Monday, December 31, 2018

Looking back at 2018

Looking back at 2018.... I went through CNN, USAToday, APNews, TheRinger... trying to find the 1-2 nuggets that define 2018.  Nothing significant enough to crack my top 10 this year.  So let it be known...that 2018, is the year I am completely selfish, self-centered, self-focused, self-promoting.

As in years past....we'll start off with the countdown..............

10)  Ministry Assistant - 2018.  Not all the following are "MA" related.. but I'll just roll it into one, to make things easier. What a year.  How did Joyce ever put up with me for doing all this.  To a point where my friends (my best friends!!) were saying "You're doing too much."  
  • 7 letters to 7 churches -  9 week Adult Sunday School on the just the 1st two chapters of Revelations.  I guess the biggest fruit we bore was PAL taking Revelations and turning it into his sermon series. That's what we get for inviting him to guest lecture.  Hmm....
  • CS Directory  - Man that took a lot of work!  Not to mention moving to a new database...updating all of our attendance taking methods... and updating our archaic email alias.  Glad I was the pioneer to plow through it.  BOOM!!
  • Friends and Family breakfast / lunch - Body Life, not outreach.  Everyone over-did it.  Everyone complained about it.  Everyone loved it.  Glad we were able to pull it off not once, not twice... but a surprising third time!  All the while raising up new leaders to do the work.  BOOM!!
  • CNY2018 – Alliance Got Talent -  Took CNY to a whole new level for the third year in a roll.  Live voting by text?! Who would think of that???  With Joyce being a core part of 3 acts. Me on the other hand... none.  
  • Men’s Retreat  - how do you get 100 men up to the Santa Cruz mountains and back?? Let me organize it...that's how.  
  • Gospel Sunday - Prompted the Hamster Wheel series.  Praise God for all those who enter His kingdom.  Praise God for STEAM.  Praise God for so many brothers and sisters... who are witnesses surrounding each other like clouds and rainbows.  
  • Two Lost Sons Musical - 怎去猜想這夢會變真??  Any other year... this would have been top 5, if not top 3.  Writing my own musical... how about that.  
  • ARROWS – Let’s Proclaim - Get a bunch of kids... sit down... critically think about their faith and get up to pronounce it.  They came in as boys...they left as men. 
  • Kids Church (Short Term Mission) - Enabled myself to spend 6 weeks serving in Children's Ministry.  It's not about passion... it's about obedience.
  • Blue Sky Sunday - No one saw this coming.  My accolades.. next year, there will be an all-church picnic.  Next year... Mandarin Service will also order shirts.  My personal accolade... next year, we kick off church planting. 
  • CS Budget - After seeing how the budget gets handled (within CS, mind you), I wanted to submit my resignation to PAL.  But hey... I spent nearly every penny that was budgeted to us in 2018.  BOOM!!
  • Prayer Meeting - The week after Ted wants to take me under his wing to one day preach on the pulpit... I get the call to lead Prayer Meeting.  Man... it's hard.  Had some great ones.  Had one horrible one.  I'm not to grade myself...since this is given unto the Lord.  May all our prayers be from His heart.
  • Wild Fire Fund Raising - Took all the lessons learned from Gospel Sunday and Friends and Family to create simple fund raising breakfast.  This was after the whole world told me "Stop! You're doing too much."  Ironically... I wasn't even here that Sunday.  
  • End of year Party - Requirements were - "Cheap.  Laughter. Tears."  It was cheap.. to a point where PAL chastised me.  There was laughter.. everyone danced, even the 70 year old.  I had tears... swept the room to thank every person who made a difference in my spiritual walk.  I love my church family.  I am so grateful they love me in return.
9. Chinese School - Finally... the kids attend Chinese School.  If there is one thing I must insist on... is my kids grow up in a Christian environment.  There is another thing I insist on.... they must know their culture.  China is rising.  In 20-30 years, they will likely be traveling back overseas to do whatever God calls them to do.  It's my job to equip them and prepare them in every way possible.  After near 5 years of waiting and praying... God finally answers my prayers.  Lo and behold...the kids don't hate it.  If only they can remember... "飲嘅係美國人嘅水, 流嘅係中國人嘅血."
8. 14 years overdue - already blogged about this here.  Will always remember that fateful day when I got one of the biggest surprises of my life - all for a near meaningless gesture (to me).  People don't touch you like that anymore.  Whatever I did 14 years ago to be blessed 14 years later... I will never fully understand. 
7. Family - had to cheat again and roll them all into one.
  • Cherie Visits - my one and only 細妹 visits.  Someone who I've never met.  Someone who I spent 2 days with.  There are many things you can pick and choose.  Family is not one of them.
  • Divorce - who would've thunk it'll hit home, so close, so hard.  And it was in the midst of this stormy season, that family came together.  And it's not about weathering the storm so much as it's dancing in the rain.  
  • Big Bro comes back - after 8 years, that night they land, and I met them at Top Cafe.  I walked in... saw the four of them sitting there, eating 焗豬扒飯, 豉椒排骨炒河, 鹹魚雞笠炒飯, 雲吞麵.  And my little nephew see me in person, point and say, "二叔."  Culminating with Christmas Dinner... where I made a small, but long overdue toast and got choked up, when I officially welcomed my brother and his family back home.  Blood will always be thicker than water.  
6. Time With Abba - I normally go to work early and pick up the kids early.  That's our routine.  But about half way through the year... I suddenly find out that whenever Joyce drops off the kids in the morning, they're listening to the Bible App with her.  So one day, I did the same thing, going through the chronological bible plan.  After we were done listening, the kids automatically each give a response.  Then they say a prayer.  My wife got them to start doing what?????
5. NN needs atropine - 2 years ago... I wrote about how she needed glasses.  Earlier this year, we got a new pair.  And out of curiosity, we went back for a second visit around October.  Just to find out her vision has gotten way worse.  She's 9... and her vision is as bad as mine when I graduated high school.  Much to our dislike... we finally bit the bullet and opted for atropine.  It won't cure her myopia... but maybe it can slow it down? Her words, "I'm so disappointed in myself."  My words, "I failed as a father."
4. Bringing SW fishing - All through life, I've wanted to be an All American dad, something my father was never able to provide for me.  Not his fault, we just weren't that Brady Bunch family.  We weren't even the Simpsons or the Bundy's.  That very moment, when I walked out from the Bait and Tackle store with two fishing rods and a bag of red-worms, I achieved my own personal dream of going fishing with my old man.  We didn't catch anything... but man was it magical. 
3. Joyce Returns to Worship Team - As much as I disagree with what Joyce did and how she was handling this, I had to stand by her.  I have to... she's my wife.  All I could do was pray for her... and continue to be her biggest cheerleader.  God listened to my prayer. And He sent an angel in the form of Samantha to love Joyce unconditionally. I was 99% certain this wasn't going to happen. But that 1% was all it took.... ironically, I didn't even find out from it directly from Joyce.
2. The Big V - any given year... this would top any man's list.  Even before any of the previous 8 happened, I was sure this would be #1.  To go through with this procedure??? Seriously.... seriously!!!  The Trader Joe's frozen peas.  Wearing briefs for the first time in over-a-decade.  Being out of commission for a weekend. Ohhhhhhhhhh weeeeeeeee...... how can it not top the list???

Sigh... in recent weeks... I had an inkling.... #1 was going to be reserved for something else.  It was either heads or tails...  I was hoping, wishing, praying, holding out.... and the results came in.

1. "Talk to you later, XX." (CLICK) SILENCE.

It's not about how you begin, but it's about how you end. And how 2018 ends. When does recovery start? When will I even be coherent enough to write about this. In due time. I need to capture this moment. These feelings. This anguish. This sorrow. These tears. At this moment in time... I recollect a poem blessed onto me over 20 years ago. That feeling of hurt is vaguely familiar. But nothing like today.

"Pooh, promise you won't forget about me, ever. Not even when I'm a hundred." Pooh thought for a little while. "How old shall I be then?" "Ninety-nine." Pooh nodded. "I promise," he said.

Onto 2019................

Friday, December 28, 2018

昨天、收到細妹的微信、簡單一個稱號:「哥哥」、已令我全身溶化。  Haha... 自己一廂情願、勁無聊!

常言道:家和萬事興。 我直言:有{妺}萬事興。

Mood: more than blessed

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Of all days... why Christmas??

What did I ever do to you, Christmas Day??

Did I not cherish you? Did I not believe in Santa for an insane amount of years? Did I not go to Midnight Mass and then regular Mass the next morning? Did I not go caroling...or visit the elderly... or visit the sick at the hospital??  When did I not list you as my favorite holiday of the year??  When did I not, at the very least, put up an advent calendar or even a mini-tinsel tree??  When did I not tune into KOIT for "all-day, every day, Christmas music?"

Why do you have to haunt me once again??

Christmas of '95 wasn't enough??
Christmas of 2015 when I put NN in the emergency room wasn't enough??
Now I have to deal with Christmas of 2018??  What did I do to deserve this?? Of all days.... sunava-booch!!! Jus...jus.... JUST GET IT OVER WITH ALREADY!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!

Gotta keep busy.  Gotta keep moving. Gotta keep mind occupied.  The moment I stop... I will think.  The moment I think... well... it just sucks.  Sucks a phat nut!

Mood: soul-less... all that's left is an empty body

Happy B-day

On the day we commemorate Jesus’ B-day... on the day we celebrate mom’s bday... Today is also my B-Day. (Break Fast Day).

等咗足足一個月零一日、終於出關。結果?I admit... I bent the rules here and there. The tumbler I used for water was sooo stained with coffee, that every swig was a reminder of when life was gooood.  Went to dim sum a few times, and though I tried to drink hot water... when an elder pours you a cup of tea, who am I to not drink?

This morning... I didn’t roll out of bed as expected. Didn’t dash to Peets for my long awaited Egg Nog Latte (Ohhh my luv... ). Instead, went back to old faithful - the pour over. While the kids were giddy about Christmas presents, I was their older version as I opened canister, whiffed the aroma, scooped the 20-22 oz of brown nuggets, grinded the forbidden seed, carried the grounds into its resting nest of a size 2 filter, bathed the brown gold with 202 deg water...watched sleeping beauty come to life to inhale its first breath... and then, the two minute wait.  The longest two minutes since SW’s allergy test.

And then... the moment of truth.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Felt soooooooooo gooooooood. I’m never fasting again!!!!!!!! And the price I paid... got light headed from the caffeine shock!! Hahahhaa... love it!!!!

In honor of my B-day.... I’ve resurrected my dedication to the sweetest of sweet nectars from 2006.

Mood: In spite of the Coffee high... one of the crappiest day of the year (of my life)

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Preflections - Part Deux

Couple weeks ago... I preflected on 1) Handling relationships and 2) The power of my tongue.  Both of which are my greatest strengths and yet ironically, but biggest weakness.  Adding to this list are two quotes/idioms/proverbs that I like to throw out there....

3) "Like china, once broken, it cannot be fixed"  -- normally referring to trust or love.  But can also be a relationship, when handled improperly.

4) "It's toothpaste out of a tube." -- referring to words that are said, can never be unsaid.

In a short moment of weakness (and they usually are short, but intense), words came out that shattered a precious china into pieces.  Words that, though can be forgiven, can never be put back into a toothpaste.  As much banging my head on the wall as I can muster... the grief that I'm carrying gets heavier and heavier each day.  Until today..... when ironically I found out these two things.

3a) "Kintsugi" - the genius (and gorgeous) way of repairing broken china
4a) "How to Put Toothpaste Back in the Tube" - the things people do to prove a point

So....!!!  I guess I needa step up my game... stay positive... and try to turn lemon into lemonade. Or in this case... broken pieces of china into a work of art.  Ohhhhh... if only this were true.

Mood: Hopeful

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Breaking an Addiction - Part Deux

Had a crazy dream (nightmare) last night.  In my dream... Joyce suggested that instead of a 30 day fast... why not go for a 100 days!!!  No no no...

Mood: No no no...

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Breaking an Addiction

With 5 days left on my plan…. I get to do reflect the past 25 days of trying to break this addiction. I shalln’t make light of those who are actually dealing with substance abuse and really do need professional treatment. Those are folks who really need a mountain moving intervention to save their lives/marriages/etc… This is merely an average Joe Schmoe with too much time on his hand trying to add another reason to complain…where I set up silly rules, only to break them or dance around them.

Like all ventures, the first few moments start out great. From working out.. to going on a road trip.. to a new relationship… to opening a new toy. There’s excitement and the looking-forwardness to change; change that ought to bring you to a gooder place. Then once the initial excitement wears away, the pangs start stabbing you. And it comes hard, full-force, without mercy.

I already blogged about the shortness of breath, the aches in the joints, the pains in the muscles, the shivers and chills. Those couple days flat out suck. There’s no better way to describe it. You want more than anything than just to kick yourself – hard – so that the physical pain can alleviate any of the mental and emotional pain that’s draining your entire being. Your shoulders slump a few more inches than usual cuz, like Atlas, the world is on your shoulders with no way out. Then the withdrawal or cleansing process slowly begins.

You top off (or bottom out?) after those first few days…thinking life is better now, right?? Nope… then you have to face reality. Reality is brutal.  I mean…seriously… no one would believe me if I said coffee has become soooo important to me… that I can give up most any other addiction / vice in my life, other than coffee. The art of drinking something [else] hot has not broken my habit. Finding a substitute is exactly what that is… a substitute. Deep down, I’m still thinking about coffee. Day in and day out… the nagging…the throbbing… the pulling... continues. The pangs are sinusoidal. Some days… it’s dormant. Other days it’s booming. As much as it seems like things can get better…one day later…it takes a 180 and life gets flipped turned upside down. Maybe in a world that’s completely monotonous and grey…where there’s no reminder of coffee… is what it’ll actually take to dilute the memories of recent past.

True… my physical body can live without caffeine, and I’ve paid some price for it. The physical detox is done. That was a small price to pay, like a bridge toll, where you pay, go and don’t look back. But the emotional bondage and hindrance is suffocating. You see it. You smell it. You hear mentions of it. You have fond memories (or not so fond memories) of it. And ur neurons simply fire off a million miles per hour… jarring those little spheres of memory like they did in Inside Out. Who am I kidding… I ain’t breaking any addictions here. In 5 days… I’m gonna wait till the stroke of midnight and at 12:01AM, make myself a hot cup of brown water. Then have the best night of sleep I’ve had in weeks. And in maybe another 6 months to a year… I’ll go through this cycle again.

This is fine and all…. Coffee is just coffee. It can’t make you…nor can it break you. But what if this addiction wasn’t a consumable, but {something} closer to your heart?

Mood: Incorrigible

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Epic Fail

Another one of those parenting moments... but this time it was a failure on all fronts, hence this EPIC failure.

Earlier this morning... I was in the showers and NN said she couldn’t find something. I couldn't quite hear her so I said I’ll look for it later.  We left for school and was about 0.5 miles away from our house when I noticed Nn crying.  When I asked why... it turns out there was a contest at school for the cover of the Christmas Performance program and she couldn't find her submittal.

After my shower, I had one two many things to do and it slipped my mind.

When I asked her why she didn’t remind me, she said he wanted to but was afraid to ask. 

I had a choice... U-turn and risk running late. Or use this as a teaching moment, to not misplace your stuff. I decided to continue driving and broke my daughter’s heart. Upon drooping her off, I apologized for forgetting... but I wasn't going to bend.  I wasn't going to rush home to look for her design.

Out of remorse, I texted Joyce in which I got -- Silence.

That night, I was home first.  When Joyce got home, she walks in with deep bags under her eyes. It turns out she not only lacked sleep... she also came home in the middle of the day to look for the design. Only... to find nothing. Which is exactly what I was afraid of. 

Epic fail. I failed as a dad for forgetting and not turning back
Epic fail. Nn failed to keep her things organized and in tact.
Epic fail. Joyce couldn’t resist teaching her daughter a lesson...and in doing so, further tired her already tire self.

What kind of parents are we??

Mood: failure 

Sunday, December 09, 2018

Thursday, December 06, 2018

5 Kernels of Corn

Had the privilege and honor to lead the final CS Prayer Meeting of 2018.  Part of the Prayer Items....was based on the story or legend of the 5 Kernels of Corn which dates back to the original Thanksgiving, when the pilgrims were experiencing their first winter.  They had nothing to eat but their daily rations of 5 kernels of corn.  So every year... as part of the tradition, they'd go through these 5 kernels and offer 5 thankgivings for the year.

My criteria.... "I am thankful for..."
1) yourself
2) your family
3) your church
4) your country

A lot of the men were thankful for their wives (Awwww.....) their jobs.  Everyone was thankful for this church family - a place of joy and restoration.  One sister even went onto say that CS is especially blessed with joy...more so than the other congregations.  (Not a competition, just a statement of fact).

When it got to country.... oh gawwwwwwwwwwwd..... I took the high road and gave thanks for democracy (in spite of the results).  Some people openly said they were thankful for Trump.  (What did I do?!?!?!?)  But one sister said... "If God is able to use Nebuchadnezzar, He can use anyone."  Tru dat.  Tru dat.  And we all know what happens to Nebuchadnezzar.... nyuk nyuk nyuk....

The 5th and final kernel.... I especially reserved some time to give thanks for... our pastor.  Tears really starting coming out by then... glad that PAL wasn't there last night.  HA!
Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; 3 not lording it overthose entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. 4 And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.  ~1 Peter 5:2-4
So much to be thankful for this year.  As for me... not in any particular order. Almost like my Top 10 is halfway done!!! HA!!

5) Warriors Championship - I know, shallow.
4) Family coming together in the midst of a stormy season
3) God's provision and sustenance for 2 wonderful SoCal trips + 1 Yosemite trip
2) Being surrounded by witnesses like clouds and rainbows from past and present
1) {New beginnings...}

Mood: Grateful

Wednesday, December 05, 2018


I'm already working on my top 10 of 2018.... and in the midst of counting down one of the best years in near recollection... I have to stop for some preflections.

Not even sure how to capture this in words... but the past couple of weeks have been tough. It's been weird. It's been.... complicated. So many things I want to say... so many ways I can say it... yet...the words just don't seem to be manifesting themselves right now.

Couple of things I can preflect on....

1) Handling relationships. I am a novice at best when it comes to relationships. Looking back at my life... I've had 3, maybe 4 relationships that I have truly wasted due to my immaturity, my inexperience, my insistence of doing things according to my terms. Selfish, is really what it is. And here I am, yet again, going through a similar experience.

2) The power of my tongue and the consequence it can cause when misused.  The Book of James is easily one of my favorite books in the bible. It's so practical. A modern day "How-to." It's the only book in the bible that values works as much as faith. And it also admonishes the tongue.
5 Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. 6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
How true it is for me. When I let loose my tongue...and the sarcasm and jokes flow out... how easily it can hurt others. It is better, if I never even open my mouth. Ironically... I've been complimented as being "articulate", "well-spoken", and even "linguistic" (though I think that's misnomer) Of all the things I get complimented on... it also is one of my greatest weakness.

2018 is coming to a close... how I long for these issues to also come to a close. This feeling of uncertainty, of mystery, is suffocating. I hate not having control of my feelings...of my thoughts. But one thing is constant...and that's change. If given enough time... these feelings will go away. Right??

Mood: Confizzled 

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Life without Coffee...

Day 11 of my coffee detox or more specifically... my caffeine detox.  Been also avoiding tea, Coke, or energy drinks. I’ve come to acclimate to the initial shakes, pains and chills. Physically I think I’m in a good spot.

The tuffest part I find in this detox/diet/fasting exercise is what do I put in my mouth throughout the day? The past two mornings I’ve been drinking hot water. It's hot and it's wet.  That’s just so gross. It’s grosser than gross. It’s...effin gross or “fross.” I just made up a new word.

Mood: fross

Saturday, December 01, 2018

Betrayal of Trust

I was home alone with SW and while working in the garage, I started wondering where he went. The house was eerily quiet and the door to my room was closed. (Strange). And when I opened it, I see SW playing Gods of Olympus on my phone. He realizes I caught him and he quickly shuts it off. CAUGHT RED HANDED!!!!

He knows there’s no screen time on weekdays. And he knows that even on weekends he must ask for permission. He knowingly disobeyed. Snuck behind my back to do what he wants to do.

(How did I react?! What did I do?? Did I rip a new one into him?! Would it have helped??!)

This is.... inevitable. It’s human nature to break the rules. Human nature to let your own desires overcome authority. Today... it’s an innocent game on my phone. One day.. it could be inappropriate material on line... weed... or walk in on him and a girl. The possibilities are endless...but just sticking to the facts. Today marks the first day he betrayed my trust to THIS extent. My baby is growing up in front of my eyes... and I wanted to gouge my eyes out, rather than see what I saw today.

Mood: hurt masked by anger

(No... did not rip him a new one. Thanks to a {special someone}, I dealt with this somewhat calmly. Ended up have him copy 主禱文 three times. Argh....)

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Detox 2018

老婆話我近排飲太多酒、不如唞一吓、禁一個月。我順帶禁埋咖啡、兼夾排毒。過去呢兩日淨係食果仁,啤梨同飲水。排毒冇問題。大小都正常。只不過放多了屁,相信是大腸𥚃的好細菌吞食壞細菌和腸牆剩下的脂肪。 打通大道,直搗皇龍!

最麻煩是戒咖啡。戒咖啡有幾難呢?我戒過幾十次啦! 先兩日都不足為奇,以為會平淡地度過。誰知!第三天,排毒真正開始!今日正天不自在, 肌肉酸軟,骨骼疼痛、呼吸困難,心神彷佛。若果今天難受、不知明天會帶來什麼苦楚。

最心痛是、我戒咖啡的這一個月、就是Peet’s 賣 egg nog latte 的一個月。 嗚嗚!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Well...there's a first...

I'm lying in bed...resting from a long day.  NN casually walks in and says, "Bah-B, I think I'm going to need a training bra.  (PAUSES) It's ok.... I'll talk to Mah-mee."  And walks out...

The room got veeeeeeeeeeery quiet all of a sudden.  Did that just happen??

Wednesday, November 21, 2018



第一晚臨開始之前, 眾僕人領袖一齊圍繞禱告。牧師師母因遲到緣故, 竟然由我帶禱告. 聖靈感動我回想起以利亞在加密山從天降火的經驗, 又意味到摩西上何烈山見到焚不燒的火叢,與神見面. 復興就要經過火的熬煉. 神要我們去哪兒, 我們就要去哪兒. 不明白, 不理解,要像亞伯拉罕順服。

第一晚, 活出事奉
陳牧師講及事奉的態度, 在於
1) 身份
2) 感恩
3) 禱告

最難忘的是他用氣球來形容一個人謙卑態度, 謙卑的服侍. 一擊即爆就是我的心態. 可悲可悲。令一樣要緊記的就是"冇摸聖經,唔好摸聖工." 最後, 最重要的身份我們是"基督的僕人". 著眼在"基督"兩字. 當僕人是我們的福份。

第二日, 活出成功之道
1) 只有一件事
2) 忘記背後, 努力面前
3) 向著目標, 竭力奔跑

基督教的成功在乎遵行神的旨意, 而成功是一個旅程,從前的成功不要驕傲, 從前的失敗不要氣餒。令我深刻的就是馬太福音12章講到盡心,盡性,盡意,盡力愛主。但真正的譯本,是全心全意全力。例子就是他問女兒做完功課未,女兒說我盡了力。父親問, 你盡了力, 但你有否盡全力? 反覆思量我是否有真心真意, 全心全意, 去愛我的主? 還是用個人的定義說盡了力就算吧? 最後回顧成功秘訣第一項, 就是"只有一件事", 我找到我的一件事未呢?

週六晚上, 活出知足的道
1) 49ers Super Bowl
2) 家人得救
3) Shelby Cobra 427
4) 子女大學畢業
5) 老婆回歸Worship Team

慢慢,他要我地一個一個淘汰.  神要拿走,我豈能堅持留得住呢?雖然是簡單的遊戲, 但到最後在二和五當中選擇時, 我都愕然地呆了一陣子。

1) 自及自足
2) 時常滿足
3) 給人補足


週日早上, 最後的一天, 活出喜樂之道。
很可惜我沒有抄下筆記、能記得是因為我有榮幸可以上台當翻譯。不單止當翻譯、我兩位兒女也在台下聆聽。當晚我拷問他們聽到牧師說的廣東話能明白多小、囡囡豬竟然隻字不留的回覆我。 可惜的是他回答是用英文。

The Key to Joy is as simple as 1, 2, 3....
1) One principle
2) Two attitudes
3) Three actions

我也不會太失望, 因為陳牧師說的中文真是說得好快. 普通人都難以追得及,何況是小孩呢。盼望神直著我這個卑濺的僕人,將訊息帶給新一代的小孩與年青人。


活出生命之道.  生命之道就是福音. 靠著福音的大能, 『今日比昨日好。明日比今日好。』


Saturday, November 17, 2018

Of all the chores I hate...

(Was suppose to be up in the Santa Cruz Mountains for our bi-annual retreat.  But there was a wild fire that prevented us from going up there.  Nothing near as bad as the Camp Fire up in Chico.  Man... may God's mercy be on all of us.)

Chore - from the 18th century middle English for the word "char" or "charre" which meant an 'odd job'.  We've evolved that word to our modern day vernacular to 'a routine task, unpleasant but necessary.'

There are countless chores in a house.  Whether you grew up doing chores to earn an allowance, or you finally had to embrace it in college... it slowly creeps up onto you.  It's like a plague... or like taxes.. its always there, it won't go away, and like the definition said, it ain't pleasant.  But you make the most of it... or you figure out a way around it.

I found a post I wrote about 6+ years ago... on folding laundry. And though it ranks pretty high up there... It doesn't come close to the one that stands out as the one I hate the most... Ironing.  I hate it.  I HATE IT!!  Nothing can be more pure but this pure HATRED that I have. HATE IT!!!

I just spent 1.5 hours ironing about 10 of my shirts.  1.5 hours!!!  90 minutes!!  (Wow...9 minutes per shirt.  I suck.)  Why do I have 10 shirts to iron... well... I guess it doesn't help that some shirts have laid there for weeks if not months.  Heh...

And my iron is from my college days.  I bet it's not even hot enough to make a good crease. Which is why it takes so long!! But I'm too cheap to go buy another one. Heh-heh...

And unlike folding laundry...or vacuuming... or to some extent doing the dishes... you can do a half-@$$ job and no one knows!!  You can't SEE it.  But with ironing.... it has be to perfect!  From the military, I guess, but men are judged by the sharpness of their shirts and pants.  If it ain't sharp enough to slice cheese.... it ain't sharp enough to please.  (I just made that up)  And it's hot... and steamy.  Like a pile of.... y'know... Heh-heh-heh....

I still remember when I was 4-5.... mom was ironing in the living room while big-bro and I played.  Mom stepped away for a moment and (WHY ON EARTH DID I DO THIS??) I put stuck my two thumbs straight into the hot steamy iron!!  OWWWW!!!!!  Maybe that's the source of my fear or aversion? Heh-heh-heh-heh...

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Father Daughter Date Night

"Nice tie." said the cashier as I was getting a can of Red Bull from Safeway.
"I have a date tonight with my 9 year old," I said, acknowledging the "Super Dad" tie that NN made for me for Father's Day.
She said, "Best Dad Ever."  I smiled.... and left.

Tonight... NN and I went to watch "elf - The Musical" put on the San Jose Children Musics Theater's Rising Stars Ensemble. 

We were stuck in traffic longer than expected and had to miss dinner. =(  Got NN a bag of chips at a local bakery to hold her over until dinner...

The show itself was average.  It was the Rising Stars ensemble, so it wasn't CMT's best team.  But you can easily spot the talent out of the 40-50 children.  And those who are good... were stupendous.  I love [good] live performances...

There was one rendition that actually got me a little teary eyed - the song where the kid and mom stopped believing in Santa, but will start believing in him, if he can make one thing happen.  "If this is something you can do... then I will certainly believe in you...." That one things, was to be able to spend one full day with dad... =*(

Because we got tickets so late... we had literally the worst seat in the house.  Last row, all the way against the wall, equivalent to the last row, window seat on a plane.  And what made it more interesting was we were surrounded by people with special needs.  Your heart goes out to them... these aren't just kids... but adults my age.  What have they gone through over the years? Where are their parents? God bless the hearts of their counselors / teachers.

I wasn't particularly enamored with sitting around "these people."  Shame on me.  But as the show went on... it turns out that NN was very restless.  She couldn't see, so she ended up folding up the seat to gain an extra few inches.  The seat kept on falling and she made a lot of noise.  She'll get up.... walk around...  poke her head here and there.  Had we been surrounded by, shall we say, "normal people", they woulda hushed her.  But as it turns out... our new neighbors didn't really care.  Hrm...

Throughout the night... NN was obviously hungry.  But she didn't want me to worry.  Yet, she kept on asking, what time does Taco Bell close? What time does Taco Bell close? And that's how our date night ended.... through the drive through window of our local Taco Bell.  Something NN's be craving for..... 

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Recently... been in a little contest with a buddy with giving each other nicknames.  Not really a contest if it's 1-sided....(HA!)....

My first encounter with a nickname, other than my own, was "D 叔." I grew up calling him that... and never thought twice what it meant.  It wasn't till years later... did I really his name is nothing like what we call him.  But in fact... "D" stands for "弟弟."  It's a term of endearment that all his older bros and sis called him.  And my dad taught us to continue that legacy...but as a sign of respect, add the word 叔.  My dad even famously said, "個名係我地專用嘅."

What kind of nicknames are there....? What makes up a nickname??

Some general guidelines, if you may...

  1. Nicknames come naturally, it can't be forced
  2. It carries a special meaning - Growing up.... I was given the name 鴨仔.  That hasn't really stuck.... but there was a children story, apparently, where a 狗哥哥 would protect an  鴨仔.   Those names went away aftetr a while... and 鴨仔 sorta made a comeback years later when I met Joyce. 
  3. It's one of a kind - The obvious ones, but really hard to capture, are people's Chinese names.  More often than not.... only your parents or uncles/aunts call you by your Chinese name.  So I purposely stick my nose in and make that special connection.  (e.g. 素芝, 潔鈺).  The other night... when I was debating politics and religion with a friend, it got to a point where I felt we had a moment and I couldn't resist but call her 巧玲.  It took her by surprise... but we had a moment.  This goes for ours kids also. If you're a child of my friend... and I know your Chinese name... that's inevitably what I will call you.  That is, unless of course....#4.... 
  4. It's personal -  like a term of endearment - I've gone through dozens and dozens for my wife and kids.  "BB"  and "豬豬" are the obvious ones.  For the kids.... we have "囡囡" and "小華." Half of our church don't even know 小華's real name is Joshua. And there are different combinations and permutations on those.  Instead of 梁溢曦 and 梁溢泰... I'd even call them 梁溢囡 and 梁溢華. And they'd answer
  5. Some are reserved or 專用 - Like my kids call Chris, "Giants 叔叔" and Joyce "Giants 姨姨."  No one else will call them that.... that's exclusive for us.  Same thing for Roy.... not Roy叔叔, but Roy督督.  The first time I heard someone else try to use these terms, I gave them the stink eye!
  6. It shows honor and respect - I'm not big on calling everyone and anyone Uncle and Auntie. So I make it a point to get their name mixed in there.  Like 潔鈺's dad is 江叔。  And Hody's mom is 卿姨。They're special to me... 
  7. It's something that defines that person - One of the more famous one I came up with is PAL (Pastor Alan Lee).  Acronyms make great nicknames - or can be deviously horrible. Nyuk nyuk nyuk.... 
  8. It's rarely self-invented.  It should be given by someone else - I gave myself the nickname 叉燒 for my volleyball skills.  It sorta stuck.... and people actually carried it on for a few years.  But that slowly died away after I stepped away from the court.
  9. They're short (Unless you purposely make it long) - I almost always call Samantha, Sam. Rachel is Ray.  Veronica went from Vero to just V.  Anita is naturally Nita. But it goes the other way... like Mark is Marcus Aurelius. And Chris is Anderson... (that's an odd one, maybe it belongs in #4)
  10. Nicknames shouldn't be insulting.... like "Cry-baby" or "Mama's Boy."  We're beyond that.

I, for one, love handing out nicknames or petnames or whatever you call it.  

So back to this contest between me and my bud..... I didn't realize how hard it is to properly give someone a nickname, especially if the natural ones are already taken!!  I've been able to come up with half a dozen gruesome, extravagant, somewhat insulting nicknames for her.  And she's held her own.... been able to come up with a few cuter than cute ones that flabbergasts me!  Last night... we finally (sorta kinda) cornered her into accepting one that we both agree upon. Though deep down... we both know I'm gonna keep coming up with new ones to irk her.  And we're still waiting to see what best fits me.

So yeah....a nickname.  Something simple... but yet... requires oh much creative juice.  You stop and think if it's really worth it.  And if you think too much, too long.... then you're overthinking and that's probably not a good nickname. (See Rule #1).

Thursday, November 08, 2018


噢! 我深愛的抑鈪拿鐵... 十個月喇。 足足十個月喇! 

我出來迎接妳, 切切尋找妳, 終於找到妳....噢!💕💖

Saturday, November 03, 2018

While under my care....

We recently lost 3 library books and now have to pay our fines.  But instead of simply paying for the book and the processing fee.... San Jose Public Library allows you to buy 3 books of your choice for the coming year's summer program.  They will take those 3 books you buy... and give them to someone in need of a book.  Cool program!!!

So I asked NN and SW... which 3 books will they buy. 

SW picked:
1) Spider-Man
2) Spider-Man
3) Zita the Space Girl....
because those are the books we lost. 

NN picked:
1) Geronimo Stilton
2) Thea Stilton
3) Who Was Jesus (Biography book)

1) the first two are books I like
2) we get a chance to introduce Jesus to someone
#FlyingColors #TopOfTheClass
3) these three books are pretty cheap.  Daddy will be happy
#BOOM #NufSaid

At that moment in time... I believed I've done my part in imparting to my daughter our 家訓.
繼祖宗一脈相承, 刻謹克儉。 
教兒孫兩行正路, 愛神愛人。

Thursday, November 01, 2018

Hamster Wheel Part III

This picture came to me, actually, last Saturday.  So theoretically, this is Hamster Wheel Part 1.5, not Part 3.  2nd week of Gospel Sunday merely confirmed this revelation.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Definition of ZING

Got into an odd discussion of the word ZING and it's usage.

Internet has it as:

  1. Energy, enthusiasm, or liveliness (n)
  2. Move swiftly (v)
  3. Statement used to acknowledge a zinger - an unkind joke or tease.
  4. Irony punctuation mark, ⸮
  5. A special feeling and status described in the Hotel Transylvania universe
  6. The new term for owned, said after saying something witty to someone in an insulting manner.

Here's a new one - 
  • zing (v) - cleverly insulting a friend in a fun and humorous way. 
  • zing (interjection) - the sound someone makes after someone has been cleverly insulted in a fun and humorous way

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Hamster Wheel Part II

Second week of Gospel Sunday.  Again... I was first to arrive.  Again.... I was last to leave.

But today was different.  Maybe it's because people needed the 1st week to warm up and get into the groove of things.  I'm still physically drained.  But my spirit is exploding.

Starting last night at 10PM....when I had the honor of making subtitles for the video testimony... the tears of joy already started flowing.  One by one, their testimonies echoed the provision and grace of God.  PAL was especially fired up.  His sermon was cut VERY short.  But he preached like Peter on the day of Pentecost (ok... maybe that's a little too much).  When PAL made the altar call.... people didn't just raise their hands... but their hands SHOT UP.  Almost all the newcomers today responded to the altar call.   And God reminded me, "That is why you run your hamster wheel."

Some people sow... some people till the soil... some people water... some people harvest.  And then there are some who run in their hamster wheel.  I'll keep doing what God wants me to do...wherever He puts me.  Praise God for meeting us face to face today.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

I'm drowning.... we're drowning...

The kids are in 4th and 2nd grade, respectively.. and we finally enroll them in a somewhat steady Chinese School.  I would've very much rather we started in Kinder/1st and built up from there... but now, we have 2-4 years of catching up!!!  

I can't complain... Joyce finally acknowledged my ONE supplemental class I want the kids to join.  But there comes with a price.

The past week, I've been having to tutor the kids on the basics of basics.  And the worst thing... I don't even know it myself!  I'm googling the official sound/tone/pin-yin, hoping I don't teach them the wrong thing.  

This Chinese School is so demanding!! Homework almost every night.... and for the first time... the FIRST TIME..... I had to miss Prayer Meeting cuz there's just too much going on at home.  

Is this worthed??? Tell me it is.... please.  

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

My Brother's Birthday

NN has been learning to write paragraphs... here's one she recently wrote. It's amazing how much detail she remembers. Though some of the events are wrong. Brought me to tears...

My Brother’s Birthday
I remember about seven years ago when my brother was born. On May 1 ,  2011 I woke up to see I was sleeping on my parents’ enormous black king sized bed with floral designed covers. Next to me was my grandma sleeping peacefully, I had a strong urge to wake her up and ask for some breakfast. When I finally wake her up she asks me to wait for her to sleep  a few more minutes first. After a few minutes my grandma slowly sits up and yawns, she walks towards the black rectangular dinner table and pulls a cereal box out of the cabinet,then she pulls out some ceramic bowls out and we start eating. A few minutes after eating breakfast daddy bursts into the kitchen and shouts “ The baby is born! The baby is born!” , jumping with giddy he escorts us towards his small gray car. As we head towards the hospital in the car , my daddy tells us that the baby is a boy! When the drive ended I carefully stepped out of the car onto the hospital parking lot. I held my daddy’s hand and I slowly entered the hospital and I walk into my mommy’s room to see that someone else was already there! “Do you want some water?” He kindly asks, I shyly shake my head. I slowly walk towards my mommy’s bed side, I smell cream and baby powder wafting through the air. I ask my mommy if I could hold my new baby brother “ Yes you may.” answered mommy. After I held my baby brother for a long time, I went home happily. My brother is growing up ,but I will never forget the day my brother was born.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Hamster Wheel

Today was tough.... we had our bi-annual Gospel Sunday.  And for some reason...  I worked extra hard today.  Part of it is my failure to properly delegate.  Part of it is I take full ownership of everything.  I ended up being one of the first person at church and one of the last to leave.  Why??? Why work so hard???  Especially during Pastor Alan's altar call..... only 2 ppl raised their hands.  And if my memory serves me right... they've raised their hands before!!! 

Why????  It's like running in a hamster wheel..... doing a whole lot.  Working up a full sweat.... but remaining at the very same spot.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

What a waste of time...

Went to a middle school / high school open house today.  Part of the "tour" was to hear a teacher speak on each of the 6th grade subjects.  When we got to Social Studies... my jaw dropped.

Sumerian Empire.  Mesopotamian Civilization.  Ancient Greece.  Ancient Egypt..... etc.. etc...

It's what NN and SW are learning in 4th and 2nd grade respectively. And they're still going to learn that in 6th grade? And as I remember it.... I learned the same sh*t through high school.

And my question is.... Why.  Why do we need to learn this crap???

Do we even need it? Does it make us better?  smarter? more well rounded?

Or is it... just a waste of our time.  Ugh!!!......

Friday, October 19, 2018

Workplace Ministry

It's hard to be an ambassador of the gospel in the work place, especially if HR sets down all these rules and guidelines of what we can or can't do.  And I totally understand and empathize... 

The past few weeks, I picked up a couple of mentees.  In one case, my mentee asked how I was so good with my public speaking and presentation skills.  So I used my ARROWS - Let's Proclaim syllabus as my blueprint.  Printed all over my syllabus were bible verses and bible references.  BOOM!!

Then the other day... a mentee came looking for me, and we went over my pictorial bio.  I have pictures of my family, pictures of Bay Area sports teams, my alma mater... and the Christian fish.  At the end, he made it a point to ask about the fish... and we started talking about church.  He mentioned he stopped going when college started cuz he was too busy.  And as we parted... I slipped in, "Maybe it's time to go back and reconnect." 

It's not every day you get these chances.. but when you do.. jump onto them.

Friday, October 12, 2018

In reality... it's a scary world out there...

This year, we enrolled our kids into Coding class.  It's not really coding - like with C++ or Java.  It's more graphical based.... and the kids follow instructions to make little games for themselves.  SW loves it, cuz he gets to play games.  NN loves it cuz her friends are there...and they use a program similar to MS Paint to create pictures and art. 

The other day... I stopped by early to see what they're doing and to my astonishment, the app they're using is very much like social media.  NN was showing me her account... and the fact she has 11 followers. (FOLLOWERS?!?!)  She mentions that we can create more accounts to follow herself... already, at 9, she's thinking that more equals to more popular equals to "better." 

Then she showed me this game that someone else created.  I asked, "How did you get to that game?"  It turns out, this app is a lot like open source... you can play other people's games and modify other people's code.  The game was a Harry Potter Sorting Hat game... where they asked you a series of questions.  Today... it's asking you, "If you're an animal, what would you be?"  Tomorrow, the questions can be "Are you lonely?" or "Is anyone home with you?" 

After seeing all this... I gave another parent this concerned look like, "Are you hearing this??? Is it must me???" 

To which she game me a sympathetic look.... then texted me, "Make sure you look over their setting.  Scary world." 

It's not just me.... I knew this day would come.  I didn't expect it to come at ages 9 and 7. 

Sunday, October 07, 2018

Trust but verify...

Sometimes, it sucks being a "people's manager." We want to encourage our employees... but not bust their confidence.  And in doing so... we lay ourselves out for criticism also.

Case in point... I entrusted an employee to "do the right thing."  I did 90% of the work for this person.  And in the end... she was still able to mess up.  Not only mess up... but mess up in front of the big boss.

I hate getting emails on Sunday night at 10PM asking me, "Why is this so hard???"

Ughhhhhhhhhhh................    You claim their glory when they do right.  You take the blame when they screw up.  It goes both ways. 

Sometimes, I wish I was more strict and ruled with an iron fist.  At least I won't get 10PM emails from the big boss.

Friday, October 05, 2018


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... 虎父无犬子!!

雖然我兒子不是犬.  我自認不是虎爸.  但今次真要跨楊下! 

小小年紀, 竟然收到情書?!

 噢.... 我地find out之後當然冇笑佢。 反以鼓勵佢, 要有禮貌, 要回信。 
寫完信後, 擺落書包。 但係每日放學返嚟, 問佢有冇比信人哋, 佢都話 "唔記得!"

正一大頭蝦!! 又會似我似得咁交關!! 

Monday, October 01, 2018

Whirlwind Week

It all started two Thursdays ago...

Thursday night: big bro and family lands in SFO after 7 years of touring the world.  The prodigal son returns home.  He is so prodigious... he even bought a house in Long Island.  He's so prodigious... he left by himself, but brought back 3 people.  Thursday night.... went out to Top's Cafe to greet my family.  And that little monkey... when he saw me, went completely cartoon googly eyes and said, "二叔!!"  There he is.... I get to spend the rest of his life spoiling him, cuz that's what uncles do.

Friday night: Big bro and family come over for dinner.  Wasn't a big deal.  Wanted to make some comfort food for them so they can relax a bit after a whole day of DMV, school district, and all that jazz.  Made a mini-feast.... everyone ate.... finally heard 阿嫂's version of 六四事件.  Wanted to hang out more and chat... but everyone (including my kids) were zapped.  And we still had Saturday...

Saturday morning: Reunion with 師父 up in Burlingame.  It was actually a bit anti-climatic.  I never had that same emotional bond with him as big bro.  I never had that emotional break-up with him as big bro.  To me... he's my mentor that I looked up to that just fell out of my life 20 years ago.  Getting together with them sure brought back lots of memories.  And also... un-answered questions.

Sunday night: The much anticipated arrival of my one and only 妹.  Big bro and I drive out Sunday night...We picked her up without having to pay for parking (yeah!!!), take her back to AirBnb, which amazingly, is a block from where Joyce lived.  Then we take her and her friend out for a spin.  We head up to Twin Peaks (the wrong way), the we drive through downtown (the wrong way).  Half of downtown is under construction and the other half is being prepped for Dreamforce.  We ended up on 39th floor of the Marriott Hotel and chit chatted like there's no tomorrow.  The sucky thing is... my Mandarin sucks.  So so bad....

Monday - Tuesday: I'm playing virtual tour-guide. And also trying to plan for the next day.  It's so nice to see people enjoy my city (SF, not San Jose).  I'm precariously living my life through them cuz I know I'll never ride a cable for $8.  Or eat crab and shrimp at Fisherman's Wharf for $50.  Or bike up the Marina Greens to the Bridge cuz it's freakin' freezin cold!!!  And then.... had to play last minute audible to see what Wednesday was like.

Wednesday:  The plans kept on changing up to the last minute.  And by the time the dust settled, I was driving to meet up with her... while calling my daughter's best friend's get a hold of her husband... to see if he can give us a tour of facebook HQ.  My entire plan from Tuesday night was now turned upside down.... but it's all good.  I must've broken like 10 driving laws in that 15 minute span... but I finally found Ah妹.

And away we went.  We first hit up Infinity Loop.  Then hit up the new Apple Park.  Next, it was Dim Sum with the relatives.  And he hurried up 101 to Facebook HQ (jaw-dropping tour). We then sped down to Google and met up with Dr. Martin.  Then I got lost trying to find Stanford.  Been there a 1000 times.... but this time, I relied too much on technology.

Traffic was nice...because I got to really chat with Ah妹.  At one point, I simply said, "Tell me about yourself and your upbringing."  I had just a few hours to get to know my little sister.  No time for small talk.

Walking around Stanford was also fun.  It was the first week of school and a lot of welcome back parties.  We crashed into a psychology department social... and fit right in. (She was the student, I looked like a professor).  We grabbed two waters (could've grabbed 2 beers) and ran.  HA!!

We then sped (I use that term loosely) down to Cheesecake Factory for dinner with Big Bro and his family with Ah 妹.  I couldn't wait for my kids to meet their 姑姐.  The service was subpar.... and we were drained after dinner/dessert.

But oh..... there's more.  I had set up Ah妹 on a blind date with one of my friends at Meet Fresh.  HA!!!  No harm no foul....if it works out, great.  If it doesn't... they each make a new friend.  I even developed a secret signal with her.  If she's into him.... I will leave, and he will take her home.  If she's not feeling it... I'll make an excuse and go home.  Within 5 minutes... I had a feeling this wasn't going anywhere.  But Meet Fresh was especially slow.... and what could've been 5 minutes (speed dating) turned into an agonizing 45 minutes.  Such it is....

She had an early flight to catch the next day... so we got home, cleaned up and slept.  Or tried to....

Thursday: Because she had an early flight at SFO... and because I didn't want to oversleep and cause her to miss her flight... I was so anxious I woke up every hour.  Wasn't able to get deep sleep.  Finally got up around 5:30AM and made coffee while waiting for her to get ready.  She was ready to go....on the dot... 6:30AM, as she promised.

The airport was a blur.  We got there, parked, got her bag checked in and.................. the moment of separation finally hit.  At that moment, there were so many things I wanted to tell her.  How special she is to me.  How I've always wanted a sister... and now I have one.  How I wish she will immigrate to the US and the West Coast.  But all that..... never made it out of my mouth.  All I can say was, "順風!"  Gave her a hug.... and sent her on her merry way.

The rest of the day was a daze.  Wednesday took a huge toll on my body, with all the walking and driving.  And Wednesday night, I did not sleep well.  I was a walking zombie all day Thursday. Ended up going home a bit early... so I can take a nap.

Whirlwind ain't over yet.......... oh no.

Friday: After picking up the kids... we stayed and played, as usual.  And then we had to trudge through traffic, head up to Burlingame, and celebrate MIL's bday.  Dinner was short and sweet.  And on the way back down to Sunnyvale, I saw that it was just 7:30PM.  I asked Joyce if I can head to Mission Conference.  She said "Are you nuts??? You'll be late...."  I said, "Bah... knowing our church, we won't start the sermon until 8:15PM."

But God was merciful on me... around Mt View... we ran into bumper to bumper traffic on a Friday night.  So I didn't get to Sunnyvale until 8:15.  No way I was going down to church now.

So that night... we got home... I popped open a couple of beers.  And rested..... cuz, y'know... Saturday and Sunday was Mission Conference.

And I'll just end here.... the end of my Whirlwind Week.  I'm tired just having to type out that experience.... phew!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


About 10 years ago... Marvel Studios launched a campaign called MCU or Marvel Cinematic Universe.... where all the major superheroes from Marvel comics (Iron Man, Captain American, Hulk, Thor, etc....) were all in the same universe, same timeline and cross-over storylines. 

DC comics recently tried to do this with Batman vs Superman.  And then the introduction of Wonder Woman and Aqua-Man. 

Well... as it turns out.... the Old Testament is also a cross-over universe. 

I've read the bible many years... .but this year, instead of our church TWA, Joyce did the Chronological Bible plan.  And as we found out... a bunch of the prophets in the Old Testament actually appear in the same time span.  Like when Nehemiah was building his wall... Ezra would be down the street doing something with someone.  And don't be surprised if Isaiah walks by in the background!! 

Very amusing.... and quite revealing.  Wonder why the original bible-makers did the chapters and verses the way they planned it out.  People say the bible, the Word of God, is flawless.... and it's people who read it that are flawed.  Sometimes... I can't help but wonder................

Saturday, September 22, 2018

怎去猜想這夢會變真? - The Return

We killed it... again...

I came up with the script the day after we met about Operation: AOL.  I was so excited... I couldn't help but text the ensemble, "We're back!!!"

The script: that same night... I typed the script and sent it out.  Got a lot of feedback saying it was too "dark" and I needed to lighten things up. (fine fine....)  Maybe deep down... I'm a dark and resentful person that's only personified in a play or skit. Hmmm.....

The music: No singing this time... just a bunch of background music that really made a difference.  My dear sister was so flustered.  She must've been ultra busy with work and life.... but as always...  came through.  I can't say enough about her..... she is simply amazing in everything she does.  No complaints.  Delivers at 110%.  And does it..... with a smile.  I love this Sis. One day, I might even dedicate a blog post just for her. That's how much I admire her.

The cast:  We tried to add another member to the ensemble... but he refused, saying he didn't want to disrupt a good-thing.  It's not a good-thing, it's a great thing.  The actors did everything on cue.  Even the Little Brother who didn't have a line.  He was perfect.  As Edward puts it... we can be like "愛回家" and as I would put it, we are  "愛神家."

The nightmare: I already wrote about my nightmare on a previous blog.  But the perfectionist inside me can't help but notice all the blemishes in the performance.  99% of the people will applaud us.  But 1% (perhaps it's me) will notice things we could always improve upon.  The lighting, the mic, the execution.... ARGH!!!! Why am I so petty?!?!?

And really.... REALLY.... none of this matters.  What matters, is we were able to deliver a message to get people to volunteer for Operation: AOL.  And if this little skit was able to get ONE more person to sign up.... then we accomplished our goal.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018


I have an older brother... that's it.

I've always loved my brother and thank the Lord for blessing me with this sibling.  He's been my hero, my role model, my best friend all my life.  Yet.... I've always wanted more.  I've always wanted other siblings.

When I married Joyce.... I was able to adopt Grace as my sister-in-law.  I've always called her "阿妹." But no matter how hard I try... she's still my sister- IN-LAW.

I have a 堂家姐 and 堂世老 in New York.  But my 堂世老 is more ABC than me.  He won't understand the relationship.

I loved having the opportunity to say the words, "家姐."  Cuz I've always wanted an older sister, a womanly figure, in my life.  To teach me about being a gentleman, to teach me how to treat women well.  I wrote a blog many years ago about this special moment.

In a week, I will have my 堂妹 visit us and stay with us.  We've been exchanging texts via WeChat the past few days to plan her stay.  Via texting....she'll write Henry哥哥 or 哥.  But I melted like butter when I heard her record a message in WeChat and she called me, "哥!"

No one has ever called me that.  My 堂世老 calls me Henry.  My "sister"-in-law calls me Henry or 姨丈."   In my point of reference, the word "哥" is reserved for the most special person in the family that everyone respects and looks up to.  And today.... I experienced that calling.

Can't wait for Cherie to come visit us so I can hear that in person.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Just dem verses....

Ever since we started doing TWA - our church's Bible in a Year plan, we come across the same bible verses on the same, every year. ( Yes - Feb 29th does not have any bible verses.)

For my birthday.... are the verses from the Book of Job:
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart.
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.”

And on my wedding anniversary, every year I see:
"Brothers and sisters, let me take an example from everyday life. Just as no one can set aside or add to a human covenant that has been duly established, so it is in this case. "

To have and to hold... from this day forward... for better for worse......... until death do us part.  Those aren't words to take lightly.  It's not just a vow.... it's a covenant with God.  I love my wife.  Happy Anniversary honey bunny. 

Sunday, September 16, 2018

"It's this generation...."

We had a church Children Ministry meeting tonight.  And part of meeting was breaking up into groups to share what our dream Children Ministry would look like.

It's a little disheartening... that our children sunday school and saturday activities now are always a Youtube video.  We no longer have our children open up their bible.  Long gone are the days where children carry a bible to church....

My comment was.... "teaching children how to flip the bible at home."

The discuss led to, "Do adults open their bibles during service??"

I got so pissed at that point, I couldn't help myself and shot back, "Does that make it right?"

And the discussion evolved to, "It's this generation."

To which I replied again, "Does that make it right?!"

Everyone knew the answer.  I was dumb-struck.  It's almost like... it's OK to make that compromise.  I know, deep down, that's not what we want.... We need to reclaim this generation.

We are now teaching our children, that the biblical truths are found in Youtube videos.  What will they do when they grow up??? They'll search youtube for their devotional time with God????

How troubled this generation has become......

Saturday, September 15, 2018

怎去猜想這夢會變真? - The Reunion... the Scare

It's been 4 months since "The Lost Sons" production came to an end.  Here and there, I still get comments (generally compliments) about the show.  Last night, we finally had our long awaited and much deserved after-party celebration. Really felt like a family reunion.... and it was hilarious seeing everyone call each other by their stage name.

Then we got serious and we started rehearsing for Sunday's production.  It was simply too much fun!!  Even NN couldn't stop laughing.

Then it got REALLY serious.  Last night, I had the worst nightmare I've had since as long as I can remember.

I was standing on sanctuary stage... with the entire CS looking at me... waiting for us to go live when I realized, "Crap!! Forgot to download the slides and music onto the computer." So I jump off the stage, run to the back and grab the keyboard.  I try logging into my Gmail account, so I can access Google Drive -- knowing full well that's not the latest version.  But not matter how many times I tried, the password didn't work!  Then I tried another computer... kept trying.  I logged into but the files weren't there!  I've never seen this interface!! Here I'm thinking, "Move onto announcements...this is dead silence... this isn't good."  But the entire congregation kept waiting.... and I kept trying.  (then it got weird).  
Somehow, the music started playing... but the actors weren't on stage, but they were playing parts of a Disney movie to simulate the action.  I was sweating bullets. What now!?!?  And then before I know it... the service is over.  Everyone came to the service, waited for me to find the file, and even PAL didn't get to deliver his sermon. 
I was so downtrodden... I walked out in shame.  I wasn't even sure where I walked to.  I only had my backpack and I just kept walking.  I needed to calm down and find my own space.  (As I'm typing this, I'm already forgetting 90% of the dream.)  I end up in some store somewhere... where I have to eat lunch.  And I know, that Joyce and the kids are probably having lunch somewhere or looking for me.  I walk past a lot of stores and shops... and I come across an apartment building and in the front of the door are three middle aged Chinese ladies selling "crazy pineapples" - pineapple slices that are roasted and sprinkled with cinnamon.  I take a picture with my phone and line up to pay for one when they said they were closing.  I check my watch, it's 3PM, I better head back.
In my mind... I kept saying to myself, I need to apologize to PAL, I need to apologize to PAL.  
When I got back to church... it was different.  The entire place was now underconstruction.  I was walking through a remodeled shell of our church.... walking on bare feet!!  I even remember stepping on something sharp.  "Where's PAL? I need to apologize."  And I see Leonora from afar, having a picnic lunch with some folks -- I knew I was in the right spot.
And that's all I can remember..... 

Wow.... truly 走火入魔.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Blue Sky Sunday.... partial recap....

Earlier this week... we wrapped up our first, ever CS Outdoor Worship service.... something we coined Blue Sky Sunday. 

MAN.... did that take a lot of work.
MAN.... was that thing expensive!!
MAN... was it worth it. 

We initially estimated 300....we ended up with near 400. 

We initially thought to have Hody and Joyce take our kids on a nature hike.  We ended up with a "Kids Church" for 70 kids (that required 16 adults and 9 youths). 

We initially thought a guitar or two for worship.  We ended up with a full band decked out with speakers, keyboard, guitar, drums.

We initially thought we'll start worship at 9:45 because we expect people to be late.  We ended up starting at 9:30...our usual start time because everyone was on time, if not early.

We initially thought we had too much food.  Praise God....we had too much food. HA!!!

After days of countless texting and numerous chat groups.... on the night before the event... it was eerily quiet.  No texting... no planning.  We were ready.  I got so restless... I ended up sending Roy a text, "This is what we need to do, when we go church planting." 


Saturday, September 01, 2018


My friend at work ended our IM yesterday with "ttyl."

Half-jokingly, I couldn't help but shoot back at her, "That's so 90's!  No one does "ttyl" anymore." 

Then we went on a 30 minute research project on whether or not my half-joke was actually true!!

So I looked up all my Whatsapp chats, and found 2 instances of "ttyl" in 2018 (from the same person).  And 3 from 2017.  I looked up all my work IM's and found only 1 "ttyl" -- this co-worker. 
We interviewed a few other colleagues and came to the same conclusions.

Finally found an article online that says, "brb" and "ttyl" are dying AOL-era phrases, because nowadays, we are always connected and always online.  The fact that we say we'll talk to you later, means we're going to go away for a indeterminate amount of time.

That.... or we're just getting more and more rude. 

Thursday, August 30, 2018

14 years overdue....

Had lunch with a friend's wife's sister today.  I never actually met this person, but 14 years ago, I submitted her resume into my company's internship program and she got selected and was hired on full time.  A couple of months ago, our paths somehow reconnected.  So she asked if we can do lunch.   After lunch... I showed her my office.  And as she was about to leave.... she said she had a gift for me.

A pleasantly wrapped box, with a artistic bow and a card with "Henry" written in beautiful calligraphy.

(I don't know when's the last time I was this surprised.)

I open the gift and it's a beautiful stone, with the proverb, "A rolling stone gathers no moss."  The stone is seated in this artificial moss and it looks like something you buy from a airplane catalog.

She said, turn it over.  And on the back of the stone was inscribed the word, "tHANKs."
(at work... since 2005, i started going by my nickname "Hank" and I use ~tHANKs for my email signature)  She went out of her way to personalize it. And oh by the way.... the box, the artificial moss, the little branch.... those were all hand-made.

Then I opened up the card.  There was an Amazon gift card in there.  But what blew me away was her sincerity in thanking me for the simple gesture of submitting her resume 14 years ago.  It was her way of showing gratitude, which to her, was 14 years overdue.  To me... it was a simple gesture that's not even worth mentioning.  Ah wellz....

I think my top 10 for 2018 is filling up fast.....  and we've still got 5 months to go!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Shopping DNA

For a new school year... 爺爺 gave NN and SW $100 to spend on anything.  Joyce and I usually pocket this money and spend it on supplies or stick it in their piggy bank.  Seeing how I have to watch the kids the last two days... I decided to take them on a shopping spree at Target.

Me: "NN, SW.  You guys can buy whatever you want with the 利是爺爺 gave you."

NN & SW, "What's our budget??"  (what's our budget??!?!? Where did you learn to talk like that???)

Me: "Around $50.  But you can go over too...."  (I'm holding back, obviously)

After about 5 minutes of observing.... the two are obviously excited but they don't know what to do!! They've never had the experience of buying whatever they wanted. 

Siu Wah:
SW walks up and down the aisles aimlessly and ended up getting a laser tag toy.  It costs $39.99.  Then he found a book.  He's happy.  He just wants to sit in the shopping cart and read.  DONE.  
Nui Nui:
She goes for the Lego's right away.  After 5 minutes... you can see her doing price comparison.  I see her grab box after box of Lego's and running to the scanner to scan the price.  I finally asked her what she's doing. 
To which she says, "I'm trying to find the cheapest one."  (I started tearing up... my little NN.... I've trained her over the years that we're poor.  To a point when I want her to spend, her natural inclination is to still save money).   So I tell her.... 
"Get what you want.  If it's over $50, that's OK."  
Finally she picks something around $25.  And she's happy... until.... 
"Bah-B.... if we don't spend all $50, can I buy more than 1 gift??"  (Oh.... she's a little conniving one.
"Yes, you may." 
She runs up and and down the aisle a few times, looking for another toy.  Then she comes back and asks. 
"Bah-B.... since Siu Wah didn't spend his $50, can we combine the money and buy one gift that we both like?" (Oh.... negotiating.  And using her political savviness.
"So you can buy something for mama??" (testing her
"No...for me and Siu Wah." (failed!!!!
"Maybe... let's see what you get." 
She goes up and down the aisles a few more times.  Still undecided.  Then she comes back and says, let's go to the art section.  We get to the art section and spend 5 minutes there, walking up and down the aisle.  Until finally... finally she begrudgingly selects something.  
And all this time.... Siu Wah is content with his first gift.  And is still reading his book.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Nice try lady....

Went to a Vietnamese salon to get my $7 haircut.  Got a different lady this time... halfway through the haircut, she tries to make small talk.  And then out of nowhere she says, "You have a lot of blackheads.  Want me to remove them for you??"

"No. (chuckling)." 

Nice try lady... but I don't really care about my looks, thank you.  BOOM!! 

Thursday, August 23, 2018

I love Jesus....

Just spent an hour and a half with a brother...talking about how we can lead our church to serve Jesus more.  And at the end of our phone call... we simply prayed.  Prayed that we can love him more...and carry his cross and follow Him.

It's hard.... it's very hard!

May our prayers not fall to the wayside.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Another year...

Another year... and amazingly, every year I see the same bible passage.

“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart.
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.”

Job 1:21

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Time With Abba

Time With Abba or TWA... is something we learned at SJCAC.  Daily devotions in reading the bible in a year. 

It's a sensitive topic.... insofar as some people think it's more of an obligation than a means of reading the bible.  To some, they do it, cuz if they don't... it's a sin.  And to others... you HAVE to read the daily scriptures and highlight the words according to the rules.  And if you don't...if you highlight in a different color... if you want to read a different passage, it's rebelling against authority and not-submitting. 

This year... Joyce went on a different daily devotion plan.  She's going through the Chronological Bible.  Not only that... she listens to it in the morning while driving the kids to the car.  She's been doing this for almost the entire year.  And the most important thing... she makes the kids listen to it.  Then she asks them... "What did you hear?" and "What is God saying to you??" 

I didn't realize she was doing this until our recent family road trip.  And oddly enough...the kids respond.  And they truly do listen to God.  Wow......Wow.... in a round about way... she's training our kids to do TWA.  Or to read/listen to the bible daily.

My wife.... I love her. 

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Daily Cleansing

Ken and Hody came back from a retreat with 蔡元云.  One of the things they shared was... daily cleansing.  Every day... 蔡元云's son will take a stroll on the beach and account for his sins that day; then ask for forgiveness.  This gives him a clean slate when he goes to bed...wake up... and start the next day.

Every night... defeat and kill your old self that still lives in you.  So when you start your next day... you're starting from a winning position.

Think about it....

Friday, August 10, 2018

End of Summer Camp 2018

Little did I realize... Summer is actually a nightmare for parents.  Without regular school, what do you do with the kids? Insert.... Summer School, where all these high-priced programs pop out everywhere.  Every church hosts a VBS for a week.  Parents are desperately finding and registering their kids to go here and go there.  Makes me think back to when I was a kid... and what we did over the summers as we grew up.  Wow...

So today marks the end of Chinese Summer Camp for NN and SW.  They spent a total of 6 weeks at a Chinese School.  To Joyce and I... we just needed a place for them to be safe and have "some" fun.  We didn't expect them to learn anything or be fluent in Chinese.

Here's how their summer ended.... they were both able to recite:
亲所好,力为具 ,亲所恶,谨为去。

They were able to sing a Mandarin song.

Nn became a translator for some of her classmates... not cuz she knew Mandarin well... but she knew enough.

SW went from knowing nothing... to being able to understand 75% of what the teacher is saying.

Lastly... all the teachers made it a point to tell me... NN is an amazing student and "好乖."  They don't say it out of being polite or manners... you can tell that they truly are amazed how wonderful my NN is.  

"NN.... you are the apple of my eye.  爸B loves you." 

Thursday, August 09, 2018

Pretty Good Bay Area Restaurants

Recently I've discovered that the South Bay... really isn't a good place for eating.  Sure, sure.  People say we're diverse.  The people is great. The food is awesome.  But if a friend from outta town were to come here... I wouldn't know what restaurant is a "must."

So I reached out to some of my close, glutton friends.  Here's a list.  I personally haven't tried all of them, but here's a list nonetheless.  Not ranked in any order, whatsoever....
  1.  Yummy Tofu and BBQ (best seafood pancake)
  2. Nick's Next Door - pricey American
  3. Dan Izakaya Sushi Bar
  4. Lei Garden - not the BEST Dim Sum, but overall best bang for the buck and not a crazy wait time like that OTHER place.
  5. Must Be Thai
  6. Los Gatos Cafe (Brunch)
  7. New England Lobster Market and Eatery
  8. Thai Love You (very small place)
  9. Amami Sushi (get the Omakase)
  10. B Patisserie (a bakery - get the kouign)
  11. Hog Island (get the seafood stew, chowder, and of course...oysters)
  12. Ramen Parlor
  13. Original Joe's (there are 3 locations...)
  14. Dish Dash
I'm sure there are more... and this list is probably very shoddy.  But hey.... next time I need a place to go, I'm gonna start with this list.  BOOM!! 

Wednesday, August 08, 2018

"Oh my gosh, say...."

Went to a local Japanese restaurant.... and once again, Joyce ordered the Omakase -  a chef selected 12 piece nigiri that costs $36. 

I had it last time... it was nice.  It was good. It was................ fish. 

I couldn't really tell the difference.  Fish, to me, is fish.  And if I find something I like... I want to have my entire plate be that fish.  Not one fish I like... and eleven that's mediocre. 

I, on the other hand, ordered a tonkatsu.  You can't go wrong with tonkatsu.  It's fried pork.  C'mon.  $13.  BOOM!!!   Tonkatsu wins.

Monday, August 06, 2018

Looking back at 2007....

So I just noticed.... that this year (2018), I've written more blog entries through July, than in the previous two years.  I wonder why?!?!?  And in my searching... I come across a post I made in 2007, the year where I made 140 blog entires?!?!   One of the more interesting on was my reflection of 2002, 2003 and 2004 using the following format.  Which I will do, for 2018.   This only works if you write what first comes to mind.

I am: getting old
I think: I can achieve greater things, but time is passing by too fast
I know: I can achieve greater things, if I can travel back in time
I want: SW to grow taller
I have: a beautiful family
I wish: I can travel back in time
I hate: that guy in the White House
I miss: the days when we drive out to Giants games... come back late... and head to work the next day
I fear: that I will never achieve my own ambitions
I hear: worship music from my kids' room
I wonder: if I will ever leave my current company
I regret: not getting that ONE question right during that ONE interview
I love: my wife
I ache: in my back and legs after a weekend of working in the yard
I care: too much about my church
I always: find fault in others, but never in myself
I am not: the person you think I am
I dance: and strained a muscle
I sing: 80's cantopop... and I love it
I cry: when I read my old blog posts
I do not always: do TWA
I fight: the wrong battles
I write: my blogs... not because people read them, but because I read them
I win: when another person accepts Jesus as their personal savior
I lose: when I make that sound to my wife "Tsk!"
I confuse: my kids when I can go from Happy Dad to Angry Dad in a split second
I listen: to God's voice....
I can usually be found: with my phone in my hand
I need: to sever this addiction I have with my phone
I am happy about: the independence of my current job
I should: start working out again and lose this beer belly

Sunday, August 05, 2018

Short Term Mission

There's been several short term missions lately at my church.... Vietnam, Mexicali, San Francisco!! (my hood).

I've never been... nor do I envision myself going on a STM anytime soon.  But here I am... at the end of summer, and I just finished my own personal local 5 week STM - serving in Children Sunday School.

The 5 weeks came and went.  And I can say... I'm still alive and not actively hating it.  But it did come with a cost.  I missed out 5 weeks of family lunches.  I gave up other ministries to work on this one, since I made a promise.  I did lose personal time planning out the lessons.  And ohhh yes... I had to deal with those kids.  Those brats. Those twerps that need a little discipline from Teacher Henry.

I blogged about this already... but during this STM, I was able to witness Teacher Amy - a true pillar of SJCAC.  30 years, non-stop, she's taught Children Sunday School.  Rumor has it... she's about to call it quits.  I don't know if there'll be another Teacher Amy.  Her love... her passion... her dedication.  Unparalleled.

During this STM.... I found out that some of the brats and twerps that were disobedient and rude... actually has some developmental issues.  ADHD, Autism, Aspergers.... the list goes on and on... (and I just realized they all start with "A").  These kids... they don't know what they're doing.  My heart goes out to their parents.

During this STM... I realized how well behaved and rooted my two kids are.  The last week, Joyce had a sister's group and couldn't take them to lunch.  So they ended up with me.  And you can see a notable difference in their demeanor, their behavior, the way they will actually sing outloud and dance with you.  I won't say they have a bigger heart for Jesus because....

During this STM... I had a chance to introduce the Holy Spirit to the children.  They've probably heard of Him before.  And at the end of my story telling, when I asked "Who wants to receive the Holy Spirit?"  They all raised their hands.  (AMEN!)

During this STM... I saw with my own two eyes, the power of prayer.  SW got sick, got a tummy ache, during today's Sunday School.  I took the opportunity to pray for him... along side with all the kids.  In the name of Jesus... we blessed him.  Not once, not twice, but thrice.  And on the third time, I asked two boys that were his age to come pray for SW.  Simple prayers. Nothing long... nothing eloquent.  But it needn't be.  These kids..... these brats.... they're prayer warriors and prophets.

During this STM... I was blessed to be able to serve with C-lai Chan and C-lai Tsang. Two of my most favorite people in the world.  Even for that short 45 minutes - 1 hour.  Love my sisters....

During this STM... I made a bunch of mistakes.  Including the science experiment gone wrong... including going off the wrong direction as my fellow teachers.  As well as over-relying on technology to be my crutch.

During this STM... I once again established the fact that OBEDIENCE trumps PASSION. I don't have a passion to serve in Children Ministry. But I will be obedient to my Father when He calls me.  And when I do... He will bless me in ways I can not imagine.

During this STM... I almost, just ALMOST, think that Children Ministry ain't so bad.  I can do this.

After this STM... I snap out of it and realize.  HECK NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, August 04, 2018


Last night... there was a cricket outside my bedroom.  It's chirping got so loud and annoying, at 11:30PM at night, I rolled out of bed, found a can of bug-killer to annihilate that sucker!!!

After spraying half a can at every direction... It was silence. 

I walk back in my room, about to go to bed when I hear.... "Chirp-chirp"  "Chirp-chirp."


Sunday, July 29, 2018

Handy Hank

I'm an engineer.  I hate Lego's.  I hate putting IKEA furniture together.  I am NOT handy. 

I've always envied my dad... without any formal training, he can fix and do just about anything. 

We have a plumbing problem at home right now... and with my Masters in EE, I have no clue on how to begin fixing. 

I wanted to clean, strip and repaint the concrete floor of my backyard.  I rented a pressure washer... and was done with it after 10 minutes.  I started stripping the darn floor... and wanted to quit and hire some hombres to do this.  And do a better job mind you.  But I love to have a story to tell... that I actually accomplished something.

And then... tonight.  We inherited a bike from our friends for NN.  No point in spending hundreds of dollars for a 10 year old... only to have to buy another one when she sprouts again.  But if something is free... it probably comes with some baggage.

The bike's brakes were very loose.  And the gears didn't shift.  After a lot of internet searching.  After a lot of youtubing DIY videos... after hours and hours of experimenting... I finally got the gears to shift!!!  One of the happiest feeling you get... when you're able to fix your children's toys for them.

For that one moment in time... I was Handy Hank. 

Thursday, July 26, 2018


For no apparent reason... NN started crying tonight. 

When asked why... she said, "Cuz I'm fat and I'm not pretty."

She's 9..... omg.....

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Prayer Meeting - 7/25/2018

A monumental prayer meeting tonight...

1) Sam Tes shared about X-Club.  A ministry where our church reaches out to a local public middle school kids to build relationships and lead people to God for healing. These are under-under privileged kids... and to hear that 2 of them were sexually harassed?!?!

2) Miranda shared about Word of Grace - how we've had MS and CS b&s lend their lives to nurture the parents.  And how Miranda is a one-person army... under constant spiritual attack... but will continue to fight the battle in the name of Jesus. What keeps her going... that ONE person that she can bring to Christ. 

3) Papa John/Christina/Cindy - over a decade of excellent service by these folks.  Years and years of reaching out to a lack of response.  Until finally... they changed their direction and started to pray and intercede.  Pray and intercede.  And on the latest "celebration", two words got 1/3 of the room to respond to the Altar Call..... "Last chance."  Imagine a senior hearing those 2 words.

4) Finally.... Mandarin Congregation sharing their church planting vision and mission.

The only sad thing..... CS only had 5 people show up.  2 of the 5 were presenting/sharing.  1 was the spouse.  Dang......  Prayer Meetings are not what they use to be.