Wednesday, December 28, 2022


Had a nice long talk with NN tonight.  "I don't like going to church."  

This was inevitable.  We saw it coming.  And if we don't do something about it... SW will have the same talk with me.  NN and SW, simply do not have friends at church.  They don't have a community.  They don't have body life.  

In a way.. it's self serving.  We never stay after church to chat or hang out.  During COVID, we pretty much stayed at home the entire time (and then some). And we give the kids every excuse to miss Youth.

In some ways... it's digging our own graves.  We do not belong in CS.  We don't really have friends. Our friends are kinda forced.  In reality... we don't hang out.  I might have 1-2 "texting" friends that I enjoy exchanging mindless batter with.  Friends...?? My friends are Nita and Jeff.  Even Anderson is a wild card these days... who knows what his agenda is anymore. 

Church can be lonely.  I don't care how many sermons or sharings there are that church isn't a social club.  It darn well is a social club.  If you truly go there for just choir practice and bible study... then you're kidding yourself.  I've gotten a lot of heat over the years for saying and sticking to this truth... only to be met by the sanctimonious faction that church is "all-accepting" and "class-less."

The sooner you embrace reality, the sooner you can move forward.

I don't fault NN for saying "I don't like going to church."  

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Natural Weather Forecaster

Two months ago... I jammed my finger pretty bad while playing basketball.  I've jammed fingers before, but this was the worst I've ever experienced.  I thought I fractured it. The swelling never fully died down.  Till this day... I still can't bend my finger like before.  And then today...  it started screaming in pain without me doing anything.  Which can only mean one thing... I now possess the ability to predict the future. 

Monday, December 26, 2022

Evolution of Card Games

It started with Uno in the 80's.... then things went dormant except for your collector cards like Magic the Gathering and Pokemon.  I think it was in the early 2000's when Monopoly Go revolutionized and resurrected the card game industry and since then it's been a booming steady source of Christmas Gifts.  Gotta hand it to them.. .they do a great job packaging and marketing the game.

Like the game "Dos", the second coming of "Uno".  Great packaging but it was a dud.
We then bought games like Sushi Go, Ramen Fury, A Little Wordy.  
This Christmas... I was gifted with Exploding Kittens "Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza" which is simply Slap Jack with a bit of a twist. 

The one common theme.... all these games last for about 20 minutes before it really needs to become a drinking game. 

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Fake it till you make it

 Was invited to take part in church choir on Christmas.  Had rehearsals today where we attempted to sing "Joy to the World" as a four-ranged choir.  I was put into bass.  Sam sent out a notes beforehand and I listened and studied the night before. But when joined with the other three ranges and the lead melody... I was lost.  I tried to fake it... but it was obvious I was lost.  In a sea of noobs... no one would know.  But in a room of professionals... it stuck out like a sore thumb. HA!  Gonna fake it... till I make it. 

Friday, December 23, 2022


Never thought it'll happen.. but our family finally hit the slopes.  I last went in he mid 2000's before getting married.  Since then... the economics have driven me away... and when I tried to make it back, there was every reason not to go.  

The Tat's made a fine recommendation, site wise and economics wise where it was fairly attractive but within dollar reasons.  The Leung's finally kept up with the Jone's and we took our kids to Tahoe; really, Reno, but Tahoe sounds sexier. 

First day... the place was packed!! The lines were so long and the equipment rental rooms has the heat turned way up... and it was filled with so many people, SW got nauseous from altitude sickness.  Not since his allergic reaction to nut where we hit the emergency room did I feel so helpless and cranked up my fatherly skills.  (Don't worry.  Everything will be fine.  Keep him calm.  Stay calm yourself.  Look for help). I ripped his jacket off... took him outside for some fresh air... and he slowly recovered.  Meanwhile.. NN, the teenager, was on her own with the equipment guys.  She didn't need an overbearing parent. 

After about an hour of getting set up... they were finally able to join their lesson, which was also packed.  And here's where I could no longer join them, as they were fenced off.  Lessons aren't fun, but they're needed.  How to get in and out of your skis.  How to get up from a fall.  How to turn around.  How to stay safe.  The lessons lasted two hours... and they were exhausted.  From afar... in the cold... we were watching as they fell.  Tried to get up.  Just to fall again.  Heh... then came time for lunch and they were done.  Spent. No mas.  Once again...the altitude was getting to them.  Along with the fact... skiing is a tough sport!!!  

During lunch... which SW barely had an appetite... they just wanted to sit down and watch Youtube/Netflix.  I'm looking at my watch... "Dude!!! I paid $160 for each person!! Get your butts out there!!"  I held my tongue for as long as I can and I finally slipped.  The kids obliged begrudgingly.  

SW was skeptical...cuz he was sick.  NN was determined.. cuz that's how she's wired.  They went back to the bunny slopes just to get their bearings straight.  And off the chute... SW lost control and bowling- balled into a bunch of kids.  NN did a little better... she veered left and made a gymnastic landing into the fences where her she got stuck and needed help untangling herself.  Joyce thought they were gonna be done when they removed their gear and walked back towards the lodge.  Turns out... they were done with the bunny slopes and wanted to hit the mountains.

It was only uphill from there, figuratively. They lined up for the Green Circle and it was no turning back.  Without any instructions... they approached their first lift.  And of course... they didn't know what to do and caused a stoppage.  Heh... after that, they were off.  I have no idea where they were going... as they ascended to the heavens. Just nervously paced at the bottom of the hill hoping and praying that they arrive safely... and not on the back of a snowmobile.  The next 10 minutes... I spent staring at a million people wearing black jackets and pants.  (Mental note, wear orange or yellow next time!) 

Out of nowhere, NN slid down one trail and SW glided another.  Both in one piece.  Barely any damages.  They admitted, one of them wiped out.  But that was it.  They were in love and kept going and going.  Lessons were tough... but skiing was actually fun. We quickly retreated back to the warm confides of the lodge where we brought snacks and libations. is good.  Life would've been great... had I been able to join them.  I so wanted to... so so wanted to.  The fear of falling and not getting up outweighed my need for speed... or more so... the wife giving me a look of not ditching her outweighed that jonesing feeling.  Sigh... 

But alas... we can finally make claim... "We went to Tahoe." 

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Is there a wrong way?

Interesting topic came up during dinner... for Chinese veggies... which direction do you eat it? Do you start with the stalk and end with the leaf? Or vice versa?

I'm one that starts from the stalk cuz I'm a leaf guy.  Save the best for last.  And by nature's direction... the leaf points "up" so as you're chomping from the end... it'll naturally flow into your mouth.  

That and toilet paper goes over.  Rules in life you mustn't break. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022


 "The 2022 Most Valuable Player for Jr High Basketball Team 6B goes to...."

Freeze time....

Flash back to October 20th... after Basketball Tryouts and Coach Jacob separated the boys to Team A and Team B.  SW did not make Team A.  And he and I sat on a bench outside of school.  He was clearly unhappy and I forced him to open up.  "SW... are you sad you didn't make Team A?"  "Yeah..."  And to pour salt on his wound... a bunch of friends that made Team A were hootin and hollerin right in front of us.  It was a heart breaking moment for me.

Unfreeze time... 

Flash forward to today at the Team Celebration... "goes to.... Joshua!!!"  And there it was.  Big fish, little pond. SW is named Most Valuable Player. 

It came down to SW and Alex.  Legitimately... the two of them carried the team. The point guard...and the shooting guard.  Trying to be unbiased... Alex shoulda won Most Skilled Player. He has better handles. He had a softer shot.  But SW was truly the Most Valuable Player.  Maybe not the best player... but he can fit into multiple positions.  He was a silent leader.  During scrimmages... his teammates would shout out, "Watch out for SW!!".  During knock-out... he had a target on this back.  Some credit goes to his dad... for taking him out to the courts during the summer and on weekends to sharpen his skills.

In reality... the players votes came down to a tie.  The Athletic Director asked what I wanted to do.  And due to a conflict of interest... I told her, "Let Coach Noah decide."  And he did.  We could've had co-MVP's... but in the end... Coach Noah picked the more deserving player. 

Onto our next disappointment... which will lead to the next triumph. 

Monday, December 12, 2022


There is a certain lore of being undefeated.  There is an equal amount of unicornism or bigfootity for the exact opposite.  Winless.  That's what I became today.  In 2022... I was winless as a basketball coach.

0-6 for Jr. High Girls.

0-6 for Jr. High Boys.

I'm a bit downtrodden... but I am truly playing with house money.  To coach my son... to see him in his natural environment with his friends... to become a "cool, fun dad (with a bit of a temper)" is priceless.  What capped it off... was at the end of our final game... after the final speeches... as everyone was headed home, one of the mom's came up to be and handed me a thank you card.  It was 'one of those moments.'  

Never expected... but always appreciated.  Hopefully... we made an indelible mark in these youngster's lives. 

Sunday, December 11, 2022


You hate someone... give them Raisins.

Someone hates you... expect Raisins. 

But that's not even that bad.  What's perpetually worse than raisins... is the ultimate passive-aggressive, bait-n-switch, snake-oil sales man of clothing raisin underneath sweet, creamy chocolate. That trap... can only be summed up as.... pure evil.  

Monday, December 05, 2022


Nita and Brandon came to visit... and we scoped out the entire day to spend with them.

It started with driving out to the city on an early, rainy, Saturday morning.  We walked and got some mediocre coffee and overrated pastry.  Then we headed to Koi Palace... which was amazingly not-packed.  Then we headed to Serramonte to relive our childhoods. So many memories... so many moment in times.  This was the place Joyce and I had, arguably, our first date. 

I still remember that Christmas of 1998... when I summoned her to take me shopping for our church Christmas party.  We ended up buying a Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal which... miraculously... was raffled off to a young child. 

We then relived our child hood footsteps and walked through the malls of Serrmamonte and Stonestown.  Jeff spent about 2 hours shopping for shirts and sweaters.  Nita played her role of the overbearing mother... while Brandon and I screwed around and tried on everything and anything to kill time. 

The weather did NOT cooperate.  It was rainy and wet... but inside... we were dry and high.  I had so much freedom to pour out my life... my joys and miseries... which I can only do to {{someone}}. After my much needed therapy session.. .we found ourselves at PPQ Dungenous Island feasting on garlic crab and garlic noodles.  Yes... it was too much food.  But we killed it.  Yes... it was too pricey... but how often do you hang out with best friends.  Yes... it was bad for my cholesterol... but there's always tomorrow to start eating oatmeal and exercise. 

We ended up back at Jeff's house where we were flipping through VOD shows.... and it got so late... I had to say, "Ok... I gotta go." Only for Nita to say, "Oh good... I was gonna say something soon." In my head... "Why didn't you say something!?!?!?"  Probably exactly what she was thinking.

In a way... we didn't want the night to end.  But at the same time... we're old.  We need to hit the hay.  Which is exactly what I'm gonna do now. 

Friday, December 02, 2022


It's getting out of hand... it started with one.  Then two.  Then three.  One more and I won't have lights in my room.  But the high ceilings makes it's easy to procrastinate. I finally buy that extender.. removed the lightbulbs and proceeded to Home Depot for replacements... only... they no longer sell incandescents. Same with Lowe's... only LED's. Geez.... no wonder those Light bulb stores are still around. 

Thursday, December 01, 2022

Hank Talk

After several rounds of rejections.. I said, "Screw it... I'm gonna do my own thing." And I held our first annual Bay Area Prod Ops Quality Symposium.  It came together last minute... but it was soooo well received. 

Tony/Anson did their job in going over Lessons Learned.
Winston/Tim knocked a homerun with their Quality Pong and Quality Jeopardy / Family Feud.
Then came time for me to give my talk about "Personal Branding."  I first came across this around 2018... and I took it and modified it for Eden Fellowship.  I then took the Eden Fellowship version and re-modified it for a professional environment.

Man... was I not prepared.  But in the end... it was so well received.  I ripped myself opened and shared my vulnerabilities.  I even forgot (by God's grace) to take out a biblical reference.  And when I saw it.. I went with the flow. Got so many accolades for my "Ted Talk." One person said, "Your Ted Talk spoke directly to my soul."  Another person who is rather soft spoken sent me a 6 paragraph email about what he's going through. 

What originally was a means to share some Lessons Learned became an agent of bonding and reflection.  I am proud to say... that today... I was the salt and light at work. 

Monday, November 28, 2022

Pick up the phone!!!

Wanted to order Panda Express for my department's end of the year party... but on the website, they say the earliest pickup time is 12:05PM.  That won't work... lunch is at 11:30AM.

So I tried calling.  No answer.  I call back... no answer.  Ok... I'll try again later.

Later... I call again.  No answer.  I try another Panda. No answer!!  I call 2 other Pandas.... and not one place answered the phone.  Oh my geez.. until finally..  I called a Panda that did answer.  It was bit a farther out.  But they were able to accommodate my 10:30AM pickup time. 

What is it with businesses....? 

Sunday, November 27, 2022

City Slickers

I've blogged on City Slickers twice since 2005. My favorite movie... a suburban western about 3 friends going through a mid-life crisis.  I've rewatched this countless times throughout the years.  

In the beginning... it was my favorite movie because of the adventure.
Then it was the friendships.
Then it was turning 39. 
So many reasons to love this movie.

I rewatched it with the kids today... and I like reading the bible over and over again... you gain new perspective.

The moment where they share "best day" and "worst day."  The writers may have done this surreptiously... or it may have been on purpose...

But Billy Crystal talks about seeing Yankee Stadium live.. in person... for the first time... with this dad.
Daniel Stern.. talks about his wedding day... and he gets a *wink* from his dad.
Bruno Kirby.. shares how he stood up and chased away the cheater.. his dad.
Then... the dentist who volunteers to take Cookie to town... and the son protesting.  The dad says, "Ride with me son.  It'll still be fun."

This isn't just a movie about friendship... about finding the meaning of life... about driving cattle from New Mexico to Colorado.  It's about the unbounding relationship between a son and a dad.

Friday, November 25, 2022


There a few things in life that can cause you to slam the brakes, screeeech, and come to a complete stop or collision.  

Coincidentally... both happened in the same calendar year.

The first time was was MC texted us and said, "Hey!! We have something to show you before we tell more people."

The second time was tonight... when I received a text, "Ahem, btw we have an announcement to make."

Oh my.................. what is going on here?????  

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving 2022

Another Holiday event bites the dust... once again.. the stress works itself out.

Mom and Dad's divorce has created a chasm that gets trickier and trickier every year.  And yet... we somehow figure it out every season.

This Thanksgiving... for whatever reason.. I was hosting Thanksgiving with mom and the in-laws.  As the planets aligned... I was able to share a Thanksgiving lunch with one of my best friends in SF Chinatown.  After lunch.. Jeff and I seized the opportunity to stroll the streets where I grew up.  This isn't the Chinatown I grew up in.  The stores were different.  So many new shops popping up.  The people are different.  I saw a HK Style Cafe written with simplified Chinese. The infrastructure is different... including an underground Muni going directly to Chinatown. All the memories start rushing back. Those days when I would wander the music stores... the comic stores... and even... the touristy shops.

"It wasn't as awkward as I thought." Was NN's comment as the evening closed. Mom and the In-Laws don't hang out. They're not in the same group.  Dad would jive.  Dad jives with everyone. I don't know how he does it. We made it work with a mah jong table.  And during dinner... I was able to squeeze a "Thanksgiving" out of everyone.

Grace: To move into my new house.
SW: To making it into King's
NN: The casting call
Joyce: Escaping Hawaii without getting COVID
MIL: Able to have a proper funeral and burial for grandma
FIL: A negative scan of his liver - he's cancer free!!
Mom: Health in spite of losing 40 lbs from her 120 lb original weight
Me: Able to coach NN and SW's basketball Team
NN (part two): Being demoted from Team A to Team B... (in tears)... and triumphantly becoming the best player on Team B.  

I was able to cook Thanksgiving dinner. I love to cook. Was planning this dinner for days.  Disappointingly... it didn't come out as I had hoped, but it was a dinner nonetheless.

But the most memorable moment of it all... was when mom grabbed SW's book, "Soul Surfer", and started reading outloud in the first page of Acknowledgements. She didn't miss a beat.  Pronounced all the words correctly.  Struggled through the long words and phonics'ed her way through the SAT words.  Mom... supposedly a 70+ year old, senile, old lady... has once again impressed and amazed me.  All those years of Adult School and ESL... she is finally finding her language.  The language of her nation and citizenship. I watched with my jaw on the floor.  So proud... so so proud of her.

5 kernels??? I dunno... I don't think I can make 5 kernels after that moment in time. 

Monday, November 21, 2022

Team Bonding

Credit to Mama Bell for showing me there's life beyond the court... we had our very own Jr. High Basketball Team Bonding event.  We originally thought of going to a Stanford Hoops game, but as luck, would have it...the timing didn't work.  Ended up having pizza, Capri Sun, chips, popsicles... and a TKA Varsity Game.

There's such a diversion between the two teams. Team A was totally into the game.  They were studying and learning.  Team B goof'ed around.  One of the players cheered for the opposing team just cuz he could. 

But amazingly... the happiest people of the night were the parents.  Sixth grade parents truly want their kids to hang out with healthy friend groups.  I got so many accolades from the parents it was embarrassing.  

Coach Noah did his job as a pastor.  He told a story... preached a sermon... on following Christ.  I followed it on being a teammate... and the importance of team work and chemistry.  Picking up a fallen brother. We limped to the finish line. And at the end of the night... we had 3 leftover pizzas that the kids didn't finish, but found a ride home.  

SW had a great time.  It was amazing seeing him in his element.  I played my part of being the cool, fun parent.  I let them goof around to a point where a parent tried to step in - fruitless.  Then I gave them a quick stare and 3 words - they stopped.  

A coach... is such a life changing role in a young man's life.  I'm so grateful to be playing this role.  May these boys grow up to be men above boys and be leaders in their own rights. Go Knights!!

Sunday, November 20, 2022

What's next...?

As I hang up my badge as CS MA... I start thinking and exploring What's Next in my ministry path.  One of which is to join the CS Worship Team as a drummer.  Me... with zero music background.  With some rhythm guitar experience. And years and years of listening to rock music.

Saturday... I joined Joyce and the worship team in their practice.  I sat next to 大佬 Keno as he slayed every fill... every frill... and I was... without a doubt, thrilled... to be in their presence. 

I interrupted their practice and 客串'ed for a bit.  But I wasn't ready. I hadn't touched the drums for months.  My skills were no where near their level. And the percussion... as weird as it sounds.. is the foundation of the whole worship set.  The drums set the rhythm.  As I'm trying to follow the piano's beat... the pianist is following my beat...or my off beat! I desperately needed the vocalists to lead me... and the vocals followed the piano who followed the drums. 

I was a fish out of the water.  At the end of practice... everyone stayed late to rehearse with me.  I knew nothing and can do nothing.  But there were no corrections or admonishments.  Only encouragement.  I'm now so encouraged... I needa practice at least 30 minutes each day to keep up!! I will do that!! That's what's next....!

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Tale as old as time

Beauty and the Beast... easily my favorite Disney animated feature ever.  

As a kid.. I only saw bits and pieces of the original Disney classics - such as Fantasia, Cinderella, Snow White, Peter Pan, etc...  Disney was different back then. They sold VHS tapes for a limited time.  Unless your family bought them (which we didn't) or you watch it on channel 7 on Sunday evenings, you'd only know the lore, which made it even more magical.

I did catch the Disney Animated Renaissance... which started with Aladdin, which made way for Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, Hercules, Tarzan.  This was during my high school and college years when I had money to go out.  I caught every one of these movies.  To cap off the Renaissance was when B&B was famously nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards.  

In the early 2000's... Jeff, Nita, Pam and I went to watch the Broadway show for Pam's bday... after having dinner at Market Grill.  I didn't know much about theater back then... only that it was a rich man's world.  And I was completely mesmerized.  First of all... I loved the song.  Secondly.. the costume and choreography was astounding. If there was ever a "first musical", it would have to be Disney. 

Nearly 20 years later... we get to watch another Disney's Beauty and the Beast musical.  This time... life has made a number of changes.  I'm not married with children.  I'm older, wiser and much more cynical.  I see life through different lenses.  

B&B now... to me... is a story about a heroine, a book addict, an engineer.  Just like NN... just like Joyce.  The "princess" isn't your damsel in distress like Snow White or Sleeping Beauty.  She's independent and a fighter.  Someone that's different, stands out, and isn't afraid of it.

B&B... is a father/daughter story.  Of how a father connects with her daughter.  A daughter understands her father.  And the two of the fighting and clinging to survive.  

B&B... is a story about second chances (or there lack of). The enchantress was extremely unforgiving after The Prince turned her away.  The last rose petal fell... as a matter of fact... before someone loved the beast.

B&B... is a story of loyalty.  Regardless of how mean and angry the beast was... the servants stuck by him.  Why?? He was a spoiled prince.  I guess... that's how the story was written.

B&B... is a fairy tale where the protagonist and heroes are always "handsome and good-looking," I actually scoffed last night when The Beast turned into a handsome, young man as opposed to the actual actor unmasking himself.  Here... I think Shrek did a much finer job at explaining acceptance and true beauty. 

B&B.... it's a story of unbelonging.  It's a story of standing out.  It's a story of hiding.  It's a story of going after what you want.  It's a story of finding companionship in a world of loneliness.  B&B... is a story... that's as old as time. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

2.5 years of catching up

The cold and flu bug that bit the Leung family is hitting us hard... almost like... 2.5 years of disease free catching up and cashing out on us.

SW... though he only had a cold... he missed one day of class.  Last week, he missed one game.  The game he returned, he was barely functional.  Today... he was gassed after a few minutes.  Last night and tonight... he zonked out before his head hit the pillow.

NN... struggled with the flu.  Lost her voice. Broke down 20,000 times cuz she feared she'd be replaced by a non-existing understudy.  She tried to work up her homework... but in the end... fell far behind.  Today... after she came home... she literally passed out on her bed.  Turns out... her appetite's been in shambles and she didn't eat anything but junk food all day. At night.. all she had were some pork bones from soup.  

From the coughing and sniffles... it doesn't look like they'll be recovering any time soon. 

Joyce was also stricken by the bug... but she plowed through it.  Had to take some naps here or there.  Just like me.  I think both our immune systems are at full throttle... fighting anything and everything off.

Thanksgiving break can't come too soon.

Friday, November 11, 2022

All in the Family

Like the famous 80's soap opera... today was... "All in the Family."

Months ahead... I planned for mom and dad to come in for NN's musical.  I laid the path for both of them to come in... watch the show... have dinner... so I can drive them out to SF simultaneously.  Save me a trip or two.

But it gets better.... 

Mom... who for some reason... can't stand being in the same zip code as dad... suggests we invite 姑媽。  Ok... a little awkward, but I can do that.  For someone I admire and look up to... I wouldn't hesitate for a moment to spend time with her.  I was shocked when dad said she'd come.  She's 76.  Doesn't look a day over 56.  Still one of my heroes.

Dad... who is much more laid back than mom... didn't really care about the arrangement.  He loved to come in with his sister.  Loved to hang out with the grandkids.  Loved to take a chance to pay for dinner.  He had a great time of 走眼看花。 

姑媽 - silently... one of the greatest heroes in my life.  She is the definition of grit.  Life did not deal her a good hand of cards, but she met all confrontation fearlessly and with a smile.  She is Muhammad Ali... Lawrence Taylor... Mike Tyson... Serena Williams rolled up into one.  A great attitude. Never shy to compliment.  Knows how to read a room.  Says the right things at the right time.  Knows when to shut up.  She deserves better.

Mom... for all the meticulous planning and careful execution. She failed.  She did not come in an hour early... like dad.  For whatever reason... she waited till the last minute to catch the 1 California... which was late!!! She nearly gave up.... and was gonna be late.  Until... she surprised me by texting me that he hailed a taxi to get to Cal Train!!!  She who doesn't speak a word of English... for the sake of her grand daughter... would break through all taboo and culture divides... to hail an SF Taxi.  

It was awkard... it was weird.  These old people don't know the first thing about whispering.  About etiquette.  About respecting the thought of not recording during a performance.  Too many times did I have to admonish them.  But all of that... meant nothing.... it all fell to the wayside.

When it come time for my Nui nui ju to sing her first solo. All week, she's been battling a flu and a closed throat.  She couldn't sing.  She couldn't hit her notes.  She was miserable and wanted to quit.  "It's not fair, daddy!"  (No, it's not.) But you can't say that. There she was... curtains closed.  Spot light on her.  And she slayed it.  Just like we prayed every night for the past two months.  She slayed it.

Yes... the vocal director changed her track.  But other than purists and parents of the cast members... no one would know.  She slayed it.  And just like how we've been praying the past few months... it's not about how we do.  It's not about our performance.  "All honor and glory... to Jesus."

Thank you Jesus!! I love you!! 

Thursday, November 10, 2022

New low

6 games with the Jr. High Girls team.  And now the 3rd game of the Jr. High Boys team.. I've hit a new low as a coach.  We not only got spanked... we got shut out.  31 - 0.  Zero!!! In a basketball game.  We had more missed free throws than we had shot attempts.  That's how bad our offense is.  And our defense? Listless.  Unaggressive. Day dreaming.  

So many things we need to work on.  But where to start?? Fundamentals. Look... no matter how we carve it or paint the picture... it's not FUN... when we lose this badly. 

Wednesday, November 09, 2022

輸了... 但贏了

Game 2 against Sacred Heart Prep.  And it was a shell-lacking.  I lost track of the final score... but it was around 39-11.  At least we got to double digits. 

Motion.  It just doesn't work.  Those kids simply don't understand the concept.

Rebound. SHP outsized us in all capacity. We did not have an answer to their 2nd... 3rd.... 6th chance of making a basket.

It was simply David and Goliath.  And we... David... did not have a sling and 5 stones.

But at the end of the evening... the one parent who was 100% against early dismissal and was 100% going to miss tomorrow's game said, "C is willing to give up Math League... and willing to take early dismissal."

Getting that reluctant parent to be on our side in spite of a spanking.. that was my win for the night. 

That...and Red Wave that's turning out to be a Red Wedding.

Tuesday, November 08, 2022


After 10 months of waiting... we're about to pour concrete when my contractor calls and says, "We have some sinkholes in your backyard."

Sink holes... WTF?!?!

I hurried from TKA all the way back to the San Jose home to deal with the 8" mysterious hole in my foundation.  What's causing the drainage and erosion? Do I live on an unstable foundation??

What do I do??? Not a moment to spare. 

Either you don't do jack... but once you open the patient... all the problems fly out of Pandora's Box. 

Monday, November 07, 2022

Jesus' Healing

"He touched her hand, and the fever left her. And she arose and served them." ~Matt 8:15

The biggest fear has come to pass.  We tried our best to keep NN nourished and healthy.. but alas.. she has succumbed to the flu virus. It started with SW getting the cold... but he didn't come down with a fever.  NN on the other hand... got hit a few days later.  What started as a stuffy and drippy nose is now a full blown 104 deg fever packed flu. 

She broke down... "I worked too hard to have the understudy take my part."  She doesn't have an understudy. She's the only one capable of playing this role.  I know deep down... at the very least... she will pull of her own Jordan Flu game.  There still are school protocols... but I think... the Director will aptly look the other way.  So long as NN is symptoms free (Motrin!!!) and masked up during rehearsals.  

But tonight... he was burning.  You don't need a thermometer to know she's sick.  Just standing 3 feet away... you can see the glassy eyes and feel the heat.  

She has zero appetite, but NN knows she has to force eat to get better.  At 7:30... she asked me to put her to bed cuz she knows she needs rest.  She doesn't struggle or protest any medicine or Airborne.  She wants to get better.  She's begging to get better.  And in Jesus' name... we declare... she WILL be healed. 

Wednesday, November 02, 2022


First game of the season... and I was late cuz I left SCF late.  When I got there.. Coach Noah was teaching them another offensive play and SW wasn't in that 5.  It was obvious... he wasn't gonna be the starting 5.  I knew he would be disappointed.  What didn't help... our team got outrebounded by the taller and bigger Menlo team.  Credit to them for doing what they oughta do. But in terms of talent... we were neck in neck with them.  We ended up falling short by 5.  But Coach Noah did a great job of rotating every body in.  Everyone had some play time.  Everyone experienced the adrenaline of being in a game. "I'm nervous coach." "I'm scared coach." 

Channel it young man.  Channel that energy.  We will prevail.  And SW... keep clawing.  Yes..  your size is a disadvantage.  But your skills and your heart will win you over.  Don't let up.  Keep flying.  Keep soaring.  Your day will come. 

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

All Church Retreat 2022

 This year's All Church Retreat... 又告一段落。 

It started 5 months ago when the Elders invited the MA's to help with planning.  It was a weird transition... because the mantle was not clear upon passing.  Were the elders running the show... or the MA's.  Be that as it may... I did my usual backseat driver mode and eventually started running the show. Will be glad to step away from these leadership roles in the coming season.

Some afterthoughts... 

  • One church... many cultures.  It's so hard to please everyone.  We're all so different. 
  • Being the voice of the team... I inadvertently got CS all the prime spots.  Dinner.  Rooms. Adventures. Games.  I have my allegiance. And when the other congregations fall silent.. the loud voice prevails.
  • Rally of Church - a little dream of mine that I nearly nixed.  But ultimately secured my spot in SJCAC history.  It was obvious when the song was blasted that my finger prints were all over it. 
  • CS performances are simply one notch above the rest. We take it for real.
  • MS dancers are a force to be reckoned with... they don't share the same pomp and circumstance as CS does... but when they're on stage... they bring a presence.
  • MC-ing the event. I MC'ed the 40th anniversary event... and I knew there was no one else better suited to MC this event.  Finding a partner to match me was tough billing... but MS did it.  Joyce Tran matched me stride for stride. 
  • Saturday night... as everyone was turning in... we hear this chorus of singing from a fire pit.  Everyone looked around and wondered what was happening.  Me being me... I approached our MS brethen who, with opened cans of budweiser, were singing Chinese folk songs from the 1950's. They were not ashamed. And I was proud to stand in their midst.
  • As great as I think I am... my inability to control the Mandarin language was too apparent. I need more practice.
  • The All Church Games and Ultimate Tag was a hit. Kudos to Roy and Warming for their creativity and pursuit of togetherness.
  • CS takes the lead.  Snack Team.  Adventures Team. Activities Team. For some odd reason... we ended up running the entire program.
  • In the midst of my pompous triumph... I can see that ES and MS all have their own ways of doing things.  People Bingo... Spiritual Dancing... Hiking... they have their own thing and they execute well. 
  • Rest. Recreate. Reconnect. The theme for the retreat was perfect.  And for SW and NN... they had a chance to reconnect with their peers from pre-COVID.  SW and Daniel were inseparable. To a point where Vivian and Eric reached out to say... we gotta get together more often.  NN... in her own way... was a magnet of attention.  On the last day... I approached one of her Jr. High peers and said, "You should come back to E2.  NN really misses you." And that girl.. couldn't control it but she let out a huge smile. And that night... she messaged NN to reconnect after 2 years of ghosting.
  • Never did I think I will be reading the bible with Dad.  And after that happened... never did I think that I will be praying aloud with dad.  Leveling up!!
  • Speaking of dad... he for sure is aging.  He's slow. Senile. But still full of energy.  正能量。
  • Watching dad play ping pong with PAL... I think that was the highlight of dad's weekend. 
  • The church office team... they act behind the curtains, under the radar, to which no one notices.  But I noticed.  They're top notch servants of Christ.
  • My sister Maria.  She doesn't stop.  She's a voice of truth.  She (and Mark) love this church.  She did more for this retreat than anyone would realize.  And she will go down as having zero accolades because I get the spotlight and she doesn't.  
  • Age old taboo... Maria admits to me... that she dare not speak against the elders.  And she doesn't dare speak out cuz she's a woman.  I quickly admonished her for that.  Never, in my eyes, should a woman feel subservient to men.  But the truth of the matter is... we're still a male dominant church. 
There's so much more... but those are my thoughts for now.  And after this is all said and done... I have a huge withdrawal.  I find myself lost... without anything to do at nights. I need to stay busy. I need to plan.  And execute. And tell people what to do.  This stage of rest... is so restless. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

I'm a plumber??

On a random Wednesday afternoon... I find myself doing some plumbing work for SH at her new home.  Not only am I a social worker who helps her fill out forms... I'm also the IT guy that gets her TV and WiFi set up... I'm now also a plumber. What did I sign up for????

Sunday, October 23, 2022

爸B Dance

Was asked by Larry to choreograph some dance moves for our Friday night presentation.  I stayed up late with NN to come up with some dance moves and after we were done, she spoke some truths.  "That's really good... for a 爸B Dance."  And as she predicted... no one was able to do the dance today.  

Back to the drawing board... HA!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Try outs... team selection

Day 3 of tryouts.  Right away... I can tell that SW is in the lower tier of players. No knock on him.. other than he other boys in the upper tier played club... or are physically bigger and more gifted.  During the 2nd day's "tryouts", when Coach Jacob separated the boys into two teams... it cemented the fact he won't make A-team.  And then when the boys scrimmaged... it was obvious he was one of the better players in that lower tier.  He wasn't gonna get cut.

Turns out... with players dropping out... no one was cut.  And today... when Coach Jacob separated the sheep and the goats... the elites and non-elites... Team A and Team B... I knew that SW was gonna be in team B. 

After tryouts were over and we were waiting for NN... I had a sit down with SW.  His classmates/teammates were a shouting distance away...  and they were excited about making Team A.  I saw that SW was upset.  So I asked him, "Are you sad you didn't make it into Team A?" While holding tears back in his eyes... he said, "A little."

Yes... son... it is sad.  Life will throw you these curveballs. Sometimes... it's unfair.  Other times... it's just life.  Work hard son.  Earn your way onto the starting lineup.  You can do it.  Bah B is so proud of you.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

On the defense

Got a fairly random email from a parent we don't even know... that NN and their daughter has some issues that's elevated to a level where they have to contact the school to resolve. I try really hard to take an impartial stance and let the truth be told.  But already we're in a disadvantageous position where we have to defend someone's accusations.  

I took the high road and said, "Let's mediate through the school."  But school hasn't contacted us.... yet.  We'll see where this goes. 

Friday, October 14, 2022

Our Town

There's a very thin line between good theater and bad theater. Throw in singing and dancing and it can go very right... or very wrong!! Make a "junior" version of something, it takes away from the soul of the very being that once brought that script to life. Speaking of life... Emily said, “Do human beings ever realize life while they live it ?-every, every minute?”

Quoting Emily Webb from Our Town, by Thorton Wilder.

First came across Grover's Corner in 7th grade.  As a kid... I loved reading plays. In class, we would take turns reading the lines. It was much more engaging than reading a novel.  But this wasn't your typical play... with character development, challenge, overcome, and climax.  If anything... it forced us to grow up before most of us were ready for it.  All those words to say... did not like it.

Then some where / some time in the 90's... there was an episode of Growing Pains where perennial goofball and troublemaker Mike Seaver (played by Kirk Cameron) was in a high school play.  He struggled with the play and was in it to get close to the female lead.  But when it came time to deliver his line... to have his moment... he nails it. 

George: "Emily... would you be...? Uhm... could you be...."  
Emily: "I am now!  I always have been...."

From that moment on... no one can deliver that line any better.  

In high school... we had a chance to re-read it.  And I still wasn't old enough to fully appreciate the passage of life.  Haven't experienced love, marriage, death... the lowlight of that experience was Stewart butchering George's line.  In the most mono-tone mutter - we completely lost the essence. 

A few years ago, Wonder - the movie starting Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson.. tried to capture the moment through the life of their daughter Via.  Originally the understudy, she was launched to leading lady on opening night... and like Kirk Cameron, she cemented how Emily should deliver the closing lines of Act 3. And all-hail her for her excellence... Julia Roberts with her teary eyes and massive grin puts her stamp of approval. 

TKA High School Visual Performing Arts took on the challenge of Our Town.  A bunch of teenagers.. awkwardly scrambling through three Acts of Life, Love, Death.  Unlike Jr. High... who butchers the script but making them a junior version... the full on script stands on its own.  Without being too critical of the acting and performance... Thorton Wilder is a legend in his own right and transcends time for reasons that appeal by the flow of diction, magnification of the little things, stopping to smell the grass by the flowers, the tugging of the heartstrings. 

Looking past the overacting... the mis-cues... the soft attempts to be "adults"... they actors stood their grounds and owned their roles.  Stage Manager... smoking a pipe and bringing the audience through this time machine.  Mrs. Gibbs and Mrs. Webb.... cooking 3 meals a day for 20+ years... never taking a break. George and Emily... from childhood friends, to high school flirts, to the marriage.

Why have I never noticed the future son-in-law and future father-in-law scene? Why don't I remember George freaking out and.... and his mom of all people... slapping some sense into him? (I swear Elisa would've teared up) Why can't I recall Mr. Webb having a similar conversation with Emily? Or the long soliloquy about "marriage" being a destiny? 

I guess... from an English class... we focus mainly on Act 3.   "You must live life to have life.  And you must have life to live life." or "I can't look at everything, hard enough." A melancholic ending... but a wake up call to a dozing audience. As such.. I ask myself...  Do I ever realize life while I live it ?-every, every minute?”

And with every TKA performance... I especially get choked up during ovations when they point to the audience... point to the tech crew... and then point to the heavens.  All glory to Jesus. 

Thursday, October 13, 2022


After 6 months of back and forth... filling out forms... filling out more forms... getting proof, money orders, notary stamps... we did it.  Unit 408.

The final interview to get past the finish line took over 2 hours.  I'm soooo hangry.  And it ain't over yet.  Gotta get her set up for internet, PG&E, phone, laundry.... OMG.... how do non-English people do this without help?!?!?

Monday, October 10, 2022

Talk about timing

 As SH is finishing up her application process... we get this email.  Talk about timing... heh.

Sunday, October 09, 2022

Mia Naomi

At approximately 7:40AM... I shot MC a text, "早晨", not knowing what she was up to.  Was she in labor? Was she pushing? Was she recovering? Surprisingly... she texted back and said, "Here la." Hahahahahhaa.... she just gave birth during the middle of the night and here she is texting?!?!? Must've been a smooth delivery.  

Oh.... I soooooo wanna go visit.  So wanna hold baby Mia.  But alas.... COVID is still very active.  As is the cold and flu.  I can't wait to spoil this princess.  Not my own... but I will make her my own. Muahahahahhaha..... 

Friday, October 07, 2022


At the end of season team celebration... Coach Noah started handing out awards.  "The Most Improved Player award for The King's Academy Jr. High Flag Football goes to... Joshua!!"  With both arms raised in triumph and pride... SW aptly accepts the M.I.P. award.  

Keep pushing, son.  This world is not always on our side.  We need to earn every bit of it... with every last ounce of strength and grit.  So proud of you. 

Thursday, October 06, 2022


Upon launching Uber on company phone... I noticed I only had 4.5 stars out of 5.  Who docked me?!?!  I always tip well.  I'm never late. I'm courteous. I tried to go back in my records to see which trip it was... but d'oh.... it's anonymous.  Why's this stressing me out so much... heh

Wednesday, October 05, 2022


At the Leadership Offsite this week....

  • A newer leader whom I've never met in person comes up to me and says, "I just wanted to say... I so appreciate your humor.  You are so funny."
  • During a discussion on "Speak Up Culture", I encouraged all leaders to not hesitate to ask the dumb question.  You may know the answer... but someone else might not.  Another newer leader whom I've never met commented, "I've seen you do that.  And it helps.  Thanks."
  • While sharing some person struggles to change, a leader was pouring his heart out on the uncertainty when coming to his new job.  I shared the same thing.. but I found a confidant to confide with.  He quipped... "You're always so uppidty-up. I would've never thought you were having problems."  And one of my direct report says, "Hank has a lot of energy."
All that being said...  I am who I am, not cuz what I want to create a persona. But people are watching and observing.  That's my the legacy or better yet... it's my Hank-gacy. 

Saturday, October 01, 2022

The power of gratuity

Went to Top's Cafe today during lunch rush... and their waitress gave away our baked porkchop rice/spaghetti.  I watched with wide-eyed despair. What are the chances...another table ordered the exact same thing as us, where they wouldn't say, "We didn't order this." 

I got so pissed...  for a $43 check... I held back and only gave a $4 tip.  Shouldn't have given anything.  Ugh.... 

Friday, September 30, 2022


PAL is on sabbatical and he asked me to translate for our Mission Conference speaker. What an honor and privilege.  We are C&MA... missions is in our name, our DNA.  Mission Conference is the pinnacle and highlight of the year.  8 years after I first started translating... I've done funerals.  Now I've done Mission Conference.  The next two on the list is Deeper Life and a wedding.  And I'll have my grand slam.  Heh... 

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

To Kill a Mockingbird

An American classic that probably read by 90% of junior high students. I was part of that 10%.  Heard a lot about it.  It wasn't till the early 2000's...when I got laid off... that I plowed through a hefty amount of these classics, including "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.  (Bucket list - checked!)

20 years later... NN's 8th grade class is taking on this book coinciding with the play coming to Best of Broadway in San Francisco.  I was soooo looking forward to chaperoning - but alas, I have my first biz trip in 3 years.  

On my weekly tour of the San Jose Public Library... I came across the graphic novel.  The inertia was huge... it took me weeks to get on board... and even then the bookmark never budged. Then last night.. NN had to stay up late to do homework and I wanted to sit next to her (as much father/daughter time I can get). Was done reading my phone... so I dusted off this overdue library book and it became a page turner.  Even after having read it before... I was left tense and sweating.  

What a book.  What a topic. What an approach. Harper Lee.  What a legend.

Monday, September 26, 2022

Power of an Apology

For some odd reason... a conversation about kids with short legs needing to walk 1.5 - 2x the steps as an adult.  That triggered a deep memory of when SW was maybe 3-4.  And we were driving somewhere as a family.  We were maybe about 0.5 away from the house when he did something to trigger me.  To a point where I pulled over... dragged him out of the car... and walked home.  I remember being pissed and I was walking faster than normal.  The anger consumed me... not to a point of being a lunatic... but a little 3-4 year old would pretty much have to RUN to keep pace.  And to imagine the fear or the confusion he was going through during that 0.5 miles of walking.

7-8 years later...

Earlier this evening... I asked SW if he remembers that event.  He doesn't.  Then I apologized. I apologized for losing my cool and putting him through that.  And I complimented that he is 好乖, 真係好乖。 What I didn't expect was... he started tearing up... turned his head and wiped away tears.  

Sigh... if I had a time machine... 

Friday, September 23, 2022

Notary Public - part 2

After submitting the notarized letter... $20 for someone to witness you sign in-person... it turns out the information on the letter was, shall we say, incomplete? Ugh.... those emails from the Housing Team is so hard to understand.  I wonder if they do it purposefully to avoid people from gaming the system and thereby make it "unfair."  

But again... had to type up another letter... and had to meet up again in South San Jose.  This time, I asked to do it at 1:30, to avoid the 45 minute traffic of going 10 miles.  To their credit, they were ready.  They scheduled their own notary public.  They knew exactly what to do next and trusted my letter writing skills.  I really wonder what a professional social worker or attorney would've done.  Write a letter that is so encompassing and authoritative that it's beyond any questioning... 

For my work... I earned a box of 燒肉! Haha... 

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Pain in the neck

Must've been a mixture of the cold... over exerting for volleyball... and sleep posture.. I have this pain in the neck that's been more intense and lasted longer than usual.  To a point, when I cough, yawn, or eat... I wince.  Thinking about chiropractor.. acupuncture... massage therapy to get over this in time for Sunday's game.  

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Systemic Failure

After almost 10 months.. we finally got our approval. 

We signed the contract in January...  Only find it'll take until March to get the engineering done.  And the queue to have a "over the counter" approval via Zoom was out till June.  Which then led to a technical review that lasts anywhere from 2.5 - 3 months.  No guarantees. 

Blew my mind how broken our city's system is.  I called the city numerous times.. to no avail.  "We're at a skeleton crew due to COVID."  Well.. can I pay an expedite fee?? Nope.

I do a bunch of research to see who else is impacting... and realize this city is not just understaffed... they can't hire, they can't afford to keep talent, can't train fast enough.  

Was this close to marching up to the City Council meeting to complain during Open Mic but opted for utilizing the system first.  Sent an email to my City Council Member - had not heard back.  Continued to call the city's Permit Office and was lucky enough to find an administrator that gave me one name and one email.  Better than nothing.  I started emailing and emailing.  2 weeks of waiting and the person tells me I got the wrong dude.  So I found the right person with the same first and last name... who tells me I gotta contact his boss.  I did... and cc'ed his director.  More waiting... more waiting... and finally... I get an email saying it's now in Issuance.  Which is now in Finance's hands.  2 more weeks of waiting and I do a bunch of searching to find the finance guy's name.  Again... I send an email begging for status and / or expediting.  

It shouldn't be this way.  First of all... my contractor is the one that should be chasing people down, not me.  Secondly... the system is broken.  Yes... my city is big.  But all the neighboring cities don't have the same issue.  WTH!??!?  Do I really have to run for public office to right the wrong? 

Monday, September 19, 2022

Return to Glory

Exactly one year 6 months and 2 days since I posted this, I can now claim... THE CHAMP IS BACK!!!

My lifetime winning percentage took a dip.  This a deeeep league with very knowledgeable managers. To be surrounded by such great baseball minds (or baseball nerds) is quite humbling.

Full recap below:

Those final 3 weeks was mind numbing if not heart stopping.  From the final day of the regular season where the Weeds ties me and I get pushed to 4th place due to the tiebreaker.  

To week one of the playoffs, the Quarter-finals, where I'm streaming to the very last day of the to stay ahead.  

To the semi-finals... where I go up against the behemoth Childish Bambinos, the defending champion and back to back years of winning the regular season.  There was so much strategy and chess-moves.  I'd guess what moves he'll make.. then try to block him.  He'll see what my needs are and counter me.  It came down to him being too aggressive throughout the season leaving him with no money.  Using my measly $21... I nabbed one FA after another.  It was poetic. By Saturday... I had created a 14-1 lead.  Large enough cushion??? Heck no...  He threw the kitchen sink at me and streamed all of the Mississippi on a fine autumn day.  The streamers wrecked him all week.. .but today... all the chips fell his way.  Going into the afternoon games... there were 5 flippable categories.  In any given week... you might have 50 - 60 IP's.  We had 120+ IPs with all the streaming we did!!!  Alas... the Bambino himself ran out of gas.  But I could not tear myself away from the phone, refreshing GameCast, refreshing the fantasy-app.  Trying to get the latest updates.

To the finals... where I'm up against my nemesis.  The one manager I hadn't beaten all season.  I actually wanted to play him in the finals.  Had we met in the semi's... I fear I wouldn't have gotten to at least come in 2nd place (and 30% of the bootie). Optimus vs. Megatron.  Daniel-San vs Johnny.  Nine Continents vs.... just about everyone.  The final showdown.  One will rise.  One shall fall.  

Monday is always a weird day to start because half the teams are resting or on travel.  He sneaks out to a quick 3-6 lead, respectable due to the one pitcher Ryan suggested I nab and the fact his pitcher blew up.  And the fact I overmanaged and didn't pick up Cobb... my go-to stream pitcher all season. Too early to tell.

Tuesday starts getting interesting.  My blue chippers are faltering.  But my late season pickups are suddenly carrying.  Yet... his perennial .200 hitter is raking it.  Our pitching is pretty even but he tips the scale his way.  5-8.  Not too worried yet.  I always start slow... and then mid week, I make my move.

Wednesday starts getting interesting. I have my 3 best starters going... time to make a move and not look back.  Only... I end up with 1 W and 1 QS only.  One of the blown QS was at the hands of my own Giants!!!  Was having a great game... until the stoopid manager kept him in for one inning too long.  BAM!!!  In comes the 4th run... out goes my QS.  By early evening... my hitters start cranking... and the score is suddenly a very odd looking score of 3-5.  So many categories are tied.  This can go either way.  I call on my "advisors" for help.  What to do?!?!?  Then they start over-analyzing my team... they who I defeated during the season were rooting for me.  Their advice...? Meh...  Then by late evening... I flipped it!!! 8-3.   "Tables have turned... how to maintain?" I texted them.  

Thursday rolls around and is another travel rest day. Up till now... I didn't even look at his team.  Was just focused on my team... and my numbers.  I haven't streamed yet and really didn't want to... was hoping for an organic win with "MY TEAM."  Well... my closers play for Detroit and KC.  Both eliminated from post-season play... not a lot of SV opportunities.  My other two closers are from LAD and Hou... both teams' offensive crushes the opponent.  Seeing the SV/H is so scarce... I strategically pick up a Holds guy.  Y'know... to pad my lead a little.  The move backfires... and he gaves up 3 walks!!!!  (WHIP!?!??!). Heh...  The stars starting aligning.  Jeff texts me that Turbooooo still has Carrasco on the IL (11K's, WHIP of 1 and ERA of 1.50, with a W and QS).  Then I started counting remaining starts left... can I take all the pitching cats?? Or do I go for stacked vs ratio'ed?? Since there wasn't much going on... just a lot of strategizing and calculating.  I hold serve and maintain the lead.

Friday is do or die day.  Well... it's Sunday, really.  But Friday is do or die Friday.  Last night... I decided to go all in with pitching and started to stream my @$$ off.  Picked up Taijuan, German (heh), and Keller.  Oddly... Taijuan plays Keller... so I was going for ERA, WHIP, K and QS.  Can't have opposing pitchers with 2 wins.  Notched 3 QS's and started to sniff ERA and WHIP.  When the late game started... my bats exploded.  6HR's, 16 RBI's, 12 R, with an ERA of .372 and an OPS of 1.260.  All that... while I left 2 HRs on the bench.  That's how stacked my bats were!!  Ended the night with an 11-3 lead.  There was no way he'll catch up with my hitting.  Time to focus on pitching,

For everything that went right on Friday... it went exactly the opposite on Saturday.  Friday night... I lined up 3 more pitchers to put away stacked pitching cats.  But I wake up to find that my pillar, Cueto, is out sick!!!  My other pitcher... the one that set me off on the right foot on Monday... gave up 2 Runs in 1IP and was pulled!  BOOM!... ERA of 18.00.  That was it.  No coming back from that cat.  I have close to 70IPs.... but only 3 Wins' to show for it.  Turbooooo has half the IPs, but twice my W's.  There was no way I can catch W's either... even though that's the whole purpose of streaming.  You go after W, K's and QS.... sacrifice ERA, WHIP and BB... with SV/H being the deciding factor. The night before... I did my research... and stacked up my relievers including those that are positioned as SP!! And that one SP/RP.... was playing a doubleheader.  This has gotta work.  6 relievers... playing 7 games.  I must get at least 1 SV/H, right??  I got two... but at a very pricey expense for ERA.  As for the bats.... the Red Hot Chili Peppers became the Stone Cold Steve Austins.  The Undertaker came out and buried me with his Tombstone piledriver.  I had double digit leads for all the hitting categories... but they were dwindling.. one hit, one run, one RBI at a time.  What I thought was insurmountable became very surmountable.  I had a AVG gap of 60 points.  But my anemic 8/54, .148 AVG narrowed that gap to an easily attainable 10 point.  He's now just 3 Hits and 6 Runs away while being up by 1SB and 1BB.  I'm watching on Gamecast... begging my hitters... "Take a pitch! Draw a walk!"  The count goes 3-0, 3-1.... then.... LINE OUT.  Or GROUND OUT.  DANG IT!!!!!  All the while... somehow he manages to line up his team play against the Cubs... the Giants... the Pirates.  All of the worst teams in the league!  The worst was yet to come.  He somoene managed to get 4 players on two teams that played double headers... and all his players drew walks, stole bases, got hits.  With the very last game on Saturday night... going into extras!!!  A normal 9 inning game stretched out to 15 innings.  Everytime his players came up... they'd do something.  Everytime my player came up.... ZILCH!!!  

Oscar Gonzalez - bases loaded on 3B... can't get home. 
Oscar Gonzalez - bases loaded.  Only needs a BB to win the game.  Ground Out
Oscar Gonzalez - man on 1st and 2nd... strikes out swinging.
Oscar Gonzalez - on 2B to start the next inning... basehit up the middle.. .rounds third, heads up... and is thrown out!!! 

I'm begging... just one BB.  one H.  One RBI.  One Run.  Nothing.  I couldn't squeeze a drop of water out of that dry towel.   He was mounting a comeback.  9-5.  

Sunday - the Lord's day of rest. But my day of unrest. Ugh... last night ended with a slew of strategies. Going for SV/H, going for W's, going after SB and BB's.  Protecting my lead of QS and K's.  There was no right answer.  But sooooo many wrong answers. Ending up sacrificing my Keeper and long-time anchor of baseball... Charlie Morton (who blew a QS earlier this week). And also said sayonara to Greg "I only shorten your lifespan" Soto.  Good riddance.  Stacked my line up with relievers... and a few SP's in case Turboooo streams on me to go after QS.  I had the right counter.  He didn't.  He was quiet.  

( I have to credit him.  We have $100 fantasy dollars to spend and he didn't spend $1 all season.  He somehow makes his moves in the beginning of the week and looks away.  Doesn't bother looking back.  He's stable. Calm. Calculating. His baseline team is what got him there... it's what will get him past the finish line.  No streaming. No strategizing.  The strategies were done on draft day... and on Sunday when lineups were due.  Sunava-gun..... How does he do it? )

The day would start out early for me... and end late for him.  My first batter plays at 9:45AM PT.  His last player ends with Sunday Night baseball... Dodgers/Giants of all games.  And it's off to a good start!!!  Bobby Abreu with a double.  1.000 AVG and 3.000 OPS.  But wait.... oh.... my.... lanta.... Realmuto and Goldy are benched.  My BB and SB machines.  Silenced.  

Time to head to church.  I won't look.  Today is the Lord's day.  I needn't be tempted.  But they won't stop texting!! "Uggggghhhh."  And "Ohhhhh..."  I tried to stay away from the Fantasy and ESPN apps... but there are other ways to get you, yes there are. 

What started out as preparations for my victory lap... ended up being a 1/8 morning and a dismal (DISMAL) .184 AVG.  Going the wrong way guys!!! The AVG gap narrowed more.  Turbooooo was within striking distance. All he needed was an average day... coupled with my horrendous performance and this is over.  

And for whatever reason.... he did NOT stream to gain QS (good, I bench my guys with a chance of WHIP) and for some odd reason... he predicted exactly who was going to be benched and who was gonna start.  Dang this guy is good.* 

After church... the kids wanted Costco for lunch and chillax at home.  PERFECT.  I get to lie in bed and watch Gamecast in peace.  One by one... my players came up and choked.  Nothing.  Nothing since that opening base hit.  Majority of my players were done.  He had a barrage of players in the afternoon games.  If each person had just 1 hit.... he'll overtake H's and AVG.  At best... it's a tie, but he wins the tie breaker cuz he won the season H2H.  

It was pouring outside... the first big rain of the year.  And just as the rain let up a bit... and a rainbow appeared out of the sky... Jimmy G (in for the injured Trey Lance) throws a TD to Dwelley.   IKF... one of my pickups for a SB gets a hit.  Realmuto... my catcher that's been benched gets a pinch hit HR.... and then... my playoff pickup... Rengifo... hits not 1 HR... but 2 HR's!!!!! In a matter of 15 minutes.... I widen the gap in H's, R's and retake AVG!!!! 

And then... my lineup sleeps.  I'm done with the exception of one closer.  My one starter... my ace... lowered WHIP to a sub 1.00.... but is it enough??? Can I flip that cat??? He has Heaney against the Giants... unlikely.  And Turbooooo has 6 players left.  Not a situation I wanna be in.  Even though he originally had 8 players... the Dodgers sit two of them.  Kinda balances out my Realmuto / Goldy benching, right???  

I'm watching the Niners game.  I'm waiting for volleyball to start.  I'm refreshing 10 screens at a time.  And lo and behold.... this batters are O-fering.  My Saturday... was becoming his Sunday. It was his turn to not be able to buy a hit.  Wider and wider became our AVG cat.... and I flipped it back my way.  I was now up by 10 points.  I now have a 7 run differential... and my 3 Hit margin ballooned to 7 Hits.  He has 3 hitters going.... 2 of which are in the latter parts of their games.  With biblical intervention... he continues to widen his BB leads... no way Bubba or IKF will catch up.  And with my Elvis Andrus SB that tied the category.... he gets a failed HNR steal that swung it back his way.  

We were now down to one hitter... Max Muncy... of the hated Dodgers.  Lux and Smith are benched... hopefully for good.  There was no way Muncy can get 6 hits... but weirder things have happened.  I'm up 9-6.... but the swing of one cat... and it becomes 8-7... and just a mere tie of 7-7.... and I lose.  

I can't watch.  

We head to church volleyball... and for all intent and purposes... I've won.  Until.... the baseball gods interrupt this season with a rain delay in SF!!!  A rain delay means starters get cold... and benched players come into play... or at least pinch hit.  He potentially can recapture this as the greatest comeback in the history of fantasy.  

After volleyball is over... the LA/SF game is still going.  He's still down by 6 hits.... a mighty cushion.  But not a big enough cushion.  Muncy gets a hit.  WALK THE GUY!!!! I DON'T NEED BB!!!!  It's so close now... I can taste it.  But I dare not stick out my tongue to taste.  Too early.

The Discord channel is silent.  They don't want to jinx it.  They know I'm on pins and needles.  And as it was scripted... the Giants game go into extra innings.  Meaning... more the chance of him getting AB's.  Which translates to chances to catch up.  No!! NO NO NO!!!!  End it.  I don't care if Giants lose!!! END IT!!! RIGHT HERE!!!!

That'll be too easy, right?? 

Muncy comes up to bat again.  He draws a walk!!! Which means... no base hit!!! Which means... AVG doesn't move. This is happening!! It really is happening!!!  19 years in the making and it's happening.  I'm doing it!!! Dodgers take the lead.  Giants are trying to mount a comeback and.... it.... fails!!!

Last game OVER!! 
The day is OVER!!
Fantasy Season OVER!!

A new champ is crowned.  And that champ.... is me.  

Sunday, September 18, 2022

First taste

(The background is... after a full season of Jr. High V-ball and Jr. High Hoops... NN has yet to win a game of any kind.) 

A few weeks ago... after a lot of begging and rejection... out of the blue... NN asks me if I really wanted us to play together in our church volleyball league.  I said, "Yes."  And I was already on cloud 9.  To play on the same team as my teenage daughter....?? Hardly any dad gets to say that!!!

Yesterday... she was so stressed... her stress got to me!  We practiced a little on our driveway. And at night... she was so nervous she couldn't sleep.  "I just want to win once!  Maybe just one set. Maybe just to get one serve in."  

I wasn't as hopeful.  Our opponent won last week... against a pretty good team mind you.  They have youth and height.  Our team... had 4 girls.  One is a Jr. Higher... One was so bad in week 1 she quit on the team.  One is a mom with a lot of heart.  And one is a mystery.

Half hour before game time... we find that 2 of the 4 girls can't make it and we only have 5 people.  No worries.  Between me and Wayland... we got this.  When we got there the opposing team's Captain... who happened to be our Young Adult Pastor... said he'll give us his extra player.  SCORE!!!!  A young man with skills... athleticism... and most importantly... what we gain, is what they lose!!!!

From an underdog... down 5 vs 6 players... we're suddenly evened at 4 guys and 2 girls. 6 on 6... GAME ON!!!!  

They had 4 athletic players that's clearly played before.  We have 2 dads in their 40's and 2 young guys with novice experience. And the ladies evened each other out.  

Back and forth.  Back and forth.  We pull ahead... but they come right back.  I get into a serving frenzy... but my heart grows soft and I purposely mess up a serve.  Then we started to pull away. This is happening!!!  We're doing it!!!!  Wayland!!! The Great Wall of China!!! With the block!!! We win game 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This wasn't time to let up.  It's pedal to the metal. Foot on the throat moment.  When I was serving... I was on a row.  I seriously thought about letting up.  Giving the other team a chance.  Then I thought of NN and how desperately she wanted a win. I kept going and going.  Hard serve after hard serve.  Ace after ace.  After 10 in a row... I gave in.  I served into the net.  Dang it... I made it too obvious.  Everyone knew I gave that up.  

Back and forth... we couldn't put them away.  With every sideout... we got a point.  And our 10 point cushion was enough for. 24:18... Our serve.  All we needed to do was hold serve and the game was ours.  

Sue served.

They passed.  

Good set.

Decent hit.

But we dig.



Free ball.


Spike.... but wait.... Wayland jumps!!! THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA!!!!!  Ball hits the ground!!!



Saturday, September 17, 2022

17th on the 17th

9/17 marks our 17th wedding anniversary. Originally wanted to take Joyce out for a weekend getaway… but alas… so much happening… on top of this vicious cold (Nope! Not COVID) I came down with.

A simple “romantic” dinner. 飯是清淡、但情是濃厚。

Friday, September 16, 2022

Notary Public

Got an email from the housing placement company... yet another hurdle in front of us.  In the midst of this vicious cold (which hit me 10x harder than COVID), they needed a notarized letter.  A notarized WHAT?!?!  Quickly did some research to find out that it's basically paying someone $20 to watch you sign your name... in person.  

Dusted off my old lawyerese writing skills to draft a letter... then searched the entire south bay for a notary public (they're all over the place)... drove through Friday evening rush hour traffic to find a Printing/Mailing/FedEx shop in a strip mall.  Done.

And for that... I got awarded a roast duck! Not bad... at the price of duck these days.  

Until the next hurdle. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022


It's gotta be at least 15...if not 20 years... since the Leung household brought home a "W" from organized sports. When did I participate in the adult softball league...? the company softball league? or the City Beach Volleyball team??  Doesn't matter... cuz today as we walked off the field at Valley Christian... who is known for owning TKA... we were winners!!  

SW was on cloud nine.  NN had rehearsals and couldn't go...but she was just as ecstatic. 

But with every positive... there is a downside to it.  For the first time... we saw SW measured up to his teammates and he was at least half a head shorter and much smaller than his teammates, let alone the opponents.  They are stronger... heavier... and physically more dominant.

SW is relegated to Defensive Line because he isn't big or quick enough for corner and safety, let alone WR or RB.  For most of the game... he was manhandled by the opposing offensive line.  He did manage one sack (or 1/2 sack).  And he's probably not having a lot of fun.  But alas... it's about team sport.  Team spirit.  You win as a team.  You lose a team. He's really going to have to earn it to become a starter... while on the other hand... NN is top of whatever she's participating in.  Such is life. Such it is. 

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Cast List

Two long days of waiting... and this morning while we were waiting to pick up the kids from Chinese school... Joyce texts me, "Cast List out!" 

I quickly checked my email... clicked the link to Cast List... and looked for NN's name.  Right there... in the middle of the page... "NN Leung - Marian Paroo." Was this the role she wanted??? I don't remember. 

So I quickly started searching for the audition sides (the dialogue they read during auditions) to see it'll trigger my memory when I see NN come out from her class.  I played it off.  We promised NN we wouldn't read the cast list without her... or more accurately... we wouldn't spoil her moment of self discovery.  

Joyce then approached us... and announced that the Cast List is out.  She handed NN her phone and that's when she screamed. "I got it! I got the lead!" 

We were so happy.  SW gave NN a big hug.  The Monkeys had smiles from ear to ear.  And none of that compared to the glow on NN's face.  She did it.  From secondary character in 6th grade... to ensemble in 7th... to female lead.  I couldn't be any prouder. 

Kids say the darndest things

At school pickup yesterday... Joshua's friend saw Joyce and asked him, "You have two older sisters??" 

Man... that's my line!! Hehehe... someone was so happy the rest of the day. 

Wednesday, September 07, 2022

She didn't need me...

Got an email from the Jr. High Musical Director:

"Great job everyone on auditions! We would like to see the following students for callbacks:"

And NN was part of the call back.  She screamed when she saw the email.  Still remember the pain and sorrow we went through last year.  This year... she tried to play it off.  When she finally asked me for some advice... I gave her two earfuls.  But in the end... she did what she wanted to do... got the callback... and didn't need me afterall.  HA!  

Tuesday, September 06, 2022

No Mercy... comes with a price

Played Monopoly with SW last night.  He was buying up all these properties... and I kept on getting Chance and Community Chest.  After a few rounds, I managed to get one full monopoly and a street for every color, thereby, preventing him from getting a monopoly.  I refused to trade him thinking in the back of my mind... this is a learning opportunity for him.  "You can have all the land... but you still need a monopoly go have a chance to win." 

He landed on Vermont with 4 houses and having to pay $600... he forfeited.  And he was fighting back tears... saying how "unfair" I was.  Then he threatened... the next time the tables are turned... he too will show no mercy.  Not the learning opportunity I wanted him to have.  Aye.... 

Saturday, September 03, 2022


Took all of two weekends.... and we successfully binged Cobra Kai the series. Right on time too... season 5 comes out on Netflix on Friday. 

Karate Kid is so meaningful to me.  Karate Kid II was the first (or 2nd, I don't remember), English movie that I saw in a theater - the North Beach Theater. It was the summer we went to S.M.I.L.E., the summer school program at St. Mary's.  I loved that program...  

The reboot is a farce. It's a parody. But yet... it's so real.  So many misunderstandings. So many learning moments. So many things that make you think, "Man... if I had a rewind, I'd do this...."

Cobra Kai will never win any artistry awards... but it doesn't need to.  It's already won the hearts of tens of thousands of viewers.... who will be by their Netflix apps on Thursday night at 9PM PDT, 12AM EDT... as we embark on "STRIKE FIRST!! STRIKE HARD!! NO MERCY!!"

Friday, September 02, 2022

Last will be first and first will be last...

This morning... I braved the elements and took Siu Han to the DMV to get her Real ID. We scheduled an appointment two weeks ago for 8:10AM and by the time we got there... there were 10 deep for appointments and 10 deep for walk-ins.  At 8AM sharp... the door opens and the walk-ins were given access directly to the service windows while we.. with appointments.. queued up to check in.  There initially were two windows to take care of us... then one of the two windows were given up for "late" walk-ins.  

One at a time... the walk-ins were directed to service windows while we waited in line to get a number to get called. At one point... I wanted to get out of our line and line up in the walk-ins!!

After 15 minutes... we finally get our number.  It's not a long wait... but a wait nonetheless.  We get to our service window and the lady was very understanding.  They probably deal with a lot of translators... and didn't flinch when Siu Han didn't answer any one of their questions.

We filled out the form beforehand so everything went fairly smooth, until it came time for the vision test.  For whatever reason.. the light... the reflection.. the nerves... Siu Han couldn't read the letters.  To a point where our service lady said, "We'll give her the visually assisted test."  Basically, it's looking into a machine at a bunch of well lit letters. She was kind enough to find a Chinese speaking service person... only... he spoke Mandarin and Siu Han only speaks Cantonese.

We were told to wait till the Chinese service man finished up with the lady and she disappeared. Supposedly.. the wait was going to be short.  Only.. the person he was helping had a boat load of issues.  So we stood and waited.... and waited... and waited some more.  At one point.. another DMV service person cut in front of us to test their client.  I was dumbstruck. Why couldn't our service lady cut in front of the person to get tested.  We didn't need that Chinese man.

10 minutes later... we finally get our turn.  And Siu Han barely passes.  Again.. be it nerves...the lighting.. the reflection... she barely passes. I was so scared that they'll send her to get an eye exam and new glasses.  But the dude finally said, "She's borderline... I'll let her go, but get her eyes tested."  

What was suppose to be a 15 minute appointment ended up taking an hour.  Sigh... what can you do?? Well.. if it was my own personal appointment, I would've mades stink.  But alas.. it wasn't.  I wasn't in a hurry to go anywhere.  Siu Han finally finishes her pictures and exams... and off we go. Again... tho... the bible verse comes true... "Last will be first and first will be last..."

I hate lines.