Sunday, December 31, 2023

Looking back on 2023

Last day of the calendar year... and it's poetically, "123123." Poetry doesn't always rhyme... like the word "2023." 2023 was the year of rabbit or was it the hare?  And hoppity-hop it went... bouncing away quicker than we can lay eyes on it to admire.  Giving way to the year of the dragon in 2024, that pretty much swallows up any hoopla (or hop-la) from a rodent. (I know... I know... the calendar doesn't line up that way). A year of international upheaval, an on-going war followed by a brand new, deadly war.  And sadly, that same familiar war plagued our own soils via another year of gun violence.  Congress was not exempt from its own Civil War... when the GOP was as divided as "Tastes Great" battled "Less Filling"... resulting in the birth of a new, third heir to the presidential throne 9 months after the original third heir.  In the midst of civil upheaval, the Capital was busy avoiding shutdown, while waging its own war on epic inflation due to COVID, rising interest rates preventing the Millennials from buying a house, and diving unemployment numbers as the Biden Administration desperately try to salvage a 2024 run at the White House.  Unemployed, the Dodgers are not, as their front office land the once in a lifetime talent and shrewdly defers his $700M to after his contract his done... while reaping the benefits of countless more Free Agents.  The rest of the sports world look on with envy... as did the Niners when Mr. Irrelevant's UCL was torn in the NFC Championship game on their way to a devasting defeat (only to provide new hope in this coming season). Unimpedingly, any indictment, mugshot, or rape charges against one man has only highlighted the state of America's morals and how we view our king.  Across the pond, the world viewed the crowning of it's own King (and Queen consort) - she's never gonna be fully accepted.   Neither is the world going to ever fully accept the realities (IMHO) of Global Warming, as man makes another futile attempt to tame nature, only to be spanked by the Maui Fires, Hurricane Hilary and a.... heavenly Spy Balloon?????  

On a personal note... Joyce and I have our health and jobs.  The kids are flourishing in all capacities.  Our parents continue to age.  Another chapter ends... while another chapter must begin.  Following last year's top 10... I have to break out top 5's for NN and SW, otherwise, my top 10 will be pre-occupied with all of their moments. 

  1. Elected class officer
  2. Being accepted into AP Chinese
  3. Making her Jr. High Basketball A-Team - winning PHD
  4. Making it onto her Club Volleyball Team - Tropical Touch
  5. East Coast Trip - First "official" date at the Boat Dance
  1. Jr. High Basketball - MVP
  2. Making onto Club Volleyball Team - Titan
  3. Being rotated back in for the 3rd and final set and winning the game against Stafford
  4. Science Camp
  5. Crying at Sunday Morning Breakfast
Without further ado.... my top 10 of 2023.
  1. RIP Ricketts and Mr. G - Death hit extremely close to home this year... one unexpected... and one, well, was close to home. Amazingly.. both Celebrations of Life were filled with laughter, joy, and fond memories.  Tears will pass.. but the stories will live on.  
  2. Year long injury - One unexpected pull up and a day of volunteering at Second Harvest.  I've never dealt with a lingering muscle pain as long as I did this year.  So much pain in the simplest things I do.  Was thinking rest would make it "go away."  Eventually, I came to realize, the only way to get well, is to work out.  
  3. Household gets COVID and Shaw-HANK 2023 - After returning from Seattle.. Joyce gets COVID.  Then SW gets it.  Then a few days of taking care of them... I finally succumb (again).  NN was amazingly spared.  And out of all this... I (along with half the known population) caught up on Suits!
  4. 1-17 - After 3 seasons of coaching Jr. High... I finally got my first victory... when an opposing team forfeited.  Woe is me.
  5. Busking - Never have I ever imagined I'll be jamming a guitar and belting Beyond to complete strangers!! HA!!
  6. ESL and Tutoring - Finally got reprieved from other ministries so I can take on this one... something I've always wanted to do but didn't have the bandwidth for.  There's something about immigrants and learning English that's so ingrained in my DNA... I wish I can do so much more. It ain't always easy... but man... it can be so rewarding. 
  7.  Dream (or nightmare) of slum-lording - After who knows how many months.. we finally rented our house out.  The city finally approved our permit.  We finally jacked up our house.  Then we had to deal with the cement contractor.  And the air conditioning contractor. And the flooding foundation. Then it was thoroughly and absolutely cleaning out the house.  Showcasing the house.  Drawing up the lease. Finding renters.  Getting everything finalized... and a week before we signed the lease... we discovered extensive water damage to the kitchen.  Property Management is not for the lighthearted.  But thankfully, by the grace of God, our renters are angels.  
  8. Mom's San Diego Trip -  Aside from her Pilgramages... she's never gone on a fun trip on her own...with her own friends.  I simply can't register her ever doing this.  And yet... here she was... sending pictures to us from Sea World and Balboa Park... and texting us that she's going to the Crystal Cathedral.  Drawing a weird parallel... this was an odd symmetry to NN's East Coast Trip last year where I was looking forward to getting texts from her... just so I can know what she's doing, where she's visiting, what she's eating.   Much deserved... and I hope she gets to do more of these while she's still active and able. 
  9. "I'm gonna go sit with my friends." - Something I'd expect NN or SW to say to us at any public event... but this came from the mouth of Joyce.  At one of SW's volleyball tournaments... she decided to ditch me and NN... and go with with the other moms on SW's team.  I can't even articulate how giddy I am that she found this group of women.... a Dutch, a Hungarian, a Japanese, a Vietnamese, and a East Coaster.  Simply wonderful.
  10. Drumming on Worship Team - Never have I ever... but here I am.  

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Joy Luck Club

On the heels of Chinese Groove... I polished off a popular ethnic-social-studies book that was very popular in the 90's.  A novel-turned-motion picture... this is also a book on Chinese immigration to San Francisco.  I remember when it came out... I was repulsed by how they portrayed 1st generation immigrants and their children... but many years later... I can see how Amy Tan does an amazing job capturing all the stereotypes and realities in 200 pages of story-telling.  Her choice of narration gets confusing and the time-skipping makes it hard to follow... but each personal story has proper pacing of less than 20 pages and while each individual story warrants a novella of their own... Amy Tan is masterful at interweaving all the movements into one symphonic construction.  There are some poetic play on words and evocative descriptions of 1940's China.  It's no wonder why this took the world by storm... and why so many have tried... and failed to mimic the success of our tragic author who in her own rights... bear the burden and pains of being a daughter of the ghost of the Joy Luck Club.  


Friday, December 29, 2023

Best Christmas Present

Every year, I look forward to receiving this gift.  Sure... I can buy my own American calendar.  But there's something about the cardboard top and the paper, as well as the Lunar Calendar, that makes this a non-negotiable piece of houseware at the Leung household.  I can't imagine the day when this will no longer be printed. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

The things you remember

NN is binging on House MD again.  She started during the summer, then stopped after Season 2.  While she's watching Season 3... I walk in and out and catch bits and pieces.  Then to my amazement.. I still remember how these episodes end.  To the very thing House says when he has his Eureka moment... to the closing musical/instrumental 30 seconds of what's being shown.  I must've watched this show 20-25 years ago.  How is it I still remember these trivial, non-sensical moments as if it happened last night? 

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Binge Reading

Haven't picked up a book (and finished said book) in a long time.  And not for lack of trying.  I've lost track of how many books I've bought or picked up from the library... where they all end up in the same place... "Saved for Another Day."  This time, I randomly picked up a book on a Chinese immigrant coming to San Francisco in the 2010's.  

I was especially enthralled by how Kathryn Ma articulates Chinese culture in American soil. How previous generations who immigrated here blend in to America and lose some (not all) of their roots. How she so vividly (though erroneously) describe the Sunset Saltbox Houses, the Buffalo Pen in Golden Gate Park, the lake, the Haight, CCSF, the most minute details.... and  yet... like watching a movie filmed in SF, you catch everything that's described incorrectly.

Most amazingly, I found myself fighting sleepiness at 3AM in the morning, trying to finish this story.  It wasn't a great book... but a good read. It certainly sparked my interest in reading my next novel... also about Chinese immigrants to San Francisco.  I swear... I did not intend on making that a theme for this holiday season. 


Thursday, December 21, 2023

Flat tire

Was about to head to lunch when Joyce said Tessy (the name of our Tesla) shows a deflated tire.  I get home... drive it to our nearest gas station to pump it up... then I inspect it carefully and there it was... a nail right in the center.  Which is good.. it's pluggable or patchable.

I drive Tessy to the same tire shop I've gone to the past few times.  When I showed up... they were patching up some woman's flat.  Then it was my turn.  And while I was waiting... three more cars showed up with flats.  This little tire shop on a hidden strip mall in Sunnyvale is NOT short on business.  $50 for 10 minutes worth of work... that's pretty darn good!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Word(s) of the Year

 For I think the third year in a row... I get to lead Prayer Meeting in December.  And for some reason, I like to bring up the "Word of the Year."  For 2023, the Merriam Webster word of the year is:

authentic adj 1)not false 2) true to one's own personality, spirit, or character

runner ups: rizz, deep fake, coronation

More interesting... I looked up China's word(s) of the year. And here's what I found from 汉语盘点2023.  I love the simple description of each word.  Haha... so well thought out.  So poetic. 

國內字 - 面对挑战时不失本心、遭遇风雨时行之不辍,进一寸有一寸的欢喜,就当得起一个“振”字。


國際字 - 在危机中育新机,以对话弥合分歧、以合作化解争端,才能为世界营造公道正义、共建共享的安全格局。


Sunday, December 17, 2023


Last tournament of the year... of the season... and the whole family went to Sacramento together.  SW's team has definitely improved.  And yet... oh so many holes and deficiencies.  We ended up winning 3 and losing 3 this weekend.  The most painful being the last game where we won 30-28, lost 27-25....and in the end, lost 15 - 12.  It shouldn't have been that close.  The other team had 7 players - 2 of which can't even get the serve over.  But they had two really outstanding players that made up for the difference.  Us... we have 1 outstanding player... a bunch of much improved... and a handful of what are you doing on the court.

I get it... this is an intro league.  We want the boys to get playing time.  We want everyone to have fun.  But y'know what... winning is fun.  When it comes down to the wire... and you want to win... you don't rotate your bad players in.  Those who can't pass. Those who can't serve.  Those who are slow as molasses.  We lost... 100%... because of bad coaching.

She didn't once change her game plan.  The one time she did... was when our three passers were overwhelmed and she dropped 1 more passer.  And even then... the team kept ace-ing us up.  Infuriating. 

The boys hurt.  They really wanted that one.  When we left the convention center... SW was on the verge of tears. He cares that much about winning... about volleyball.  Hardly does he get so worked up since he's always happy-go-lucky.  And when Joyce and I saw that... our hearts were shattered twice over.  

He quickly got over it.  I know this experience will forever be etched in his memories. But it'll gnaw at me for than it does him.  Glad he can move on... grow... and learn from this experience. As for me... I'm left mulling and marinating on what-if's, coulda's, woulda's, and shoulda's.... GWARSH I'M MAD!!! 

Friday, December 15, 2023


For the 2nd year in a row... Huda thunk... Actually, I really didn't expect this.  I can see what he does during games.  He's not Steph.  He's not Klay. He's not even Draymond.  How he won this... is beyond me.  But the fact is... he's M - V - P. 


Thursday, December 14, 2023

Did not get a rose

As suspected... my boss has been moved off to another job.  And the past few weeks, I've been thinking, will I get selected to be Acting in his position? I have the resume and the years. I don't have geographical impact... and honestly.. nor do I have organizational impact.  When the announcement came out... I did not get a rose.  Unexpected? No.  Disappointed.  Yes.  I need to do something different.  But what?

Monday, December 11, 2023


昔日, 郭靖往桃花島比武招親。他與歐陽峰和歐陽克比武之前,偶遇周伯通,學識了九陰真經. 學了之後, 武功的認識突飛猛進, 今非惜比。當七公跟歐陽峰打起上來, 郭靖旁觀不斷哎"好!". 旁人看出來可能是普通的招式, 但是一個真正的武者, 能看出每招每試的真正奧秘, 。

過去這大半年, 學了打鼓的入門秘訣,洞悉出小許打鼓的招式和心法。當我看到一個鼓手如何產生到真正的效應, 我只能夠讚嘆說"正!" 從前是一個迷惘的普通人。但現今已是一個實牙實齒的一個鼓手。

Sunday, December 10, 2023


I might turn this into a thesis or dissertation one day... but here are my thoughts after today's baptism.  

We had two brother and sister get baptized today... submerged by water.  We made it sound as if... today was their day of salvation.  And the sermon was geared towards them... as mentioned by PAL on multiple occasions... that they need to hear "justify by faith." 

To be a theologian... isn't someone saved, the moment they believe???  What does baptism have anything to do with salvation?? Baptism....and the ostentatious giving of testimony isn't biblical.  Do you really need to 1) believe 2) testify 3) get baptized?!?!?  I get confused sometimes... and yet... I don't.

(I promise...  I will follow up with references and quotes to support this argument)

But the fact of the matter is.... baptism has NOTHING to do with salvation.  Baptism.... like Jesus... is a public declaration of your submissiveness to God. Baptism is ONE (of many) public demonstrations of obedience and true belief.  Give your testimony.  Be submerged.  But after that... go serve in a soup kitchen.  Go sing Christmas Carols.  Go visit the sick and homeless.  Go share the gospel of Christ.  At Jesus's baptism, God the Father did not say, "This is my beloved Son, with whom is now saved."  

I really want to understand why people make such a big deal out of baptism (other than it being an onstage public showcase nowadays).  

Friday, December 08, 2023

The simplest gestures

Ever hear a sermon on how the tongue... the smallest of organs... is compared to the rudder of a ship.  It came full circle today when someone reached out for something... and mentioned he was talking to a co-worker who met me the first time last week.  And he said... that his co-worker said, "Hank is great!"

I met that co-worker for no more than 45 minutes.  In that 45 minutes, we spoke for about 5.  And it wasn't a deep, soul-binding conversation about our hopes, dreams, and political ties.  

Sometimes... those 5 minutes can win you a fan for life.  Or it can destroy you till thy kingdom comes.  

For me... it was the former.  

Thursday, December 07, 2023

Best Friend

What's a best friend?

Someone who shares your same interest? Someone who shares the same inside joke with you... that there's only two people that would laugh at someone unseemingly serious? Someone who... no matter what happens will say, "Yes" to whatever you request??

I don't have that best friend. 

In highschool... I had 4 of those best friends.

In college... I had two.

In career, life after college, I had a couple.

A few years ago... I thought I found someone else.  How wrong I was. 

Now that I'm in mid life... I have one.  Just one.  And that one... is my son. It's HIM-mothy. 

Wednesday, December 06, 2023


In church life... there's a person that we love.  That we adore.  That we revere.  Just like a mother... she's the one that'll love you unconditionally... and will understand you in the deepest, lowest points of your life.  In this past year... I had a chance to partner with our C-mo.  No... not Amy.  I had a chance to partner with Sandy.  She's one of a kind. A woman with unrelenting prowess.  A woman with vision and a thirst for execution.  A woman who demands perfection.  And unapologetically demands it from those around her. She doesn't hide from rebuke.  And is borderline cringey when it comes to discipline.  By happenstance or by the grace of God... I had a chance to partner with her.  And there has been just a few who can keep pace with my energy, demand for perfection, and meticulous planning of execution.... that I am awestruck and humbled to march alongside.  

I'll look back in 10, 15, 20 years and say... man... what did I do to deserve THAT?

Sadly... that partnership is coming to an end.  And to that I shall say, "Godspeed! Go earn that Doctorate!!"

Sunday, November 26, 2023

King of the Hill

We've been playing Super Smash Bros for almost 3 years now.  It started out with me dominating.  Then it was a even match.  And in recent months (year?) SW kicks my @$$ every time.  His timing... his anticipation... his every move is impeccable.  

We were playing again last night and I ask him, "Aren't you tired of always winning?" And his answer was, "No, not against you." 

I guess in every little boy... there's this insatiable desire to be better than their fathers.  To be King of the Hill. No mercy.  He simply wants to dominate.  But.... every so often... I do eek out a victory.  Which just further lights the flame. 

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Legend of the 5 Kernels

Legend has it..  our forefathers gave thanks using 5 kernels (why not 4? why not 6?) before our nation was even established... 

Without much thinking...without dipping into the annual "Year in Review"... and simply going off memory... my things I'm thankful for in 2023...

1) Thank you mom - for letting dad come in and celebrate Thanksgiving together

2) Thank you Titans - for accepting SW as a player and giving us our first taste of Club Sports life

3) Thank you Tropical Touch - for offering Nui-nui a position in your volleyball club when the world was crashing down and life was in shambles

4) Thank you SJCAC - for allowing me to serve in ESL and Worship Team as I ease my way out of leadership and into what I am now (whatever that is)

5) Thank you Tony, Anson, Tim, Julie, and Winston - for letting me lead and letting you lead in all aspects of our jobs. 

And of course... I'd be remiss to forget... Thank you... my beautiful wife... for keeping this family together... in this otherwise hell-hole that we call 2023.  Without you... where would our family be??? 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Monday, November 06, 2023


On a cool, autumn night.... I dropped SW off at Cabrillo Middle School in Santa Clara.  I could've parked and walked him to the gym, but I decided against it.  He left the car... grabbed his bag... and walked through the shadows of the night.  A wave of emotions crashed into me... my son... my only son... dealt an underdog hand in life... waded through the darkness to find a sense of belonging.  The kid who I once put into the Emergency Room for feeding him a cashew is now strolling into the frontiers of the unknown.  Will he have friends? Will he get picked on? Will he be safe??  How I longed to be by his side... to protect him, to accompany him, to guide him.  But alas.... I can't be there for him 24/7.  

Who knows what was going through this mind.

Who knows how fast his heart was pounding.

Who knows if he was cursing his mom and dad for putting him in this situation.

Who knows.

But from what I saw.... I saw a champion.  It didn't matter what lied ahead.  He was going to slay every dragon, climb every mountain, swim every ocean.  That's because he is HIM.  He is..... my Siu Wah. 

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Be Prepared

"Be Prepared" - It's the Boy Scouts marching song.  You never know what's going to happen.

That happened to SW tonight.  Through hardwork and perseverance... SW made it to the starting 5 as a shooting guard (aka Klay Thompson).  I have to say... his shooting motion is smooth and technically sound.  I credit his personal coach (me) for getting him to where he is.  But right when he was ready to shoot himself into the King's Academy Record Books.... the starting Point Guard called in sick.  And SW got the call to be the quarterback for the team. 

No... he wasn't ready.  No... we haven't worked on his handling enough.  Nor his court vision.  But he did it.  

He brought the ball up the court.... oh.... so.... slowly.  To a point where there were several instances where he crossed the halfcourt line right ahead of the 10 second limit.  I couldn't scream loud enough.  And when he got it to the top of the key... he immediately picked up his dribble... and shot a dart to his wings.  So many times, it was so hard, the wing would drop the pass.  You touch it... you catch it.  That's my mantra.  But as the QB... as the PG... you have to enable your teams' success.  SW wasn't ready for it.  He was nervous.  He had an itchy trigger finger.  He.... over passed.  Hard to forgive.

The first half... he created so many open shots for himself... yet, the ball never found the bottom of the net.  It would rim out.  Bounce around. He was cursed.  The second half... he didn't even put up a shot cuz of ruined confidence. 

But he kept at it.  He called the play.  Screamed at his team.  He captained his way through adversity.

Four a 28 minute game... he easily played 20 minutes worth.  And his defense was suffocating.  He was relentless.  Where does he come up with that energy? Where did he unearth that stamina? 

As the final seconds ticked away... SW and his Knights... were proven victors of their first Jr. High C Team basketball game.  My son.... emerged victorious.  Afterwards, when I asked him how he thought he did, he modestly said, "I could've done better."

That's my son.  My son.... is HIM. 

Monday, October 30, 2023

Panic Attack

When panic settles in... your heart beats faster.  Your breathing is exasperated.  Your muscles shake uncontrollably. Tears automatically flow out of the ducts.  You are hopeless.  Helpless. Man on an island.  Within the timespan of two weeks... NN had another panic attack.  All for, what I consider, worthless issues.  Things you can't control... and yet... you should have complete control over.

I tried to calm her down.  Fruitless.  

I resorted to raising my voice.  Fuel on fire.

Why is my NN like that???? I think we need help. 

Monday, October 23, 2023

Fruit and Nut diet

 A few years ago.... I started to do occasional cleanses.  Sometimes, it was after Thanksgiving.  Or maybe after Chinese New Year.  I'll go a few days of fasting... no caffeine... no fatty food... no junk food.  Then I started doing occasional Fruit and Nuts / Low Carb diet.  I don't even know how I came about this.  Google searches have shown this isn't the best diet to go on... but it's ohhhhh soooo convenient.  

Been on this diet ever since I noticed that growing tummy of mine.  First couple of weeks... I was good.  I was solid.  Then Friday rolls around and I'll slip a little.  But Monday... I'll be right back on it.  I'm eating healthier... and eating wiser.  Yes - I get the hunger pangs, but hopefully, that's when the body knows to get energy from my blubber/fat.  

And then... there are those few occasions where I give myself a treat.  Like.... the rice tonight.  Or that one cracker.  Or a bag of Sun Chips.  It's sooooo gooood... yet... zero nutrition and 100% damaging to my godly body.  Let's see how long I can keep this up. 

Friday, October 20, 2023


One of the biggest practical joke in our lifetime... is when you pick up a chocolate chip cookie... bite into it... and realize it's oatmeal raisin.  The oatmeal raisin should be banned. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Basketball Practice is Cancelled

Got a text on Teamsnap that SW's basketball team practice tomorrow is cancelled.  Cancelled?!?  Wait... tryouts was yesterday and today.  And.... that can only mean... HE MADE ONE OF THE TEAMS!!!!!  

Team C - the lowest of the 3 7th/8th grade teams... but he made it!  Days prior... we already 大定輸數 he was gonna get cut.  And I was gonna send a scathing email to the AD saying how it's not fair.  But say hey... can file that email back into the DO NOT SEND folder. 

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Parents Involvement in Sports

Listened to an intriguing podcast on how to improve Youth Sports.  In a different order for the sake of this post...

1) Change the age breakdown.  For volleyball.. the cut off for your age group is end of June.  So someone born in July (of this year) will be 11 months older than someone born in June (of the following year).  For boys, especially during those awkward teenage, puberty years... that makes a world of a difference.  And if kids that bloom late... and is 11 years younger... they will always be smaller, shorter, slower, weaker.  Solution: Create two leagues by cutting the league into two age groups. 

2) Don't play by collegiate rules.  Why run it full in hoops? Why have to run a 110 yard pitch? Yes - you learn all the rules at a young age... but it's simply not fun.  Make the fields/courts shorter/smaller so it's more manageable for kids... but allow them to have fun while developing their skills.

3) Play multiple sports. The idea that physically and mentally, you exercise different muscles in your body and mind that will actually help you be a better athlete.  This isn't anything ground breaking when people think of hitting the weights, doing yoga in support of <fill in the blank.>  But that's not what he's saying... 

And lastly, most relevant to this post.

4) Limit parent involvement.  Coaches and Refs don't make a lot of money.  They don't need parents who are high school has-been's yelling at them, screaming for their kids' playtimes.  Overbearing parents who try to run their kids' lives straight into a scholarship or professional career may be damaging. And worst yet... parents (aka me) who try and coach, ridicule, judge, and/or rebuke your child's hardwork.. how does that help a child like the game???

Today... I tried and tried to fix NN's serve and swing.  She kept arguing and arguing.  Saying her coach tells her to do this and do that.  And how the other girls are doing it wrong... and she's right.  I just wasn't getting through to her and I finally said, "Guess what, your teammate is starting and you're on the bench."  

She didn't have a comeback.  That's cuz she started crying. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

On the fritz

 Washing machine has been on the fritz where the water won't drain.  I tried to DIY it but simply don't have the tools to confidently fix it.  Ended up calling a repair man... and as the YouTube video described... he found something stuck in the exhaust pump.  No idea how that article of clothing got there... it's physically impossible!  Or so we thought.  Sure explains the rotting, mildew stench.  Wonder how long it's been stuck?

Sunday, October 08, 2023

Father / Daughter Day

SW and Joyce went up to Roseville for a volleyball tournament and I had a special Father/Daughter Day with NN - beginning Friday night and Saturday all day.  Originally... wanted to hang out with a couple of her friends and their dads. But one of them came down with COVID, so we postponed it.  

Friday night was a chill night... didn't do much.  Saturday morning, we hiked up Mission Peak which nearly broke us.  We originally were gonna head out to Fleet Week, but we cancelled it after making it to the apex and knew we've overextended. 

After some curry for lunch... we chilled some more, caught a chick-flick/rom-com on Netflix.  Then headed to Whole Foods and Target after picking up Boba. At Target... we shopped a bit for me (got nothing) and ended up sniffing deodorant. 

At the same time... SW's team won their first game, ever.  Yesterday... was a great day. 

Friday, October 06, 2023

Sodom and Gomorrah

At TKA... the 7th grade class will go through the Old Testament... including the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.  And they'll take the opportunity to have an open, candid discussion on Sex, Marriage, LGBTQ+.  It's done craftily where the parents get a heads up... have an option to opt out... and are included in the questions asked by the students.

I don't remember what we did when NN went through this class... but I did take it upon myself to ask SW what his "opinions" are.  And not surprisingly... his answers are very Sunday School, Christian School based.  Let's see how long that lasts.

Well..... tonight.... with SW and Joyce going off to a tournament, I get to spend some alone time with NN.  So I asked her to answer all the questions asked by SW's 7th grade class on Sexuality and LGBTQ+.  I won't get into the details... but let's just say... 10 out of 10.... 100 out of 100... she answered exactly like I expected her to.  

Look... we are Christians.  And we stand firm on the truth taught in the bible... albeit... our own interpretation of the truth. *smirk

Thursday, October 05, 2023


On Monday... SW had to meet with the Associate Dean and he got a written warning aka he was "Red Slipped."  A faculty/staff member said he "disrespected her" by not listening to her on where to be picked up.  SW... being raised to always respect adults and authority.. simple took it and didn't say a word.  Not even to defend himself.  

I'm so mad.

The school never issued any communications on pick up locations.
The school never communicated to students where they can / can not be picked up.
Students go to where they've gone the past 2 months to be picked up.
And today... on a Friday no less... faculty/staff start walking around... 10 minutes after dismissal... to tell students where to go????? 

He was standing there for 10 minutes!!! Not a peep.  But when our car shows up... of course he'll do what he's been doing the last year and 2 months... walk to the car.  And some b*tch comes chasing him down saying he didn't listen to her????  


I told SW.... "You can politely ask to tell your side of the story.  It's not talking back if you do it politely and respectfully."  

I want to take this to the Dean.  To the principal.  To the school headmaster.  This is NOT how you treat students.  

Sure... they see it as, "It's just a warning... get over it."  But not for a tween who's never even been tardy for one class in his life.  Who won't let me jay walk when there's no cars for miles and miles to be seen.

Grrrrrr........  the more I think about it... the more my blood boils. 

Monday, October 02, 2023

The wait makes it worth it

Ever drive by a restaurant that always has a line and you're just dying to try it but don't want to wait. Then the one time when there isn't a line... you don't want to go anymore.

We (over)pay for Netflix...  Disney+... Prime... Hulu.... and this year, the family got me Youtube TV so I can watch sports.  One of the best gift of my adult years.  And every time we channel surf, unequivocally we would watch any MCU move showing on TBS and TNT.  SW says it best... strangely enough... "Commercials make it better." 

Sunday, September 24, 2023


Chris threw a Red Ginger and Egg party yesterday.  He invited all his family.. including those from New York and Toronto... and us + dad, which is soooo special.  Not sure where we rank in the concentric circles of family... but to be the only non-family there.. must be pretty close.  I went out to SF to pick dad up and brought him in to Millbrae with an hour to kill, so we hung out at Starbucks for an hour.

Started spit-balling with dad... and then he launched into his reminisce mode, going back in time and recounting all the times he was wronged.  Of how grandfather was wrongfully incarcerated for 20+ years.  How grandma did everything she can to hold the family together - including begging people to pay off their debts.  How great-grandfather won't lend even $4 for tuition.  How grandma would have to pawn off the winter blanket to have money for summer... only to pawn off the summer clothes for the winter months.  How my uncle made my dad cry by saying, "My dad took me to watch a movie!!"  I've heard these stories so many times... and dad re-tells it like he's telling it for the first time.  How many times he's gone through this speech in his head during those late nights... and it's amazing how he doesn't leave any details out each time he retells it.

I read somewhere... where we shouldn't stop our aging parents from re-living the glory years.  That these trips down memory lane is a means of creating happy moments for them.  But why do I let dad re-live these melancholic moments? 

At the party... he ran into his former neighbors from the village where he grew up.  And throughout dinner... they kept on retelling the stories from the good ol' days.  Stories they must've retold over and over again each time they got together.  As I drove him home... I can tell... he was happy.  He was in is happy place.  

Tuesday, September 19, 2023


Started shaving in high school… about 15 years old…and dad got me my first norelco shaver. It was sort of a passage for us… father teaching son how to shave. Except… dad never used razor and shaving cream, so neither did we.  That thing lasted me many years… and sometime in my 20’s…. Joyce got me my second Norelco. That thing lasted me for many more years. I even went onto in the start of online shopping and bought replacement heads. Only to find out it costs roughly the same as a brand new shaver.

Then today… I was gifted my third shaver. Still Norelco. The design has changed… but it’s still the same idea. Only… this time… the box it came in was massive. What else is in there???? A case… a power cord… and an adapter for beards. Did it really need to come in this ginormous box?!?

Sunday, September 10, 2023


 Wearing a tight active shirt today... and passed by a full body mirror.  Oh man... I have a huge belly now.  Since when????  It's further exasperated by my flat pecs... could never build up those muscles for whatever reason.  

Time to go on an intermittent fast... lose the blubber... and build up that "god-bod." 

Saturday, September 09, 2023


 After a lot of stress and prayer... both kids end up on decent Volleyball Clubs.  Not the elite, competitive clubs... but friendly clubs with a family atmosphere that will train your kids.  

Went to our first tournament today... and there's a noticeable difference.  Those elite clubs... MVVC, Bay to Bay, NCVC.... their uniforms are brighter.  Their bags are prettier.  They jump higher. Hit harder.  Even the parents spirit gear looks nicer.  

It's like being in a conversation with someone from Harvard or Yale... and I'm from Cal Poly.  Such a heavy sense of inadequacy. How I wish we can be them. 

Wednesday, September 06, 2023

That's a first!!!

Both kids are on a school retreat so Joyce and I get a few days of being Empty Nesters.  Had a Club meeting to attend tonight... so couldn't do anything too extravagent.  Ended up finding a sushi place by Santa Clara University (Flag #1).  We got there and saw a food truck with the same name (Flag #2).  Turned the corner to see that it's actually a brick and mortar place.. phew~.  We order our food at the counter (Flag #3) and pay before we get our food (Flag #4).  

We were hoping for a nice Sushi dinner without the kids.  What we got were... three "rolls" that had smooshed up rice and fish that seemed to have been left out far too long.  We took a bite of the Cherry Blossum... hmm... something tastes funny.  Maybe it's me.  Then I go for the Spicy Salmon Roll... couldn't do it.  Had to spit it out.  Too disgusting.  The rice. The fish. The sauce.

Didn't want to make the owner feel bad so instead of getting up and walking out... we asked for a to-go box, packed up the food, and dumped it in front of a Taco Bell, where we ended up having our... uhm... Romantic Dinner.  

Saturday, September 02, 2023


Been almost 3 months… I finally get to hold 契仔。 I still got it. ❤

Saturday, August 26, 2023

New Phase

 Thank goodness Chinese school was cancelled... otherwise it would've been two more trips!!

Dropped NN off at Volleyball... so we can go to the libary with SW... then had lunch.  Dropped him off at volleyball to pick up NN.  Had a 2nd lunch with NN so we can stop by SW and watch him practice.  Only to be kicked out... so we went home.  Then headed BACK to pick up SW.  Got home...did a few chores.  Only to drop off NN at her volleyball party.  Came home to make dinner and before you knew it... it was time to pick up NN again.  

It's only gonna get worse.  Don't even know how we'll be able to support worship team practice!! 

Friday, August 25, 2023

Revisiting Pac Bell Park

For the first time since Game 4 of 2010... we brought NN to Pac Bell.  For Siu Wah... it was his first Giants game.  13 years later... times have changed.  I reserved parking via Spot Hero and paid a whopping $30.  We didn't have Club Level but had, instead, View Reserved behind home plate. Beer is now a whopping $14... probably wasn't that much cheaper in 2010.  

One garlic fries... one chicken tender... one dole whip and one order of Lumpia... came out to be $52.  Luckily... Geoff was there and we got our Cha Cha Bowl and Chimichanga for "only" $24.  

Our Giants ace ran up against the probably Cy Young for the Braves... and it was a 5-1 shellacking.  At least the kids got to see a run scored.  We left after the 7th inning and made it home by 10PM.  Long day... culminating with a long night.  

But the constants are still there.  The sea gulls.  The cove.  The scene. The ambiance.  If only I lived in the city.  

Go Giants. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Church Plant

It's simply amazing witnessing the birth of a child.. also amazing is witnessing the birth of a new church.  Took part in ESL Ministry training and hearing what's been doing... what's being done... and what we're going to do is humbling. 

Monday, August 21, 2023


Tough week… but finally found light at the end of the tunnel.

This worship team / session was the most challenging one as of yet.  Partly because I was so busy. And also.. because the songs are so new and fast and different.  Friday night... we were suppose to practice from 8-930.  Ended up staying past 10... to a point where the kids Facetimed us cuz they were worried.

Saturday night... I had a brief moment to re-practice.

And then Sunday morning... Jce came to the rescue.  Not just to give final tips and pointers... but to sit at the front row and be a real time conductor. 

Drums aren't the main focus of a worship team.  But when I go wrong... it's so noticeable.  I studied hard and worked hard to find the right patterns, the right fills, the right groove.  This is easily the hardest I've ever worked for the drums.  And still... I was 50/50 on Sunday morning. 

And immediately after drumming... I had to translate for Pastor Douglas. I was NOT in the right state of mind or thought.  I couldn't even read the passages on screen.  And to go 40 minutes of translating... that's just impossible.  To top it off... after translating the sermon... I had to crawl back into the drummer booth and drum te response song.  At that point... i was so robotic.  Didn't have any feel of the song at all.  And yet.... 又過關

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Celebration of Life

 I will miss him… He opened his door for us.  Invited us over during Thanksgiving... Christmas... and any other time we wanted to hang out.  His low, booming laughter.  His gregariousness of being an ambassador of the city... an ambassador of life. I will miss him. It was painful watching him deteriorate. His final years where he no longer resembled his yester-self.  Life is so unfair sometimes.

The days leading up to the event was stressful.  It was a busy busy week of life and work.  And I volunteered to help Jeff's family out.  To find parking... to be a sounding board... to be the driver... to the emcee.

It was surreal when we got to the chapel... that his casket was already opened. I didn't walk in, out of respect.  Jeff walked in and made an abrupt U-turn, "I didn't expect him to be there." My job wasn't just to drive... wasn't just to be the voice... but it was to be there for those silent moments.  To be the the ear to Mrs. G.  To be the emotional and spiritual support for Jeff.

It wasn't until Saturday morning that I google'd my script.  I spent 10 minutes making it my own.  And when the light turned green... I shifted into "Hank-mode." For me... it's just being myself.  But compliments after compliments from complete strangers.  I was humbled... but not completely modest.  I know I can bring it and throw in the high 90's... topping 100 here or there.  I inserted a little story I got from the internet, swapped in Mr. G and Jeff into the story, and that became the hit of the day.  In which everyone remembered nothing from the previous speeches, but kept asking Jeff, "Was that story true??" Or, "Are you now the penny boy?" Heh...

And of all the compliments and atta boys... (which included someone saying I must be an attorney), the one that stood out was when someone gave me props for leading in a closing prayer.  Something that Mrs. G gave me permission to do.  And that family friend said, "There are times when human words just can't fully express what we're feeling.  But you went above and sought out His words.  Thank you." 

But the day wasn't about me... it was trying to usher some joy and laughter in the midst of mourning and tears.  I'm glad I was able to pitch in a little bit... for someone who gave his wholeself to everyone around him.  Thank you, Mr. G.  I will miss you. 

Saturday, August 19, 2023


After going through the whirlwind of NN's club experience... we went through SW's hurricane - only to culminate in this. So proud of my little Siu Wah.

Saturday, August 12, 2023


Huda thunk... when I got laid off in the early 2000's and picked up the guitar... it would eventually lead to a dream come true to 夾 band.  In the midst of that dream coming true.. inevitably... were the Tsang's.  

We didn't even know if it would happen. By happenstance... I found a guitar in the closet.  Sam got into place and started keyboarding.  Before you know it... a bunch of us were on stage.  Haven't played in years! I was on cloud 9... or seventh heaven... or whatever anecdote you wanna use. 

I wish the kids were there to see it.  這一剎完全擁有... 這一刻完成美夢...

Friday, August 04, 2023


Woke up... did some work.

Made coffee and had a scone.

Then went to play 9 holes with SW.

Came back for lunch and had comfort food at Mod.

Played some volleyball on the drive way and started setting clinic with NN.

Picked up the Tat's and drove them to the airport.

Stopped by Costco to get gas... get food... and more importantly... get a bunch of clothes for myself.

Came home and got some seafood... some clams.. and filled up the propane tank for some Q.

Dinner was very well received with Thai Crab, Barbecue clams, and stir fried noodles.

Ended the night finishing up Guardians 3 and Tetris.

Today.... was a good day.  Today... is 快樂的一天.


Thursday, August 03, 2023

Hidden gem

Joyce and Grace took a few days off and headed to Paso Robles for some R&R and wine tasting.  The kids and I went down a couple days later.  My oh my Paso is nice.  I always thought it was just a stop on the way to SLO that had a walmart.  Huda thunk that it has such a cute downtown with some many shops, restaurants, tasting rooms, etc...  2.5 hour drive to get away ain't bad.  After all these years... hrmph! 

Tuesday, August 01, 2023

In all things...give glory to Jesus

Every night... our bedtime prayer ends with "In all things, give glory and honor to Jesus." In ALL things... whether it's good or bad.  The past 3 days have been bad.  And then today.. it takes a 180.  

NN found a club.. in fact...two clubs... that are willing to take her.  What is it with club volleyball???

Some clubs are so formal.  Some clubs... don't even need to see you play.  

I'm amazed and astonished.  But NN... after tonight's tryouts... was so hungry, she wanted fast food. She wanted Taco Bell.  And to further celebrate.. we let her have a bottle of Mexican Coke. 

Tonight... was a good night.  No... it was a great night. 

Monday, July 31, 2023

Catastrophic Failure

 Saturday afternoon we took NN to MVVC for Club Volleyball tryouts.  OMG.... there were easily 200+ girls on 4 courts.  Girls from different age and sizes... all vying for 10 spots each on 4 teams.  There was no way.  As good as NN is... she's no where near the level of play of these girls.  No harm no foul.  Cuz Sunday... we're gonna go to Panda Volleyball.  The name, already, sounds less competitive.  Of course she'll get in!!  OMG.... the quality and skill of these girls were even better than MVVC!!! What a friggin waste of time.  And the organizer did a very unprofessional job of letting the contestants know their fate.

Needless to say... NN did not make either of the team.  And last night... after doing some research, I find out the deep, dark world of Girls' Club Volleyball.  How all the teams hold tryout on the same weekend - thereby making players choose which one to go to.  Teams also want the best of the best.  So all the teams form their teams of 10-12 on the same weekend.  And literally, hundreds of girls go home empty handed.  Girls who want to play professional. Those who want a scholarship and play in college.  Or even dear little NN... who just wants to play.  

I feel like I failed her as a father.  Shoulda gotten her into sports at a much younger age.  Now that she's in her teenage years... it's already too late!! Plus, she's not especially gifted physically in height and strength. 

Why is it so hard?!?!??  NN is forced to grow up way too fast.  This isn't fair.  Life is unfair.  

Saturday, July 29, 2023


 Hire a property manager...and they'll take care of the tenants.  Manage it yourself.. and you'll find yourself sucked into every little thing.  Including hiring a contractor and spending the entire time as his assistant.  No other landlord would do that.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Shaws-HANK 2023 - Day 4

For the first time in 5 days... I slept through the night without waking up 4-5 times, drenched in sweat.  Getting better.

Then when I finally did wake up... I spent 90 minutes on Insta.  What is my life coming to?

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Shaws-HANK 2023 - Day 3

 Binging Suits on Netflix... gwarsh I wanna be a corporate lawyer, oozing with confidence, not a care in the world, with men and women swooning over me and my 50th floor office overlooking Manhattan... 

Friday, July 14, 2023

Shaws-HANK 2023 - Day 2

 Quaratining sheds new light into someone's life... particuarly mine.  

Was able to stare at myself in the mirror for a long period of time today... and I just noticed how many more strands of gray/silver hair I have all over my head now, not just the sides.

What can possibly be stressing me out so much these days? I know.... every night... at 9PM... I do this thing called Immaculate Grid.  A3x3 grid of baseball IQ.  I admittedly was never a huge fan of baseball.. but for those 5-15 minutes every night... I am in deep, DEEP, thought.  Go through roster after roster.  Play after player.  Overturning every lost or hidden memory or shadow of a baseball card.  All in hopes of chasing that elusive dream of calling myself.... Maculate.  That day... has yet to come.  But the gray... is here to stay. 

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Shaws-HANK 2023

Shawshank Redemption is a novella written by Stephen King.  It was a one and done movie that supposed ended at Zihuatanejo with Red and Andy spend the rest of their days in paradise.  Never has there been a mention of... what's next??

Well... there is a what's next!!  Andy... out of the kindness of his heart... takes care of the inmates left in Shawshank.  He cooks and cleans and does everything (and then some) for them.  He sleeps on the couch.  He's fighting off feverish symptoms but never run a temperature.  His body is weak from expiration.  And when it's all said and done... I won the lotto, for the second time.  Back to Shaws-HANK I go! 

Monday, July 10, 2023

Almost became a hero

 At around 11AM this morning... I heard a consistent siren.  I first thought it was construction across the way and some big rig was being used.  But when I walked outside to investigate... it turns out my neighbor's alarm was blaring.  His patio door was wide open.  I knocked... I ran his doorbell.  No respond.  I started to get worried.  What if something happened?? Or was happening?? I called and emailed the property manager... but no response.  I banged his door again.  No response. He has a security alarm placard in front... so I call them.  But their answering service offered to call me back in 30 minutes.  

I was this close to jumping the banister and walk into his house to check on things.  What if it's a robber? What if there's a fire?? What if???

I waited a bit more... and the security company finally called back.  They weren't too helpful... for the right reasons.  They can't reveal too much of the neighbor.  All they can say were... ambiguously... that if an alarm went off... the owner and their emergency contacts would be notified.  That's it?!?!??!  That's all they were willing to share???

The property manager still didn't get in touch with me.  This was driving me nuts.

And right when I was about to break in.... the alarm stopped.  I guess the crisis was averted.  Or was it.....?

Sunday, July 09, 2023

It's a matter of when...

For almost 3 years now... we keep saying, "Not a matter of if... it's a matter of when."

Came back Friday night... Saturday morning, woke up to Joyce's text, "I woke up feeling warm.  Took a test and it's positive."  Holy Cannoli.  The titan has fallen.  The most careful in our family.  And is she got it... then the kids are probably next.  Spent all day Saturday cleaning up after the trip... getting groceries... and taking care of a quarantined patient.   Then today... our biggest fear comes to pass.  Siu Wah tests positive.  Double quarantined.

Where did they contract it from? ESL Celebration? The plane ride up? In Seattle? Who knows... 

This strain.. supposedly.. is a lot more potent and easily transmissible.  But the symptoms are fairly mild.  And that's exactly what it's been.  So now... it's just me and NN 相依為名.  

Saturday, July 08, 2023

Seattle Trip

"Vacations" are fun and relaxing (depending on your definition).  "Trips" are getaways that is not a vacation, quite possibly, an obligation hence, the title. We could have gone to Vancouver... but the kids' passports expired and we didn't want to expedite and live under the stress of missing those dates.  In spite of all the family drama behind setting this up... the stars aligned where we were able to meet in Seattle to have a mini-reunion of sorts with Aunts/Uncles that are in their late 70's and early 80's. 

And with all trips/vacations... I did my part planning.  "Failing to plan is...."  (kid's in unision)  "... Planning to fail." 

Did my 5-Day Seattle trip research.  Found different types of cuisine. Researched things to do for all age range... from an 8 year old to an 80 year old.  Took into account different weather patterns, different physical capabilities - hikes for beginners, intermediates and advance, different interests, and finally.....  the touristy spots.

 I unveiled the itinerary to the kids days before the trip and got their approval.  They loved it.  All throughout the trip... "What's next on the itinerary??"  Heh... 

Day 1 - Arrival
We took the first flight out of San Jose - 6:45AM, with an early arrival of 8:30AM, so we get an entire day in Seattle before the Aunts arrived.  But that meant waking up at 4AM - it also meant saving $400.  But boy did we pay... the kids were so tired and sleepy.  No one wanted to walk and just wanna hit the hotel.  I was ready for this. I planned for landing, brunching, brief walk and just chill.  Very, very much needed.  

Highlights - Tried out an Amazon Go, where you walk in with your Prime Account, shop, walk out without paying, and you get charged.  And right when we stepped out of a restaurant in the middle of Pike's Place... we run into SW's best friend from church.  Of all the places...of all the moments... of all the locations...
Lowlight - Everyone was in a bad mood except for me. HA!!  "How do you have so much energy daddy??!"

Day 2 - Aunts Arrive
Headed to the local Starbucks Reserve in the morning.  The kids were fully rested so they had a pretty good time.  Then headed to "The Spheres" that ended up being a disappointment because you need to reserve 15 days in advance to get into Amazon HQs.  Killed enough time to pick up the aunts... and everything just went from 1x to 0.75x.  We're gonna go slooooooooooooooooooow for the duration of the trip.  

Highlights - Space Needle and Glass Museum.  The food at A+ Cafe and running into Keno / Siu!! 
Lowlight - Not getting a seat at Din Tai Fung despite me calling ahead and them saying the wait is only 15 minutes. 

Day 3 - July 4th
The Aunts met up with some friends in Seattle and this was suppose to be the first of several outdoor days - including a 27 mile backride around Lake Washington.  Did it happen??? NOPE!!! Ended up going to a yucky beach infested with algae.  Ugh....  we then headed to MPOP - overrated - and ended the night at a brewery.  Ok... it wasn't a bad day.

Highlights - Kids spending almost 2 hours in the video game museum.  Running into David and Sandy!!
Lowlights - Not doing my 27 mile bike ride or outdoor hike.

Day 4 - Aunts Depart
Woke up in the morning and decided to take the Aunts to the Starbucks Reserved by myself.  C'mon... kids, wake up at 7AM!? To drink coffee?!?  Please.  We then headed back to the hotel for them to pack, got them checked out, and off we went to.... Bruce Lee's grave.  To my surprise..  they were NOT comfortable with visiting a cemetery at all.  I thought they'll be excited - like me.  Oh well... big FAIL.  Went back lunch at Chinatown... then headed to the Seattle Aquarium.  Boy do we have it good in Monterey... this Aquarium is so tiny.  Took the kids on a spin of the Giant Wheel and we headed back to the hotel to chill before dinner time.  When we got to the train station... and everyone was in line to board the train, Amtrack says there's a mechanical issue and they re-routed everyone onto a bus.  Mad scramble!! Glad that Joyce and I were there - otherwise who knows what would've happened to them. 

Highlights - Visiting the Dragon
Lowlights - Dough Zone - bleah!!  And sending pics of the gravesite to my family.  Oops! Big no no, apparently. 

Day 5 - Clear the Board
The aunts were gone... now we can go do our own thing. Originally wanted to do a Kayak around the bay... but there were too many hurdles and piss poor planning (on my part, mind you) to make it happen. Plus, I don't think anyone other than me, SW, and NN really wanted to do it.  So we planned it so we can hit up some of the eateries at Pike's Place that we missed on the first day - including the "#1 rated food item, not in Seattle, but on Yelp." And also that "Piroshky" place.  Ok... they were good, not great, but good.  Then drove 30 minutes to hit up a Rock and Jump place, but smaller.  Headed back home to chill... only... I made a stop at the Mariner's Team Store at what was formerly known as SafeCo Field, now T-Mobile Park, where I got to shop for a good 45 minutes.  Ended the night at Din Tai Fung... where we should've ended up on Day 2.

Highlights - SW getting his fix for Clam Chowder.  He asked for it since day 1 when we arrived.  Kids getting an hour and 15 minutes of free time to run, jump, and play.  The laser maze where Joyce/NN beat me and SW - although, they knew exactly what to do after seeing us do it twice.
Lowlight - This really tears at my heart, cuz I single-handedly ruin the trip here. 

Day 6 - Homeward Bound
Last day of the trip... got some brunch, headed to the cruise, hit up a Mall and Children's Museum and time to head out.  Planned to take the last flight out of Seattle.. cuz as late as we were to land... we get to sleep in our own bed that night.  Ahhhh.... Home Sweet Home.

Highlights - Motorized scooter in the streets of Seattle.  Street parking and Park and Go app.  I spent exactly half of what Grace spent for parking... cuz I was cheap enough and willing to walk a little.  
Lowlights - well.... in summary.  Me.  Woe be me.

Saturday, July 01, 2023

Come and see.

ES Men's Prayer Group sponsored a BBQ lunch for Saturday ESL.  They invited all the pastors (none showed up) as well as all the regular teachers.  His email subject was "Come and see." I'm going to sub for a couple of weeks in July, so I might as well go observe.  But the cool thing was... I subtly brought the family with me.  I didn't ask them... I told them... to come with me Saturday morning.  Not knowing what to expect... I wouldn't look them in the eye.  I was just hoping, praying, wishing, that they won't give me the stink eye, and actually give ESL a chance.  Give it a chance... and they'll experience for themselves the joy of paying back to society.

For the first 15 minutes... they didn't know where to go.  I didn't know where to go.  So they just sat in the back of class.

Then the teachers split the class and it was just us 4 in one class.  SW and NN were so bored... they walked out.  Then we broke up into groups and the Teacher Assistants had to help each of the groups with pronunciation.  I naturally took my 7 people under my wing.  And out of the corner of my eye... I see that Joyce and then NN... owned their own group.  They were doing it.  Investing in it.

Then it was break time.  Everyone went to get pastries... coffee... drinks.  And I saw NN, SW, and some of the students' kids playing volleyball!!!!  Barriers broken.

Back from break... we had more group exercises.  Led by NN and Joyce.  SW... hung around. 

I didn't know what to expect when I brought the fam.  But as we were driving home..  they couldn't stop talking about the positive experience in serving those in need.  So glad that they were able to "come and see."  Now... it's time to "Go and tell."  

Monday, June 26, 2023


 琴日教會離左一個新family. 佢哋有兩個可愛的孖生女兒,同埋一個歲𡃁大的公子。開始時,我淨係敢陪兩位公主玩,但係弟弟好想親近家姐。我就不知不覺地伸出雙手抱起小弟弟,再次抱B的感覺非常之愉快,已經太多年冇抱過BB。


Thursday, June 22, 2023

If I happen to forget... here's why...

I love serving along side brothers and sisters with the same vision of worshipping and glorifying Jesus.  But man... there's a reason why I stepped away from leadership.  Sometimes... I just can't stand the characters.  Thursday night was a clear reminder already when we had a Zoom call.  I was jumping out of my skin with the bickering and talking over each other and nit-pickiness.  Smart move... until I volunteered (or was voluntold) to do something.  And over Whatsapp... I just couldn't control myself.  Got sucked into the Vortex again.  

This isn't good.  It's not re-energizing. It's draining.  I have other means of serving. No thanks. 

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Grumpy Old Man

As I'm aging, I'm starting to realize I'm becoming or I've become a grumpy old man.

Mother's Day... I really ripped into that restaurant. Saturday... I got so pissed at the waitress at Cheesecake Factory for their late entree delivery and attitude. Then on Father's Day... I was totally pissed off at SW for taking forever to get ready. Then I got pissed off at Dad for erroneously telling me Stinking Rose is closed. Then I got pissed off at the world for traffic.

What is happening to me?! Am I hitting men-opause early?

Monday, June 12, 2023


九十年代,是一個盲目的時代。時勢造英雄, 讓周星馳成為了巨星。 爸爸說,香港人在這時代需要這種無厘頭喜劇來嘲笑現實。 我起初不是他的粉絲,因為他取代了我的偶像周潤發成為香港最受歡迎的明星。 慢慢地,我開始欣賞他的喜劇天份和演技。 最終,我開始接受甚至崇拜周星馳。

最近,我與我的孩子孩分享這個文化偶像。 喜劇是經不起時間的考驗——這也不例外。 Joyce和我都覺得劇本冗長乏味。 笑話已經不好笑了。 我們看 了5 部電影......其中 3 部電影我們無法超過前 30 分鐘... 我不得不承認... 我們的時間也過去了。

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Christian Ethics and Morals

Had another opportunity to speak on the topics of Ethics, Morals, and Social Issues.  

I remain surprised why PAL would allow me to speak.  Maybe he thinks I bring a different perspective into the discussion.  Maybe he thinks by forcing me to do the research, I will eventually "come around." (HA!!!)  

But either way... it was a juicy topic that can't be fit into 50-60 minutes to class time.  But the umbrella topic of the class was... "Missions and Evangelism."  These are questions and topics that we will encounter when we reach the unreached.  How will we react? How should we respond?  Like Jesus, out of grace and love? Oh... but I'm not Christ.  No where near.  Should I respond with facts... the law... the biblical truth.  What if they don't accept your truth being THE truth. 

The class went 15 minutes over.  And I didn't even start to uncover what I really wanted to cover.  May the Lord bless our church... our leaders... our pastors... and each of the layperson... that we have the wisdom and discernment of the Holy Spirit when it comes to Christian Ethics and Morals.

Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Keep it simple already...

Had a last minute business trip to Philly... my old stomping grounds!!  

After a 12 hour trip.. finally land in PHL around 8PM and there's still a 40 minute trip to my actual destination. Was contemplating what to do for dinner... I don't wanna be the guy that shows up at a restaurant 10 minutes before closing... when the kitchen is already cleaned.  So I decide to go to Chipotle... get in / get out.  

Only, the roads are weird and I end up in the wrong lot.  I didn't want to drive back out... so I got lazy and decide to head to Cheesecake Factory to-go.  What I thought would be a late Monday night quickie... turned out to be a 35 minute wait.  And when I got back to the hotel... they got the order wrong!!  

Sigh... shoulda just kept it simple

Then tonight... the first day of a cross country trip where I don't sleep well and wake up early... I skipped lunch and was famished by dinner time.  What to do for dinner???  There's a local sushi place.  A BBQ place.  A taco place. After going through the dozens of options... I end up going to a high end steakhouse hoping to be wowed by the cocktail, sides, and maybe a flame-broiled, oven baked piece of meat.  My heart sank when I saw it come out.  And it sank even further when I tasted it.  My palette is too use to my own steak... where it's hard to wow myself anymore.

Sigh... shoulda kept it simple. 

Monday, June 05, 2023

The essentials

Such an empty feeling when you're at the airport... ahead of a cross country trip... and find out you've left your iPhone charger at home.  Ugh... $13 at the airport counter.  Horrible.  

Sunday, June 04, 2023


There's nothing more real... more raw... more devastating... than family drama.

Being stuck in the middle of it... makes it easy.  Or "I'm just an in-law..." worse.  But the worst of the worse... is when NN sees it unfold... and she has to clam up and excuse herself as it slowly unfolds. 

There's much more than is on the surface.  But that's already enough.  Being on the sideline.. I can see where each and every miscommunication starts and persists.  And yet.. there's nothing I can say.  All I can do is support my wife in each and every situation. 

Aye... if only I can put so much energy and love for my own family. 

Friday, June 02, 2023

Then it got real....

Signed up to buy 40 corn for ESL lunch today.  Have to admit.. I signed up after seeing that Safeway is selling them for $1 for 8 ears (limit 8 per customer).  All week long, I had it planned out where we'll pick up the kids from KAC and then go to our local Safeway, split up our orders, and roll out with 40 ears.

Come Friday..  I had some time to kill after lunch, so I rolled into a nearby Safeway.  I ended up paying twice.  Entered my "Safeway Club Member" card twice.  And walked out with 16 years.

I arrived at church and put corn into the fridge.  People looked at me with astonishment.. not cuz I found a deal.  Everyone knew about the deal apparently.  But because I actually found corn!!

"It's sold out everywhere!" they say... cuz it's such a good deal.  One sister said, she'll go to her local Safeway to see if there are any left and she'll claim 8 for me.  

I drove to MY local Safeway.... beaming with confidence.... when I walked up to an empty stall with some residuals of husks.  Oh no.... It's sold out!!! I have 24 more ears left.  And it's sold out!!! 

Then it got real....  

 I sped out the parking lot of one Safeway... and before, when the kids were complaining and tired and complaining and tired.... and COMPLAINING.... they were wide awake.  While speeding 90 mph down El Camino Real... they kept pestering me.  "Why didn't you get all 40 at the first Safeway?!?"  My answer was, "Cuz I wanted you to have THIS adventure, duh!!!" 

Parked.  Made a mad dash to the produce section and I see a lady there. She was carefully and meticulously choosing what's left of about a dozen ears.  I snatched two bags... and grabbed the first 8 I saw.  And the lady said, "I love how your dad shops."  I turned to her and said, "Lady... they're $0.13 each.  Who cares?"  

But I'm still 16 short.  16!!!!! 

The next Safeway is across town... didn't want to make that drive for a fruitless harvest (fruitless or cornless - ha!! I kill myself sometimes).  So I relented.  Let's go to Lucky's instead.  They probably have some sale going on.  And if they don't have it... we can go to our local Nob Hill Foods.  They're selling corn at $0.17 a piece, but it's good enough.

Pulled up to Lucky's. The kids were all in now!! They want this as much as I do.  From one end of the store... I can see that this was the Holy Grail? Why... cuz next to the corn station... was a cart... with three boxes!  The store manager didn't even both putting it onto the rack.  He kept it in the boxes to let his customers have at it.  The kicker is... it's $0.09 per ear.  Even cheaper than Safeway!!! 

We take our victory stride to the self checkout counter.  Four bags - 4 ears per bag.  I enter the first two bags... typed in "White Corn" and boom.... the price??? $4.00.  What?!?!?!? $4.00?!?!?!?  No no no.... it should be $0.72!!!!!   I patiently wait for the checkout lady to help another family.  She comes over and explains, "Sir... you need to enter the digital coupon." "I don't have a digital coupon."  "You can sign up now."

Ok... fine. So I proceeded to get online to create an account. But while standing there... my order was expiring.  It kept beeping asking if I wanted to continue.  I ignored it.  SW was still holding the two other bags of corn.  And I was busily, frantically, trying to create a Lucky's Account.  DONE!!!  But wait... that's Lucky's Groceries.  This is Lucky's Supermarket!! UGH!!! Wrong store... wrong website!!!

Ok... do it again.  I'm setting it up.  First name. Last name. Email. Phone. Password.  And now I'm prompted for "ONE FINAL STEP... Select a Store??!?"  Fine fine fine... select a store.  Ok... where do I click finish? I selected the store.  I guess I'm done.  Ok... where's my digital coupon?!?!  I try to log into... "INVALID USERNAME."  WHAT?!?!?! I just created it. 

Ok... fine.  I'll do it again.  I'll be more careful this time.  First name. Last name. Email. Phone. Password.  And again... "ONE FINAL STEP... Select a Store."  I pick my store.  "SET".  The app even says, "El Camino Store."  Done, right??? I don't see anything else to click.  Ok... where are my coupons?!?!? Once again... I try logging and "INVALID USERNAME."  Ugh...  WTH is going on?!?!

By now... the beeping from the checkout machine is so annoying I had to cancel the order.  The self-checkout line starts building up... and out of the corner of my eye, I'm just waiting for someone (like me!!) to say, "GET OUT IF YOU'RE NOT READY!!!"  The cashier voided our order... so now it's silence again.  And the kids were getting upset, "Just pay the $4, daddy."  It's not a lot of money.  They're right... it's not.  But it's not about money, is it.  It's about principals. 

Again... I try logging in and creating an account.  And again... it doesn't work.  What is happening?!?!? Why is the universe against me!! I know!! It must be the phone.  I quickly pull out my work phone and start creating an account... NN grabs my phone from me.  And before I was done filling out First Name, Last Name, Email... she showed me, "Account created."  BOOM.  DONE.  HA!!! 

Turns out... I had to scroll waaaaaaaaaay to the bottom after selecting a store to click " Finish Application."  She figured it out.  So..... finally!!!!!  Digital Coupon!! Found it!!! Clipped!!!  And.... uh.... do I download it?  Is it a QR Code??? I was sooooo lost.  Now what??? Do I scan it with my phone and bluetooth will take care of it. WHAT?!?!?!?!

Once again... the machine was beeping.... asking if I wanted to continue with checkout.  I clicked, "YES" and then.... between clicking "YES" and looking at the coupon again... I see I had to enter "Rewards Member Phone." Ahhhhhhhhhhhh....... there it is.  Just like Safeway.  I apty entered my phone and boom... $4.00 became.... $0.72!!!!  The kids erupted in cheer!!! VICTORY!!!! HAHAHAHA.... We did it!!!!!

The checkout lady and everyone around us were looking at us weird.  I didn't care!!!

Ok... let's finish the final purchase.  SW puts the corn on the checkout stand.  Professionally enters "WHITE CORN" and selects the picture on the touch screen.  I punch out my phone number or Rewards Member Phone.  About to see $4.00 drop down to $0.72 when............ "REWARD ALREADY CLAIMED" flashed onto the screen!!! OMG!!! Are you serious!?!??!  When they said limit one per customer... they truly truly limited it to ONE PER CUSTOMER!!!! I wanted to fall down on my knees and cry.

Obviously... this story has a happy ending.  Every thing worked out at the end.  And all that... for 40 ears of corn. 

Thursday, June 01, 2023


Insurance approval... Rebuilder... Tile guy... Cleaners... last minute crown molding... rebuilder coming back!! Everything converged on the very last day.  I was able to sneak over to Home Depot literally 30 minutes before the exchange to make copies of the house keys.  And then... that's it.  I walked out the front door one last time... didn't even look back... and drove off.

Our house... is now someone else's home. 

Doggie Dog

What a messed up world... 

The rebuilder tried to take my US flag.  I saw it in the back of his trunk and I asked him, "Hey... isn't that mine?" And he says "Oh... I thought you didn't want it."  Dude... it was rolled up, stashed away in a corner.  He also took my roll of drawing paper!!  And he conveniently ripped off all the drawings SW did during COVID.  

The cleaners?! When they first came... they quoted us 3 - 3.5 hours.  BTW... no other cleaners came to quote.  They quote over the phone.  Then when the actual cleaners show up... 5-5.5 hours!!! WTH!??! I should've just kicked them out!!! 

Such a dog eat dog world out there. 

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Practice Pays Off...

 There's no secret about playing an instrument... Practice Practice Practice.  Practice isn't fun.  It's repetitive.  It's hard.  It's slow - especially when learning something new or trying to master a new technique.  Didn't have any time to practice the worship songs the past few days and it really showed during worship practice.  The other musicians are seasoned and masters of their own form.  I'm learning an instrument.. learning to play as a team.  It was soooo soooo bad.

Spent the rest of Saturday in the garage knocking out song after song.  Figuring out beats and tempo.  Watching Youtube videos of savants gracefully swim their way through the songs.  

The practice really paid off... especially for the one song where I spent literally 3-4 hours studying.  The other 2 songs... I got by.  But the one song that I spent no more than 30 minutes on... really stuck out like a sore thumb.  Not only did it have syncopation (whatever that means).  It was a slow developing song where you can't hide and any little mistake disrupts the entire symphony.  It got to a point where Chris had to turn around and count the beats with me.  

Some people will dig their heads and ostrich after such embarrassment.  For me... it's just another learning experience.  Luckily, these are all captured on Youtube.  Hopefully, I can rewatch this is 6-8 months and say, "Wow... that was me?!? I've come a long way!"  

(to be continued...)

Saturday, May 27, 2023


The past two weeks... I've had to park my car 2 city blocks away.  In the morning, I have to walk an additional 5-10 minutes to get to the car.  At night.. if it's past a certain time, I actually have to circle a bit to find a good parking spot.  Brings back memories of 1090 when I'll circle for hours to find a spot on the hilly streets of Russian Hill.  Memories bring back.. memories bring back... yo!

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

This wasn't supposed to happen!!!!

Was about to head to work when Joyce texts me that SW left something at home.  So instead of my usual routine, I rushed out.  But because the Miata is in the garage, I parked my commuter car on the street.  I grabbed my bag... SW's stuff. Instead of going out the front door and locking it from the outside, I did the stupid thing of running out the garage door, hurdling over the sensor like I'm jumping over landmines.  I walk the two blocks to my car only to realize... CRAP... I left the keys at home.

This isn't suppose to happen anymore!  They key fob ensures you have the key in your hand so you don't lock the keys in your car. The garage door opener ensures you're in the car with the remote control so you drive away and you're guaranteed a way back in.  Nowadays... doors and garages use numeric cypher locks where you don't even need a key!!  Well.. .that's exactly what I could've used today.  

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Slipping Through My Fingers

SW confides in me today... that after school was let out... he and his buddy walked two city blocks to the local 7-eleven.  

The old me would've ripped him apart.  How dangerous and irresponsible is that?! What if he got hurt... got in trouble... or worse...  But I didn't.  Instead, I heard him out.

He said his friend wanted to go but wanted someone to go along.  So I complimented him on being a good friend.

Then I asked if he told mommy yet.  He said no.... He knew he was in trouble.  And he knew he better come clean before we found out.  I complimented him on being honest and being brave enough to tell me.  Had I yelled at him or punished him... I can kiss all that goodbye.

I am a parent, still.  And I had to mention the dangers of what he did and the possible consequences.  All that... while in the back of my mind... I think back when I was his age.  I'd be roaming the crazy streets of San Franciso and no one would bat an eye.  

The first time he's openly admitted to breaking such a big rule.  Has he done it before? Hu knows.  Will he do it again.  As sure as the sun will rise from the east and as it's slipping through my fingers.  Ironically... a song made famous by... ABBA. 

Monday, May 22, 2023

Thanks, but no thanks

Was asked by the newly elected MA's to lead a couple of events at church.  I thought about it.  I hate to say no.  I almost said yes.  And in the end... I politely declined.  Can't do it.  Shouldn't do it.  Won't do it.  I will support... but you want me to lead? I don't have that energy or drive anymore.  Too distracted now. Thanks, but no thanks. 

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Oh the Places You'll Go!!

Annual request of their teachers to autograph the Dr. Seuss book, "Oh the Places You'll Go."  It started with NN in Kindergarten and I've been keeping the tradition alive.  Only this year... I've been so distracted there's only a week left.  And as I'm about to print the poem/letter.... turns out it's out of ink.  So I ended up handwriting the two letters.  Haven't written so much, in so long... my wrist was starting to ache.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Missed Opportunities

An elevator speech is something you prepare for those moments in time when you run across someone... and you have the time it takes for an elevator ride to make a last impression.

I had... and blew... one of those opportunities today when talking to SW's volleyball coach.  She tried to engage... and all I could do was hurry the conversation.  Now I'm kicking myself.  I wish I can travel back in time to talk about SW's growth... his strengths... his desires.  And plant the seed on how he can be her future setter or libero.  Ugh... so dumb of me.  Dumb dumb dummy.