venti drink - except you only pay the price of a Tall. 

There are two times where you want to ice it up.  

One... is when you for sure get free refills.  The other time... is when you're drinking at home.  Like Gatorade or recently... I got a jug of Starbucks Peppermint Mocha.  NOW.... this is where the rules change.  Since you've already paid for your drink... you want to make it last as long as possible and get the most bang for your buck.  Even if it's watered down juice... watered down, flat soda.... and dare I say it... watered down whiskey.  Hmmm mmm...  

I'm a firm believer in pinching my pennies.  Here is a case where you can pinch from both ends of the stick.  Ice it up baby.... or shall I say... "Ice Ice Baby...."

Saturday, November 14, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 80

I was legitimately ticked off at lunch today when I ran out of food... and I wasn't full. We bought.2 ramens and a katsu chicken curry. Joyce and the kids initially shared the 2 ramens... and I was left with the rice. But I "had" to save almost half of the rice for the kids. And before I knew it... all the food was gone.  Dang it... we're financially pretty stable.  Why can't we get another entree? Why are 4 people still sharing 3 entrees? 

Then at dinner... they barely touch their steak and taters cuz they're too full from lunch.  This gives me more than my fair share of beef (which is yummy).  And I was still hungry!  But geeeez... sometimes, it's tough being that ever giving dad who let's the family eat first and I get the scraps.  

Sigh... I'm such a horrible father.  And I only get to vent here in my own universe. 

Friday, November 13, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 79

Last night... NN and Joyce got into it again.  NN was on the verge of another breakdown cuz of Chinese school.  And I can't blame her.  She simply doesn't speak it... how can she possibly 造句 or 作文???

So I quickly sought for reinforcements in the form of Rebekah 姐姐.  She's in college now... and she is regretting the days she shunned mom and dad who tried to have her learn Chinese.  Now that she's past her prime of learning a language, she spends every day learning one new character.  

I set up a little conference for NN an Rebekah.  Hoping she can impart some life lessons on her.  And they went on for hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  To a point where I had to shut them down....  but at the very end... NN came to me and said, "I'll continue with Chinese school."

I really have low expectations for her.  She doesn't have to score 100% every time.  My expectation is for her to understand 50% when someone speaks.  When reading 10 words... she recognizes half.  And realistically... be able to spread the gospel in Chinese.  That's really the whole reason why we want her to learn Chinese....will she do it??

Maybe Rebekah 姐姐 can answer that for us. She did text me later... saying “NN is the type of kid that’ll get things done. If not now, she’ll do it later. Just chill, dad.”

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Executive Presence

 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 78

Finished a training course on Executive Presence. Honestly... there was nothing I picked up from this. If anything... I can teach this class or at least write a book. On the 2nd day...they recorded us making a sales pitch and had everyone comment on us.  When I rewatched my video... I saw so many flaws.  Good!! Room for improvement.  But when everyone else commented... their comments were: “Flawless."  The only thing they can squeeze out was... maybe you can tone down on the content.  OMG... that's it??? 

What really floats my boat is...  when I am able to teach, coach, mentor someone and bring them to the next level.

As was the case this afternoon when KT gave a Brown Bag session on MBE.  Here was a guy who... 6 months ago... could only read off the charts and stutter while doing it.  6 months later... he owned the material.  He wasn't "flawless" by any stretch of the imagination.  But being where he is now...coming from where he was...that's teaching! that's coaching! that's managing!

That’s where I would want any accolades or compliments -Hank’s Legacy.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

All of Jesus For all the World

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 77

Once again... my turn to lead Prayer Meeting.  I already skimped out last week due to the uncertainty of the election, to which Amy C-mo gracefully swapped with me.  And the timing was divine.  Had I led on the day after the election... I would've been a mess.  But given that extra week allowed me to refocus on what really matters, "All of Jesus, for all the world."  

Heaven and earth will fade... but his Kingdom is everlasting.  Yes - Biden/Harris were declared the winner on Saturday.  But it was really Mission Conference Sunday that solidified where my heart ought to lie and where my eyes need to focus, Jesus. 

Tonight's Prayer Meeting was ground breaking.  I don't think the other Prayer Meeting leaders would dare to dance like I did and make a fool of themselves.  Not only that... I was able to convince SW and NN to dance with me... live... over Zoom.  And what I really tried to cement and drive home... that in the midst of this tumult, this storm, this nightmare... there is one thing that we need to do.... and that is turn our eyes upon Jesus. 






Saturday, November 07, 2020

"We did it, Joe"

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 73

Woke up Saturday morning to a bunch of texts.... "Biden Won."  Kids were jumping up and down.  They started singing songs from "Hamilton." 

It wasn't a surprise... it was just a matter of time.  Were all the states conspiring to announce together? Were the TV networks on a group chat? Where they playing chicken? 

Yesterday and the day before was surreal.  Watching GA flip... then PA... and NV and AZ widen their gaps.  Even got a call from a direct report at 10PM saying, "Dude..... 2000 votes."  Who calls their boss at 10PM at night??!?!?! 

Taking in the moment... letting it sink in....  what does this mean as an American?

Democracy wins.  Record turnout.  Every vote counts.

Joe Biden.  Lost 3 other presidential bids. Topped it off as Veep 4 years ago. Was into retirement in the midst of a family crisis. Battling his way out of Scanton making mountains of mistakes on the way. Ripe age of 77.  

Kamala Harris.  A minority.  A woman.  Black and Asian roots. Representing California.  Coming out of San Francisco. A child of Oakland.  Our very own.

Was texting Nita... "I'd love to hear your thoughts on a woman... a minority... securing this spot."  She wasn't crying... I started crying. 

The fate of the nation will actually fall on how the Senate will be decided come January 5th.  It can be 2 years of sweeping policy change.  Or 2 years of stalemate, compromises, government shutdowns and eventually... in 2022... GOP takes over the House.  1994 all over again.  (Ugh....)

Is it time to look ahead... or just enjoy this moment?  

Thursday, November 05, 2020

A nation torn apart...

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 71

Last night was anything short of horrible.  Nothing was newsworthy throughout the day which allowed me to concentrate.  As 5PM PT rolled around and polls on the East Coast started to close, I started to follow NBC (the one channel I get with my dinky little antennae).  It started with Biden leading the count 11-3 when Vermont and Indiana were "done."  Then as the night wore on.. emotions went high and low.  Florida was spotlighted over and over again... and at about 6PM... with so many counties showing up RED and the infamous Miami-Dade still up in the air... you kinda knew.  

Initial signs of Ohio... Pennsylvania... North Carolina trending blue... made dinner much more enjoyable.  After dinner... those states flipped.  Now it was Texas' turn and like 2016... like 2012... like all my recollection... that state continued to ooze crimson.  Latino voters in the south east were attributed to the surprise turn of events.  "No landslide" was immediately declared. 

As the night wore on... and everyone was doing the math... nothing added up.  Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia... states that Obama and Biden kept hitting... did not flip.  The state maps were ridden with red with small spots of blue.  For some reason, the left leaning analyst on NBC kept on holding out - saying the urban, college educated early mail-in ballots could be the deciding factor.

The kids didn't know what was going on... they were cheering for the numbers.  They saw 270... and were jumping on the couch when Biden won NY.  And they sulked when the fly-overs turned red, one by one.  

The math still didn't add up.  Even when Fox News declared Zona flipping -- pissing off the world, specifically the White House.  But the math still didn't add up.... those margins in the battleground states were too large to pull in.  

I went to bed at 1AM.... hopeless.  Dejected.  That lonely... fearful... devastated feeling crept in again.  Like it did in 2016.  Like the Super Bowl.  Like the NBA Championship.  Like the World Series.  Walking that Green Mile prior to ultimate execution.

Then at 5:30AM... my alarm went off.  Immediately checked Twitter and Google News.  Lo' and behold... those margins have narrowed.  In fact... Wisconsin swung all the way around.  And all the news outlets are saying that the mail-in ballots are heavy in Biden's favor.  The math started to come together after Michigan was won.  

At this point... we didn't even need Pennsylvania or Georgia.  We needed 6 more votes from Nevada to hit 270.  

As the clock strikes midnight on marking the end of the 2nd night... we're still 6 votes, 1 state away.  A legal battle is inevitable.  Lawyers already started petitioning in all those states demanding a recount.  

All the while... Congress remains a stalemate between the House and Senate.  

"Why do you vote for Biden?" Anderson asked....

"I vote, not for the person, but the policy.  It helps...that the Donald is a prick."  

As big of a prick and a-hole that he is... half the nation is still with him.  My parents voted for him.  If not for the mishandling of COVID, big-bro would've voted for him.  

"What happened to you? Why are you red-hair step child in your family?" Joyce asks.

"Cuz the Holy Spirit dwells in me...." I sarcastically answer.

For the record... she also voted Biden/Harris.  

And now.... we wait. 

Monday, November 02, 2020

Let it rip!!!

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 69

Neither of the kids grew up liking toys.  Not Barbies.  Not hotwheels.  Not transformers.  They're just not made that way.  Both of them love books.  NN loves arts and crafts.  SW loves sports.  They both are enamored with minecraft... to some extent.  But SW.... he has one toy that he loves... and coincidentally... I love - Beyblades.

I originally thought it was a stupid toy.  A spinning top that crashes into another in a stadium.  Plain and simple.  There's no skill to it.  It's just spinning it...and watching it go.

Boy was I wrong.  These are mechanical engineering marvels.  I still don't know how they're actually made and how a simple change in design can cause such a big difference.  You can customize your top... swap parts with other Beyblades.  Perfect your launch.  Learn your enemies' weaknesses and expose them.

For the past two weeks... I've been playing this childish game with SW.  And I can't stop playing with him.  Is it the toy? the game? the competition? Maybe... or is it the fact I have a "thing" with my son.  Where we can talk trash... sing... dance... tease... 

Mom went to HK and the one thing I wanted her to buy... was a Hong Kong beyblade.  When SW opened it... he loved it so much, he slept with it under his pillow.

SW bought a beyblade for his best friend's birthday.  He just so happens bought one for himself and bah-B.  *ahem* For "Bah-B."  But we wouldn't let him open it... unless he scored above 90 on his History test.  He was so excited... he emailed his teacher to get his score.  

We got enough Beyblades... I thought we can have a Beyblade tournament to declare the champion.  Days later... SW still can't stop talking about it.  

Tournament of Champions

Quarter Finals


For all the marbles....

Attack mode.  Defense mode.  Stamina mode.

Survival.  Knock-out. Burst finish.

Dads have many things with their sons.  Catching a ball.  Fixing a car. Collecting baseball cards.  Well... somehow, this is now our thing.  And I love every, single, moment, of it.  

Friday, October 30, 2020

A simple gesture

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 67

PAL set the vision...And there was a resounding response... a response to renting a Uhaul, grab almost 300 boxes of groceries... and hand deliver it to family, friends, elderly, those in need. 

It's a government sponsored program... and the food is wonderful.  Perishable stuff.  Not cheap at all.

I even have written proof that the Donald encourages wearing masks. 😷

Almost wanted to pull that note out... but I guess credit goes where credit is due. 

So Friday morning... handwrote a few little blessing cards... dawned our, once again, very reliability SJCAC shirt and made a trek around the Bay Area, with the entire family no less!!

I had my reservations.  People don't want extra food... do they?? They'll end up throwing it away, right??  Well... turns out... my deliverees weren't so much interested in the food.  But just longing for the sight of a human body reaching out and caring.  One elderly couple didn't want me to leave... kept persisting to chit-chat.  And there were actually some heart breaking stories...  

A wonderful time for unity.  A wonderful time to serve. A wonderful time to reach out and touch someone.  All that, coming from a simple gesture.  

Monday, October 26, 2020

"I just landed"

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 63

After 2.5 months of rollercoastering... mom finally returns from HK.  She spent 28 glorious days there... 14 of which was quarantined in a hotel that offered stale and rotten food.  Then she spent 2 weeks with family...getting the much needed respect she deserves from her nieces and nephews... and her visiting grandma's grave.  

Due to some mis-reading... we realized last minute that mom was returning a day early.  So I switched into high gear and started cooking up a storm, in the midst of the plumbing issues, while I was prepping for a bible study on "Voting as Worship", while playing Beyblades, Life and Scattegories with the kids... while cooking a full dinner for them.  

Drove out to SFO to pick her up around 10PM... only for big bro to say... she might not remember to switch her HK sim card back to US sim card.  Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat.  My heart dropped.  How was I to get a hold of her??? Will mom know how to borrow someone's phone to call? Will anyone lend her a phone during COVID? If I park in SFO... pay the $8... will I still be able to find her in this giant aiport??

As I was about to embark on that climatic adventure... we received a text on WeChat, "I just landed."  Phew.... either she is texting with a HK Sim card (and paying for who knows how much roaming), or she figured out how to hook up to airport WiFi, or... she knew to swap the sim cards back.  Sometimes she amazes me.  One moment she's an old and senile 70+ year old asian lady that can't speak a word of English.  The next moment... she's the woman who took two rambunctious kids to Great America and Marine World on SamTran... all the while not speaking a word of English.

I picked her up at a ghost-town of an airport... brought her home... delivered her her food... since she supposedly should be self-quarantining.   Got back around 12:30AM.  By the time I scrubbed myself clean... finally hit the hay around 1AM.  I was pooped.... pooped I was.  Had to nap twice during the day... short little power naps. 

And the Niners are 3-3 with Seattle next week.  Shanahan continues to pull one rabbit after another out of his hat.  

Sunday, October 25, 2020

A $5 solution

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 62

For the past, I don't know how many months, my toilet has been hissing.  A quick search on the internet showed that the culprit is a worn out washer in the fill valve - the stem where water shoots in.  But my fill valve happens to not be showcased in any of the articles or DIY videos and the manufacturing has nothing on that valve - it's discontinued (more on that later). So since I can't replace the valve... I went to replace the entire thing.  Saturday... I bit the bullet and decided and bought two new fill valves... since both toilets were hissing.

Only to find out that the nut holding the valve to the toilet is a specialized hexagon valve that's over an inch in diameter.  I have nothing that can remove it.  On top of that.. the nut is on the end closest to the wall.. and there's literally no space for me to sneak my body in, let along a tool, let alone have any leverage for torquing.  I texted everyone asking for a tool... and my neighbor lent me his full arsenal.  Great guy... but none of the tool worked.  I needed a rudimentary hexagonal socket... one which I once had when I replaced my kitchen sink faucet.  No idea where it is.

After hours of twisting and turning... I threw in the towel.  Went to Home Depot (for the 2nd time) to pick up a set of sockets. $20. BAM!!! Worked liked a charm.  The nut came right off with the right tool (which I think is the key to being a good plumber, btw).  I was so happy... replaced everything and was ready to declare victory.  5 minutes after changing the valve...... the hissing came back.  

Dang it.  Something else was happening.  By now... I've read so many articles and papers on toilets, I was a downright expert.  I turned the water inlet off...and the water level continued to drop.  Which was causing the hissing...because the fill valve is trying to compensate for the fall... aka... hysteresis... aka... motorboating.  The water drops, the valve opens, water comes out little by little... HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.....

I tried the food color test.  But nothing was falling into the bowl!!! So it can't be the flapper. Which meant one thing... as validated by dozens of articles... take the darn toilet apart and replace the flush valve.  I had two more options to test before diving that deep.  Remove the bidet... which coincidentally... was around the time when the hissing started.  Or replace the flapper - which can't be the cause cuz the colored water was not falling from the tank to the bowl.  Examining the flapper... it was still in decent condition.  

Sunday morning before service started, I even skipped TWA, and I inched back into that crevice to remove the bidet.  Was hoping it wasn't the root cause... cuz we all love the bidet.  But needed to check the check mark.  And indeed... it wasn't it.  Water level kept dropping.  Last gasp before going full out and replacing the flush valve.... head to Home Depot and get a flapper.  Why not.  It's a 2 minute change... and costed me $5.  Third trip to Home Depot.  

After I got home... had lunch... started prepping for bible study while watching the Niners kick @$$.  And gosh darnit.... the hissing stopped.  It was the flapper afterall.  All those articles I read... that's always the first thing they recommend.  But I skip it and opt for the harder solution.  Cuz really... it can't be that simple, right???

So after it was all said and done... what took me 4 trips total to the Home Depot... ended up being a $5 solution.  No wonder Mario ended up with Princess Peach.  For someone to charge up the wazoo for such simple solutions... of course he gets the girl.  As for me... I found my Princess Peach.   Joyce was supportive every step of the way.  And she made that 4th and final trip to Home Depot when I was busy with everything else.  

As for the obsolete... no one uses ever fill valve that I have... well I'll be darned.  It's the exact same one that AM has.  *shrug*

Friday, October 23, 2020


 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 60

Last year... I blogged about the movie Spotlight where the Boston Globe uncovers the Catholic Church's systemic cover up of the child molestation.  Today... I listened to a podcast recounting that movie.  When they got to the part of "They're just kids..." I started to cry once again.

Days ago... Pope Francis goes on record of recognizing civil unions...  “What we have to create is a civil union law, That way they are legally covered.”  Not a surprise to some...nor is it a departure from the Pope's stance from when he was Cardinal Bergoglio.  But it has set the internet on fire... along with our own church... along with me.

This is a tough topic.  I shouldn't be...but it is.  I stand the middle of opposing sides.  The truth as spelled out in the bible... and my heart. "Don't hate the person, hate the sin." I've come to say that a lot... but I've also recognized that those who know the sin...and continue to act upon it... is voluntarily upholding that sin.  "Love thy neighbor", Jesus taught. And yet... here we are.

I applaud the Pope for saying what he said.  But should he have said it? He's the Holy See.... the representation of Christ on the throne.  Would Jesus have said what he said if he was here today??

God help us..... God help me. 

Thursday, October 22, 2020

A bit of normalcy

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 59

Went shopping at Target with Joyce... not cuz we needed to buy anything... just because I felt like going shopping with my beloved. Walked around the high-tech section to see what the latest fads are.  Boy are we obsolete! Then headed over to Starbucks and picked up a PSL.  

And now... I have a nice clean set of intestines.  Works every time. Haha.... back to a bit of normalcy. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Favorite Sports Moment

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 58

Saw on Twitter, someone pose a question... "What is your favorite sports moment?"

Quickly flipped that question over to big bro, Gonzo and Andersen.  Some great responses....
We started with jokes
  • Jake Taylor's bunt (heh)
  • Ruben Rivera (which we saw in real life!!!) 
  • Hogan body slamming Andre
We all agreed.... too young for "The Catch."

Then Gonzo got serious... with things he saw live. 
  • Cain's Perfect Game
  • Hearst's game winning TD vs the Jets
  • Scutaro in Game 7 of 2012 NLCS
  • Lofton in Game 5 of 2002 NLCS
  • Ishikawa's walkoff in Game 6 of 2014 NLCS
  • Young's run against the Vikings (
  • Dravecky's return
  • Pablo vs Verlander in Game 1 of 2012 WS
Then we really got serious and said 2010 would be the obvious answer.... but which part?
  • Uribe's sac fly in Game 4 off Oswalt (which we were at, and NN's first Giants game?)
  • Uribe's HR off Kendrick in Game 6
  • Wilson striking out Ryan Howard?
  • "It's Gaaaallll-OOOOOOOOOOOONE" 
  • Final strikeout of Nellie Cruz
As much as I'm a Giants fan.... I'm a bigger Niner fan.  It's just.... .they haven't won one since 94.
  • Montana to Taylor in '89
  • The Catch 2 - finally beat Brett Favre (only to lose to the Falcons)
How many wide eyed, open mouthed, arms raised, @$$ clenched moments are there????  For some cities and areas.... too few, so they can name one right away.  For Bay Areans? San Franciscans....far too many to choose from.  

And then... I ended the night with.... Keri Strug stuck her landing.


12 days till election.  OMG.................................... 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

No Mercy

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 57

Playing Monopoly tonight... I originally was hoping to get bankrupted so NN can have "a good night." I even got down to just 6 pieces of property.. and was down to less than $100.  NN landed on Free Parking a few times.... but she couldn't put me away.  And then... the tides turned.  

Not only did I win... I won convincingly.  I annihilated her.  Decimated her.  I showed mercy... once or twice.  Let her collect $200 when she shouldn't have.  And gave her a pass on one of my hotel landings.  But in the end... my competitive spirit overtook the game.  Heh....

Little does she know... there were a couple of turns she didn't play by the rules.  Had she held my feet to the fire... the results could've been very different.  But no one will know.... and I wasn't going to own up to it.  hahahahhahaa…. 

Monday, October 19, 2020

Taste buds

 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 56

The kids have an amazing sense of taste and smell. During dinner tonight... before even the first bite... SW already said something smelled different. Then NN said.... two bites in... said she tasted something. Bell peppers??

They were right on target. I dumped in the remaining half a bowl of salsa into the meat sauce. The lesson here... why waste good food when it can be used for something else???

Funny.... SW will eat chips and salsa. But after knowing what I did... he barely scraped his dinner. Heh....

Friday, October 16, 2020


 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 53

韓風吹咗十幾年、終於吹到嚟梁家。竟然因為追一套Crash Landing on You 令到我成晚都crave韓式炸雞同啤酒! 今日一單起身就搵Vons幾點開門。

酒是凍的.雞是脆的。但點解電視D好味咁多嘅? Heh...

Sidenote: AGGYHHS 🐝


Thursday, October 15, 2020

A thousand words

 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 52

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Crimson Tide

 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 51

My Nui-Nui Ju is all grown up.  

Just yesterday... she was a bundle of joy.  We wrapped her up and brought her to Game 4 of the 2010 NLCS.

Just yesterday... I got mad at her for taking too long in a bath and yelled at her at the top of my lungs... only to be responded to by a pair of eyes full of fear.

Just yesterday... she wouldn't sleep... and I crashed into the door screaming at her... to be met by the same pair of fearful eyes.

Just yesterday... we got mad at her for not saying "Hi" to an Auntie at church and we were about to ditch her.... only for her to scream at the top of her lungs in the courtyard.

Just yesterday... I warned her I would tape her mouth if she didn't stop yapping.  And when I did... she burst into tears that her father would do that to her.

Just yesterday... she fell asleep in my arms at Disneyland because she was too excited to sleep.. and was about to miss her Princess Lunch... when I said, "Nui-nui... 公主啊."  And she woke up right away.

Just yesterday... she held the American flag during her Kindergarten commencement as the valedictorian. 

Just yesterday... I let go of her bike... and she rode off on her own.

Just yesterday... I put her into the Emergency Room by stepping on her with my ice skate.

Just yesterday... she ran a 10 minute mile with me after I chose to let go....

Yesterday... I can never recapture yesterday. 

And today...which will become yesterday tomorrow... my Nui-nui Ju is an adult.